My Wildwood Man

It was a day, pretty much the same as
All the others.
I stayed in my bed for most of the day
With a headache.
I have my own room as my husband doesn’t like sleeping next to me.
He’s the cold, non affectionate type.
We rarely had sex, maybe three or four times a year at best.
He never did have much of a sex drive but, now that he’s older, it’s practically non existent.

Unfortunately, I’m the exact opposite.
I’ve been a very horny girl for as long as I can remember.
I think I was only six when I discovered my fun part!
Even now , as a grown woman, I rub and grind whatever is around to relieve the throbbing ache between my legs.

Luckily, as an adult I have access to a large variety of toys made exclusively to please me.
We have an elven year old son, and live in a small house.
I feel awkward playing with myself while he’s in the next room.
We decided to try homeschooling this year.
That means he’s home almost all of the time.
With the exception of a couple of hours in the late afternoon.
That’s when his dad takes him to karate class.

I almost always try to use this time as mommy’s special alone time.
I make sure my favorite toys are charged up and ready to do their job.
My room has its own entrance facing the back yard.
We live on a vineyard, so it looks rural in my back yard but, it’s just two minutes away from the rest of the bustling world.
Even though my yard is pretty private I always close the curtains.
Well, almost always.
One night my son fell asleep watching tv in the living room.
This gave me a little night time playing.

It was warm and muggy inside my bedroom, so tonight I decided to leave my door and windows wide open.
I slid under just the sheets, they felt cool and crisp against my thighs and breasts.
Here comes the pulsing between my legs.
I reached down inside my drawer and pulled out a few of my secret pleasures.
I was already wet, my clit throbbing, aching!
I let the vibrating toy gently glide down my naked bust, allowing it to drift down south.
My hungry pussy sucked it inside me with a swift ,almost urgent thrust.
The vibration now becomes pulsating and the self thrusting missile was driving faster and deeper inside me.
YES!!! OH YES!!!
I feel myself squirting a little.
That was a good one!
If I can reach orgasm once , it will likely be followed by several others soon.
I stepped out of bed feeling a little wobbly in my legs still.
I rarely smoked, only after one of my favorite meals and after an orgasm.

I lit up my cigarette and stood in the doorway of my room.
I had left it open the whole time.
I wonder if anyone heard me moan?
I hope not, it would be kinda embarrassing..
The soft breeze was making my bare skin tingle.
I moved forward a bit to place the cigarette in the ashtray out side , BLAM!!
The security lights turned on !
The lites felt painfully bright at first but after a couple seconds dimmed to a soft glow.
I was about to turn, and go back to my bed when, I heard a sound.
The security lite transitioned from dim to off.
I noticed how beautiful the moon lit up the tall trees from their darkness.
Then, I saw him!
A thin man, it’s hard to tell but, I think he has kind of long dark hair.
My heart is beating so fast , I can’t take a breath.
He disappeared into the wooded area just passed the fence line of my yard.

I closed the door and windows.
Laying on my bed I felt as if I couldn’t move my body.
Should I tell someone?
Call the police?
I would have to explain why the hell I was out side smoking, and naked.
I’m sure he’s harmless.

Suddenly , a thought popped into my head.
What if he was watching me that whole time ?
Could he have seen everything I was doing?
Hear my cries of ecstasy echoing the woods?
As I drifted away, deeper into my imagination, I felt tingles all over my body!
My hips began to gyrate, I could feel moisture accumulating quickly between my legs.
I reached over for another pleasure toy.
I didn’t care which one, I was willing to use a flash light if I had to!
It wouldn’t have been the first time.
Lucky me!
It’s an oral sex simulator!
You would not believe how real these things. Feel.
At least the quality ones do .

I squeezed some lube down there even though I was practically dripping
The licking, and sucking feels way better when it’s super warm and wet.
With a push of a button my mind was off on a horny journey.
This is amazing!
The licking, the sssucking!
I was imagining my wild man from the woods.
Imagining him watching me, hearing my moaning.
I pictured him getting a huge erection!

I was so close, I want to make this last a bit though.
I could close my eyes and see him leaning against a tall pine tree.
It started to rain hard, he still stood where he was.
He began to stroke his huge cock.
This excited me to the point where I had to allow myself to cum.
Oh. No!
I need to change this one again.
Thats alright.
I have more next to me.
Reaching in I grabbed the first thing I touched.
Another oral simulator.
It felt good.
I found myself fantasizing about wild wood.
I imagined that I had forgotten to lock my door to the outside.
The knob is slowly turning.
While I knew I should be frightened,
All I felt was horny and excited.
I’m loving this fantasy!
I close my eyes tightly.
I’m pretending to be asleep.

I hear no movement, simply his steady,
Breadth ,as he stood at the foot of my bed.
My heart was beating faster.
I was ready to explode!
I pulled a pillow over my face to muffle
The sound of my excitement.
I’m almost there!
My God!
Biting my pillow and panting heavily,
My pussy contracts one last time then,
My juices release drenching the sheets
Underneath me.
I press the pillow to my mouth for a couple minutes trying to silence my erratic breathing.

Normally, I would cum a few more times.
But, this orgasm took it all out of me!
Thank you wild wood man!

I couldn’t stop thinking about that scruffy, wild looking man.
One thing for sure, I’ll be fantasizing about him again soon!
I wish I could have more night time
I’ve always preferred orgasming in the
Dark of night, versus the light of day.

Yay! It’s almost 4:00.
I’ll be alone soon!

Bye mom!
See you later!
I heard the door slam before I could
I poured myself a glass of white wine and headed towards my bedroom.

I tore off all of my clothes as quickly as I could.
I was urgently horny!
I opened the curtains looking out on the backyard.
I unlocked the door and swung it wide open.
I’ll fantasize that he comes in here and Fucks me!
Laying down on my bed naked,
Horny, and all alone.
I drank down my wine and lit up a bowl.
I quickly leapt out of bed to blow the
Smoke out of the house.
There I was again, naked. Horny and ,
Smoking while looking outside.
It wasn’t even completely dark outside yet.

I wish my fantasy would actually come true!
Oh Wildwood man!
I have some sandwiches in here if you’re hungry.
I had a feeling that, he was likely hungry.
Oh crap!
I better make sandwiches!
I ran to the kitchen, grabbed lunch meat and bread.
And a couple of cans of soda.
I really don’t think he will come, but
Fantasizing that he could was really turning me on.

I sat down on my bed, lit up my pipe and took a nice long hit.
I find that weed relaxes my mind .
It helps me to forget everything and focus on my body.
I only smoke it, when I’m alone.

I rearranged the pillows and laid back
Slowly, putting one arm up on the pillow above my head the other
Slid downwards.
I gently placed my fingers on my clit.
Using only my middle finger, I rubbed up and down , back and forth.
I was getting wet already.

Time for the toys!

I reached down into my drawer and
Took out one of my favorites.
This thing is amazing!
I’m not gonna lie, I still miss the feeling of human contact .
The heat of a man’s body against my own.
Yeah…. This feels so fucking good!
I pictured the wild wood man, standing at the foot of my bed .
My eyes shut tight I didn’t want to look and see he wasn’t really there.
Strange, I smell the cent of another person.
And the sound of someone breathing quietly.
I’m imagining this!
It’s so excited though, as if it is real!
I placed a large pillow over my eyes as to force myself not to open them and ruin my orgasm.

I swear the breathing is getting faster and louder.
Am I that stoned ?
Hearing sounds that aren’t real?
It doesn’t matter , I’m loving it !

I’m so excited!
I move my fingers up to my breasts.
Slowly, pinching my nipples until they become painfully erect.
Suddenly, I swear I feel movement on my bed.
Very slow, but definitely something moving.
Perhaps a stray cat came in through the open door?

Then I realized, it wasn’t a cat at all.
A hand moved up my thigh , so gently,
So sensual.
I can’t be imagining this!
Maybe, I’m asleep and dreaming?
Either way, I plan to enjoy it!

I feel warm , rough fingers running up and down both of my legs.
His breathing is becoming faster, heavier.
I can actually feel his breath hitting my wet pussy.

With a quick JERK!
He spreads my legs further apart.
I can’t believe this is really happening!
I can’t help myself, I have to look down and see him.
I raised my head up from under the pillow, I see only movement under the blanket.
At that very moment, I feel his tongue licking my clit.
I lay my head down and closed my eyes.
It’s been so long since someone has
Done this to me!
Like a strong wind had-blown over my body .
He ripped the covers off my naked body.

He ate me like a savage animal!
Licking, sucking, even softly nibbling
I have never been so aroused in my
I kept my eyes shut.
I could hear his lips sliding around my
River of pleasure.
This turned me on even more.

I…. I’m going to cum!
Uuhhh…OH! YES!!
My body melted into my bed, so relaxed, completely spent.
He drank from me a moment longer.
Then, he turned away, and ran out the door.
I called to him, of course I still don’t know his name.
I called out, wild wood man!
Come back!

I wait for him , every afternoon.
As time move by, I realize that I probably will never see him again.
I wish I could have known his name,
Or at least heard the sound of his voice.
If I ever see you again , I will give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams.

Good bye for now, my WildWood

