My wife and I visit her twin sister for the holidays [MF] [Part 3] [Long]

Thanks for waiting on part 3! I hope I don’t disappoint haha.

Part 1: [](

Part 2: [](

Go to ________________________________ for sexy parts

I had an extremely hard time falling asleep the night before we acted on Amanda’s offer. While I laid in bed staring at the dark ceiling, I could tell that Amanda seemed to have some butterflies too because she was unusually quiet and still.

I whispered quietly, “Are you up?”

“Yeah…can’t sleep.”

It was stupid to ask, ‘why not?’ because we both knew…in less than 12 hours I would alone with her twin sister in a hotel doing god knows what and Amanda was the one who set it up.

“You ok?” I asked earnestly.

“Yeah…no…yeah…I don’t know. I was just so confident about this when I offered, and I still want to go through with it but it’s just the uncertainty of it all. So many things could happen.” Amanda said sheepishly.

“I can see what you mean. But I’ll tell you one thing; I love you and I want to be with you always. This experience will not change my feelings, but I will not get upset if you want to call it off.”

“Thank you. It really helps to hear…But the fucked-up part is I kind of want to be there with you. I mean I do, and I don’t. If it weren’t my sister…”

This piqued my interest because up until the past 8 hours of our relationship, I thought that Amanda was against having an open relationship. Her words were a shock and I wanted to jump on it right away but decided against over stimulating Amanda in the moment.

“Really? What changed your view?”

“Well, when Beth was telling me about what happened I wasn’t as upset as I thought and honestly…I got a little turned on. That’s why I pounced on you when we got back to the room. I needed you and I wanted her to hear.”

‘I fucking knew it!’, I thought to myself. We talked for a little while longer and as we did, I could feel the pressure and tension drift away. I told Amanda that I was physically attracted to her sister, but I had absolutely no intention of throwing away our relationship. My views on an open relationship have always been that I believe it is impossible for most people to be completely monogamous. I think there is a base instinct that drives people to want to fuck whoever they are attracted to. But those feelings don’t mean you can’t have a person who you love and devote yourself to wholeheartedly.

“You know, I am strangely excited for the two of you. I am still wrapping my head around the whole thing, but I know excitement when I feel it.” She said It with a longing tone like there was something else she wanted to add but couldn’t quite bring herself to say it. We sat there for several seconds in silence, “I’m getting tired. You will snuggle me right now!” She ended playfully.

So, I did. I rolled onto my side and threw my arm around her and within minutes of spooning my wife we were both sound asleep.

The next day we woke up at around 7:30 am to get everyone ready for the day. I don’t have kids myself but those of you who do probably know that nothing is ever as easy as just getting ready. The house was alive with energy. Amanda had gotten up a bit earlier than me so she could go help with the kids. I had to get my usual morning routine out of the way (shower, brush my teeth, do by hair a little) but the bathroom was occupied. I knocked.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” I heard Amanda say.

I stood in the hallway for a minute or two waiting my turn and eventually it was Beth who opened the door. ‘Shit…didn’t expect that.’ I thought.

When she saw me, she paused with a lurch and there was a bit of a stunned expression on her face. We had not seen or talked to each other since before she went into her bedroom with Amanda the night before. After what seemed like an eternity, she gave a temptingly sexy half smile and whispered,


“Hey…” I replied, likely with a stupid expression on my face. I then looked at her up and down. The first thing I had noticed was her hair. She had it down but had put flowing waves in it. She was wearing a minimal amount of makeup, but I could tell she had given herself a little more attention than what she would on a normal day. She was wearing a lightweight off-white blouse button up which showed just a bit of her cleavage and came down to just below her waste. Over the blouse she had on a black cardigan which flowed down her amazing body and covered up her ass. She also had on some tight looking jeans that I was sure hugged her ass perfectly.

Beth looked me up and down from behind the doorframe…which I am sure was a treat since I was still in my morning comfy clothes with messy bedhead. But I think she realized that I was petrified in place because she peeked around the door left and right down the hallway to see if anyone else was there. She smiled then bit her lip turned around and lifted her cardigan so I could finally see what was hidden beneath.

Fuuuuck they were some tight jeans, “How did you even fit into those?” I whispered then realizing there was no one else in the hallway I stepped into the bathroom.

“Trade secret.” She replied jokingly while turning around. She noticed I was walking towards her and her eyes widened with expectation. One of her hands reached up to touch my chest and as I began to wonder where the other hand was, I felt pressure on my sweatpants.

She looked up at me with a lustful glance and said, “Are you sure…”

The sound of hard and quick thumping, that could only be a tiny person running, came down the hall. Beth dropped her hand and quickly stepped into the hall just as her daughter came around the corner. Beth listened about how breakfast was going horribly wrong because Amanda and Parker were ruining everything. Beth looked at me in an apologetic sort of way but part of me didn’t think it was entirely directed at me and then she was hastily led down to the kitchen to fix whatever atrocity had happened.

I got ready and walked to the kitchen in some jeans and a dark t-shirt. By the time I got there, breakfast was about done; Beth and Parker were getting the kids ready for their day and Amanda was at the counter eating some toast. I smiled at her and she looked at me with bright excited eyes. I could instantly tell that she was at peace with the idea and was ready to see what would come.

By the time we got the kids in the car it was around 8:45 am. The science center was about a 20-minute drive, but we wanted to get there early because they had just installed a new exhibit and there were sure to be lines. Parker had already started work so it was just me with the twins helping to get the car ready. Eventually everyone was settled, and we got into our separate cars.

“What are you thinking? I bet your little perverted mind is going about a hundred miles an hour now.” Amanda said.

“Ummm yeah. I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.” I replied.

“I said unless I bring it up first. And you didn’t answer me.”

“Sure, I’m excited and nervous.”

Amanda got a sinister smile on her face, “I’ve been thinking whether or not to tell you this but what the hell. When you get to the hotel…” Amanda gave me some pretty explicit advice about some surprises I could plan for her sister (no fun in revealing them now ha-ha). I sat and listened with a wide-eyed dumbfounded look on my face, “She told me a few years ago they are some of her biggest turn-on’s.”

“Ok now I’m really confused.”

“Women work in mysterious ways.” Amanda said jokingly, “I think you should just go with it.”

We eventually pulled into the science center. The plan I had in my head was to spend a couple of excruciating hours in the science center then Beth and I would slip away, and Amanda would take over for the day. If the kids got tired of the science center there were a couple of other kids museums around that they could go to. Beth’s kids were old enough that they didn’t need a nap but young enough to not question where their mom might be. They have always been independent, and Beth didn’t seem to think they would notice our absence as abnormal. We were going to tell them that Beth and I had some errands to run.

I honestly don’t think I have ever felt time slow as much as I did on that day. Each second seemed like an hour and each hour felt like an entire day. As we went through the exhibits, I was sure Amanda was edging her sister on to tease me at every opportunity. Beth would nervously approach me and bend over to check something in front of her to let me see down her blouse. While we were standing in a cramped line, she slowly backed her fine ass into my pelvis and pressed just a little too hard for it to be considered an accident. Each time she did something like this I saw Amanda with the kids distracting them with something and on one occasion I saw her peek back expectantly.

After what felt like forever the time finally came where we parted ways. Beth and I slipped out of the front of the science center and b-lined for the car. We didn’t fool around in the parking lot or even in the car just in case the kids could see us out a window. We sat in a bit of an awkward silence until I pulled to a stop at a traffic light that had just changed to red.

“What were you going to ask me earlier?” I asked.

“Oh, I was going to ask if you were sure you wanted to go through with this…but I guess I got my answer.”

I looked into her eyes as I moved my hand from the gear shift and placed it on her thigh. I started to move my hand down her leg towards the warmth of her pussy. Beth obliged by opening her legs and allowing me access to touch her where I so desperately wanted to. As I found her pussy through her jeans and pressed with my index and middle finger I said, “Yes I am sure. And I have some ideas for how we can make this experience even more fun. Have you ever been to a sex shop? I know you were interested in having some toys.”

I felt a shiver run down her body and she said, “Only a couple times but I’ve never bought anything. It’s all too expensive.”

“Well I’m taking us to a good one I know around here, and it will be my treat as an early Christmas present.” The light turned green and I started to drive.

Beth smiled and closed her eyes expectantly then said, “This is going to be fun.”

We had about five hours together. I had called ahead to a Comfort Inn close to her house and bought a room for the night but made sure we could check in early. I drove us to get some fast food which we scarfed down, neither of us eating much. We then made our way to the sex store that was just a few blocks from the hotel.

We walked in and I could instantly tell that Beth was in nervous awe, “What do you want? This is just as much for me as it is for you, so I’ll get whatever.” I am not in a bad spot financially so I had some money to use so we could splurge.

Beth got a devilish grin and bolted for the vibrators and dildos. As she looked them all over, she didn’t seem like she could make up her mind. Having bought some toys before I suggested getting a we-vibe wand and a glass dildo that was curved with a knobbed head. She had a lot of fun looking at all the outfits but decided against getting any. As we walked up and down the aisles, she would look around to see if anyone was watching us then if it was safe, she would playfully grab and squeeze my member through my pants. It started to get too hard to hide my boner, so I ended up standing close behind her several times just pressing myself into her ass while she was looking at products. I could feel my pre-cum surfacing and I eventually had to pull myself away to stop from outright dry humping her.

I suggested some different intensifying creams, but she turned them down thinking we were already buying too much. I then stated to look at condoms, “Do any of these look good to you?” I said.

“Well um yeah…but I have an IUD…but if you really want…” She retorted. And that was the end of that conversation.

We checked out and hastily got back in the car. I drove just a little too fast to the hotel but thankfully I didn’t get pulled over. We checked in and practically ran to the room which was on the first floor. I opened the door and, as a gentleman should, held it open for Beth to enter.


No sooner had the lights turned on and the door clicked shut, I had Beth pinned against the wall. She moaned with pleasure and dropped the bags she was carrying. I didn’t kiss her at first. I moved my left hand up her body and around her throat and squeezed lust a little bit. Beth whimpered with pleasure as my grip intensified. I then moved my hand towards the back of her neck and up to her head where I palmed her hair and gripped firmly. While she was distracted with my right hand, my left quickly and decisively found her pussy and pressed hard while rubbing in circles. Beth’s knees buckled and as she lost composure, I kept her up by increasing the strength of my right hand while pressing her body further into the wall for leverage. It was then and only then that I kissed Beth’s open and willing mouth.

Our tongues met in a dance that felt different than Amanda’s but strangely familiar since I had, only two nights previously, unknowingly made out with Beth in the dark of her guest room. We kissed long and we kissed hard devouring each other in a moment. I was still supporting Beth and eventually had to release her to take a break, but I was still gripping her hair. My hand was hot and moist.

Apparently, Beth likes to be man handled…thank you for the tip Amanda.

I led her by the hair and playfully threw her onto the bed where she rolled onto her back to look at me, “How did you know I like my hair pulled?” She said.

I just smiled and climbed onto the bed with her, “Do you want me to break out the toys?” I said.

“I don’t know…my head is swimming and it’s hard to concentrate.” She said then took a moment to center herself. “I want to do so much but I feel like there’s not enough time.”

“Then I think we need to slow down a bit.” I said as I started to lay down with her. I laid on her right and, on my side, and as I got into position I slid my right hand under her cardigan, onto her perfect ass, and pulled her body into mine. It was a bit awkward but, I took my other hand and slowly inched her face closer to mine and in one swoop I rolled her over, so she was straddling me. I could feel her cunt pressed against my extremely hard cock as she started to grind back and forth through our clothes. During this who process our mouths and tongues were entwined and occasionally, one of us would venture to kiss the others neck or nibble on an ear.

We made out furiously for about 10 minutes and in that time, I had removed Beth’s cardigan and blouse revealing a cute, yet modest white bra and she had removed my shirt, unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans. There is something about undressing a partner during the act of making out that is just so alluring; I was so turned on and my heart was racing about a mile a minute. There was no way I could peel Beth out of the super tight jeans she had on so I ran my thumbs around the waist line of them, pulled a little bit and said, “I think we need to get you out of these.”

Before getting up, Beth pressed down into me again for another long kiss and as she pulled away, she bit my lip just a little bit. She stood up and turned around while unbuttoning her jeans so I could once again see her perfectly round ass and gave a sexy wiggle as she pulled them down. As she did, she bent over and I got a glimpse of her curvy pussy where there was an obvious wet spot. My intrigue was short lived because while she was still bent over, she reached back up and pulled down her panties and a long string of her wetness went down with them.

“I don’t know when the last time I was this wet.” Beth said.

But I looked down at my own package peeking through my unzipped jeans still in my boxers and I could see a very similar prominent darkened wet spot. ‘Me too.’ I thought as I pulled my pants off revealing my fully natural form.

Beth turned back around to face me and as she did, she moved her hands to her back to unhook her bra that, I could almost imagine, was begging to release her amazing breasts.

Finally, we were both naked and taking one another in. The last time I had seen her naked in the light we were arguing about her idiotic plan to trick me. But now that I could take her in fully, without worry…she was amazing. She was simultaneously curvier than Amanda while also having Amanda’s flattish belly. Her breasts were just a hair larger and perfectly proportioned though a sagged a little more but not in a bad way. Her wavy short brown hair perfectly framed her face which was looking at me lustfully.

“Even though I’ve had a couple kids, I’m still tight as fuck.” She said while climbing into bed. She then got on top of me and pressed her sopping wet cunt against my rock-hard cock which was lying on my belly and began to grind back and forth, “Our sister says the same.” (Amanda and Beth had another sister who was several years older than them)

The pleasure was amazing, but I was done with foreplay, so I gripped Beth’s hips towards me, raised her up a bit and repositioned my cock so it had perfect aim into her warm and willing pussy and I slowly thrusted upward…I was in another universe. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been edged on so much in one day without release. Beth was so wet, and I had leaked so much precum that there was very little initial resistance when I pushed in but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t tight as fuck like she said. Her cunt was like a suction vortex…it willed me deeper and deeper until I was as far inside as I could go, and I let out an involuntary primal growl.

Beth’s body shook and she straightened her back which pressed me even further into her and she gasped in pleasure…But I didn’t let her regain her composure. I grabber her back and pulled her top half so it was bent over me and I began to thrust.

Sex, to me, is a series of crescendos and decrescendos. You need to pace yourself and take time to build the pleasure until it bubbles over. Sure, sometimes I feels amazing to fuck someone’s brains out by immediately pounding them but when you really want to have an experience, and I was going to have an experience with Beth, you want to pace yourself to build the orgasm as much as possible.

I began with really slow and forceful thrusts by moving my shaft from all the way inside her to just when my tip would come out then I would slam just hard enough back into her. I wanted to feel every inch of her warm, tight and wet pussy. Sometimes I would tease the head of my cock on the outside of her cunt moving millimeters in and out until I would press back down into her. Beth was moaning with pleasure. She seemed unable to speak and I didn’t want her to. I wanted us to succumb to the experience until there was nothing else other than our connection.

I began to pick up pace and get into my mid-game rhythm. I moved my hand up to the back of her head and grabbed a handful of her luscious wavy hair and pulled so she was forced to look at the ceiling. With my other hand I increased pressure on her back, so I contorted her body into a sort of curved shape. She really liked that because she gave out a primal moan of her own and I could feel her tighten around me.

I let go and lifted her off me and threw her on her stomach onto the bed. She began to raise up as I am sure she was expecting normal doggy style, but I had other plans in store. I put my hand on the middle of her back and pressed her back down into the bed. At the same time, I pushed her legs together and straddled her ass. She was basically planking on the bed at this point. I opened her ass cheeks just enough to find her cunt again and pressed my cock back into her willing pussy. Beth positioned her arms under her forehead, so her head wasn’t completely pressed into the mattress.



If I thought she was tight before, I was wrong. This position basically put my cock into a vice grip to the point it was a little hard to move but as I was thrusting Beth got even wetter…and tighter…and wetter. I was building up speed again and I could feel an orgasm building inside of me, but I didn’t stop. I could sense that Beth was close and between her beautify agonized moans she said, “Oh…my…god…I’m cumming.” What could I do? Obviously, I had to go faster. As I did, Beth’s body seized, and her arms involuntarily moved out from under her head and gripped the blanket on either side of her. She pressed her face deep into the mattress and let out a pleasure-filled intense scream. Her orgasm consumed her, and she became nothing more than a body filled with over excited nerve endings.

But I still didn’t stop. I was getting close too. I tried to go even faster but I was already sweaty and panting though I didn’t slow down. I thrust harder and deeper until I could feel the cum flowing up my shaft and to the tip until there was an explosion of intense pleasure. I released string after string of cum into her tight cunt and eventually I pulled out and stroked myself over her releasing more. She realized this and rolled over to catch some on her perfect stomach and one over excited shot flew up and hit her chin. Few times in my life had I come that much or that hard. It felt like several loads and just willed themselves out of my balls into and onto my wife’s sister. Ecstasy was not even close to what I was feeling.

I Flopped onto the bed beside Beth and laid there recuperating for several minutes. Beth rolled over and started to kiss me slowly and eventually we just sat there, eyes closed, with our foreheads pressed together and noses touching, arms caressing each other. Beth let out a contented sigh and I opened my eyes to see her smiling.

“That was so much fun.” I said

“You can say that again.” Beth said as she slowly got up and looked around for her phone. The then looked back at me and said, “We still have a little under three and a half hours left. What do you want to do?”

“Oh, I have some ideas.” I said with a big smile.



  1. Another fantastic chapter. I look forward to hearing this entire tale. It’s just so fulfilling

  2. You teased us all by making us wait! But it was so worth it in the end thanks!

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