Indian girl and the landlord [FM]

This story is divided into three sections to maintain the flow of ideas:
Chapter 1: House Hunting
Chapter 2: Life in the new house
Chapter 3: Radhika’s web


**Chapter 1: House Hunting**

Radhika was new in town. She had landed a great job in Geographic Information Systems industry. The pay was good to start off her career with and that is what brought her down to a small town in the southern part of India all the way from her home in Delhi. Being a single girl and without any family in this new town, finding a home was really tough. With the duration on company provided accommodations nearing an end, she had to find a home for herself real soon. She contacted many real estate brokers but all most of them would simply not pick up her case as they knew that it was nearly impossible to find a house for her due to the conservative nature of the town. Who would be interested in renting out an apartment to a pretty, single girl? Not only will it attract a lot of untoward attention of many rowdy characters of the area but also it meant a lot of responsibility for the person whose house she would be living in. Even if a few landlords would seem to be agreeing, their wives would barge in suddenly remembering that a close nephew would be joining them soon and so the house would need to be vacated soon anyway.

With her levels of frustration increasing, she got ready to see her umpteenth house for the day. The area was still upcoming with a lot of plots undergoing construction and many others lying vacant. Due to the new road construction in the area, it had appraised a lot in value and was a central location for commute. It was at a convenient distance from Radhika’s office. She went in the house along with the broker. The broker had already briefed her. The house belonged to Murali Krishna. He was a low-level clerk in the government sector and his wife was a schoolteacher. They had a young daughter who was pursuing a career in the field of medicine. They needed to bolster their income to support the stiff education fee. It was his luck that his ancestral property was rapidly rising in value due to the new roadways and land development. He was hoping for a good rent from the house by renting out the lower portion of the house while living in the upper.

With the advent of software industry in town, a lot of bachelors had suddenly appeared on the scene who were willing to pay high rents. However, the house owners preferred Radhika since they had a grown-up girl in the house and did not want to rent the house to bachelors. Since Radhika could afford the high rent all by herself, she seemed to be a great match. As she walked in to meet them, the house owners studied Radhika discreetly from head to toe. She was really fair and that made her easily stand out from the local public. She was dressed tastefully in a long black dress, a gold chain with a pendant around her neck and her hair tied back in a tight bun. Murali Krishna watched closely as the sweet damsel took off her sandals and put her fair and neatly manicured foot inside the door of the house. As a part of the local culture, shoes were not meant to be brought inside the house. While Manju, the wife was getting happy to see the girl respecting their culture, Murali was getting thrilled as he could see her fair slender legs shine through the black skirt at the points of contact. They chatted briefly as she was shown around the house.

Radhika simply loved the house with all the spacious cupboards and nice rooms. She was also happy to see the bulky prison like iron door in front of her main door. Since she was going to stay alone, she felt comfortable with that kind of security. Soon they were done with the tour and sitting at the table discussing rent and terms. Manju, the landlady, was comfortable speaking only in the local dialect so she communicated through her husband for whatever she wanted to say. She was trying to get as much money out of Radhika as possible. The broker was trying to appease both the parties trying to finalize the deal. After a long discussion, the terms were finally settled, and Radhika handed over the advance to the landlord. As Murali gripped the cash he also got a touch of Radhika’s smooth creamy skin. That small touch set a few sparks flying in his mind. He was amazed that how soft her hand felt. Soon she stepped out of the house deciding on the move in date and really happy that she finally had a house.

**Chapter 2: Life in the new house**

The broker helped Radhika move in and she also ordered some furniture. Piece by piece, Radhika started building her home choosing every item by her hand. She simply loved the house. Over the few weeks that she stayed in the house, Lata, the daughter of the landlord got close to Radhika. She was impressed by her style and fashionable clothing and started copying her too. Radhika also lent her a few items of her makeup. As the days passed, Radhika kept getting new stuff in the house including furniture and electronics. All this was not going well with the landlady. She was simply getting more and more jealous of her tenant. She started feeling that the rent was not high enough and probably Radhika could pay more. She was getting annoyed at seeing her get all the new and expensive stuff in the house. She started feeling that Lata has stopped concentrating in her studies and was just trying to copy the fashionable ways of Radhika.

Of course, she could do nothing about the rent as the terms were notarized now, but she constantly kept nagging her husband to increase the rent. Murali stopped her every time and said that he would increase the rent by a big amount in a longer time duration otherwise the rent may seem low again after a few months. As the neighbors started talking to her about her new tenant and her beauty, she started getting more jealous of her. She started to think that people are comparing Radhika with her daughter. Although Lata herself was pretty with light olive skin she was nowhere in beauty compared to the fair Radhika. The long legs, the fair skin, curvy body, and long hair made all the men lust for her. She was an exotic beauty in the area.

A major part of Radhika’s weekend was spent with Lata in the first few months. They would go into the town on Radhika’s scooty and visit markets and do shopping. However, any good that Radhika did, only made Lata’s jealous mother feel that she was trying to show them down. She asked Lata for all the minute details about whatever they did when they were out. Then she would get upset about how easily Radhika was spending the money. She would throw her ATM card at anything she wanted and get it without a second thought. Surely, she was doing really well and could afford to spend more on rent was her constant observation.

Finally, she could not take it anymore and stopped Lata from mixing with Radhika. However, Lata would find time and come talk to Radhika now and then. When Radhika asked her that why was she was no longer accompanying her outside, Lata stated that her mother wanted her to focus on her studies. Being an astute girl who was living independently, Radhika started to understand Manju better. By her behavior and attitude, she understood that Manju did not like her too much and was always trying to compare herself with her. Through casual discussions with Lata, she understood that she cared deeply about money and was on the lookout to squeeze more out of her.

Eventually, living alone got really boring for Radhika as she had nothing to do when she came back from work or on weekends. She started making some friends at the workplace. However, most of the people that worked in her office were much older than her. One of the boys, Irfan, however came really close to her. He was intelligent and really smart. He took real good care of her and soon started to come to her house in the evenings to see her off. Radhika started seeing more of him each day and finally he started to come to her house on weekends too. At first it was short visits but slowly they were converted into longer ones. Lata was sent by Manju on more than one occasion to find out what was Radhika doing with a boy in the house. Lata always returned after spending some time with the two always stating that they were talking in the living room or cooking something in the kitchen. From Lata’s visits Manju came to know that the boy was a Muslim. Being devout Hindus, they did not like the idea of a Muslim boy frequenting their house often.

Manju started nagging Murali about increasing Radhika’s rent more and more. Soon they were getting into heated discussions over it. The sound of their arguments used to come down and on one of the weekends when Irfan was around, they heard the entire tirade. The landlords used to fight in the local dialect thinking that Radhika would not understand a word even if she heard. Little did, they know that Irfan who had spent quite some time in the state now knew the local language well. He heard and explained the entire conversation to Radhika. Now Radhika knew exactly how the landlady felt about her. She learned that Manju was regularly bad mouthing about her to all the neighbors too. She grew mad with rage. At the same time, she also felt happy with Murali who seemed to defend her really strongly. But she did not know the real reason why Murali was siding with her.

Ever since Radhika had moved in, Murali was satisfying his voyeuristic fantasies. He was the in charge of watering all the plants around the house. By now he had perfected his methods. He knew exactly when Radhika went to take a bath in the morning and evenings. The sound of the water pump was his cue. He always left a few minutes after he heard the pump had got started. He matched his timing to go around the house watering the plants and stood behind the bathroom trying to peek in from the frosted glass of bathroom windows. In the beginning all he could make out was very vague outlines of Radhika’s figure as she took her bath. That used to be more than enough for his fantasies at first. However, as time passed, he wanted more. Since, on a few days when he was late, the watering duty fell on his wife or daughter, he did not dare create peep holes. However, soon he discovered something much better.

Radhika used to sleep with the windows of her bedroom left open. She had put a curtain on the windows but at times if he was lucky enough, there would be just enough gap between the curtains to catch short glimpses of the ravishing Radhika after her bath. She would always return towel clad and wearing her undergarments from the bathroom but once she reached the bedroom, she used to take off the towel and would stand there just in her bra and panties drying herself up and then dressing. Murali had started enjoying these dress-up shows as they became available. It was a really mesmerizing sight for him. While she was in the bathroom, he used to push the curtain away with a long stick so that the viewing area was enough for a good show. Then he would go about watering all the plants and around the house and return to the bedroom window as Radhika returned to dress up.

He used to get intoxicated seeing her smooth white skin. The well-toned calves, the panty-clad tight ass, the curvy waist, and the smooth skin of her back when the hair were wrapped around in a bun. She used to turn around to pick up stuff and show off her tight tummy, a huge cleavage between her ripe and perfectly shaped bra-clad breasts. Those silky-smooth thighs looked simply seemed bitable. Whenever she used to bend down to wear a fashionable thin anklet in one of her ankles or to wear clothes, Murali’s heart would stop as her marble white boobs hung down creating a bigger cleavage. He was amazed at how Radhika’s skin was always smooth and hairless. This excited him so much that he would immediately rush up after watering the plants to wank off thinking of Radhika’s sexy body. All this while he would stand at an oblique angle so even if Radhika turned towards the window, she would see nothing. His lust simply kept growing as he kept on feasting on the sight of her perfect fair body.

But, this trick of Murali did not go unnoticed for too long. One day when Radhika was dressing up for office in the morning, she started closing the door of the closet which had a mirror. In the mirror of this door, she saw Murali standing behind the window peeking intensely through the curtains with lust filled eyes. She was shocked but Murali could not see her as her back was towards him. Radhika was already dressed up and quickly left the room. Slowly she evaluated the things and understood why the landlord was defending her in the fight with his wife. The horny old man was simply filled with lust for her! Since she did not want to go through the horrors of house hunting again, she thought it better to keep the landlord on her side and played along every morning and evening after her baths. She started getting a huge thrill with all this show and started teasing the poor old man even more by bending down more and showing off her cleavage and ass even more.

Over time she grew intimate with Irfan and had sex with him a few times. However, he always left the house at night before it got too late. But one of the nights after a successful project, they were having too much fun enjoying themselves drinking and making out. It was a weekend and since there was no office the next day, they were careless with the drinks. In the carelessness and due to the heavy drinking Irfan fell asleep next to her after a long bout of sex. It was almost 5:30 am when Radhika’s sleep broke. Immediately she woke up Irfan and rushed him off. But the damage was done. Just as he was leaving, Manju caught a glimpse of him rushing off. All hell broke loose after that!

She told her husband about Irfan leaving in the morning and quickly brought him to the balcony to show. She ignored all the morning routines and started a big altercation with her husband. Radhika tried to listen and understand. From the little that she had learned to understand, she gathered that she simply did not want Radhika in the house now. She simply wanted her to vacate the house now and thoroughly despised the idea of a Muslim boy entering the house let alone spending the night. She also worried the effect this kind of behavior would have on Lata. 

Hearing her large shouts, the neighbors and the maids on their way to work started to collect around the house and began enquiring. They showed fake sympathy with Manju who kept degrading Radhika with her words. She accused her of being white on the outside but really filthy inside. She claimed that Radhika had no morals, abused her family and parents. Manju went on about how she is a spoiled, undeserving brat who will never know the meaning of being pious and chaste. “She will never be able to hold steady to a man and have a happy marriage”, Manju exclaimed! With all that said and having made a show at the expense of Radhika she got ready for her school shift and stormed out of the house.

Radhika felt herself well up. Her reputation was torn to shreds by Manju in front of everyone. She could feel the judgmental eyes of all the neighbors, maids and passersby boring down at her through the walls. She had not been insulted in such a crass manner by anyone in her life. Being a strong-willed independent girl, she started to calm down and put her mind towards rectifying things. It was Radhika’s day off due to a national holiday and she knew that Murali would not be going to work either. Manju and Lata were not due to return till late afternoon. Radhika’s mind started spinning a web. She knew that she had just till the afternoon to work on her plan.

**Chapter 3: Radhika’s web**

Radhika took a lavish bath. The warm water cleared her mind and helped her focus. She shaved off all the existence of any pubic hair that she had. She washed her hair and scrubbed all her body with scented soaps and oils. She was emanating heavenly scents from all over her body. She got out of the bathroom and dried herself. There was no sign of the landlord outside her window today. She took time drying herself off and then neatly combed her long hair. After that she applied some scented cream to her legs making them have that alluring sheen. Finally, she selected a short thigh length night dress. It was more like a chemise (Shameez). She watched herself in the mirror and loved what she saw. The nicely fitting chemise was wrapped tightly around her waist accentuating her breasts and buttocks. The fair long legs were glowing with a sheen. All the area around her shoulders was completely bare so you could run your tongue from her neck to her arms licking over the shoulders and then come back to kiss the nape of the neck. The dress was a bit low cut, and a nice bit of cleavage was more clearly visible due to the style of the matching pink bra she was wearing.

By now she knew exactly what she had to do. She chose not to wear her soft white bunny slippers and started going up the stairs barefoot. She stood in front of the door and rang the doorbell. Murali who seemed to have gone off to sleep again as it was his rest day, opened the door. He was in his usual dress wearing a vest and a lungi. He was surprised to see Radhika at the door and immediately flashed a smile from under his bushy mustache. Soon he remembered the morning episode with his wife and made a serious face but let her in. Radhika flashed a cute smile and walked in. She sat on a chair opposite to Murali and started to make some small talk. Murali was transfixed as he studied Radhika closely. He saw her pretty manicured feet with the toenails resplendent with pink nail polish. She had nicely shapely feet and in one of the ankles she wore a thin silver anklet. Her long legs were shining in the ambient light of the room. They were just too attractive. The dress was short and was revealing a lot of her soft thighs as she was now sitting. Murali started getting the urge to sink his teeth in the soft thighs and keep licking the legs.

Murali was transfixed at the sight of this beauty. He had simply lost himself in the allure of Radhika. His eyes were fixed on her sweet smile and her pretty lips as she spoke. He was just looking at her soft strawberry-colored lips as she kept talking without listening to a word she said. His mind was then lost in a silent song following the rhythm of her waving hands as she spoke. Being a little slumped in the chair a lot of cleavage was in the view and Murali lost himself in the valley for some time. Radhika crossed her leg and the skirt got pushed up revealing a lot of the leg from the sides till the side of her ass. Finally, he snapped out of his trance to listen her telling something about her office and the workload. By now Murali had a stupid grin on his face.

Radhika was explaining to Murali the reason for her visit. She said that most of the ingredients for her morning tea were missing so she came up. Looking at Murali’s sleepy eyes which were now filled with lust, she offered that she would make the tea there itself and both of them can have it. Murali more than welcomed the idea and showed her into the kitchen. Radhika looked around the kitchen to locate all the required ingredients. Then she noticed the bottle of honey on the topmost shelf and asked Murali if he had ever had honey tea. When Murali denied, Radhika said that he must absolutely try it and that it is very delicious. With that she climbed on the kitchen slab and tried to reach for the bottle of honey which was a bit far off on the topmost shelf of the opposite wall. The bottle seemed to be a bit out of reach. So, she called Murali closer for help. She asked him to support her while she would get the bottle. Murali gladly agreed.

What happened next was all in slow motion. Radhika was standing on the kitchen slab and Murali was standing facing her. Radhika lifted her soft foot and kept it on Murali’s shoulder and put some weight on it bending forward. As she bent forward Murali looked up to see the sight between her legs. His eyes went wide in surprise as he saw himself looking at a completely bald pussy without any panties. With the kitchen windows right behind her filling the room with morning sunlight, the vision could not have been clearer. Murali had never seen a pussy so clearly before. His wife was a prude and was never comfortable with removing her pubic hair. This was the first time that Murali was looking at a pussy without any trace of hair. He noticed the camel toe shape of the pussy formed by the outer lips.

Radhika in the meantime seemed oblivious to this and caught hold of the bottle. Then her leg slid forward from the shoulder and that wonderful pussy came close to Murali’s face as Radhika sort of sat on his shoulder with one thigh completely planted on him. The dress had got pushed up and Radhika ran a hand through Murali’s hair. “You seem to be really hungry today uncle, wanna have breakfast?” she asked. Murali started nodding like a madman with the biggest smile on his face. Radhika held on to him tight and planted the other thigh on the second shoulder now. Murali was carrying all her weight now and his face was buried in between her soft milky thighs. “Let’s not forget our manners and go to the dining table to eat”, said Radhika. Murali walked the few steps towards the dining table with Radhika sitting on his shoulders. He placed her ass on the dining table and spread her legs taking a lust filled look towards her pussy.

“Have you ever eaten the honey pot uncle?”, asked Radhika. Murali shook his head in no. Radhika said that today he was gonna have the honey pot for breakfast. She still had the honey bottle clutched in her hand which she had grabbed earlier. She unscrewed the cap and poured the honey over her pussy. She asked Murali to go ahead and lick it clean. Having no prior experience at eating the honey pot he thought that this was a great way to get started. He licked the sides first and then went for the diamond that Radhika was dripping the honey on, flicking it from top to bottom drenching the pussy in his saliva and the diving in to the slit to get whatever had escaped there. He then caught hold of the outer lip in his lips and started to kiss her. Radhika let out an erotic moan and it heightened Murali’s pleasure. He feverishly started licking her pussy now and Radhika was really enjoying it. She once again tilted the bottle and poured the honey over her thighs moving towards the knee. Murali followed the stream and licked away the honey till the knee but kept licking her leg going down. He soon licked her leg till the ankle and started to lick her foot. Then he took the toes into his mouth one by one and sucked at them swirling his tongue all around them. Radhika was uttering soft moans all this while.

She kept the bottle away as Murali made his way back up towards the pussy kissing every inch of her skin. Then she spread her legs and reached for the hem of his vest and pulled it up and took it off. After that she pushed his head back into position between her legs. Murali shuddered in pleasure as Radhika locked his head between her thighs and ran her legs on his back. It was quite a scene to watch with the dark skin of Murali in between the fair skin of Radhika. Murali kept licking her pussy and Radhika rubbed her feet and calves on his back and ran fingers through his hair. Murali then made his way down on the other leg kissing the soft skin and sucking the toes. He came back up again and bit Radhika in her thigh. Radhika let out a scream of pleasure. He went back to the pussy now and licked it for all he was worth. Radhika soon had a shuddering orgasm and laid back flat on the table. She was indeed a feast.

Murali saw her with lust filled in his eyes. He noticed the milk lying on the table and started pouring it on her legs. He had always wondered if her skin would be fairer than milk. Once again, he licked her legs clean and by now, he had created a big wet patch in his lungi. Radhika held his head between her legs once more. She had not enjoyed such an enthusiastic pussy licking session before. Mad with lust, Murali kept licking her pussy kissing and nibbling it. He would then move down to the thighs and kiss them hard and playfully bite them. Radhika soon turned around stuck her shapely ass in his face. Just as he started to kiss the ass, they heard a noise at the gate and froze. Manju had returned from the office and was parking the two-wheeler inside the home.

Radhika could see the panic in Murali’s eyes. She hushed him putting a finger in front of her lips. She told Murali to quickly clean the mess he had created with the milk and dragged a chair in the kitchen. She quickly replaced the honey bottle on the shelf and brought the chair back. Murali had mopped up the milk with a rag, wrung it and hung it to dry in the corner of the kitchen. By now they could hear Manju climbing the stairs. Radhika told Murali that she will get in Lata’s room and exit towards the stairs from it once Manju gets inside. Murali nodded in agreement. As the doorbell rang, Radhika held Murali’s hand and dragged him into a quick lustful lip-lock. She started walking towards Lata’s door and hissed, “until next time…” As Manju went inside the house exhausted from the day but looking forward to close the discussion about her tenant, Radhika used the side exit from Lata’s room to the stairs and tiptoed down.

After about twenty minutes the doorbell of Radhika’s front door rang. It was the landlord. He told her that her aunty (the landlady) had seen Irfan leave the house in the morning and was really upset. He then told her that she did not want her to be in the house for this. Then he quietly told her that he was gonna pretend that he was shouting at her and telling her to vacate the house or to pay more rent. He started pretending to shout. Then, he told her softly that she should come up in sometime and tell them that she was considering moving out as she felt the rent would get very high. Having being married to Manju for two decades he knew how to get the better of her.

After about fifteen more minutes of this episode Radhika went up dressed in Salwar Kameez and told uncle (the landlord) in front of the landlady that she could not pay more rent. Uncle started to explain to Manju in the local language that what was going on. He added a few things such as Irfan was leaving the town for a few days due to an urgent meeting and had come to hand over some project documents and was rushing off to catch the flight in the morning.

Manju panicked as she did not want to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. She quickly evaluated the whole situation and realized that it would not be easy to find another good high paying tenant quickly. There was no history of any late payments or any personal problems. Besides it was safer for their daughter if a girl lived there instead of horny teenagers in a family or working bachelors. Suddenly she gave a smile and started saying that she understood her situation. Murali translated it to Radhika and that Manju respects the fact that she is earning in an all-men’s society and supports her. She also said that it was her husband who wanted to increase the rent, but she wanted her to stay and was fine with the current rent. She called her daughter and invited her for coffee. Radhika politely agreed. As Manju went in the kitchen, Murali hissed her to be careful of not letting Irfan come to the house for a few days.

Radhika’s web had indeed trapped the fly. She nodded and smiled to herself at playing out the whole act so perfectly. How she anticipated the timing of the return of the landlady and remembered not to wear the slippers so that they were not noticed when Manju came upstairs was all immaculate. Most importantly, she had just given Murali a small taste of the things and completely controlled the power in this mind game. The balance of power, for now was in the hands of Radhika.
