the [F]irst time I had sex while high on [m]arijuana

hello all!!

about two weeks ago, I was walking the streets of Manhattan with my boyfriend and we came across a weed store. since I had experimented a little with weed in high school, I actually liked it, but I stopped because I was a teenager and using marijuana as a teenager didn’t feel right with me. however; I was always down to use it as an adult.

my boyfriend and I walked into the weed store and we looked around, so we purchased THC gummy‘s. I took half of one and it took around 45 minutes for it to hit me.

I was high as fuck. I felt my speech slow down, I felt like I was on a roller coaster but also floating at the same time, I felt time going by so slowly. watching Seinfeld and listening to Selena Quintanilla’s music was never better before. I even said “what the fuck, Selena sounds better than ever.”
Hell, even when we showered together, the water even made me feel like I was in a nice hot tub being submerged by warm water. I also couldn’t take off my boots or undress correctly. lol

I was already super sleepy, but I wanted to make love while being high as fuck. many years ago, I previously read in a book that THC and sex is a good combination, so I wanted to see for myself.

*oh boy*, was that right, to say the least.

my boyfriend and I got ready to do the deed. He put me to the edge of the bed, but put a pillow under my pelvis, put a condom on, and he slid into my wet pussy. his cock slid in like never before. my vagina mostly always hurts when he tries to slide in The first few minutes, but that day, it slid in like a pair of gloves. his cock felt harder, and more intensely. all I could focus was the feeling of his cock in my pussy. He was penetrating me so deeply and profoundly already.

then he made me squat while laying down so I could feel his cock deeper. that made it feel absolutely amazing. I felt such pleasure and was being satisfied like never before; maybe his cock did reach my gspot. I moaned and moaned like a porn star because it felt so fucking good.

I don’t know if this was a combination of the marijuana and my feelings for him, but I am pretty sure I finally had my first orgasm that night. it was towards the end, and I wanted more, but he came. lol

