My first time with a black girl [MF]

So this happened in 2019.
It was fall time, so it was starting to get a little chilly in the evenings. My buddy, who we’ll call Pete and I, decided to hot the bars on a Friday night and have some drinks. We wore our typical going out clothes, boots, button ups, and hats. Now, like I’ve said in my previous story, I’m a big guy. Six foot four boots on and about 360. Not a slob but with a little muscle tone. Imagine a refrigerator.

So we I drove us to the bar around 8, and the drinks started pouring. I would only have 3 if I had to drive, but Pete had the green light to drink. He was about on his fifth drink when we were talking, and he said it we should order some nose beers and have it delivered. I was feeling good, so all I to him was “send it,” with a smile on my face. I told him I had to take a leak, so as he made the phone call, I headed to the bathroom.

This bar wasn’t the biggest or most packed, but tonight, there seemed to be a bit of a party. My buddy and I usually hung out on the patio or at the pool table with was in the back. We liked being able to see everyone.
As I was heading to the bathroom, I passed a group of girls who seemed to have came from a party. Nice dresses and hair all done
I didn’t say anything. Just notices that they were very pretty. I saw a black girl and the first thing I noticed was how short she was compared to the other ladies. Maybe five two on a good day.
So I do my business and as I come around the corner I notice my friend is outside now having a smoke and still on the phone. As I reach him, he finishes his call and we sit down. That’s when I also noticed the group of ladies had also moved outside. It was starting to dip into the fifties and I could see on a couple that their nipples were rock hard. The dresses did nothing to hide it.

As Pete and I sat and talked, we noticed two of tue girls approaching us. As you can imagine, I’m not the most approachable guy due to my size. But I’m not an asshole either.
We look up at them and they’re both smiling.
The one closes to me is a white girl about five nine. She’s a redhead. I love redheads. The girl on the other side closest to Pete is the short black girl. I notice her face and she’s very pretty. Somewhere between light skin and dark. Full plump lips and hair in long braids.

The redhead leans down and whispers, “do you know where we can get party favors”?
Pete heard it and immediately answered “we just ordered some but I don’t think my guy brings more than the order with him, I’ll ask when he’s here though”
To this the girls get a little excited, said thanks and go back to their group.
“How much did you order anyway “? I ask
Pete replies “3 grams”, quietly.
We dodnt go to crazy with the stuff so that was more than we would finish.

His connection pulls up on the street close to the patio and my buddy goes up the window and gets it.
As he comes back the two girls are looking at him and he shakes his head no with a twist of his mouth as to say he’s sorry. When he sits down again, I signal over to the girls. They both come up and I tell them sorry. But they’re more than welcome to have some of ours as I get up.
I take one more drink of my beer and tell one to follow me. We go back near my truck and we do a couple bumps each. It’s good shit!
When I go back I ha.d ot off to Pete and he takes the redhead back. That’s when the black ger takes his seat and we start chatting. She asks about my tattoos and I tell her about a couple. I tell her to add me on Facebook and she eagerly looks for me and adds me.
The night goes on and we each take the girls to do some bumps 3 more times. I nursed my third beer and I tell Pete I want to keep drinking. We should head back to his garage where he has a poker table.
He says he’s up for some cards.
We tell the girls we’re taking off and they sadly give us hugs and thank yous.
As we’re driving back to Pete’s house only ten minutes away, I feel my gone vibrate in my pocket. I don’t think much of it and wait to check it at his place.
When we park, I retrieve my phone to realize she messaged me . I open it curiously and it simply reads “are you guys gonna keep drinking”?
I reply with yeah we’re at my buddy’s place.
She responds very quickly asking for the address.
I know my buddy well enough to not have to ask and I give it to her. He gets out of the truck and says he’s gonna grab beer. I tell him that the two girls are coming over and all the says is “sweet”.

Ten minutes later, we’re sitting at his poker table in the heated garage and we’re talking. From the spot I’m sitting, I can see through his garage window that a small car parked behind my truck. I wave at the car from where I’m at and I see just one girl hop out. The short girl. She comes in and we play some cards while drinking and having some lines.
We’re having a good time bit it’s now about one in the morning. Pete is drunk and says he’s going to bed. When I stay the night I usually stay on the comfy couch he has in the garage.
He looks at me and at the girl and just winks at me.
He heads out of the garage and I tell the girl who’s sitting on my right, “I’m up for some more if you are”
Her face lit up and we continued chatting and drinking.
The conversation eventually came to sex as it naturally would. Sje started asking about my experiences and I asked about hers. Slowly I got the fact that sje loved being abused and loved it rough. We had one char between us and I had my legs on it. Out of nowhere she asks, “have you ever had a girl do a line of your boner”?
I reply with “no we haven’t been doing it long”
She looks at me thinking about what she’s doing and Slowly gets up. And lifts her dress just enough to throw her leg over my lap and sits. I immediately start getting hard. The bulge in my jeans getting uncomfortable. As I move my hips to adjust, she smiles at me and kisses me. Her full lips touching mine she slides her tongue around mine. I Slowly move my hands from her back down to her petite ass. It’s small since she’s tiny but her ass feels so nice. That’s when I notice that she doesn’t have any panties on.
Sje starts moving her hands down my chest and eventually reaches my belt.
Without breaking the kiss, she undoes it and unbuttoned my jeans. Bringing much needed relief to my hard on.
She slowly strokes it through my briefs whole weekend out.
I break the kiss and ask “how’s your mouth skills”?
Without saying a order, she kisses me once more and starts sliding down my legs that are still propped on the other chair. As her head goes lower she brings my briefs down and releases my cock. The fresh air on ot feels good but that feeling is stopped immediately as I feel her warm mouth slip over it. The hit feeling just sends a rish of blood towards it and I feel it get fully hard in he mouth.

Let me know if you want tje second part of this. I’m trying to become better at writing my stories so some tips or feedback would help.



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