[MMF] My wife had 2 sugar daddies

My wife and I have always had a pretty open relationship. We are not afraid to tell eachother anything, reveal something or if the other did something we did not like, confront them. It’s one of the many things that has always attracted me to her. I stumbled across this sub a few months ago, and reading many stories it got me thinking about my wife. We have long talked about past boyfriends/girlfriends. But never past sexual experiences. Reading the stories posted got me thinking about my wife and wanting to ask her. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad bit scared.

So this past Saturday after a nice dinner out. We came home and I asked her. And much to my surprise there was a little reluctance and hesitation. I was a little surprised since that is not like my wife. But after some prying I finally got her to talk about it. And boy was I shocked.

So my wife and I started dating during our senior year of college. We are now both in our late 20’s. I knew she had just one boyfriend before me. They dated from junior year of high school to freshman year of college. She said that the time in-between her ex and me she did not date anyone. But I could tell from how she was explaining it, something was there during that time in-between. There were a few guys that she hung out with here or there but she said it never clicked nor was she that interested. But the hammer dropped after I asked so you never slept with anyone from your ex to me?

She goes well, okay I did not want to tell you this because I don’t want your opinion of me to change. That’s never something you love to hear. She brings up a guy named TJ. Now I semi know TJ. He sort of floats in her family’s circles, her family is very close. I have been introduced to him at a few events for her familys over the years. She went on to explain that the summer in-between her sophomore and junior year of college she was at her aunt’s house for a party. My wife and her aunt Nicole are very close. Nicole is good friends with TJ. Mind you at this time my wife was around 20 and TJ was late 30’s. Her aunt Nicole introduces my wife, Kelly, to TJ and says to my wife that TJ is “single”. They had met a few times before but never really talked. TJ and my wife talked for a while, she said, but nothing flirty more about jobs, college etc. The next day she got a friend request from TJ on Facebook, she accepted it and he started messaging her. From how she explained it, they messaged for a while before he asked her on a date. She was very nervous since the age difference and connection with her family. But she said that TJ convinced her so she went. She had a good time apparently and they went on a few more.

My wife said after the 3rd or 4rth time they went on a date they went back to his place and after some drinks might have been involved even though she was under 21 lol. He was trying hard to make some moves on her and from how she put it, next thing they were making out and her top was off. Things escalated and he fingered her, and my wife gave him a blowjob and he tittyfucked her too, my wife has big boobs.

She said that It was a little awkward for her then. After that night he asked her to be BF/GF. She said that she obviously was attracted to him, but the age difference, connection with her family just made it tough for her, she was telling me how do I go and explain that to my parents. So she rejected the whole relationship with TJ. She said they didn’t talk for a bit but probably three weeks or so after she blew him he reached out to her and they started texting again. He invited her out soon after, she preferenced by saying it was not a date just friends hanging out. She said it was fun, nothing happened so the next weekend they hung out again. And nothing happened then too. She said after that time he took her out to dinner a few days after, he always paid when they went out and drove her. Went back to his place, again had a few drinks but this time she said they had sex. She said the sex was really good since he obviously knew what he was doing.

From that point on she explained that that is how their relationship went. He would invite her out or invite her over. He would pay for everything and then somewhere along the way they would fuck or do something sexual. She said that as it progressed he would take her shopping, to expensive restaurants etc. She would occasionally spend the whole weekend at his place and my wife said he would take her on huge spending sprees, go out for a nice dinner or he would cook a nice meal and they would fuck multiple times.

So I said TJ was essentially your sugar daddy, he’d pay for everything and in return you sleep with him. My wife said they never “agreed” upon any of this. And they never talked about him being her sugar daddy but “yes in a way he was”. I asked if he ever regretted buying you things and she said no because she would always wear the clothes from him and that she could tell he enjoyed bringing some 20 year old around.

So their “sugar relationship” went on for a little over a year. During this time TJ took her on a trip with one of his friends Andrew to Las Vegas. From how she put it TJ and Andrew went out to Vegas for a few nights every year. She had hung out with Andrew many times with TJ so it was not that weird. She said Andrew was well aware of the “relationship” she had at the time with TJ. Anyway they all went out to Vegas, TJ had bought her these “skimpy” outfits to wear she said. The 2nd day they were in Vegas she was at the pool she said alone, TJ and Andrew were off doing their own thing. They had a big suite they were all sharing. From how she said it went down, she came up to the room to shower and relax from the pool. She was walking around in her bikini when Andrew came into the suite without TJ. He was hardcore checking her out and flirting with her. My wife said this was typical behavior from Andrew. I asked if she liked Andrew, she said he was always super nice and funny. Never really attracted to him but a really “nice guy”. She also said he was considerably older than TJ. I asked how much older and she said maybe 10 years?

Anyways, she said he came up to her and told her that she was beautiful and started touching her breasts. She said he undid her bikini top and started sucking on them before he stopped and asked if this was okay. She said that she was pretty turned on at this point and let him continue. They went into his bedroom and had sex. My wife said Andrew had the biggest and thickest cock she has ever been with. Probably 8-9 inches, she said. So for the next two days on trip she said she was fucking both of them. Never at the same time, she said that was never attempted. But at night she slept in bed with TJ and they were fucking. And during the day she was fucking Andrew. I asked if TJ knew. She said well once they got home a few days later Andrew “asked her out”. And he flat out asked if he could pay her for sex. I was shocked but my wife told me she did say yes. She said some days she was with TJ the other was Andrew. Both of them never brought up either and their relationship with her. So TJ had to have known. After that trip she went on fucking both of them for another 5-ish months.

She said the sex was great with both of them. And they both never crossed any lines when she said she didn’t like something or no. If she could not meet up with one of them it was never really an issue. After the Vegas trip she said her relationship with TJ kind of slowed down on buying her things. They would just hang out and have sex, although he would still pay for dinners and occasionally take her shopping. While Andrew she said it was a lot different. He would ask her when she was available, they would find a time that worked for the both of them. He would tell her what to wear, he would pick her up and she said do whatever he wanted to. Whether that was shop, go out to eat, movies, coffee, zoo’s and then eather go back to his condo in the city, which she said was super nice, or a hotel and have sex. Then he would “pay her”. I joked like an escort. She hated that I said that but she said It was not like TJ that there was obviously something there. Andrew always said it was just sex. And she said she loved the sex with him.

Anyway to wrap this up. She and I started dating in our senior year. She told me when she and I started talking and our first few dates before we were exclusive she was still involved with TJ and Andrew but not as much as it was in the past. She said it was obviously dying out. When I asked her to be exclusive she obviously told TJ and Andrew and she said neither of them were mad, they both thanked her.

This is a long story, I’m still leaving out a lot. I hope you find this as hot as I do. If you would like to know more or know about my wife just PM me!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sh7xvt/mmf_my_wife_had_2_sugar_daddies

1 comment

  1. Just so you know MMF refers to a bisexual threesome. The middle letter is the center of attention.

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