I was kidnapped by my girlfriend’s Sorority (Cult) part 1

I am Brian (M24) recently took time off to visit my girlfriend Marta (F24), the plan was to wine and dine as we both will get the chance to catch out with what was going on in each others lives, everything went according to plan as we both enjoyed our time together! we went back to marta’s dorm room where I hugged and kissed marta goodbye before I started my journey home.

About half way home I noticed my laptop computer was missing, I looked at the time and it was still 10:30 so I did have time to turn around to pick up my computer, I mean I didn’t have to but it did have all my personal information and reports that I had to file for work. I realized I had to bite the bullet and turn around for my forgotten. at around quarter to 1am I finally arrived, as it was the long weekend time was not a issues for me, I had plenty of time off. plus I could spend the night with Marta. When I got to martas dorm room I knocked.

Marta was obviously expecting someone else when I answered because when she answered the door the expression on her face turned from a joyful smile to panicked surprise!

She quickly grabbed me by the collar and pulled me into the room, quickly shutting the door behind her!! marta pushed me against the door and proceeded to question me
“what are you doing here Brian?”

this caught the attention of the 5 other women, who were in Marta’s room, who were just as surprised and shocked as I was.
“Answer her”
one of the other women demanded

the surprised and shock was still fresh on my face, but it was now that I noticed that Marta and these other 5 women were all completely naked from head to toe!! I was lost for words so I pointed to the laptop case! Marta and the other looked at what I was pointed at

Marta quickly proceeded to grab the bag and hand it to me, she than started pushing me to the door. she looked me in the eye and without missing a beat she held the eye contact before breaking the silence

“Get out!!”

she said in a commanding tone as if she was ordering me to leave

I was finally to compose myself, I can’t believe this is the same woman who I was on a date with just less than 5 hours ago, hugging me, kissing to looking at me with disgust and anger!! who was?

when I was able to speak again I put my hand on the side of her face in a loving way, with the other hand I put it on her lower back to pull her in close

“Marta my love what is going on here? who are these women? why are all of you naked”
Marta’s hands were visibly shaking I had seen this many times before, she looked for a brief moment before looking me in the eyes again!

“That is none of your business!! Now Get out”

feeling betrayed by the woman I love I
turned to leave! Before I could get one step to the door one of the other women commented
“Oh no I don’t think that is a good idea, he is asking to many questions! he has to come with us now.”

this woman looked marta in the eye before commanding her and another 2 women
“restrain him, remove any tracking device or anything he can use a weapon or distress beckon”

my survival instinct were telling me I was now in serious trouble! before I had the chance to react 3 of these women were on me fast than I expected, 2 of them drew daggers from the sachels they had sang around there chests while the 3rd had a garrote that she wrapped around my neck.

I could try to escape but that would not be tactically advisable as they had me dead to rights.

what only took seconds seemed like a complete eternally, my arms were binded with a zip tie and a sleeping mask was draped over my eye to prevent me from see what was happening and where these women planned on taking me.

2 sets of hand searched my pockets, removing my wallet, keys, cell phone. they also found the utility knife and my pocket knife in my jacket, which they removed,

“He’s clean”

one of the voices commented

“Is the van ready?”

Another voice asked”

“Yes mistress”

replied a third voice

2 women grabbed me by each arm and began to lead me to this van one had mentioned.

“let’s go”

commented one of the voices behind me, all my hope of being rescued was next to impossible! it was the middle of the night, the town was a sleep!! my situation was tactically hopeless. I was loaded and belted into the back seat of this van, I felt the seat bounce slightly as someone sat next to me, just than I heard a seatbelts clicking and the engine start, as the reality of my situation finally started to set my blind anger for Marta turn to fear and panic, I was frightened, seconds later the van started moving.

as we started moved the woman next to me leaned over whispered in my ear

“Easy babe”

a sense of relief made its way threw my mind, it was Marta’s voice, she gently brought my head down until it was resting on her chest, her soft breasts made it all the more comfortable as Marta lovingly ran her fingers through my hair slowly. I lay there listening to Marta’s heart beat, her chest rise and lower as she breathes!

The trip seemed to go on forever, it felt like a eternity in that moving van, the mindless chatter between my captors, I focused on the only thing in my control at the time! Marta’s heart beat.

the van began to slow down, we turn onto what felt like a gravel road, this continued for about another half hour, the van made one last turn before coming to a stop, the engine shut down, and seatbelts began unclicking.

“come on lets go”

a voice chimed, I was helped out of the van and the sleeping mask over my eyes was removed and my binding removed, looking around I found myself standing in front of what looked like a state house in the deep country side. As We approched the main entrance I could make out 2 guards at the door armed with halbatds, kabars, stun guns! in the distance I could see what appeared to be sentrys patroling the grounds.

the guards at the door shot me a distasteful, angry glare, without they turned crossing their halbatds togther blocking the door.

“That’s far enough, this man shall not enter! this is a sacred place”

those sentrys that I noticed earlier had turned thair attention to the main entrance after door guard spoke.

one of my escorts than spoke up

“This man is here under the protection of mistress Ava, he will be presented to
her excellency in the name of Eve! Stand aside!!”

a couple tense moments pasted before the guards uncrossed thair halbertds returning to thair original post


We enter the building to a large grand stair case which we passed, the state house was fulled with women who I assumed were followers of what was looking more and more like some kind of strange female cult.

I was led to what looks like a assembly room which is full of naked women. there was a lot of load chatter going on.

seconds later the room that was filled with conversations, laughter and noise fell silent, as I was brought before a woman sitting in a throne like chair, on both sides of this chair stood one handmaiden armed with a stun gun, kabar. I am made to kneel in front of this woman!

have you ever had that uncomfortable feeling of every eye in a room on you?
that is how I felt at this very moment

The woman stood up from her chair and addressed the woman holding my right arm.

“Mistress Ava, you bring a man into our sacred hall explain yourself”

Ava replies

“Your excellency this man found us out as we prepared to depart for the stronghold, he left a laptop computer at sister Marta’s
home, he began ask to many question, for the safety of the order of Eve I felt it was prudent to hold him until our gathering has concluded”

She than looks at me

“what is your name? why were you at sister Marta’s home?

I reply

“I am Brian, I was there to collect the before mention laptop computer I had forgotten there.”

“And the nature of your relationship with sister Marta?”

“She is my girlfriend”

A flurry of whispers and light chatter sweeps across the room.

the woman again addresses me

“While you are here, you will not enjoy the privilege of a name, or identity! you will remain in sister Marta’s stateroom and you will not interfere with the integrity of our events! is this understood?”

I rebuked quickly

“I have questions”
she turns her back to me with the intent of returning to her chair so I just come out and say it!!
“What kind of crazy cult is this? why are all of you naked? what is this all about?”

she stops in her tracks and turns to face me very annoyed.

“Silence” she commands “this is a Sorority! this is a sisterhood! not a cult! We are not “Naked” as you understand it! Nudity is a subjective terminology designed to create a system is decision, clothing is a status symbol to separate those who have power and those without power! our “naked” bodies symbolize femininity in its purest form, if we were truly meant to wear clothing, we’d be born with clothing. but I don’t expect you to understand the will of Eve”

She bends over putting her hand on her knees.

“Kiss my breasts show respect to Eve” she commands me

I look over in Marta’s direction she nods than back at the pair of breasts that were hanging in front of my face, her nipples were hard and staring me in the eye. I was not going to be a pawn in this woman’s game, she wanted a kiss, so I was going to give her one

In one motion I quickly reached up with one hand firmly grabbing her right breast pulling on it, which almost knocked her off balance, while simultaneously reaching my other hand up and pinching her right nipple as hard as I could!!

She jerked back pulling herself out of my grip, the confident command look on her face was replace by the look of sudden extreme pain as she clutched her right breast and rubbing the nipple I just pinched!

“You bastard!! Guards bind him! lock him in that stateroom”

Her handmaidens quickly sprung into action, both drawing thair tasers, taking
a full charge, I collapsed to the ground, shortly after I was handcuffs. and hailed off.

we reached the stateroom where they were going to keep me, I was tossed on the bed uncuffed! the guards kept eagle eyes on me as they backed out of the room, but I was no threat as I was still dealing with the after shock of a stun gun.

shortly there after Marta entered “our” room with a tray that had 2 plates of food, she sat on the bed next to me. she spoke softly to me

“you really made a mess of things babe!”

I could believe that I was hearing. after all I had been through!!

“I made a mess of things?? have you looked around? have you seen what just happened to me? to us?”

she quickly replied trying to offer reassures

“I know, I know! but there is nothing that we can do. I was over ruled by everyone else, there was nothing I could do”

I rolled my eyes

“is that suppose to make me feel better?

“No, but I will do everything in my power to ensure your comfort”

over everything that happened Marta to her credit did try to get me out of a sticky situation, but these crazed cultists did have weapons so I can’t put all the fault on her.

Marta handed me the plate of food and took her own!

after we finished eating Marta cuddled up to me, we fell asleep together.

Part 2 Coming soon

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/shfbmh/i_was_kidnapped_by_my_girlfriends_sorority_cult