Step Sister Corruption Part 212 – Day 118 Ginger talks to Her Husband (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

I stood in our bedroom well after dinner and had already kissed my girls leaving them to their devices before they went to sleep.

I looked at my husband, Jason, as we ourselves prepared for sleep.

We had a unique dinner with my son as he came to us nearly begging us to *help* him with, more or less, pimp out not only his step sister, Jason’s daughter Kelly, but eight other girls on the internet. A thing that my husband obviously couldn’t keep out of his mind as the mood at the dinner was very awkward. So awkward both **our** daughters quickly excused themselves to hide upstairs from their father’s wrath, happy it wasn’t directed at them. It was clearly focused at Gabe….and maybe himself.

I had known that Kelly was called over to Vuse to possibly get a sponsorship but both Jason and I knew that they would offer something else when Gabe brought the dilemma towards me as I helped him smooth over the conundrum to my husband. Both Jason and I called it as we assumed that Vuse would offer his first little girl for porn and not some simple *sponsorship* like they thought it would be. So I made Jason go over and fill in Gabe as much as possible to protect Kelly from that exact thing they wanted from happening.

Hell even Vuse had contacted me, or Jason, about coming in to expand my audience and do porn myself but we always turned them and the other porn houses down as I had built up a respectable audience to where, at least now, had a respectable amount of followers that their memberships alone netted us enough money to where we could be comfortable….not enough to be retired unfortunately.

I may or may not have expensive tastes and that’s the reason Jason always says I can’t retire nor can I stop creating *my* level of content.

Though with Jesse out due to her having triplets and us not able to find a person who could do all that Jesse does our level of content has slowed down as of late as Jesse had helped me create enough content to where I nearly worked 24/7 all the way up until she went into the hospital to make up the difference for us being down when we originally found out that Jesse was pregnant and carrying triplets. Then we just trickled the content spreading it out having enough content to be slowly released for the next few months until she was ready for us to be up and running again.

All of which was Jason’s idea and pretty ingenious. I swear that man can be devilishly cunning when he puts his mind to something.

And I was hoping with the right motivation he could *help* Gabe with his *problem*.

Though Gabe’s problem I knew irked and gave Jason the wrong feelings.

I just needed to *help* Jason see the other side of the picture.

As much as I want to protect Kelly from the world. My first priority was helping **my** son. Which also helps Kelly as well.

I looked at Jason, “So honey what do you think of Gabe’s proposal?”

Jason threw the extra pillow from his side to the ground like he nearly always does though this time he may have used a little more force as he threw it to the ground and nearly growled at me though he didn’t say anything.

I could tell he was still irritated but also knew he was thinking.

I continued, “I think his idea is better than Kelly doing porn. Don’t you?”

He just eyed me as I mentioned his daughter and porn in the same sentence.

I ignored it instead of twisting the knife and refrained from using Kelly and porn in the same sentence as I spoke, “You have to admit it does help your daughter.”

He growled, “I still don’t think having my daughter expose herself on the internet is the right thing babe.”

I folded my arms at him, clearly ready for a fight, “And why not?”

He looked at me dead pan, “Because you know as well as I do that doing what she’s doing will only hurt her future.”

I looked at him thinking *oh no you didn’t* yet I simply spoke, “And me doing it is completely fine?”

He looked at me, “Come on honey, what *we* agreed on and what Kelly **and** Gabe are doing are completely two separate things.”

I looked at him, my own fire exposed, “No it’s not *JASON*,” he winced at my inflection of his name, “it’s exactly the same thing. *I’M* exposing my body to the world that **YOU** convinced me to do. And for what? To fattened our pockets because **we** bit off more than we could chew with **your** endeavors. **I** didn’t have to do anything. But *I* agreed so **WE** didn’t go bankrupt and didn’t have to live off the streets with **OUR** family.”

Jason was slowly deflating as I reminded him of our decisions, mainly **HIS** decision to do this RANCH house out in the middle of bum fucked nowhere.

We couldn’t afford the land. We sure as fuck couldn’t afford the house as most of **OUR** normal channels was just beginning to bring in money to where we could live semi well in the city.

Then we moved and it was nice but quickly found a lot of spots that were in desperate need of updating but we were just barely making the payments thinking it was enough to do little bits here and there….ourselves.

That quickly changed as we hired people to do most of the modifications but that costed money….money we didn’t have.

Then after exhausting just about every avenue to do everything and me trying to find a job with two toddlers was impossible.

That’s when Jason suggested **WE** try to do our own *porn* which at first was pretty unsuccessful as we didn’t get much of a following. It was when we noticed when **I** did solo videos where we saw a *slight* increase in viewers. We built on that and built.

Then we lucked out on my current studio and started doing videos from there slightly raising our presence instead of at home where we could get caught. I kept doing videos and videos until we had a decent following where the idiot somehow got money to renovate our studio and then somehow we got our first *sponsor*.

Then the continued working and getting another *sponsor*. Then more work and getting enough to bring in Jesse as an *INTERN* and us learning to expand. The more work and more as we tried different things.

Then we created my own site and started putting the majority of **MY** content there and putting little snippets and teasing photos on ALL my accumulated channels all of which pointed to this new one. That’s when the REAL money start coming in and getting more and more sponsors.

Fast forward to now.

I continued, “So *HOW* is **ME** doing porn **and** **KELLY** doing it two separate things? **WE** aren’t. The *ONLY* difference is **WE** can help her and protect her from our own experiences.”

Jason looked at me, “But this isn’t **protecting** Kelly, Sarah. It’s **endorsing** and **enabling** it. How can Kelly make a life with her photos and videos out there in the open?”

I scoffed at him, “This isn’t the 1900’s Jason! We’re in the 21st fucking century. More than 70% of the girl’s out there have gravitated towards adult content in some form or another. It’s more accepted now than it was over 50 years ago. If we don’t help Kelly or Gabe they will find another way to be stupid and do something worse. Think about it. If **WE** help Kelly expand her viewer base and **HELP** her get more followers she will be self independent. She **WON’T** need to have a career. She’ll have a career and if **WE** help her gain a lot of followers then unlike us she can retire at an early age. Isn’t that something you want for your daughter? To be independently wealthy and retire before we can?”

Jason was silent for a moment as I clearly saw the gears in his head turning at my remarks.

I kept going, “I mean all **WE** have to do is let Kelly and Gabe’s newest girl’s use **OUR** studio with the assistance of Jesse. Create a website for them. We link their website to ours as a shared account giving **OUR** members a chance to see their content for a modest increase. We keep maybe 10 or 15% and the rest goes to them. Have them do the *same* thing I’m doing just putting teasing videos and photos on all their accumulated accounts, if they have more than one, linking it to *my* site and viola the girl’s have a site. Gabe gets some money for his idea. And the girl’s each get a cut. If **we** can build it like mine and **you** talk to **our** current investors and sponsors about a possible franchise then they have sponsors. It’s a major win-win.”

Jason scratched his head as he thought of everything that *I* didn’t know that goes behind the scene.

Eventually he sighed, “I’ll have to look into our budget and talk to the webmaster to see how much it’ll cost to do that like we have done for us.”

I smiled and nodded now that I knew he was onboard. Usually when he said *I’ll have to look at the budget* usually that was a yes……. though not always.

But I had a good feeling this time it was Yes.

He looked at me and tried to be frisky, “You know it’ll help convince me if we have some fun time before I go on travel tomorrow.”

I looked at him, “Oh no mister. Because of your little *comparison* you get to sleep on the couch. I’m not in the mood.”

He frowned, “Really?”

I grabbed his pillow, “Yes really. I was going to maybe entice you but your little flub guaranteed you sleeping on the couch.”

He looked at me, “But babe I didn’t mean it like that.” He moved in closer on the bed and wrapped his arms around me knowing it’ll make me melt, “Come on baby!”

He kissed my stomach and I felt my normal butterflies flip flop in my stomach.

He slipped a hand in my nightie quickly finding my nipple as he continued kissing my bare stomach before palming my breast in his hand as he fondled my flesh.

Damn him for knowing how to turn me on.

Granted it doesn’t take much to *rev* me up thanks to all the supplements I take in order to keep my body in tip top condition.

I felt my normal tell tale signs and my emotions that pissed me off wear off as a certain section started to moisten.

He slipped my nightie up exposing my breasts to the room as his mouth easily enveloped my nipple causing me to groan as the sensations licked my brain and made my knees go weak.

He’s lucky I love him or I wouldn’t let him touch me like he’s doing after pissing me off….fucker.

No, I had to remain strong.

I ran my hands through his impossibly short hair until I semi had a good grasp and pulled him away from my breast to have him look up at me. I spoke, “You promise to help them?”

He smiled not answering as his free hand slipped underneath and started to lightly tickle my lower lips making whatever control I had slip away from me and make me want him to take me as I moaned out to the added sensation.

Fuck why couldn’t I be stronger.

If I was stronger I sure as fuck wouldn’t have fucked my son….or watched him fuck Kelly……or snuck a peak all the times he fucked the various girl’s. If I was stronger I wouldn’t have begged my son fuck me nor would I constantly want him after my first time…..or a second time.

I slightly imagined it was Gabe who was tickling my lips and not my own fucking husband which only made my body betray me more as I felt my pussy get even more wet. As I ignored the fact and denied my issue that my son pleased me more than my husband.

The only thing I could do was stifle a moan as my husband assaulted my pleasure centers with his mouth on my nipple and his hand massaging my pussy giving just the right amount of stimulation to my clit as I rubbed his head.

With my last resolute amount of will before I knew I would be putty in my husband’s hands until he wastes his pathetic stamina on me was I moaned out, “Eat me to say you’re sorry!”

I jerked his head back as I lightly commanded, “And you better make me cum hard before you even stick your dick in me.” I didn’t mouth *and waste your minuscule cum inside me* but couldn’t finish that thought as my husband slipped a digit inside my pussy making me moan and whimper.




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