New 4 part series will be going live on Amazon hopefully by tomorrow. Mr. Smith – The Inception. First 25% posted below.

Part 1
The Inception

I’m not sure when I developed this desire to watch my wife play with other guys. I know that it began very early on. When I was a kid I started reading sex stories in Penthouse magazine. I was honestly more interested in the stores than of the pictures of the slut of the month.

I recall reading a lot of stores that had to do with a cheating wife or about the husband that had a friend over to watch a ball game and they got a little drunk and the husband let the friend have a peek at his naked wife as she slept.

Those stories were the foundation of my child hood. Not Nintendo like most kids, but erotic stories. I didn’t quite understand why it aroused me or exactly what made it spark an interest and desire to read more and more of it. I was just a kid, but I knew how wrong it was to have these desires and I was hooked!

By the time I hit high school I was in a different place mentally from a lot of my friends. All I cared about was sex, but not with the girls around me. I had an infatuation for older girls and older woman, especially wives. At my age there was no chance of this pursuit to go anywhere so the desire to share sort of disappeared for a while.

In college I had a girlfriend who was into girls. Every time we went out to a bar or to a party she would put on a little show for me and everyone else else for that matter. It got old really fast and it wasn’t something that was turning me on much after a while.

It wasn’t until my first job. I was still in college. It was my senior year and I needed a little extra spending money. I started working at sears in the loss prevention unit. One of the receptionists in the neighboring office caught my eye and that was it. There was nothing and no one else that mattered to me. My days and nights revolved around this girl. She had everything I wanted. She was my perfect girl. She was about 5’2 with long brown here and a body that had everyone’s attention when she walked by. I called her the blue eyed devil. She just had a way or controlling me when I looked into her eyes.

We dated for six months. It was about this time when I started to notice a little change in her personality. I think she was coming into her own and realized that guys were throwing themselves at her and she liked the attention. I recall a conversation with her one night while we had diner at the Cheesecake Factory. We were talking about our plans for the weekend and she said that she wanted us to stop by her friend Liz’s parent’s house for a bbq that we were invited to. I told her that I didn’t really like Liz’s boyfriend and couldn’t see myself spending a minute around him. What she said next caught me off guard and reignited all the feelings that have slept dormant for many many years in the back of my mind

“Ok then, I’ll go by myself. There will be other guys there for me to talk to.” She said it to test me. To see if I would become jealous. The way she said it and the way she looked at me with those blue eyes just pushed me over the edge. I felt a rush of emotions building up and exploding inside of me.

“I’m not worried about them.”

“We’ll see.” She said it with a deviant smile as she took a bite of her meal. Her eyes never left mine.

Two months later I made the decision to leave my job as I was preparing myself for entrance into a police academy. I ended up calling it off with the blue eyed devil. I never found out if she talked to any of the guys at the bbq. I never had the chance to explore those emotions with her. I ran into her several times over the years that followed, but we never kept in contact with each other.

Fast forward a few years and again, those desires were not present in my current relationship.

I am married to a hot little blonde. She is also very short. Exactly 5’ and she weighs about 115 pounds. She has a nice pair of tits for a girl as small he she is and a perfect little ass. She reminded me of Florence Pugh and to be honest that was what originally attracted me to her.

Her name is Kelly. When we first met, she was quite reserved in the bedroom. She would undress and get in the middle of the bed and pull a blanket over her. I would then slid between her legs and fuck her. It was pretty boring, but she is so sexy that I made it work. She didn’t have self esteem issues so I understood that her mannerisms in bed had to do with the way her parents raised her.

I slowly started adding things into our sexual relationship. Very small things like changing up how we started. As we would undress I would walk up behind her and cup her tits and pinch her nipples while I ran my fingers up and down her pussy before she could slide into bed. I knew she liked what I was doing as her breathing always picked and she would reach around and stroke my cock until I was erect. I would bend her over and have her put her hands on the bed while I stuck a finger or two into her pussy. I would spit on her asshole and massage her anally with my thumb. (I didn’t penetrate her anally with anything else for some time to come). I would keep her bent over and start fucking her from behind until she came. It quickly became her favorite play time activity.

I introduced blindfolds early on. Her reactions were amazing. She had no idea where I was or what I was about to do to her. She always had her blindfold ready and waiting on the bed when it was time to play. I would say little mind fuck statements like,

“You couldn’t even tell it was me in here with that blindfold on, could you?”

“Well, who else would be if it wasn’t you, silly?”I don’t think she meant me to take that statement the way that I did, but it was so hot to hear her say that.

I soon after asked her to pick out her own dildo so we could add another dimension into our play routine. She started researching on Amazon. It can’t be a personalized experience when you buy something so intimate on Amazon so I took her to the local adult store and told her to pick out anything she liked, but she had to go inside by herself. I wanted to remove her from her comforts zone. She agreed and we went to the store. It was about 2pm on a Wednesday so there wouldn’t have been many perverts in there just yet. I didn’t want it scare her out of this experience.

She came back with a dildo on the smaller side, to my disappointment, but it was a start. We played with that dildo almost every night we had sex. I made her name so it became more personal to her. She named it Mr. Smith. I thought it was very impersonal, but as I thought about it more she considered her dildo a stranger and it made my play time all the more enjoyable.

While we were having sex I started talking to her. I decided to do this while I was teasing her with Mr. Smith. I would rub it along her pussy and get her all worked up and then placed the head of the dildo at her entrance making her think I was about to push in deep, but instead I would pull it away and start my routine all over again. It was really intense. Once I did push it in her back would always arch. He legs and feet always shuffled around the bed. She was really into it.

“How does Mr. Smith feel?

“Oh I love him”. Keep pushing harder.” She said with a moan.

Thank you for reading this sample.



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