Lights out, Part 1 [Incest] [M/S] [B/S] [M/D]

Disclaimer: All character’s in this story are fictional, over the age of 18 and acting consensually.
A little bit of background: My name is Michael, I’m 21 and live in a rural part of California with my sister Victoria(18) and my mother Molly(42). My father died right after my sister was born in a freak accident while working in a factory. As a result, my mother was awarded a large sum of money in damages from the lawsuit that followed. Because of this we’ve been able to live comfortably, on a large plot of land about 30-40 minutes from the nearest town.
My mom does consulting for various companies part time, and is now home every day since Covid has moved most office’s to telecommuting. My sister is fresh out of high school and staying home this summer before going away to college in the fall. With the amount of businesses closed and impact the economy has taken, she’s not been able to find work in the meantime and has been stuck at home. I myself am currently between jobs. I went away to a university for a year before dropping out and coming home. It’d worked a few blue collar jobs as a mechanic and electrician, but got laid off during Covid.
This story takes place one hot July afternoon. I was sitting at my computer desperately refreshing a GameStop loading page, trying to purchase a new gaming console before it inevitable sells out seconds after release. Finally, after weeks of attempting I was in the checkout page and almost home free. As I’m entering in my credit card information, my computer screen turns black, and I’m dumbfounded.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I hear Victoria scream from down the hall
“I thought it was just me” Mom yells back
Looking around in my room I see all of the lights are off, and that the power must be out. I step into the hallway and reply
“We’ve probably got too many things plugged in, I’m going outside to go check all the breakers”
Since all of us have been home all summer we’ve been using a ton of power and have tripped a few breakers. I go outside and look at the electrical service panel but find nothing. I check the lines coming into the house and measure no current. Looks like it wasn’t us this time, and is probably blackout.
I head inside and I walk though the door see my sister and my mom in the living room on their phones. They’re both sprawled out on the couch, wearing loose fitting tank tops and underwear. Most guys would be floored at the sight of two beautiful, barely dressed women walking around the house all day, but in our household this it isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Before I’m able to say anything my sister blurts out
“it says online the power’s out all around town. They have no ETA for when it’s coming back on but say it could last at least a couple days”
“Great, it’s only supposed to be 110 all week” I reply
Mom, in a calm and rational voice says “Mike, is there anything we can do in the meantime? Can we get a generator and get everything in the house up and running?”
“We can but it won’t be able to power everything, and especially not the A/C. We’ll be lucky to get the fridge and a couple fans powered if they have any generator left”
Another fun side affect of Covid, even the stores that are open seem to be out of half the things you need. Between people hoarding goods like it’s Armaggeton and the supply chain issues, you never know what’s a scarcity until you need it.
“Well why don’t you drive out to the hardware store and see if they’ve got any left. Take Vicky with you to help load it up, at least you guys can still use the A/C in the car”
Vicky and I look at each other and give each other a “why not” shoulder shrug and head nod.
Mom pipes in and says “It’s settled then, I’ll stay here and cook whatever’s in the fridge. Dinner will be ready when you get back. Now get on the road you two!”
Vicky heads up the stairs to change and I glance over at her backside. She’s got on black underwear that are closer to a thong but not quite a G string. They squeeze in her crack nicely and make her ass look like it’s trying to smother the fabric separating both sides. She’s got a vert fit toned body from playing sports(mostly volleyball) in school. Although she only has about a b cup, they’re extremely firm and fit her frame well. This is because she’s got small waist, and a torso that speaks out at her hips, leaving room for her wide ass and thighs. It’s almost a physical anomaly, and ensured she was chased around by guys all throughout high school. I know she ended up dating some meathead name Jake her senior year but they broke up before summer. We’d never really pried into each other’s dating lives much so I never thought to ask what happened, but guess it just ran it’s natural course.
After she round the corner at the top of the stairs I hear a crashing sound in the kitchen. I look over to see mom on her hands and knees picking up pieces of glass that shattered on the floor. Normally, this wouldn’t be much of a sight but given the fact that she’s in her underwear and bent over at the floor, I’m given quite a view. She’s wearing a pair of plain gray panties. They’re not a thong but they’re also not exactly unrevealing, they cut over her ass diagonally to just cover half of her cheeks. As I’m staring I realize I can see the plumpness of her mound stretching the panties in the center of the crotch. I start getting hard staring at my own mother’s ass bent over on the floor, so decide to go over and help.
This put me in a similar predicament as the one I was in before. While before I had a perfect view of her ass, now as I’m on the floor picking up glass I can see her entire chest through the side and front of her tank top. Compared to my sister, she had an almost identical hourglass figure . The only difference between the two was that my mother had a few pounds on my sister and almost all of that weight went directly to her hips, thighs and tits. Her breasts were probably a D cup and had almost no sag, which is almost unheard of for a women her age.
I eventually make it up off the floor with mom, after getting up all the shards of glass. Just as we’re emptying everything in the trash my sister comes back down the stairs in a short shorts and an oversized T shirt.
As Victoria and I turn to head out the door, my mom gives us each a smack on the butt. This is nothing out of the usual in our house. Growing up we’ve always been a pretty close and affectionate, especially after our family got smaller with dad’s passing.
“Alright already, we’re going!” my sister retorts. She tries her best to seem bothered by it but you can tell from her expression she’s being playful. She’s probably trying to savor as much affection as she can get before she moves away at the end of the summer, and I can’t blame her.
We head out to my little Nissan pickup truck and start heading out the driveway. As we’re about to pull onto the main road Vicky asks,
“Can I put my hand on top of yours? I like to feel you shift gears. It’s pretty cool, not gonna lie”
“Sure, and just know I’m still down to teach you if you’re ever up for the challenge” I reply as I feel her hand go over mine.
We start our way to the store and just start talking. She asks me about the power outage and I start to tell her all the problems they’re having with worker shortages, the demand on the grid, trees getting caught on fire by lines due to lack of maintenance and just kind of ramble. As the conversation ends we both kind of realize that we’ll be lucky if we get power back in a few days. Not only is the situation bad, but considering we’re in a rural area we’ll be a low priority in the grand scheme of things.
When we get to the store they have one last generator left. Apparently someone had tried to but it a few minutes before we got there but couldn’t because they only had a card and the register was offline. The owner was just about to close up for the day when we arrived. Luckily I always have cash on me and was able to get him to hand write me a receipt. We load up the generator and start to head back.
We’re heading back to the house, Vicky’s hand still on mine over the shift knob, as she says says,
“You know for a dumb ass who dropped out of college you seem to be pretty smart sometimes. Good call bringing cash.”
“College might be a good place to learn but experience is still the best teacher lil sis”
“You must be the smartest man in the world, because from what I hear you’ve got a looooot of experience” she shoots back, with a sly smile
I glance at her and immediately get what she’s insinuating. Although we were a few years apart in high school she was a freshman while I was a senior. Our friend groups didn’t overlap but there were a lot of rumors going around about me by the time I left. I used to be quite the lady’s man in high school, and while I got a fair share of classmates I also may or may not have caught a teacher or two in my clutches. While no one could prove anything it didn’t stop people from talking, especially considering how gossipy high school girls are.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I say while trying to maintain a straight face. She gives me a questionable look and I break out laughing.
“So you did hookup with Ms. Patrick!!!” she scoffs, the look on her face is one of pure bewilderment.
“Well, I didn’t hook up with her until after I graduated! We had some sexual tension and flirtation as school, but nothing happened while I was her student. I know it sounds weird but it’s kind of akin to hooking up with an old coworker/classmate. I’m sure you can relate”
Vicky’s face turns red as she looks away from me. I can tell she’s feeling embarrassed so I don’t try to press her. After a few minutes of silence she finally speaks up.
“Okay so I can’t relate, the only person I’ve slept with is Jake and after that experience I have no desire to hookup with anyone”
“Why is that?” I ask
“Well it’s just, the first time was really short, it lasted maybe a couple seconds. And then the second time it was so dry it just hurt. After that I didn’t want to do it anymore and we broke up. I didn’t enjoy either time so I really don’t see the point”
My sister, while always being very intelligent was also naive when it came to some social aspects. She’s very pretty and smart, but has always been a bit introverted. Because of this she’s always been able to “fake it until you make it” when it came to things like friends and dating. Hearing her say this came to no surprise to me as a result.
“Well a lot of girls don’t have a great first time unfortunately. Guys are super inexperienced and there’s just so much going on, it’s overwhelming for everyone. I hear it can take a few times or even a few partners before a girl is comfortable enough to have a good time during sex. ”
“What about you, did you rock the first girl you slept with’s world Mr. Experience?”
“Oh god no, I pulled a Jake. I was so nervous and anxious about the possibility of it happening, that by the time it actually happened it was over. Took me a few tries to get a feel for things”
“Well that’s reassuring. Maybe I’ll hit my stride eventually.” she pauses before adding
“I know this goes without saying, but it you tell anyone about this you know I’ll kill you, right?”
“Yup, same goes for you if you tell a soul about Ms. Patrick.”


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