The rude awakening

Her big round ass next to me. I wake up and it’s the curved outline under the sheets that I notice before my brains even engaged for the day.

She still sleeps and my hand reaches across to touch her hip. Fingers wide as it takes in her shape and runs over the curves of her butt.

Feels so good. Makes me want more and my fingers find the edge of her ass that disappears into her but. Pressing the soft sheets in there and gripping gently. She doesn’t stir so my hand moves under the sheet. Feel her warm flesh and soft skin. Finding that same edge of her ass so m fingers can slide the length of ass feeling how they can let her butt open just a little.

Still she doesn’t stir or move so I get bolder. Pushing her forward so her ass is up higher and her cheeks part more easily. My fingers probing with excitement. I want my girlfriend physically. I hear her sigh. She awake but in that dream like mid state between the sleeping and waking world. I feel her leg slide and her ass open up more. Consciously or not she wants the same thing as me. It doesn’t matter now. She’s getting a rude awakening.


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