The English language student – her view [M/F][noncon]

*His view of the story is here:*


Mi-yong hadn’t realized just how hot and *sticky* summers in Georgia could be. She had thought that summer in *Busan* was hot, but even at its hottest it was nothing next to the heat and humidity that was July in the United States. The only way she could get any relief at all from the unrelenting heat was to spend as much time in her room, stark naked, windows open, the fan her homestay family had given her on full, and pray for rain.
Lately, though, she’d been suffering as she’d had to start drawing the curtains closed against the night, trapping the day’s heat in her room despite the windows still being open. The last couple of days her homestay father had taken to working in his wife’s garden after sundown, and while studying on her bed, out of the corner of her eye she’d noticed him sneaking peeks at her naked body through the window.

Her day in class had been especially exhausting; her second English placement test was tomorrow and she needed to study extra hard tonight. She’d discovered upon arriving in the US that her English reading and writing were all right, but her conversational skills were pretty much nonexistent, as she struggled to communicate even the simplest things with her homestay sponsors. She didn’t have much hope for an advanced placement after tomorrow…whatever happened, she vowed to sign up for a conversation partner to improve her language.

But first, a *cool* shower. She showered, taking a little extra time under the almost cold water, *so* good in the brutal heat. Rinsed off, towelled herself as dry as the humidity allowed then wrapped another one around her hair and donned her housecoat, leaving it hang loose so that the heat and the moisture could escape during the walk back to her room. Left the bathroom…and almost ran right into James who was just coming downstairs.

He stopped cold and stared at her, and she waited to see if he wanted anything or had anything to say to her. Watched his eyes slide down the length of her, down her loose housecoat. Embarrassed, she turned and went into her room. Clearly, she was going to need to start tying it closed, as well. She didn’t want them to think she wasn’t proper, and was a bit embarrassed she didn’t do that before.

She closed her curtains, sat on her bed, and began to towel-dry her hair. Time to study…she’d towel and blow-dry her hair, get a quick snack from upstairs, burrow into her room, strip off her housecoat, turn her fan on *full* at her feet and tonight also a tiny, mini fan she’d picked up today at the Circle K. Point it at her shoulders, and hopefully stay cool enough to concentrate on her studies until it was time to sleep. And if she was lucky, she’d have picked up enough vocabulary she’d *dream* in English.

She was just finishing with her hair when James walked into her room. She stopped what she was doing and waited, noticing the red flush on his face and the way he looked everywhere but at her. *Embarrassed*, she thought, and felt a little flush of shame that she’d made her homestay family uncomfortable. When he offered her the glass of ice water she accepted it; she’d blow her mini fan across the ice and the cold air would feel *extra* nice on her skin.

She had just placed the glass on her dresser when she heard him walk up behind her. She stood still, waiting for him to say something or leave. She did *not*, however, expect his hands on her shoulders, and she was looking for the right words to frame a question when all at once he pulled her housecoat off and onto the floor. *What the–?* she thought, shocked into immobility, and froze even further when he wrapped his arms around her, across her bare chest and cupped her breasts in his hands, rubbing her nipples as he did. *What does he think he’s doing?* she thought. *I don’t–*

Before she could find the words in English, however, she found herself turned around to face him. He dropped to one knee, and took her breast – her actual *breast* – into his mouth, licking at the nipple as his lips closed around it, his breath hot against her skin.

She began to shake, nervously. She wanted to scream, yell, push him away, ask what in the hell he thought he was doing, in English, in Korean if she couldn’t find the right words, she didn’t care. But she couldn’t. She could scream. His wife would come running. She would blame her, accuse Mi-yong of trying to seduce her husband with her open curtains and open housecoat, say that she knew what would happen. The school would side with her homestay, would expel Mi-yong from the program. She’d lose her money, lose her chance at her English certificate for her teaching degree. Just like at home; when affairs happened the men were never blamed.

No, she’d have to handle this as quietly as she could. Pulling her breast out of his mouth, she shook her head at him – *no* – and moved towards her door; she’d ask him to leave. Her door had a lock, she knew, and although she never thought she’d need it starting tonight she’d use it, and tomorrow she’d request a move to the student residence, at their first vacancy.

She didn’t get far. At her first step, he stopped her, wrapping his arms around her back and pulling him back against her, taking her other breast with the first one still wet and sticky from his saliva. She shook her head again – *no* – and found some English: “No. Please. I don’t…I don’t *want*.” Rather than stop him, however, her words seemed to spur him on, urging him to take even more of her breast into his mouth, suck on it more. Then, releasing it, he pushed her back towards her bed, and unbalanced she fell to sit on the edge of it. Before she could recover, he had used his body to twist between her legs, and was forced his way between them. Urgently she tried to push his head away, but he burrowed deeper still, and she felt the touch of his tongue down on her *boji*.

She pushed at him harder, but it was like trying to move a stone. His tongue flicked and ran along her slit, and to her shame, she felt herself get wet; as much as she wanted him gone it *did* feel good. He knew where to touch, where to probe, where to lick, those spots she herself didn’t really understand existed. She felt his tongue travel the length of her *boji*, then he pushed her back slightly in order to put it *inside* of her. She tensed and a small grunt passed her lips at the feel of his tongue in her; she had never until now had anything that wasn’t an *eumgyeong* and even then only a few times. It felt weird and unsettling, like…like an *earthworm* was in her, moving. She pushed at him harder still, rocking his head back and forth, trying to dislodge the tongue that was now more intimate with her than anything before. “No, no, please….please, *out*, out, please,” she pleaded to deaf ears as he tasted her like *ramen* between her thighs. After what felt like eternity, though, he raised his head, his mouth and chin slick with wetness. *Finally*, she thought, *he’s satisfied, now he will go…*

But no. Fully expecting him to leave, she was caught off guard when he pulled his shorts down, exposing himself, his member hard and red. Forcefully he pushed her down on her bed, and he twisted her legs apart roughly, and brought himself up to her *boji*, and at the touch of his *eumgyeong* against her gate *almost* she cried out, school be damned. As he rubbed himself along her slit, she began to shake, hoping that he would change his mind at the last minute. But she felt him push up, up into her, and again a grunt and an involuntary tightening of her body, trying to draw away in the little space she had, clenching as hard as she could down there, trying to deny him entrance. As wet as she was, though, still with every thrust he forced his way in, more and deeper, with each push her body involuntarily arching away, until at last he was fully within her, long and hot and hard.

She closed her eyes and turned her head away. In and out he rocked, and to her further shame she found herself wetter, partly in self-defence, partly at the feeling of *him* in her, knowing how to move, how to pace each motion, the angle running along in just the right places, her body betraying her by outwardly enjoying what was happening to her.
*If this is happening,* she thought, *then hurry him up, finish him and get him out of here.* She relaxed, no longer resisting, moved her legs apart to ease the pressure, letting him use her. She kept her eyes closed, felt her body rock as he moved back and forth. He bent down to lick her breasts, one after another, then up to kiss her on the mouth, forcing his tongue in hers, and for the first time tasted the taste of *herself* on his lips and on his breath. One minute, five minutes, ten…her breath came a little quicker as her body ignored the circumstance and then a couple of hard thrusts that would have pushed her head against the wall if he hadn’t had hold of her hips and pushed *up* and *in* far, as far as he would fit, and she felt him spasm once, twice, then a warm rush inside of her.

He stayed where he was for a minute, panting, holding himself close, his seed inside of her, then pulled out, and she felt sticky wetness run out of her and onto her bedspread. Enough wetness, she hoped. Please, enough. He wiped his member on her skin, rubbed his thumb along her belly, then left her alone in her room, to clean up the mess and wonder just what she was going to do now.
