Spying on my teacher (m/f,spying,voyeur)

She was the prettiest bitch in high school, and wasn’t even a student. Said a lot about how ugly the girls in my year were.

She was always draped in layers upon layers of clothing, and it’s not like she was cold or anything. She was just modest to a fault and that bothered me. I had an issue with authorities and that extended to who they were as people.

Now my teacher was stern but authoritative, organized but easy going, strict but understanding. She was a good teacher, and moreover she knew what she was doing. At the time i couldnt stand her.

I knew that i needed to gain her trust in order to scheme, so i started to do favours for her, i put myself in a position where she appreciated my help and got used to it. Long story short, It worked. I started off by helping her erase the board and helping her with the papers, while engaging in small talk. I knew my friends would think I’m a major teacher’s pet, so i started to cut each of them in on it too, and very subtly my friends started to back me up and i was winning both ways. I didnt know where this was going at the time, but i liked where it was headed.

She was single and struggled with loneliness in her life. She would open up to me and i felt really powerful knowing that i knew just enough about her to take advantage of her. I was looking for a way in, and i got my way in after a few weeks.

A few weeks after getting to know her she asked me to help her out with her laptop, and i knew this was a great opportunity. I was good with computers and i knew my way around them. I helped her fix some of her issues but i made sure to help in such a way that she would keep coming back to me. And it worked. Eventually i convinced her to let me take the laptop home for a day so I can fix some of the issues with it, and she, trusting me, let me do so.

I knew about ways I could run spyware and other systems in her laptop, and i had spent days prior to that practicing on my own pc, perfecting my approach to doing so. I wanted this to be flawless. I did everything as i had to and it worked perfectly. I considered and tweaked every possible flaw and made sure to fix a handful of things and update a few apps here and there to make it seem like i did something, and i cleared her cache and ram using CCleaner and tweaked her windows to make it run faster. She was so thankful for helping her, but little did she know. I sleuthed through her laptop and gathered all the information i could on her, from her files to her passwords to her account details, password, i had it all. It was just a matter of time.

I installed an application that monitored your webcam so that I could view her, i set it up to hear audio too, and it was amazing. I heard her moan with joy, and i saw her dirty, unwashed, unkempt cooch more times than i cared to admit.

I even got close to her enough for her to give me her house keys while she vacationed in florida. I saved my excess pocket money to buy small hidden cameras that i placed all over her house. I connected them all to a raspberry pi device that I used to record and save videos of her for 3-4 days. I made sure to do it in such a way that it wouldn’t be apparent in the infrastructure of the house and it’s working. I even set up a camera in her shower to spy on her while she showered. I wanted to see it all.

By the time she got back she didn’t even have a clue i was watching her. She was such a lazy slob, this teacher. she didn’t even shower if she didn’t have to. She was lazy and her house was a filthy mess if she didn’t have anyone coming over, and she masturbated a LOT. She was very sexually deprived and was very very horny, even for a woman in her 30’s.

Her vagina was loose. How do I even begin to describe it. It looked like it smelled real bad, and there were bits of white stuff all over it, and the hairs looked crusty and unwashed. She really let go of herself, that is if she even held on to herself to begin with.

Her breasts were saggy and loose. She had freckles all over them, and her nipples where huge, and her breasts looked like saggy eyeballs. She wasn’t very appealing, but i liked the idea of having the control over her that I did. I liked the idea of possibly drugging and raping her. I liked the idea of possibly getting her to fall for me with my love and support. I wanted her because it would then remind me of how capable and smart i was.

I would watch her masturbate her crusty vagina every single day and i started to watch as she became even more horny and pent up with rage as the months went on. She and i would meet up a lot outside of school and she would tell me many things, and i would listen and pretend to care. I would ask her questions, and then follow up with more questions, while adding my own opinion every once in a while.

I made her get close to me. I wanted her. I started to help her out during the weekends and walking past the spots with the cameras made me feel oddly powerful, and i enjoyed it. I made sure to take off my shirt while mowing her lawn, i made sure to leave my extra clothes with her, and i even got to sleep on her bed after she convinced me to let me do so. We were close friends, and we continued that way even after high school. My college was close by and i could visit her whenever. We were very close, but at the same time I knew every single thing about her and while she saw me as a son, i saw her as my unwitting slave.

This continued for ten years, and she at one point even got comfortable just walking around in her robe as she usually does in the house and often when watching movies she would fall asleep and her legs would stretch right apart, revealing her privates which looked even more disgusting in person. Pathetic. I enjoyed watching her get vulnerable, because it made me feel far more superior by comparison.

At one point i even walked in on her masturbating and she looked me dead in the eyes while engaging in conversation with me and masturbating. I tried to refrain myself but i think she really got off to me getting hard watching her. It felt like meeting a TV celebrity in real life. She looked so different in real life. Her body was plumper, and the smell was even worse than i envisioned it to be.

Following this she had no issues just walking in on me showering and just helping me out with stuff like i even needed it, it was very awkward but i knew her pathetic soul needed it. I would also walk in on her showering, just to piss into the shower, and she didn’t mind it at all. It started after the toilet got clogged and i had to relieve myself in the shower. She didn’t want me pissing in the sink.

I eventually started to piss on her as well, and she really seemed to enjoy it. It never explicitly became sexual, our relationship, but i know for a fact that she held those feelings for me.

I thought I had something going for me, until she walked in on me and caught me with the laptop open. I had the camera app on and i was watching her shower. She saw the app and was mortified. She went through my files and even discovered many of the videos i had saved of her.

She realized what was going on pretty quickly, and kicked me out of the house. A lot of things ensued, and i had to pay for a lot of people who came into her house to remove the cameras and what not.

She threatened to file a restraining order against me if she caught me near her property again, and our relationship has been really cold ever since.

I still have access to her laptop, and i still masturbate to her masturbating to porn, and every single time i do i stare right into her eyes, knowing full well that she has no idea I’m watching every little movement of hers. I still have her passwords, and i still have most of her details. I’ve been subtly ruining her life online, through various services and tools, and i want to make sure she suffers for what she did to me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/sfswb0/spying_on_my_teacher_mfspyingvoyeur