New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 164-166) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 164: Is It Wrong to Stick It in Crazy?

“T-thanks,” Beatrice said with a sigh after Ember closed the door behind them. The door did not completely block out the moans coming from the room, however, as Rafaelia seemed to have taken Ember’s task as a challenge.

“Sure, it looked like you wanted a quick break,” Ember said and gestured Beatrice forward. “It would be a bad idea to get on Y’Shtara’s bad side while we stay here, so we most definitely need to check how much of that horny fox’s noise gets through the floors and walls here, knowing how wild you get when you let loose.”

Beatrice blushed, and said, “I can still hear the noise coming from all the racket down below.”

“That will help, yes,” Ember agreed, hearing the laughter and yelling from the drunks on the first floor. “And the guys that are will be staying on the third floor are currently getting wasted down in the common room, so they won’t be an issue in the near future.”

“But that girl… Her parents did a number on her,” Beatrice said as they walked toward the stairs. “Has everyone lost their minds here?”

“No,” Ember said flatly. “But this place is far from ideal for growing up. And it will get worse if things don’t improve soon.”

“What can we even do with her?” Beatrice thought out loud. “She’s too unpredictable to keep around. Too dangerous to leave. After all, she did manage to kill three men and escape. And who knows what she’d do if she viewed us as ‘traitors’!”

“Oh?” Ember seemed surprised. “If that’s how you see her, then the course of action is obvious. Killing her here would be a bad idea, but disposing of her during the fights would be a simple task. Though I am surprised about your attitude toward the girl.”

“What do you mean?” Beatrice asked Ember as they went down the stairs to the second floor. “She conspired to kill her parents, abusive as they were if we are to even trust a word she says. But then she *pretended* to be in grief about it, and now described it all as if it did not even concern her!”

“And you still seemed to barely keep yourself from jumping her,” Ember pointed out with a smile while they went to the second last room in the hall.

“T-that’s… Because… When I see a hot… The way she acted…” Beatrice tried to rationalize her reactions to herself more than to Ember. “I’ve also never thought that… Cat girls… Fox girls! Those were supposed to be just some sick fantasies of sad otakus, not a real-life sexy… Bah!”

“O-otak… What?” Ember clearly didn’t understand.

“Nevermind,” Beatrice cut off that line of thought and cleared her throat. “A-anyway, it was simply a momentary lapse of judgment! I’m not that desperate to screw anything that moves!”

“You’re not?” Ember seemed surprised.


“But in order to regain your full powers, I thought it was best to waste no opportunity that presented itself? You are getting stronger by the hour, that much I can see. Why would you care by what means you attain your powers when the entire world is at stake?”

*Good point,* Beatrice thought, but then shook her head and said, “In a city like this, it is stupidly easy for me to have sex as much as I want without the need to entangle myself with unpredictable, unstable crazies that show no emotions about killing their parents and might change their allegiance at a moment’s notice!”

“Strange,” Ember said as she put her hand on the handle of a door. “You didn’t seem to mind double-teaming Tabitha in every hole until she passed out and turning her into your personal fuck-toy despite all the self-destructive tendencies that one has. Not to mention that she entered her “relationship” with you by killing her previous fuck-buddy without batting an eye and betraying her one remaining teammate.”

“That…” Beatrice didn’t have an answer to that one. “I… I was exceptionally… Aroused! So soon after the summoning, I wasn’t thinking straight and—”

“Why are you making excuses?” Ember asked, turned the handle, and pushed the door open to a ready but vacant room, nearly identical to the one they left Rafaelia in.

*Huh? Wait, why am I?* Beatrice wondered while Ember entered the room, realizing how weak-minded that sounded. *What exactly is wrong with fucking a sexy fox girl if she’s literally asking for it? She wanted it, I wanted it. Who was I trying to impress?*

Beatrice went into the room where Ember was looking at the corner between the wall and the ceiling, listening to the faint but recognizable sounds of a girl in heat.

“I’m here to protect you and help your powers grow,” Ember said. “And I’d gladly dispose of both Olivia and Tabitha, and this latest slut too, but not because there’s anything wrong with you using them to further your goals or just have some fun with them. I just see no reason to keep around useless or untrustworthy baggage. At least, I thought Olivia wasn’t trustworthy, but it turned out that she’s simply useless.”

*That’s right, in the first place I came here to have fun!* Beatrice reminded herself. *Life here is horrible for nearly everyone, no wonder so many of them end up messed up! If I want to help them that much and as soon as possible, I should use every opportunity to get stronger!*

*What was I even thinking?* Beatrice felt like slapping herself for subjecting herself to some ludicrous societal values from her past life of a “morally righteous individual”, that only amounted to pretending to be someone that no one wanted her to be, including Beatrice herself.

*Give that slut exactly what she wants, get stronger, and then take care of those cannibalistic sub-human walking garbage! Everybody wins! So what if she killed her parents? Why should she feel remorse if they were abusive, drunkard murderers that led to her turning out the way she did in the first place?*

Beatrice walked up to Ember, gave her a kiss on the lips and said, “Thank you!”

“H-huh? For what?” Ember asked with a smile.

“For pointing out how silly I was,” Beatrice said in graditude.

“S-sure,” Ember said, blushing slightly.

Surprised by at the unusual response from her bodyguard, Beatrice started to wonder how often Ember actually heard the words “thank you” toward her in a genuine way or received any form of kindness in this harsh world.

“Sometimes you worry too much,” Ember said, looking away for a moment. “Besides, as far as the High Priest Lucarad or even the king himself are concerned, if it meant you saving this world while making them more powerful by proxy, they wouldn’t give the slightest fuck about who you had to fuck, kill, or both. That man even offered you his daughter for a laugh, after all.”

“I’m not as morally bankrupt as that crazy, drug-addled, perverted madman,” Beatrice said. *Not that bankrupt.*

“B-bank-rupt?” Ember asked, not understanding the word.

“Nevermind,” Beatrice said and shook her head. “But stop calling Olivia and Tabitha ‘useless’.”

“Speaking of useless, why not hold a contest between the three useless sluts?” Ember suggested. “A match to the death! The strongest one gets to stay with us and might even be of some remote use in the fight against Belmot. You don’t really need all three to fuck, anyway!”

“Absolutely not!” Beatrice refused, but it wasn’t just her voice that echoed through the room. The succubus turned around and saw Olivia and Tabitha, standing in the doorway behind her.

## 165: Is That a Challlenge?

“Absolutely not!” Beatrice and Olivia shouted in unison their refusal to hold a three-way deathmatch. Olivia had refused just as strongly and loudly as Beatrice. On the other hand—perhaps not surprisingly—Tabitha did not voice her refusal toward Ember’s proposition.

“Took you long enough,” Ember said, unimpressed with the speed with which Olivia snuck Tabitha into the inn.

“Fighting for the right to be Beatrice’s personal fuck toy…” Tabitha murmured as she fidgeted in place. “My holes would be the only ones to satisfy her needs? Ahn~ To be the only one to take a goddess’s cock into my mouth then ass, then mouth again while she slowly strangles me with her tail… Hn~”

Olivia looked at Tabitha with a grimace of utter revulsion and took several steps away from the mage who already had her hand between her legs as she daydreamed her debauched version of a honeymoon with Beatrice.

“Oh, but what if I get mortally wounded in that fight?” Tabitha suddenly realized and looked at Beatrice with desperate anticipation. “Would you grant me one final fuck, one final, deep, and powerful orgasm before I pass?”

“We will *not* be holding any deathmatches amongst ourselves!” Beatrice spelled it out, as it looked like she somehow wasn’t clear enough the first time she objected.

“Aw,” Tabitha made a face in disappointment.

“Alright, if the rooms are surprisingly decently sound-proofed,” Beatrice said, eager to change the subject from deathmatches. “And if this is all that we can hear in this room, we’ll be fine. Let’s go back to our room.”

“Sound?” Tabitha asked and looked around. The green-haired mage then concentrated her hearing and after a couple of seconds asked, “Wait! What’s going on? What did I miss? Did Beatrice have sex without me and now that beastkin girl is fingering herself as she reminisces the glory that is Beatrice’s dominant cock?”

“Not quite,” Ember said with a smile and the group went out of the room and followed Beatrice back to the third floor. Though, Olivia clearly did not forget Ember’s suggestion that easily.

“How did you know we’d be down there?” Beatrice asked Olivia when they were on the third floor.

“The door was open, and I saw you through the window as we scaled the wall on the backside of the building,” Olivia explained and then glared at Ember. “More importantly, that little—”

“Don’t even start,” Ember rolled her eyes. “You’re outclassed in every regard. Combat prowess, intelligence, basic common sense… The only reason you’re kept around is that Beatrice enjoys playing with you and watching you agonize as you realize that you’re just another simple sex addict, no better than the lowest of whores that you so desperately try to elevate yourself above of.”

Olivia clenched her fists and grit her teeth so hard, Beatrice feared they would crack.

“Jealous?” Olivia snarled, her face red in fury.

Ember suddenly stopped, turned back to Olivia, and asked with a laugh, “Pardon?”

“You heard me!” Olivia said. “If we’re kept here just for the sex, as you say, then that means that you’re simply horrible at it and no fun for Beatrice!”

“W-what?” Ember’s poker face cracked.

“By your own logic, why else keep such “useless sluts” around unless you’re a frigid bitch that can’t satisfy Beatrice?” Olivia asked with a growing smile, ecstatic to have finally found a chink in Ember’s armor. “I’ve never seen Beatrice even so much as kiss you! Of course! Why would she? When she knows she can have a much better time with me and Tabitha!”

*You were passed out before and absent now*, Beatrice thought but did not say out loud. Beatrice found it amusing that in desperation to strike back at Ember, Olivia ended up glorifying her sexual experiences that she so was so ashamed of before.

“This is ludicrous,” Ember blew off Olivia’s accusations without even looking at her and walked to the room where Rafaelia was masturbating.

“Ha! Face it! That’s why you constantly harass us!” Olivia pressed. “So many times you wanted to get rid of your competition!”

“She even wanted to kill us while we were wounded!” Tabitha added.

“WHAT!?” Olivia shouted. She then turned to Beatrice and asked, “Is that true?”

“Oh please,” Ember stopped right before entering the room where Rafaelia was, having heard enough of this nonsense. “You finally got your dusty pussy pounded for a couple of times and suddenly you’re some sex expert? You wouldn’t last five minutes in Lucarad’s cult.”

“Beatrice! Give me a cock again!” Olivia demanded as she glared at Ember. “I’ll screw her brains out to the point that she begs me for more!”

Ember shook her head and said, “You’ll cum in a minute and that’ll be the end of it. Another failure to add to an ever-growing list of disappointments that sum up your pathetic existence.”

“Beatrice!” Olivia waited for the succubus’s help.

“Do it,” Ember encouraged Beatrice. “I’ll enjoy making her shoot her load right in her own face after she begs me to make her cum.”

## 166: Eager and Enhanced (18+)

“Sure, but obviously not here,” Beatrice reminded that they were still not even in their room and gestured all of her companions inside.

Beatrice hesitated to use her [Dick Growing] Skill on Olivia. As fun as the potential “fuck-match” between her and Ember promised to be, Beatrice knew all too well how it would end. Her temporary dick could only last three minutes at most, regardless of what Olivia or Ember did. And that meant that one way or the other the whole “contest” could only last 3 minutes at most.

Beatrice was also well aware that the time Ember spent with High Priest Lucarad’s sex cult had forged Ember and all the other priests and priestesses into hardened sex veterans. After all, Beatrice saw first-hand that Ember was used to much more than a quickie with a single eager cock owner.

Just the one example of how Beatrice and Ember had their way with Tabitha was enough for the succubus to be convinced that the freshly hatched pervert in the making had no chance against the experienced and hardened sex priestess, even if she was a temporary one. There was no way Ember wouldn’t be able to make Olivia cum in those 3 minutes, long before Olivia could even dream of achieving her goal. Which meant that, as it stood, Olivia was guaranteed to suffer a catastrophic loss.

“Ahn~! Finally!” Rafaelia exclaimed the moment she saw Beatrice walk inside.

The fox girl jumped from the soaked sheets, buck naked, and rushed to Beatrice with needy excitement, “I couldn’t stop fantasizing about your cock and tail stretching my—”

“Woah there!” Beatrice caught Rafaelia with her hands and tail. However, thanks to Ember’s much-needed pep talk, Beatrice had no intention of holding back from screwing a fresh, tight pussy when offered for a second time.

“What did I miss!?” Tabitha demanded to know, now even more frustrated than how she was on the floor below, while Olivia simply closed the door behind them, focusing all her attention on Ember.

Using her tail, Beatrice got Rafaelia’s hands behind her back and bound her wrists together by wrapping her sleek, black tail around them, leaving the fox girl’s slim, C-cup figure vulnerable and completely exposed for Beatrice’s viewing pleasure. Rafaelia even arched her back on purpose, curving her figure and making her youthful flat stomach even more enticing as the succubus imagined thrusting her cock into Rafaelia’s wet pussy, pounding and stretching as deep into the girl’s abdomen as she could.

“Stay just like that a moment and you’ll get what you want,” Beatrice said to the fox girl with a smile and stuck two fingers into the fox girl’s pussy. The succubus’s fingers slid in effortlessly into the hot, drenched cunt of the girl that spent all her time here masturbating, just like instructed.

“Good,” Beatrice said. The succubus withdrew her fingers from Rafaelia’s cunt and brought them to the restrained fox girl’s lips for cleaning. Horny and thirsty, Rafaelia swallowed up the two sticky fingers, sucking and licking every last drop of her own juices.

Beatrice’s cock came alive again, and the succubus knew that this time there would be no holding back until she fucked this horny eighteen-year-old into every hole and filled them all with cum to overflowing.

But the succubus had something she needed to do first. Already horny and excited for a new round of screwing, Beatrice decided to help Olivia. And the one Skill Point Beatrice got during her alley “fun time” was just enough to make things “interesting”.

“Come here,” Beatrice told Olivia, who was just a few steps away.

In her mind’s eye, Beatrice brought up her skill enhancement tab and used her one remaining Skill Point to enhance the one Skill she had her eye on since before she even met Olivia. With a near-instant confirmation, Beatrice enhanced her [Dick Growing] Skill to [Dick Growing (+1)].

“Have fun,” Beatrice whispered in Olivia’s ear and gently bit her earlobe, making direct skin contact and casting [Dick Growing (+1)] on the ninja girl.

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

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