[MF] Holding the Moan (or not) on vacay

In my very early twenties a bunch of us took a road trip to the beach, I was one of seven girls with five guys, all piled into hotel rooms and just sleeping wherever. Mostly it was all casual relationships, although I had been dating (and sleeping with) one of the guys, Barry. So it was a given, pretty much, that Barry and I were a couple, even though we had only slept together four or five times by the time we took this trip. Twelve of us then piled into three rooms and five beds, four doubles and a king, plus other people we met would come and hang out … we were all strapped for cash and we just made do, when the maid complained to the desk clerk we took up a collection to bribe them both so they wouldn’t turn us in to the hotel management LOL.

The first night was after the long drive, we were all exhausted. Barry and I slept on the floor, letting others take the beds, and we did play around a little with our hands but that was it — anything more would’ve made noise and maybe been obvious.

Barry’s best friend was a tall, nice looking and fun guy named Jeff — frankly, half the fun of going out with Barry was hanging out with Jeff. The second night, we were all drinking and having fun at the bars, and here’s the story:

Jeff, Barry, and I went back to the room first, it was maybe 1 AM. Barry was wasted. He’d been trying to out-drink everybody doing shots, so he passed out on the king bed. I wanted to make sure I got into a bed, so I brushed my teeth, got undressed in the bathroom, and when I came out, all the lights on, there’s Barry unconscious on one side of the bed, Jeff kind of curled up on the other side, under covers and facing away. Still tipsy, I bounced out of the bathroom wearing panties and a cotton tank, no bra, not a care in the world. As I approached the bed, Jeff turned over, gave me a big smile and a wink … I have to say, that smile seemed a little devilish, but I didn’t think much of it because he was always a little flirtatious, and so I smiled and winked back, as I turned off one of the two lamps on either side of the bed. Barry was out cold with no room on the edge, so I had little choice but to crawl in between them from the end of the bed, hands and knees and I’m pretty sure Jeff got a nice view of my boobs down my tank, and he didn’t look away. I’m sure I blushed.

Jeff says, aren’t you going to turn off this light too? And the light is right next to him, but I just figure he’s being lazy and flirty so I crawled over him to get to the lamp switch. As I do that, he rolls over onto his back, and now my breasts are plainly suspended inside the loose tank top, very much in his face, and we get kind of tangled up with each other … purely accidental on his part, I was sure. Yeah, right LOL. We laugh and I get under the covers too.

So now I’m between them, completely dark, Jeff and I are under the covers, with Barry still dressed, passed out, laying on top of the covers. I feel Jeff turn onto his side so that he’s facing me now. My heart starts racing, not sure why except I just became conscious of him there behind me, and I wonder if he can feel my heart pounding too. I moved around a little, and he moved a little, and I kind of shifted back toward him, like some kind of silent dance. I wasn’t sure at first if he was even still awake, but then he moved himself against me, playing spoons. I nestled against him, pushing my bottom into him, and discovered a hardness there, that he pushed against me, I pushed back with my butt. Slowly he moved his hand to my hip, slid his hand around my waist, and upward, gently, perfectly, I didn’t flinch, and eventually he slipped his fingers beneath my tank at my pantyline, moved along my stomach until he found my nipple with his fingertips.

His breath was warm on the back of my neck, his lips coming insanely close to my skin but touching only the tiny white hair there, making me shiver with goose bumps and stiffening my nipples, which he enjoyed gently between his finger and thumb. I felt myself moisten, shifted my legs a bit as his hands explored my breasts and my tummy, and he responded moving his warm leg between my knees, touched my toes with his, parting my legs with his thigh and bringing the soft hair of his leg against the smoothly shaved skin of mine.

I nestled myself against him, trying to control my breathing but feeling like my heart was going to explode. I loved the feel of his body against mine, from head to toe, a perfect fit.

There was also an excitement to the secrecy, I didn’t want to wake Barry with our movement, didn’t want to get caught I guess, but at the same time I nearly didn’t care. Jeff moved his hands down my tummy, underneath my panties. As he touched my wet clitoris with his fingertip, my whole self shuddered, moaned audibly. This amused him apparently, he snickered breathlessly and shushed me, whispering so close to my ear it was silent except for me, “You’re so wet!”

It was the most aroused I’d ever been up to that moment, and I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever been that horny again; it seemed like there was an almost crackling sexual electricity between us. As he continued massaging my clitoris for several moments, I felt an orgasm building suddenly, and I involuntarily reached down, placing my hand over his to finish myself off, I’d never come that fast before. My entire body tensed, and quivered and I felt like I was shaking the whole room, I had to fight my lungs to keep from crying out, maybe I did cry out but then after my mind came back to earth, there was silence. Jeff moved his wet fingertips to moisten my hard nipple with my own wetness, and then to his own mouth, tasting me, with a quiet “mmmm” I could hear and feel.

I’m sure he knew I had orgasmed, and maybe he thought I was done, but I could still feel his substantial erection against my ass. I reached down behind me, finding a waistband of whatever he was wearing, briefs or boxers or sweats I don’t know, and found there a nice handful of hard dick, nice and thick and long in my small hand.

He took the cue and went straight to my panties. I reached down, bending my hips and helping him pull them down my thighs. I lifted one foot out and left them wrapped around my other thigh. Jeff’s long cock was grinding against my lower back, I reached to him and lifted a thigh, finding his dick with my hand and pulling the head to my wet labial lips. I felt his breath on my ear as his cockhead opened me, I wanted him badly but he took a moment to spread my wetness across the head of his dick and then slipped inside me a few inches. Oh god, my breath was betraying me, my nerves screamed as he opened me, the heat and hardness of him pushing into me, delicious.

Suddenly we heard voices, and the sound of a key turned in the lock. Jeff pulled me tight against his body but remained inside me. The light came on and we heard our drunken friends enter the room. We froze, pretending to be asleep, but one of the girls came over and shook me, saying my name, I tried to feign sleep but eventually opened my eyes, she wanted to ask me where a bottle of liquor was; as I tried to describe its location in the other room, Jeff shifted his weight which caused him to pushed his cock entirely inside. My eyes closed involuntarily, I felt him throb himself inside me; I lost my train of thought and stammered, barely able to finish the sentence. Thankfully my girlfriend and the others flipped off the light and went to the other room.

We stayed quiet, as still as we could with me full of Jeff’s dick, not sliding inside me but holding inside with a firm pressure, playing at being still but still fucking. Soon we heard Barry’s soft snoring, and then Jeff was back at it, fucking me more fervently from behind, impossibly deeper with each thrust. I adjusted my hips to angle on him and squeezed myself onto his cock. It was impossible to stay still enough, to be quiet enough, our attempts to stifle ourselves only added to the excitement. He thrust into me hard, deep, and then reached down to my clitoris with his fingers. I exploded inside my head, for the second time, inside my body, I turned my head into the pillow to keep from screaming out, discovering his talent for bringing me to mulitple orgasms, I don’t even know how many times I came but I reached my hand back to his hips pulling him into me, and soon his body tenseed in a deep thrust, his cock throbbed and I knew that he was ejaculating, and then breathless, he held me wrapped in his arms, our legs entangled. I felt his wetness leaking out of me as his cock softened. I felt so wonderfully fucked I didn’t care about the wet spot, didn’t have a care in the world.

I looked over at Barry in the darkness, enough light coming in through the hotel window to see that he seemed to be entirely dead to the world, his breathing deep and ragged. I turned over to face Jeff, he kissed me, our tongues began to play together and in moments he was hard again. He rolled me onto my back and fucked me again face to face, this time loud and uncaring as to whether or not poor Barry woke up, and to this day I can’t understand how we didn’t wake him up, we fucked so furiously and finished together again.

Jeff and I were both wide awake now, we decided to get out of bed and join the party next door. I put on a denim mini-skirt but didn’t put on panties because I was so wet, I just caught what I could with toilet paper and then walked into the next room. The other girls had obviously figured out what was going on, but I didn’t care, I was feeling wonderfully slutty and liking that Jeff’s cum might run down my thigh at any moment.

I’m not sure if the story of our fucking beside him ever got back to Barry, or if he ever figured out how and when it happened, but ultimately he was okay with Jeff and me getting together. We all remained friends, and Jeff and I had about three happy years before we wound up going our separate ways, we didn’t expect the same things from life but my god, the sex was incredible.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/sfb97w/mf_holding_the_moan_or_not_on_vacay