A Very Successful New Year’s Resolution – Or How I Kept an Unlikely Streak Alive [MF]

I was excited to see the January contest, as a New Year’s resolution is the entire raison d’etre of this reddit account. After a 2020 divorce and quarantine, I decided my post-divorce dating live needed to hit the ground running into 2021.

When I decided to re-enter dating, several of my friends who were either divorced or perpetually single con convinced me to go all in on apps, and so I joined a few of them, from traditional dating apps, to the hookup apps, and even put a profile in on Seeking. Plunging in with both feet, I found myself finding a good amount of potential romantic relationships in no time, and now just had to figure out how to turn some swipes and matches into dates. Once I overcame that hurdle, I decided that my best approach was volume, and tried to arrange as many dates as I could, and early on, had a pretty consistent rhythm of 5-10 dates from dating apps a week.

I didn’t limit myself just to dating apps though, and used the increasingly loosened covid restrictions to my benefit, hitting the gym or yoga and pilates classes frequently, going to restaurants and then, eventually, happy hours and traveling. What I found was a pent-up demand for physical contact and intimacy. A lot of the hookups were the result of meeting someone who was just venturing back into the world and was perhaps missing that human connection.

It was the night of January 3rd when I decided to adjust my quite general New Year’s resolution of meeting as many women as I could. I thought about my NYE hookup with Jessica, the 30 year-old dental assistant (it was after midnight, so technically was January 1st), the hookup with Kiara, the 20 year-old waitress mid-day on the 1st, Hannah, the just-turned-18 waitress with whom I had a lunch date on the 2nd, and Kimberly, the 37 year old preschool teacher I saw again at the gym on the 3rd.

I now had a streak going of every day of 2021 thus far, I had had some form of hookup. Now, 3 days in a row is barely a streak. It was, however, proof that the resolution I had made was working, and now I was committed to it. Thus, I set off on a concerted effort to make as many connections as I could and see where this thing would go. One thing I did do differently after Kimberly was to set up a spreadsheet to track who I had met, where I met, them, etc. I had always been a science geek growing up, and I figured there could be some interesting trends in the data. So, every night, or every next morning, depending, I took down as much information as I could gather about the women with whom I was hooking up.

The end result was a spreadsheet that I don’t know whether to be proud of, detailing every interaction that could be considered to have sexual contact for all 365 days of 2021. When it is all said and done, it resulted in me hooking up in some form or fashion with 152 individual women over the course of the year, producing 632 orgasms. I couldn’t possibly write out each hookup here, but sometimes, it is better to let pictures do the talking. Let’s start with a [nice, PG-13 chart](https://imgur.com/gc50PTx) of where I met these hookups. I liked this format of the chart, as you can see the evolution of where I was meeting them. This encompasses 151 of the 152 total, just given the gap in months before that last new hookup. Here’s another cut at this though, [showing all 152 by how we met](https://imgur.com/EZDy14d).

When I did an AMA a few months ago, I of course got questions about the women themselves. How old were they, what race, height, weight, etc. Here’s a similar cut at demographics on those, starting with age.


I’m sort of at a sweet spot in terms of age, at 37, so that a lot of age brackets are available to me, and I definitely took advantage of that fact in exploring as many of those age brackets as I could. I was surprised at some of the differences in how women of different ages approached sex. Just under 40% of the women I hooked up with this year were in their 30s, which is fitting, given I’m in that age bracket myself (albeit at the upper end of that bracket). A little over 30% were in their 20s, 12% were 18 or 19 years old, 13% were in their 40s, and then 5% were 50+.

[Interestingly, it was the 50+ set that you could argue were the most adventurous](https://imgur.com/XLbpGYF). Most likely (as a group) to have traditional PIV sex, tied for most likely to give head (with the 18/19 year olds), most likely to take it up the ass (by a good margin), and tied for most likely to go bareback for penetration. Now, this could be the case of a small sample size, but nonetheless, it was an interesting statistic.

One thing to note on all of these, is that this is largely a function interactions on a first date or less, and in some cases a second or third date. My most consistent partner during 2021, who is now my girlfriend, would have been a ‘No’ to taking it up the ass or bareback for penetration had the stats stopped after the first, second, or third date (if you can call them dates…). So while the 18-29 set seems low on taking it up the ass, I could maybe attribute it somewhat to attitudes towards doing so in what is clearly a casual hookup (despite what pics on Reddit would say about girls doing anal on the first date).


When it comes to race and ethnicity, the lion’s share of my hookups was with white women. Not that any race is a homogenous group, but further subdivisions would largely lose relevance. In terms of the [actual hookup experiences](https://imgur.com/Ic4aagW), and differences within them, the baker’s dozen of Hispanic/Latina women were the wildest by far. 100% of them giving head, 100% of them having PIV intercourse, 15% of them doing anal (compared to only 11% of the white women, and none of the blacks or Asians), and nearly 80% going bareback for penetration, almost double the whites and Asians.

**Height & Weight**

Before we delve into some of the socio-economic characteristics, I thought I would share [two more charts on physical attributes](https://imgur.com/rUap9cE). In terms of height and weight, we generally follow the bell curve of height. Given I have pretty good height myself, I was able to avail myself of the taller women on that bell curve. As for weight, I tended towards average and athletic women. There were a handful (a couple handfuls, really, not intending that to be a pun) of slightly chubby, chubby/thicc, and even fat women, and then some that would be characterized as slim (but not athletic per se) and skinny women.

[**Relationship Status**](https://imgur.com/LjpFRue)

This will be a somewhat controversial analysis. I know not everyone here is a fan of cheating, and my ex-wife and I were fortunate on the one hand, that infidelity was not an element of our relationship (that is, until we had a post-party hookup this past summer while she was in a serious relationship with her now fiancé, but I digress…). The truth is that the past couple years have been tough on a lot of couples, and sometimes someone is missing something. Also, shitty people exist, and perhaps I was one of them for engaging with women who had boyfriends, fiancés, or husbands. At this point, I guess it is what it is.

The vast majority of my hookups, though, were single (55%) or divorced (23%). Couple those with the one individual that was married and in an open relationship, and those that were separated and already on their way to a divorce, and 85% of the people I hooked up with were not in relationships.

As for the [differences in what happened in my hookups from group to group](https://imgur.com/UvImmnx), I think the data would show that the separated women were the most active. 100% of them giving head and having intercourse. Interestingly, none of that group took it up the ass. They were, however, the second most likely to have unprotected penetrative sex (which wouldn’t obviously include unprotected anal, just vaginal penetrative sex in this case). It was interesting I thought that the most likely to engaged in anal sex were those that were cheating (the group of married, engaged, or dating), with 17% of that group engaging in anal sex, more than double the likelihood of the singles. Again, smaller numbers, maybe they were outliers, or maybe the fact they were already cheating meant that they were more adventurous in the bedroom.

I still vividly remember my first hookup with a married woman, Jennifer, on January 6th. I got coffee and was sitting on the patio of the shop on a relatively brisk morning. A good looking, tall (probably 5’9” or 5’10”) woman wearing yoga pants, Uggs, a sweater, and a beanie came out to find all the tables taken. I offered her a seat, and we struck up conversation. 31 years old, married with two toddlers, she was a recruiter, and was having post-holidays blues with her husband pushing all of the child duties to her.

She needed to get some time to herself and was going to go into her empty office to work for a bit, but then said that just spending time with an adult and talking was exactly what she needed. I asked if she wanted to continue the conversation by a fire pit, and she accepted and we headed to the house I was renting. Within an hour of us having another coffee at my place, she was naked with me in my room, having had the first of a couple orgasms courtesy of my tongue, and then rode me to my first orgasm of the day. She skipped her trip to the office, and when she left my place four hours later, had cum during oral at least four times and another time with me inside her.

Jennifer was the first woman this year to let me try anal. She surprised the hell out of me when she asked if there was anything I wanted to try on our second go of the morning (having previously had PIV sex), when I jokingly suggested anal she asked if I had lube and got into a doggy style position. After a fairly long lead up, I had what was at the time the most successful attempt at anal of my life. We ended up having sex one more time, resulting in three condom covered orgasms for me. It was the first time during the year I had cum three times with someone during our hookup and I think was an eye-opening experience for me about just how successful I could be in my endeavors.

[**Delving further into where we met**](https://imgur.com/d8JiBCZ)

Harkening back to the earlier analysis of where we met, and for the guys who have DMd me asking for advice on where to meet women, I guess you’d have to think about what it is you are looking for. If it’s just a blowjob, apparently strip clubs is the place to be. 100% of my hookups that came from a strip club involved blowjobs. Now, is that all that terribly surprising? Some of those happened in the clubs themselves, some after. That group, however was the *least* likely to ‘fuck’, and none of that group took it up the ass. When they *did* fuck, they weren’t the most likely to do it bareback, but they weren’t the least, either. Most likely to engage in bareback penetration (vaginally or anally) were those I met while working out (the gym, yoga, pilates, hiking, running, etc), followed by those met at bars, restaurants, vacation, etc. The least likely to go bareback where those I met at work, not terribly surprising given we all work in the medical field. One surprising outlier was the number of women I met getting coffee who took it up the ass, at a quarter of that group.

[**Professional demographics**](https://imgur.com/tE1LNez)

This was a slightly different way of looking at the women, and I sliced and diced this a couple different ways. Clearly there is some overlap in groups, but I tried to differentiate some groups into meaningful trends. I did find it interesting that white collar jobs were more likely to give head than entry level and service industry jobs. That same trends was even more pronounced when it came to PIV intercourse, anal, and bareback penetration. Within the white collar jobs, though, I have to give a nod to the financial services industry. Those women were far more likely to take it up the ass (27%, a full 9% higher than the next highest in the medical sector), and more than half were up for going bareback (at 55%, 10 percentile points higher than sales and marketing).

**A Year of Sex – a Retrospective**

So enough of the demographics, perhaps I provide a quick overview of how my year progressed. Again, [in a graphical form, there are some interesting trends](https://imgur.com/tGnAwbV). For the most part, as the number of partners fell (the gray line, corresponding to the Y-axis on the right), the amount of unprotected sex rose. Additionally, and to my great pleasure, the amount of anal sex increased as well. You can see the number of partners generally decline once I met the girl I am now dating, which happened right after week 19, and then once we decided to make things more serious and generally monogamous in week 31, things mostly stabilized.

As far as what occurred with each partner, [this chart](https://imgur.com/Liv1878) attempts to answer that. I thought the stacked bar chart would best capture where I came. It doesn’t necessarily describe what happened to result in that orgasm, but I thought the finish was a good way of showing the ultimate conclusion of the event. The grey dots show how many hookups we had, corresponding to the Y-axis to the right. With the exception of the girl I’m dating (#128), who maxes out both the bar chart and the hookup count, #28, Stephanie, the physical trainer, is the most frequent hookup, with 10, and a good mix of finishes as well.

To take all of those finishes and put them into [one handy chart of where I came](https://imgur.com/Vk4DyAC), you can see that overall (all 152 of them), cumming bare in a pussy was my most frequent finish, followed by cumming in a mouth. That doesn’t quite tell the full story, though, since my orgasms with my girlfriend (327 in total), outweigh the 305 with everyone else. Excluding those that she was the cause of, just over a quarter were bareback in a pussy, with slightly more in a mouth. Of note, I gave 53 facials this year, split evenly between my girlfriend (26 of them) and everyone else (27 of them), or just about one a week.

**So What Did I Learn This year?**

I think having some sort of sexual encounter every day of 2021, and doing so with 152 different women can teach you some things about yourself, and about others, to be frank. For one thing, I learned this year that I have a foot fetish. I would never have thought that was the case, but it was definitely something that my girlfriend brought out in me, and now I find myself more interested in women’s feet than I ever realized.

I also found I like getting my ass licked. Probably a no brainer, but something I had not experienced earlier in my life before my ex-wife, and definitely not something my ex would do to me. Now, it’s basically a once a week occurrence.

Similarly, I have found that women *really* love getting their ass licked. I did it with about half (74, to be exact) of the women I was with this year, and of that group, 24 of them had never experienced before. Almost all of the 74 said they liked it, although there were a couple that said, ‘that was interesting, not sure I am into it.’ Some of the most interesting of those first timers were Debra, the 52-year old- recently divorced President/CEO, Colleen, the 65-year old who had just gotten separated from her husband of 45 years, Cathy, the 51 year-old stay-at-home mom who was married to a workaholic and had a definite kinky streak, Sara, the 38-year old recently divorced middle-school principal who I met after her daughter swiped on her for me during a kink-fueled hookup (and whose ass I also ate during that hookup), or Skylar, the 18-year old babysitter who used to sit for my ex and me when we were married.

Speaking of anal experiences, I was really surprised to find how with the right prep, and when she’s in the right mood, anal is actually possible with a thicker cock, and the women can actually express that they like it. That was a very pleasant surprised, with my ex having done anal exactly one time previously with me, and any past attempt met with ‘oh fuck, no stop, I can’t do that.’

I also found that the power of suggestion can be really strong. Not in a coercive way, but when the mood is right, people can enthusiastically stretch their own boundaries. My girlfriend and I have explored a number of kinks together. Likewise, with many of the others, especially in multi-partner situations, it was fun to see people branch out and do things they wouldn’t otherwise consider (like female/female hookups).

On the lines of kink and stretching boundaries, while I am typically more dominant in bed, sometimes it can be fun to be dominated. I experienced that a few times this past year, and each time, I feel I learned something new and experienced something different than I would have had I tried to take charge.

Finally, I did learn that beauty can come in a lot of shapes and sizes. While there was definitely a ‘type’, I branched out far beyond what I would have earlier in my life, when I would have stuck to traditional concepts of beauty. I had some great experiences with heavier women, women with more untraditional looks (for my socio-economic status), and those from different races and social statuses. All in all, it was a great year, and I’m glad to have had it.

And for those wondering, my streak actually made it 10 days into 2022. Sadly, Omicron finally paid the household a visit, and while the symptoms weren’t too severe, it was enough to put a pause on sexy times for us both.

If you are interested in the data altogether, here’s a link to the album: [A Year of Fuckadaythrow21](https://imgur.com/a/mSX1L9c). If you are interested in any particular story from the past year, let me know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/s4w61l/a_very_successful_new_years_resolution_or_how_i