Training Session

I knocked hard on the front door three times, shocking my frozen knuckles awake. a wave of nervousness passed through me. There hadn’t been much excitement with my wife at home in a long time, but it was just a friendly visit. Sure, she seemed to always catch my eye at practice, and it wasn’t uncommon for her pretty smile and teasing laugh to wander through my thoughts, but we had a tournament to train for and we wanted to win.

A shadow passed behind the frosted sidelites and excited anticipation washed over me. As she opened the door, the cold air melted away and I felt absolutely stunned. After so many months of training in our uniforms, it’s always exciting to see another student outside the dojo for the first time, but she was something else. She wore a blue floral patterned sundress that clung to her hips and accentuated the line of her petite frame. As my brain worked to restart, goosebumps were starting to dot her exposed legs.
“Are you coming inside, or are you just going to stand there?” She blushed, inviting me in with a warm smile. I laughed, and grinned sheepishly as I greeted her. Following her inside, a citrusy fragrance drifted in her wake. Her silky black hair was usually tied back, but now it streamed behind her and fell down her back to the top of her tail bone.

Her house was modest, but tidy and minimal. She had pulled all the furniture to the edges of her living room, making large enough clear space to train.

We made small talk as we worked through our stretching routine, laughing when we got to my strained attempt to do a split.
“I can’t believe you started way after me and you can already do a split. I’m not even close!”
“Maybe if you stretched a little more often, you could move your foot fast enough to land a kick on me for once,” she teased, getting up to sit across from me. As she spread her legs out and leaned forward into the stretch, her dress slid up her thighs exposing delicate pink panties. She smiled impishly and grabbed my hands to help pull my stretch deeper. I felt a blank shiver pulse through my brain at the touch of her soft hands.

“Why don’t we practice some take downs?” I offered as I felt my pants tent and tighten. “Fine then,” She smiled innocently, standing up and offering a hand. As I stood up, she pulled my hand, sweeping her leg through mine and sending me off balance. As I fell back, I reached out and grabbed her waist, pulling her with me. I landed flat on my back with her sitting on top of me, straddling my swelling cock.
“How was that?” She giggled, locking her radiant brown eyes on mine. All I could manage was “wow,” as my hands slid up her back. As she blushed, the windows of her eyes opened up and I felt a deep connection and understanding rush through me. The space around us fell away, and she was kissing me like there was nothing else in the world. My hands tangled in her hair and followed it all the way down her back as she rocked on top of me. I could feel her wetness penetrating our clothes as she breathed deeper. I dropped my hands the last few inches to the bottom of her dress, pushing it up just high enough to press firmly on her ass, pulling her hips tight against mine. She let out a soft moan as she thrust her chest out, pushing her breasts against me.
