Art Gallery [Femdom] [Petrification] [Fantasy]

Jacob walked up to the large 2-story black house in a state of a lot of confusion. 

Yesterday, he had found a check on his doorstep for about 500$ from someone named “Ms. Galatea”. 

Alongside it was a small note saying to come to this specific address to recieve 10x the amount of money all just for “lifting some supplies to my car”

This was obviously quite suspicious to Jacob, but he was just desperate enough to investigate this for some quick cash. Not to mention he was also quite heavy-set and buff, and couldn’t be beaten so easily in a fight. 

He knocked on the old, wooden door of the house. Without hearing a single footstep, a woman answered the door. 

She was wearing a bright red pantsuit. She was blonde, and she looked to be in her late 40s, although definitely not less attractive for it. 

“Hello! Jacob, right? I’m Ms. Galatea. I saw that you’re a good man for this job on your Facebook.”

“Yeah but why did yo-” he said before being interrupted by the woman’s hands stroking the side of his face. 

“Magnificent jawline, Jakey. The girls must be all over you.” she said before giggling and pulling away. 

“That was very inappropriate Ms. Gala..uh….you!” he said in a gruff voice. “This is all very suspicious.”

The woman pulled out a large stack of 100$ bills. 

“Will this help you forget, and help me clear up some stuff.”

“……… Probably.”

“Great! My back has been starting to ache lately. Glad you’re here to help.”

Galatea  guided Jacob to the basement full of the stuff she needed carried out.

“Don’t stress yourself! Just stack them up in the living room nearly. And be very gentle! I’ll stay up here.” she said with a smile as Jacob headed down. 

He heard a slight scoff from behind him as the woman followed him down. Based on her current angle and her compliments earlier, he could tell what had her attention. 

Once Jacob got down to the bottom of the basement, he was surprised. There were paintings, sculptures, and an endless amount of other types of artistry all packed together in the basement. And most of them seemed to depict photorealistic images of random people, most of them very hot. 

There was this one sculpture of bronze of a man and a woman kissing passionately. But as Jacob got closer, he could see that their eyes seemed to depict some sort of terror. 

“Impressed?” said Galatea, suddenly inches away from Jacobs back, causing him to jump and stumble. 

“Damn! How’d you get down here so fast?!” 

“I like to be a bit sneaky. I see you’ve found more of my more recent work ”

“,Wow….you must have worked a lot to make this much recently.”

“Indeed I have. That one there is one of my favorites. Isn’t it beautiful?” 

“Looks that way. Sure gave the man there a lot of junk in the trunk.” He said, jokingly spanking the bronze man. 

“Ooooh that was hot. Do it to him again.” Galatea said. 

Jacob was unnerved again, but pretended to laugh back. 

“Anyway,  I wanted to move all this stuff out, not just because I have a gallery coming up, but also to make room for my next most ambitious project.”

She pointed to the center of the room.

On the floor there, was a large slab of marble. 

“My first marble statue is underway. I plan on it being quite detailed.  Probably someo-something with a lot of muscles. It’s very ambitious.”

“That’s great lady.” Jacob said as he carried the first box up. 

He sighed as he set it down in the living room, before going back down. But Ms. Galatea wasn’t down there. 

He just figured that she had walked out of a door somewhere down here. 

Jacob then heard the slap of paper onto the floor. 

He looked over and saw another $100 bill left on the podium where the marble statue would be. 

“Welp….why not another, just in case.”

He stepped onto the podium, and bent over to pick up the cash. 

His hand couldn’t reach it. He couldn’t stand back up. 

His whole body was stuck in place. You could only hear his moans and struggles near his frozen mouth.

“What a nice position.” Galatea said. 

Jacob could hear her, but not from one, but many directions at once. 

“I don’t think I’ll modify it too much. Except for the obvious one.”

Jacob heard a snap of the fingers, and he felt cold air all over him immediately and could only see his ankles where his pants used to be. 

He tried to scream in anger, but felt his lips seal shut to force his angered “AAAAAA”s into “mmmmmmph”s.

“There you go, big boy. Looks like you’ve been very well endowed. Might be a bit too NSFW for the gallery. I’ll have to find a way to cover it up later but for now I’ll enjoy the view.”

Jacob felt a hand glide across his back. Then, he felt another hand grab his ass. Then, he felt another one across his chest while the other two were still there. 

In less than a minute, there were multiple hands running over every area of his body, but he couldn’t see any of them. 

“Just look at you… muscular and detailed….and sexy….I’m sure your probably wondering what the hell is going right now. I’m sure of that because I can hear your thoughts. 

As a basic rundown, we are the things that exist on different wavelengths, different dimensions to you people. We exist far beyond your puny physical reality. 

But there’s one thing that we desire that you humans have surpassed in: lust. 

And whenever we turn into humans, we realize that its something we quite like as well.

All of these art projects, were humans now turned into wonderful works of art. 

And now, so are you. You don’t seem to like it, but I think you humans should embrace the aspects of yourselves that matter, and I want to help!”

Jacob didn’t really hear what Galatea said, as he was too busy screaming, and struggling for freedom. 

“Now anyway, let’s just put this hand right there on your hip….one thumb gripping a buttcheek…..another hand reaching out…slightly kneeling….better posture there…..and lips puckered into a kiss. A masculine figure becoming intimate…….beautiful.” she continued as she turned Jacob into her work of art. 

“Almost beautiful enough to…….hmmm…….I mean it would be a waste to not have a little taste of it before I turned you to marble, right?”

Jacob felt invisible lips wrap around his member, and begged someone to wake him up from this nightmare. 

A few hours later, Jacob later woke up again, althought he didn’t feel his eyes open. He saw that he was in a dark room, with dim lighting surrounded by paintings and sculptures. He could feel people touching him, and knocking on his skin, which now made a tinking sound. 

He could tell from a brief angle of his face in nearby glass that he was now pure marble. 

A mere work of art to be admired. Gawked at. Ogled. And he knew that some would not use more than their eyes to get pleasure out of him……..
