The boss did say I’d like it. [F/M]

3 years I’d worked under the supervision of Jason. Before my time, I heard him to be a distant boss that checked in monthly around reporting time for stats, to becoming much more involved in the day to day operations of the business since I’ve been around.

Most in the office took him to be a bit standoffish and brash; however, I found him direct, witty and one of the few people I worked with that didn’t waste time with fake chit chat or stories about their personal lives. We had a positive working relationship and everything had remained professional between us in this time.

I can’t pretend that I hadn’t noticed the flattering cut of his suits, or the way his shirt tightened when he gestured to a presentation. But Jason was married, and he was my boss, there was no point in the drama that would come with any misbehaviour. And Jason had always been well behaved too, I doubt he’d be interested in me. I do have DD tits and my ass constantly gets complimented but I was no supermodel with my lightly freckled nose and flyaway hair that I struggled to keep looking chic.

At end of month, Jason and I were hanging back and finishing up our reports for the following day in silence when he caught me off guard with “you’re not a very romantic woman are you?”.

I was amused by the comment and unthinkingly retorted “Depends on your idea of romance… flowers, chocolate and candlelit dinners aren’t really my thing but I’m a big fan of what tends to follow!”

Jason laughed, “ahh honestly, why can’t my wife be more like you? You would love the way I treat a woman! She’d prefer the candlelit dinners without dishing up any dessert!”

I chuckled in response, noticing this was the first time Jason had mentioned his wife to me. We worked quietly for a few more minutes until the silence was broken by Jason knocking his glass off the table while rummaging through papers. As it smashed on the floor he sighed, not exactly the reaction I was expecting.

I moved around from my side of the desk to help with the clean up. We both bent down to pick bigger pieces up from the carpet and joked together about his clumsiness. As I reached for a piece under the table I heard the sound of fabric tearing. Oh no, I’d split my pencil skirt and Jason had a full view of my ass with a thin red thong and my pale ass cheeks poking through. I was mortified and tried to stand up, in my haste I bumped into Jason and we tumbled into each other. I was bright red in the face, to ease my awkwardness Jason blurted out “well, well, I’ve seen more of you this week than my wife!”

I laughed and swatted him on the arm, “Jase,” I said, “why don’t you go home and just dominate your wife, just grab her and fuck her, she’d be crazy not to want you”.

I realised he was now looking at me a little differently. He stared for a moment, not breaking eye contact, he whispered “if you were my wife, you would want me to take you like that?”, after a moment of hesitation I nodded, and Jason leaned in towards me, grabbed my face and kissed me hard.

I was thrown completely and pulled away after letting it go on too long, “Jase, we can’t, I can’t” I started to mumble as he pulled me back in.

I started to push against him, trying to get him to move away. He wouldn’t budge at first but eventually I managed to get him off me. I stood, and started to move towards the door to leave. I didn’t realise Jason was following me until his hand flew past me pushing the door closed and he slammed me up against the closed door of the office. “Let’s see that pretty little thong on my floor you didn’t slut”.

Part 2 will be written if requested!



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