The Nude Normal (Chapter 9) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 9 | Coming Together

I stood facing the door and raised my arm.

I paused.

Could I actually do this? What if I said the wrong thing?

What if she didn’t forgive me?

I took a deep breath, and knocked.

“Mm?” I head quietly from behind the door.

I put my hand on the handle and turned, slowly pushing the door in.

I peeked through the gap.

“Can I come in?”

She was sitting on the top of her blankets on the bed, in her familiar tight t-shirt and short shorts. She looked up at me. Her face was red, from the heat or tears, I wasn’t sure.

She nodded.

I let myself in the room, closing the door behind her. I walked over to her bed and stood beside it. I was in my shorts, the moment felt too important to be nude.

“I’m sorry,” I began. It was the only way I knew how to start. And I was, sorry.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how it happened. She just came into my room, I was already nude, and then she just… It just happened. I’m sorry.”

She looked up at me, then down to her lap.

“It didn’t mean anything,” I continued.

“Didn’t it?” Her eyes shot to mine.

“No. God, no.”

There was a moment of silence. I was ready to beg for her forgiveness. I couldn’t lose her. Not now.

I boldly reached out my arm and placed my hand in her shoulder.

“There’s only you. There has only ever been you.”

She swallowed and a tear escaped her eye and fell down her cheek. She shook her head and a small smile appeared in her cheeks.

“This is so dumb,” she put her hand on my arm.

“It’s not. I hurt you, I…” I tried to make ammends.

“Yes. You did. But… I don’t know…” she exhaled.

The intensity of the moment was beginning to get to me.

“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you,” she told me then.

“You have nothing to apologise for. I deserved it. I still do, honestly.”

“Maybe,” she thought out loud. “Maybe I’ve been stressed about the move too.”

“There’s been a lot going on,” I agreed.

She swallowed. “I don’t hate you. It’s just Sarah. She’s always talked about you, when I saw her in there, I…”

“What?” I wasn’t sure if I heard her correctly. “She talked about *me*?”

“Mm,” she replied like it was nothing. “For years, really. I don’t know, I guess she had a crush on you or something.”

“On *me*?” I clarified again.

“You,” she confirmed. “Don’t look so surprised. Don’t tell me you never caught on?”

“I mean, no, not really,” I told her.

“Why are you so surprised?” she looked at me.

“Because I’m me,” I said rather depressingly.

“And that’s exactly why you shouldn’t be surprised.” I didn’t know how to take her compliment.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her instead.

“Because…” she began. “I didn’t want you to know.” She looked down at her lap. “She doesn’t deserve you.”

I exhaled. I was beginning to understand the gravity of the situation and how much I had hurt her.

“I’m not surprised she pulled something like this, to be honest. She can be a bit… full on.”

“You’re telling me,” I said, reliving in my mind the events of that day.

“I wanted to be your first,” she looked at me with big eyes.

This hurt especially. I could never take back what had been taken from me by Sarah. And the fact that Ava wanted to be the one… It was a lot to take in.

“It wasn’t what I planned,” I told her honestly. She looked away.

“If things don’t go back to the way they were, I understand,” I continued. “It was an awful thing to do. I take responsibility. I’m sorry.”

She looked back up, her eyes extra glassy now. “You’re my brother. I don’t have any right to be mad with you.”

“I guess it’s complicated,” I said.

“I don’t hate you,” she said quietly. “I’m actually kinda happy for you. I just wish… I just wish it wasn’t with her.”

“If it’s any consolation,” I tried to lighten the mood. “It wasn’t that good.”

“Wasn’t it?” she looked at me again.

“I mean….” I tried to lie.

“Of course it was good. Every guy’s first is *good*,” she said.

“It was okay,” I smiled.

She shook her head trying to hold back her smile.

“Are we okay?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she looked at me kindly. “Of course we are. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” I looked back at her.

“I could’ve really used you at the shops yesterday. I was hoping you’d be there to help me.”

I felt sad I had missed the opportunity to spend one of the final days we could have spent together before the move.

She exhaled loudly in a sigh. “There’s so much to do. I’m stressing out.”

“Can I help?” I told her then. “To make it up to you.” She smiled a little.

“And because, well, I miss you already. I want to spend every second that I can with you before you go.”

“You’re such a dork, you know that?” Her smile crept across her face.

“So people keep telling me,” I smiled back. “What do you need to do?”

“Umm,” she sighed. “God, so much. Like actually so much, I don’t know where to start.”

“Let’s start at the beginning,” I told her, trying to sound on top of the situation.

“Yes,” she said determined. “Clothes. I need to pack.”

She rose from her bed and moved towards her wardrobe, sliding open the floor to ceiling mirrored doors. Inside, a great mess of clothing was revealed. Some were hanging, tight in the small space, drawers were overflowing, a tangle of shoes lined the floor.

“Wow,” I stood from the bed and stood next to her. “You have a lot of clothes.” I examined the contents of the wardrobe with my eyes.

“We’re not all full time nudists,” she spoke, daunted by her task of having to go through what was facing her.

“Even before, *that*,” I continued, “I never had anything close to *this*.”

She shrugged. “I like clothes, sue me.”

She reached forwards and began taking articles and laying them on the bed. A pile soon formed, t-shirts and shorts, sweatpants and hoodies, bras and undies and socks.

“How are you going to take everything you need for an entire year?” I asked her, genuinely confused about how anyone could accomplish such a task.

She took a final sundress from a hanger and placed it on the bed, before looking over the large pile, far bigger than her suitcase could handle. “Mmmmmm,” she made a frustrated sound. “I don’t know.”

“That’s a nice dress,” I said of the latest edition to the collection. It was light blue and strappy, it looked loose fitting with a skirt that would hang at her thighs.

“Thank you,” she looked at it too. I bought it yesterday. Just for the move.”

“You’ve going to have one lucky dormmate,” I told her. Through my mind danced images of her in the dress.

She turned to me with a look in her eye. “I can always give you a *sneak peek. If you want, that is.”

“Um, letmethinkaboutthatYes,” I laughed. She picked up the dress from the bed.

“Okay,” she told me. “Close your eyes.”

“What?” I was surprised at her order. “I’ve already seen you…”

“I know, but it’s different if I’m getting *changed*. It feels weird, don’t ya think?”

“I mean,” I thought for a moment. She wasn’t wrong, there was a different feeling hanging out with someone with no clothes on and watching them get changed. “You’re right.” I nodded and closed my eyes.

Material sounds filled the silence between us. I could make out her taking off her shirt, then her shorts, as well as the sound of her bra and panties dropping to the floor. Then the soft dress as she let it flow over her naked body. She fussed a little to get it into place on her body.

“Okay,” she said quietly.

My eyelids blinked open. It was a sight to behold. She stood in front of me in the dress and nothing else. She had let her hair down and it framed her adorable face. The dress was quite low cut and showed off her cleavage perfectly. My estimation of it hanging around her thighs was correct, and her tanned legs and barefeet poked out beneath.

“Wow,” was all I could manage. She gave me a little twirl.
“Do you think they’ll like me?” she asked, sounding like she was genuinely concerned they wouldn’t.
“How could they not,” I looked at her face then. “And not just because of the dress. Or what’s underneath.”
She couldn’t help but smile and tried to hide her face, embarrassed.

“I hope so,” she said finally.

“I know so,” I told her back.

We both looked back to the pile. “Fuck,” she let out at the impossibility of trying to fit so much into such a small case.
“You could just do a me, and forget the suitcase. Much easier.”
“I mean I know it’s a liberal arts college, but I don’t think it’s *that* liberal,” she joked.
“No,” I agreed. “But you could pack like me. Only take what you really need. Keep the clothes to a minimum.”
“Pack like a nudist you mean?”
“Kinda I guess,” I told her. “If the shoe fits.”
We both looked down at her feet. “I’m not wearing shoes, genius.”
“Then you’re already half way there!”
She rolled her eyes.

We spent the next hour going through the pile, deciding what she needed and what she didn’t, and trying to fold them small and neat enough so they’d fit in the case. It was surpringly easy after we got started, it turns out she didn’t actually want as much as she first thought. I was proud my nudist state of mind had rubbed off on her at least somewhat.

She zipped up the suitcase almost the whole way. “I’ll add the toiletries tomorrow morning, before I go.”
I nodded. “We did it.” I held my hand out for a high five.
She slapped it with her own hand. “Thank you,” she looked at me. “I appreciate it.”
“I’m just getting started,” I smiled at her. “What’s next?”

“Umm,” she looked at me trying to figure it out. “Well, they’ve asked me to prepare a portfolio. Like some examples of my art, a personal statement, that kind of thing. I haven’t done any of it, I have no idea where to even start?”

“We’ll figure it out,” I reassured her again. She sat on her bed, in the space between the pile of clothes that weren’t going to accompany her on her journey, and opened her laptop. I sat beside her and for a moment my eyes focussed on her bare shoulders right in front of me.

“Like this I guess?” my gaze shifted to the screen and she had brought up an example of a personal mission statement. I read the words on the screen.

“Can’t be that hard?” I told her.
She turned her head towards mine. “Okay my literary genius, show me how’s it done then.”

I took the laptop from her lap and sat it on my own. It was warm on my thighs. I opened a blank document and began to write.

“What are you typing?” she tried to peek over the screen and see what I was doing. I pulled the screen down slightly so she had no way of knowing.

“Let me see, let me see!” She tried to pull the laptop from me after I had been typing for a few minutes, but I wouldn’t budge.
“Almost done,” I smiled at her.
“I hate you,” she tried to hide her smile.

“Ready?” I looked at her then.
“Yes!” she almost yelled at me.

I cleared my throat.

*My sister, Ava. A better person you will not meet. I think it’s her kindness that draws me to her the most. That underneath the teasing and the fights, she will always be there for you, no matter what. She would walk to the end of the earth if she had to for someone she loved and not think twice. It’s just part of who she is. Honest, caring, and kind.*

*But then, it’s also the way she makes me laugh. The way a room lights up just by her walking into it. She joy she brings to the people around her. Her jokes, the way she manages to put a smile on your face, even in your darkest moments.*

*If your art modeling program is looking for new recruits, well, look no further, because she’s just beautiful, too. The secrets hidden in her eyes, the way she spreads joy with her gentle smile. The way her cute little butt wiggles when you walk behind her. And that’s just in her clothes, you wait until you see what’s under them. Stunning. Incomparable. A masterpiece all on her own.*

*Her character, her beauty, her intelligence, and her aptitude for creativity. Count your blessings that she has chosen your school, because you should be grateful that you’re about to meet her. I know I am beyond lucky to know her. She will be nothing but a credit to your institution.*

*And please treat her well. Because I love her. And I miss her already.*

I looked back up from the screen. She was looking at me with glassy eyes.

“What the fuck,” she stared at me.

“It’s true,” I shrugged.

“I…” she tried to find the words. I just looked at her, sitting there in her blue sundress.

“That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” A tear rolled from her eye down her cheek.

“Dont cry you weirdo,” I tried to joke, but it had the opposite reaction and a couple more tears fell down her skin.

She looked hard at me then. “I don’t want to go.”

“Huh?” I asked confused. “This is the school of your dreams, you’ve wanted to go here since you were a kid.”

“I know, I know,” she said sadly. “But that was… before.”

“Before what?” I didn’t understand.

“Before… *this*.” She kept looking at me. “Before… you.”

“Oh,” I said quietly, finally understanding.

“If I leave now, I… I’m gonna miss you too much.”

“Hey, hey,” I put the laptop on the bed beside me and moved my body towards her, wrapping her in my arms. She let the tears fall and she sobbed into my shoulder. “I’m gonna miss you too,” I told her quietly. “So much.”

After a minute she broke free from my hug and looked at me. Her face was red and teary.

“I’ll come visit you,” I tried to comfort her. “Every single chance I get.”
“You better,” she tried to smile.
“I promise,” I told her, and meant it.

“That was really nice, what you wrote,” she thanked me again.
“It was easy,” I told her.
“I don’t think it’s exactly what they’re looking for,” she almost laughed.

I brought the laptop back, straddling over both our thighs. We spent the next 45 minutes perfecting my masterpiece, into something more *suitable* for the school. Her body was warm next to mine, and our legs and feet bumped into each other’s as we teased and lovingly provoked each other. We finished with something that at least resembled what the university was after, and we took that as a win.

“Okay, so that’s like half of it,” she said as we closed the laptop. “Pictures. We need pictures.”

“Well it looks like your lucky day,” I smiled at her. “Because world famous photographer Alex is at your service.”

She rolled her eyes and stood from the bed. I laughed at my own joke.

She searched around her room and moved some of her painted canvases to the bed. I had seen her art around the home, probably since the day she moved in with us. But never had I examined them this close up. They were so varied and really showed off her talent, a mixture of landscapes, portraits, a little dog, scenes of the city. She was indeed extremely talented, and seeing her finished pieces all lined up like this made me feel proud of her. I knew her talent was going to take her far.

I went back to my room and got my phone. One by one, we lent the canvasses up against the wall and I framed them on the screen, pressing the shutter button. My photos probably didn’t do them justice, but I tried my best to compliment them with the lighting and framing.

She lent the last one up against the wall and stepped behind me so I could take the photo. It was a self portrait from a year ago. It was the spitting image of her and I studied it. She was smiling, but her expression was somewhat sad, like there was a hidden emotion hiding beneath the surface of the paint. Maybe I was reading too much into it. I guess it’s just the way it spoke to me.

I framed it up with my phone and took the photo. I turned to face her, checking it on the screen. “I think that’s the last one,” I said, pinching the image with my fingers to make sure it was still in focus when zoomed in.

“There’s one more,” she told me from her position on the bed.

I looked up at her.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed. She had lowered the top of her sundress and her breasts were bare.

“Oh my god,” I said as the vision hit me.

“What do you think,” she smiled slightly at me.

“Your best piece yet,” I stared at her, fighting my urge to make a pun out of the word *best* and *breast*.

“Take the photo,” she relaxed her face into a small smile.

“Of you?” I asked her.

“Something to remember me by.”

I moved my phone up to my face and framed her on the screen. She was stunning. I already knew this was the greatest photograph I had ever taken in my life.

I tapped the circle and the image of her vulnerable and topless was stored to my phone.

“Thank you,” I lowered the phone.

She exhaled a bit. “I’m not finished,” she looked at me with a secretive expression.

She stood then, placing her barefeet on the carpet in front of her. As she stepped forward, she let the dress fall to her ankles. She stood in front of me nude.

“How’s this?” she asked as she stepped backwards and resumed her seat on the bed.

The breath was taken from my lungs. My penis was fighting the inside of my shorts for freedom.

“I was wrong. *This* is your best piece yet,” I said as I lifted my phone again. As I centred her on the screen she opened her legs a little, revealing her lips to the camera.

I took the photo. I could not believe I was in possession of something so precious.

As I was still letting my mind comprehend the second image, she lifted her knees and scooted backwards on the bed, giving me a brief view of her exposed vagina. She dug her heels into the blanket and pushed her body back even more, laying her body against the pillows propped at the bed head.

I could only watch on in awe.

She brought her knees towards her chest then, and then pushed them apart. Her pink pussy sat there staring back at me.

“Film me,” she looked back at me with big eyes.

“What?” I asked her, looking at her face through the screen of the camera.

“Make a video,” she told me. “To remember me by.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“I want you to watch me cum, Alex.”

I could only swallow and nod, as I swiped the camera’s setting to video and tapped the red circle, beginning the greatest movie of all time.

She slowly brought her right hand down her body, her fingertips dancing on her skin. She paused as it met with her vagina. Then she stretched out her fingers across the length of her opening, and began to play with herself.

It was the most stunning thing I had ever witnessed.

She smiled at the camera as she started to rub herself, her fingers finding all the folds of her skin and inviting themselves inside her body to bring about the pleasure she so desperately deserved. Her movements began slow and gentle, before the feeling got the better of her and they became more tense and deliberate. Her index and middle fingers began to creep deeper and deeper inside of her, and for moments she just lay there fucking herself with her own hand.

I looked down past the camera and towards my crotch. My cock had tented itself in my shorts, making them tight at the front. Evidently, Ava had noticed this too and she looked at me.

“Get it out,” she swallowed.

“Huh?” I didn’t understand.

“Your dick.” She kept rubbing herself. “Get it out. I wanna see.”

I exhaled with her words. I slipped the fingers of my free hand into the elastic of my shorts and lifted the waistband over my very erect cock. It pointed towards her on the bed and her eyes shot straight to it. She didn’t stop rubbing herself. She actually sped up her fingers.

“Ohhh,” escaped her lips, quiet and high pitched.

With my free hand I moved it towards my cock and grasped it in my hand. She watched me before she spoke.

“Wait,” she shook her head. “Don’t.”

I gently released it.

“I want all your attention on me. I want you to watch me finish. And I don’t want you to miss a second.”

I swallowed. It was going to be impossible to not touch myself while she pleasured herself right in front of me. But, she was right. This was going to be the last time we would do anything like this for a long while. I didn’t want to miss a thing by being too caught up in my own pleasure. I moved my second hand and held the phone tight between my fingers. I made sure it was focused on her body.

I nodded at her. She spread her legs a little wider and kept rubbing the soft pink skin between her legs. “Ahhh,” she moaned a little as she let the pleasure take hold.

I stepped right up to the end of her bed, making sure I was getting only the best shots with my camera. I reached out my arm and moved the lens across her body slowly. On my screen moved the soles of her feet, her smooth legs, her stomach and bare breasts, one of which was being massaged by her free hand, and then her face, caught in a moment of intimate pleasure. Then back to her pussy. I couldn’t miss a moment of the true action. And if I didn’t know any better, it looked like it was about to reach its peak.

She moved the hand on her chest towards her legs. While still rubbing her lips, the fingertips of her other hand found her clit, and she began to massage in tiny circles. “Ohhh fuck,” she let out, louder this time, as the pleasure became harder to hold back.

“Fuck… Alex… I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna…”

It took everything in me to keep my focus on her vagina as the orgasm swept over her. I surprised myself I also didn’t cum on the spot. Her toes curled towards me as the muscles in her legs tensed up, and her breathing became deep and deliberate.

“Fuuucckk,” she moaned again and I sensed the familiar wave rush over her. She was vigorously rubbing herself now, giving into the pure pleasure with me as her witness. Her breathing and moaning reached its peak and the pleasure finally hit her. Her legs immediately began to shake and she let out a very audible moan of pleasure. I watched the area below her pussy contract as she pressed her finger deep into herself, and the way her legs were spread revealed to me her asshole that was also spasming with the pleasure riding through her. If I didn’t know any better, for a moment I thought she let out a small fart.

For a moment I focussed the lens on her face, her little mouth taking in short, shallow gasps, and letting out almost silent moans of pleasure. Her eyelids flickered, trying to look at me and the camera, but also closing to allow herself to fully experience the orgasm.

I couldn’t stop myself from imagining it would be like to be the one to give her this pleasure, to be inside her myself as we both experienced simultaneous orgasms. My cock was twitching at my waist. It was all too much, I could barely contain myself.

“I’m sorry, I…” I let out as I felt it creep over me.

“Mmm, cum… now you can cum for me” she let escape her lips in her post-orgasm haze.

I could barely stand anymore and knelt my knees onto the bed at her feet. I couldn’t just squirt onto her bedspread, that would just be rude. I looked around her room for another option.

“Where should I…” I asked her for help knowing my semen was only moments away from entering the world.

“On me,” she exhaled. “Cum on me.”

I looked at her to see if she was joking. Her eyes looked serious. I didn’t have long.

She spread her legs wider again and I walked on my knees up to meet her body. I kept the phone filming in my left hand as I began to stroke myself with my right. I made it all the way up to her body, her pink and swollen pussy just inches from my erect cock. I could smell the sweat on her and the sex in the air.

“I’m gonna…” I breathed out as I began furiously stroking myself. She patted her stomach in preparation.
“Do it,” she told me, slowly coming back to the room as her orgasm drifted from her.

I tried to hold the phone steady, focussed on the area I planned to relieve myself on her stomach. “Fuucck,” I released from my mouth as my cum was released from my cock. I shot it towards her stomach, landing in thick wet lines on her skin. It was one thing to finish on her hand and feet like I had at the beach house, but for my load to be this close to both her breasts and vagina, it was something else.

I stroked the last drops from myself onto her skin. I was hot and sweaty and exhausted. But god, so happy. I tapped the red circle on the screen, bringing the movie I knew I would watch countless times for the rest of my life to an end.

She shuffled over towards one side of the bed and patted the spot next to her. In my puffed out state, I manoeuvred my body and laid down next to her. The side of our bodies touched in the small single bed.

“That was…” she turned to look at me. “Incredible.”
“It always is when you’re involved,” I smiled as I tried to calm my breathing.
“Please, it was your cock that gets me there. Everytime.” She smiled at me.
I wanted to ask her a question, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment. She looked at me, seeing I was in thought. “What?” she teased out of me.
“Did you… did you *fart*,” I asked her quietly and she looked away from me, embarrassed.
“It… happens,” she said shyly. “The pleasure isn’t usually that… dramatic I guess. It just snuck out.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at her explanation.
“You can blame yourself for that,” she looked at me again.
“Well, at least when you do that in your dorms, you won’t be farting all over the place without me there.” I was trying to be funny, but my comment reminded me both we were soon to be without each other.
“I guess not,” she looked up towards the ceiling.
“Shame. It was pretty cute,” I teased her.
She nudged me with her body.

There was silence a moment as we laid there, naked and together.

She took a deep breath before she spoke the words.

“Will you… will you come with me, to uni?”

**Chapter 10: One For The Road, Coming Soon**



  1. Again a nice story. However the focus has become more romantic than exhibitionist. Bring the exhibitionist excitement back.

  2. I love this series i just hope it gets a solid ending im loving the direction your going in

  3. I swear this series (the first I’ve ever read on this subreddit) has ruined me for all others

  4. The part of having to go away to university hit in my heart. I have a family member who has to leave, it’s sad that things won’t be the same anymore.

  5. I literally couldn’t wait for this installment felt like forever I enjoy this erotic series so much can’t wait for the next one

  6. I started this to masturbate and now im crying over fictional step siblings

    Wonderfully written, it has amazing sexual scenes but theres just so much heart in your words. I was genuinely moved by Alex’s note for Ava

  7. I wish we could’ve seen more action between Alex and his mom. She seems *very* erotic and hinting towards Alex.

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