Deserted With 13 Women (FM) (Femdom) (Part 1)

Our Varsity Volleyball team had been deserted in an unknown mountain range somewhere in the United States for 18 months. 13 of my Female teammates and our Male assistant coach.

We spent the first month solely focusing on finding nourishment, shelter, anything that would ensure our survival long term.

After 3 months things started to go haywire. With 13 girls and only 1 boy, you can imagine some of the arguments and disagreements that started to boil over. I can’t believe it was sex that was the biggest factor in our downfall.

It didn’t take long for people to start getting relentlessly horny. The girls outnumbered Coach 13:1 so we developed a schedule that was okay with him. Every girl would get 1-2 hours every other week with him in the private tent. Civilized right?

It was literally one of the only things we had to look forward to. It brought everyone immense joy, the intimacy was truly missed. It must have been the constant stress induced anxiety we were under, but all the girls would agree that the sex we were having was other-worldly. Orgasms felt multiplied, dick felt and tasted better, those first few sessions I will remember for the rest of my life.

Of course there was going to be girls he wasn’t attracted to, or felt lackadaisical about. But it didn’t matter, he had to fuck them regardless, it was the rules and we outnumbered him.

One evening there was chatter amongst the camp that Coach was apparently eating out some of the girls, while many were getting shunned. This resulted in major problems. A primal, territorial compulsion started to take over some of the girls. Cliques were formed, weapons were crafted, violence ensued.

The next day we found Coach shackled in our camp, naked, filthy and distressed. The girls had decided to take things into their own hands, they were tired of him playing favourites, making them feel less than. Two of our teammates were missing, the two most traditionally attractive girls, that happened to spend the most time with Coach.

The girls told us they had raped him, forced him to perform cunnilingus on all that were involved and would continue to do so until we were saved.

Until rescue Ethan served as the camp sex slave. He was used solely for his cock and his tongue almost every single day, abused physically and verbally by the team.

At first my girlfriend and I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, we were turning into animals, it wasn’t right. But there was threats made that we would go missing next if we didn’t accept it, and we wanted to survive.

He was the camp sex slave for a solid year. There isn’t a single girl on the team that didn’t take advantage of the poor man, I’m ashamed to include myself. Sitting on his face became a massive comfort and leisure activity for me. If he fought it or didn’t comply, we lashed him with twigs and branches.

Constantly being forced to eat smelly pussy, by the end of the year his cock hardly worked. But we had become resourceful and found wild herbs to counteract his ‘limpness’. We bathed him constantly to avoid infection.

After that year we were fully animalistic, our carnal desires on full display. We were drinking Coach’s semen, fighting over his body again, sucking his soft dick for the heck of it. More fights ensued..




Hi! So this prompt is really bare bones, I wrote it quickly but it’s one of my favourites. The story doesn’t have to play out this way but would like to keep the Carnal/Animalistic tendencies of the girls.
