Aunt Sally 8 [mf, serial story]

“Mind, body, spirit” is apparently my parent’s maxim. Staying with my Aunt had more than opened my eyes. She had given me experiences I could never have imagined and demonstrated the pleasures from having shared permission to enjoy. Physical pleasure requires security of trust and safety of knowledge. Body and mind. Then there was the phone App. I looked a couple of times and a building record of some chatting but I didn’t say anything. Members had nicknames, BossLady, AlphaBoy, Cutey, etc. I was “Fostered” which I thought was Aunt Sally’s little joke.

My burgeoning relationship with Miriam was still on my mind. She had said “I’m going to fuck you crazy” and I believed her. We walked some of the way home together but we both walked with intent facing front and just chatted about school. I invited her home to Aunt Sally’s so we could talk privately. I wasn’t concerned about Aunt Sally giving us space but I thought it would be embarrassing overhearing my poor attempt and those consent discussions we needed to have and if I had my wires crossed I needed to leave a way to be friends with Miriam because I really liked her and didn’t want to rush. I wanted to make sure we had a good understanding to enjoy ourselves. Wow, what a long way I had come.
On form we had discussed school dramas all the way to the front door. As I closed it behind us she interrupted my “…and that’s the way it -” taking my face and kissing me, my keys in one hand, my heavy bag in the other. We embraced and I was bathed in a relief that I hadn’t imagined our previous time together. We dropped our gear and made our way to the couch. Beside each other I took her hands in mine and looked into her face, going all solemn.
“We need to talk….a bit” I said as she air-kissed and snaked her tongue out at me. “We just need to make sure we’re on the same page..” She lunged over and kissed my cheek as I held her.
“Okay, okay. We’re still young, I like you, you’re spunky. I wanna take you upstairs and fuck you, we’ll see what happens next. I’m on the pill but I want you to use condoms but I want you to go down on me SOO much. Did I leave anything out?” I stared into her grinning face, thick eye-liner unable to steal her sparkle. We both ran to the stairs. Crashing through the door I pulled off a shoe and started unbuttoning my shirt, looking over Miriam was sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed, her Mona-Lisa smile distracting me from the fact she was naked already. I stopped and gazed upon her. The curtains were left in my half-arsed opening this morning so light filtered across her, back-lighting her dark hair, haloing her shoulders and arms. Her front was in part shadow darkest where her legs crossed. Disrobed, I sat opposite her in the middle of the bed. Our knees touched and Miriam reached out, fingers stroking down my arm. I mirrored and stroked her arm. In a swift motion she pushed me on my back and sat on my waist kissing me. I grasped her thighs and felt the lithe mobility of her smooth athletic legs. I was aware of the heat over my navel and my erection lolling against her tight bum as she held our mouths together. I was enjoying the feel of her, the vitality of her, my finger tips joining around her at the crease of her bum, feeling the crevice. I cupped her waist with one hand and gently arched forward to race that crevice. As my fingers reached the soft warm lip Miriam ground into my hand. I struggled to reach around her thigh to the firmness of her clit and her movements made it more elusive.
Once or twice she groaned onto my ear as I completed complete strokes over her clit before her clenching thighs rocked here away again. My turn. I lowered her back onto the pillows and kissed her neck. I knelt at her side and felt down her thigh to her knee. As my hand ran up she widened her thighs and my fingers grazed over her hot wetness. Still kissing she moaned into my mouth as I traced around her lips and gently probed her entrance, wetting with the copious rewards there. I brought my fingers up to taste and she kissed and licked one side while I did the other. When my hand returned to her pussy I found her hand there and we shared the slick massage of her, enjoying her squirming beneath our fingers.
I lowered my mouth to her small dark nipples against her pale skin. Kissing the globe I let my tongue slide across the smooth firmness. The small diameter areola, such a contract to Aunt Sally, rough under my tongue tip. As I circled her nipple she thrust her chest and I felt her hand push my head home over her breast. I could sense her breathing stall as I took it’s hardness into my mouth. Below our fingers had slowed into light stoke, as much powered by her hips as our joined hands. I was sure as I increased the pressure on her nipple, crushed to the roof of my mouth by my tongue that her hips moved especially quick. Her hand in my hair stopped caressing and pulling me in and interminably pushed me lower.
As I complied I planted a kiss on her navel before navigating through the lightest of down to finally taste her in situ. Twice I had tasted her but nothing compared to this heady fresh privilege. Not sweet, not salty, not thick, not just wet but somehow the greatest thing I had experienced ever. How did I make more?
I ran my flat tongue over her entire vulva and her fingers there before climbing between her legs. Suddenly, flustered to get back there, tasting that, feeling that I awkwardly placed her knees there and there, then back before she raised them and let them fall apart and smiled at me “relax, there’s no hurry….yet”. I took a deep breath and realized I had been holding it as I shuddered on the outbreath. I looked down and watched my fingers outline her perfect pubis, firm outer lips beneath a downy pubic hair, matted wet by our attentions in places. protruding soft inner lips, darker, enticing. I watched her smiling face as I gently opened to the reddish pink of the interior. “Stop fannying about though” she laughed as I felt her leg crooked behind my back and pull me eagerly in. I placed a hand under her thigh and lowered my mouth to he opening for the first time. I stretched my tongue in as deep as possible, not to occupy but to taste her. Her sighs were cut off as her thighs closed loosely on my ears. My other hand was taken by hers as our fingers explored each other and my tongue moved to her clit.

End Part 8
