Eternal Spring: Chapter 7 [FF/Exhib}

Friday begins the same as every other day, where I wake up, take a shower, get dressed and go to work. Today I chose to wear a black skirt with black tights and a white button up shirt. The day flies away from me as I focus on my work and trying to get everything done for the weekend. I really want to enjoy myself tonight at Ying’s place with her friends, eager to make some new friends of my own. 10am, 1pm, 5pm ticks past on the clock at work as the day draws closer to an end. I open my phone and send a message to Ying. “What time should I come over?”. *ding* “Come any time after work. I’ll be home from 6:30”. “Cool, I’ll get some drinks on the way and change at my place before I come” I think to myself as I start packing up my bag. “OK guys, see you next week. Don’t work too hard over the weekend! Let me know if there’s anything urgent” I say to my team as I walk out of the office and towards the lift. As I walk out of the office onto the street, the wind chill seems to have gone today and the warmth of the spring night air surrounds me. As I walk towards the subway station, I see a little store selling alcohol and go inside. I grab 2 small bottles of BaiJiu, 3 tall bottles of beer and a packet of chips, pay, and continue on my walk towards the train, stuffing all of the goods into my tote bag. As I’m walking along, I hear someone shouting my name “MISS SONG. MISS SONG!”, I turn around looking for who it is then hear it again. “MISS SONG!”. I turn to look at a car parked by the side of the road. Recognizing the driver, I see it’s Mr. Zhao in his Porsche, his wife sitting in the passenger seat. I wave and start walking towards him with my heavy bag. “Hello Mr. Zhao. Hello Mrs. Zhao.”. “Are you heading home now?” he asks. “Yes, I’m about to take the train home” I reply. “Come on in, we are heading towards your direction to visit my wife’s family. We can drop you off on the way”. “Oh! Oh no, it’s OK. I don’t want to bother you” I reply. “It’s okay. Your bag looks heavy. We can take you home” Mrs. Zhao says, smiling at me. I open the door to the car, a new model black Porsche SUV, and put my bag down on the back seat footwell, then lift myself into the car. The seats are black leather with black stitching and are very soft. I immediately feel like a child compared to Mr. Zhao, dressed in his black suit with white tee shirt and Mrs. Zhao wearing a dark red long dress. I put my seat-belt on, sitting like a child in the back seat of their parents car. “What are you up to this weekend?” Mrs. Zhao asks. “Tonight I’m going to my friends place to hang out and I’ll try to get to the gym this weekend. No other plans” I reply. “Oh, that sounds fun” Mr. Zhao says. “I should probably go to the gym more as well haha”. We all laugh and continue the drive home, talking about work and gossiping about clients, then finally reach the entrance to my apartment complex. “See you Monday!” Mr. Zhao says as I step out of the car. “See you, and drive safe” I reply as I close the door. The car drives away and I turn around and begin walking down the pathway towards my apartment with my heavy bag over my shoulder. As I walk up the stairs and into my apartment, I turn on the lights in my living room, bathroom and bedroom, putting my bag down at the doorway and taking out the drinks and snacks to bring over to Ying’s soon. I quickly get undressed and have a hot shower, looking over at Ying’s apartment window. The lights are on and I can see the shadows of people moving around in her living room. I finish my shower and dry my hair, putting on some light eye makeup. In my bedroom, I take out a white Calvin Klein thong and matching Calvin Klein singlet bra, a white loose crop top, knee length white sport leggings and my beige ESSENTIALS oversized sweater. I put on some white long tube socks and my black Adidas slides, then pack a spare bag with the drinks and snacks.

I leave my apartment and head downstairs, across the path and up the stairs towards Ying’s apartment, then knock on the door. Looking at my phone, it’s now 7pm. “Right on time!” I think to myself as the door opens, light flooding into the hallway outside her apartment. As Ying opens the door, I hear some pop music from inside and people talking and I proceed to walk in through the door. “Heyyyyyyyyyy!” I hear as the group welcomes me. I smile back at wave to them. Ying has setup some cushions on the floor around her coffee table, and who I guess is Eric and one other girl is sitting on the couch, the other on the floor. I make my way over and take out the snacks and drinks, placing them next to the coffee table, as it’s already full of chip packets and some cold meats. “Everyone, this is my friend Song, she lives across the road! Song, this is Eric, Amy and Chloe” Ying says as she points to each person sitting down. “Hey guys! Nice to meet you” I reply. Eric is a big guy, but not fat, with styled hair, wearing a matching black tracksuit. Amy has short dark hair, a skirt and a tee shirt and Chloe has medium length dark hair, bike shorts on a supersized red sweater on that doubles as a dress. I sit down between Amy and Ying making myself comfortable. “So, what do you do Song?” asks Eric. “I work in the city for a magazine company” I reply. “That’s modest!” says Ying. She’s actually a manager! It’s a fashion magazine. “Ohhhh” the group reply back in harmony. “That must pay well then” says Eric. “Yeah, I do OK” I reply. “Here” Amy says as she passes me a drink. “You need to catch up! We have already been here for one hour!”. The group laughs and I look at my drink, a shot of baijiu. “Cheers everyone! Nice to meet you!” I say before shooting the drink. “Woooo!” the group harmoniously replies. “OK, let’s play a game” says Chloe, filling up each shot glass with beer. “You all know how to play five dice right?”. I nod my head along with everyone else as we pick up five dice. Music playing, drinks pouring and snacks being eaten, we all play 5 dice for a while. Amy and Ying lose the majority of the games we play, shooting back beer after beer as we all cheer along. “This is fun” I think to myself as I snack on some of the food on the table. “Finally, I get to make some new friends”. Game after game, drink after drink, we all have a great time as the night goes on, telling stories to each other and gossiping about people I don’t know. “OK everyone, it’s time to play something else! Who’s keen to play dirt cards?” Amy announces as she starts collecting everyone’s dice. “Ohhhh nooo I always lose at this game!” says Chloe with a massive sigh. “I… I don’t know that game” I say as Amy starts handing out cards. “Oh, that’s OK. The rules are super simple” she replies. “So, you each get 2 cards and whoever has the lowest number when you count the two cards together has to take a shot. If you get 2 of a kind of Ace, you can choose someone to do a dare. If you get 2 8’s, you can choose someone to take off one of their clothes. 2 Queens and all the girls drink. 2 Kings and Eric drinks. That’s It!”. “Cool, OK. Sounds easy enough. Let’s go!” I reply. Amy hands out the cards and we each look at our deal. “You first Ying” Amy says. “OK. I got an Ace and a Three” Ying replies with a sad face. The whole group erupts into laughter. “I got double King” Eric says, and the group erupt into laughter again, followed by “DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK”. Eric takes a shot and points at Chloe. “What did you get?” he asks. “I got an 8 and a Queen” she replies with a big smile. “I’m safe!”. Amy looks up with a big smile on her face. “DOUBLE 8 BITCHES! Song, since this is your first game, it’s you who is taking off one clothes”. My face instantly going red I reply “What?! Uh, do socks count..?”. The whole group erupts into laughter. “Nope, actual clothes only!” Chloe replies. “Ugh, FINE!” I say as I take off my sweater. The group erupts into a cheer and whistles as I take off my sweater. “Done. Okay, I got a King and a Queen. Is that anything? I can’t remember”. “No deal girl!” replies Eric, taking the cards and shuffling them. “OK, next round”.

We play for a while, progressively undressing as the game goes on, with Ying and Chloe wearing only their underwear, Eric with his tracksuit pants on and no shirt, Amy without her skirt and me wearing my underwear, bra and shirt. “Next round! First person to be naked has to make us all drinks!” says Amy, pointing at Ying and Chloe. It’s my turn to deal, so I hand out two cards to each person including myself with Amy going first. “7 and 6 nice!” she replies as the group groans. “FUCK YEAH DOUBLE 8!” Chloe says. She leaps over to me and starts pulling my shirt off, tackling me to the floor and throwing it behind me as I scream. The group erupts into laughter as I get back up off the floor and Chloe goes back to her seat. “Double King for me!” I say pointing at Eric. “SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT” the group cheers as Eric takes yet another shot. “Sorry Chloe” Ying says as she turns her cards around to show another double 8. Amy quickly leans over to Chloe, pinning her down to the couch. “What’s it gonna be, top or bottom?” she asks. “ahhhhhh! top! top!” Chloe replies. Letting her free, Amy sits back “off it goes then!” she says, looking at Chloe sitting there in her black underwear. “Can I use a towel or something?” she replies. “Nope. Take it off!” Ying replies. “Ugh.. fine. Fine!”. With two arms behind her back, Chloe unlatches her bra, pulling it off and putting it on the couch next to her, covering her small breasts with her arms. “OK. Done! You Bullies!” she says as the group cheers. “Eric, your go!” Chloe says. “It’s your unlucky night again Chloe. Double Queen!” Eric says as he pours beer into each shot glass. “Girls drink!”. Struggling to cover herself with one hand, Chloe takes a shot, followed by me, Amy and Ying. “OK next round, but this time I’m making it interesting” Amy says as she takes out all the doubles in the deck and starts dealing them out. We each take our cards with me going first. “Fuck, I got a double 8” I think to myself looking at my cards. I could end the game here and get Chloe to take off her underwear… Or I could be nice and get one of the others to take off their clothes… Everyone looking at me, I turn my cards around and point at Amy. “You. take it off” Amy looks at me shocked. “This is war then!” she says, unzipping the side of her skirt and taking it off revealing a black thong underneath. The group cheers as Amy goes next, who immediately points at me. “You picked the wrong fight, Song. Take it off!”. The group cheers, pointing at me, my face instantly turning red. “Fuck. I should have just picked Chloe!” I think to myself as I pull my bra singlet up over my head, feeling my breasts drop free from underneath them. “Woah, you have a great body!” Amy says as I quickly cover myself, my face turning hotter by the second. “Thanks. I think..” I say back to Amy, trying my best to cover my breasts. Chloe turns her cards around revealing double Queens, and Eric erupts into laughter. “This is hilarious” he says as he pours drinks for the whole group. Reaching to get my drink, my left breast comes free of my arm, and as Chloe sits opposite me not bothering to cover herself anymore, I move my arm away and take a drink. “Whatever” I think to myself. “It’s just a game anyway..” Ying’s turn is next, revealing a double Ace, daring Eric to twerk. The group cheers and laughs as he twerks to the song that is playing, then Eric reveals his cards, which is also a double ace. Pointing at Chloe and Ying to act out dirt dancing to the remainder of the song. As they dance to the music, we all clap, cheer and laugh until we can’t laugh any more. “OK, this might be the last round” says Eric as he shuffles the cards and hands them out to each player. “I’ll go first this time” he says, as he turns his cards around to show another double queen. We all take a shot including Eric, then Ying turns her cards around. “Double Ace again!” she says, this time pointing at Amy. “I dare you to kiss Chloe’s nipples”. Amy looks at Chloe, then grabs her arms and pushes them onto the chair behind her as she licks and kisses Chloe’s nipples. Chloe screams and laughs “It tickles!” as we all laugh and clap. I turn my cards around to show double 8’s again, pointing at Amy again. “Lose it” I say, pointing at her bra. “You bitch!” she yells as she unclasps her black bra, dramatically putting it to the side. Chloe quickly grabs her bra and throws is across the room as Amy screams. “I’ll get you for that!” she says as everyone laughs. “OK Amy. Your turn!” Ying says as Amy holds her cards up close to her face, looking around at each of us. “Hmm.. Who should I choose” she says as she turns the cards around to reveal a double 8. “Should I choose you Ying?” She says while staring at Ying. “Or maybe you!” she says, quickly turning to Chloe. “Or maybe… You!” she turns quickly to me, looking me up and down. “Hmm… I choose…” She says as she looks at each of us “YOU!”. She points at me, and the group erupts into laughter once again. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I say as I look down at my legs in front of me. “Not kidding. Take it off and go make us drinks” Amy says as the group laughs. “Please.. come on..” I say, looking at Amy. Suddenly, Ying grabs my arms from behind me and locks them behind me. Eric helps Ying to stand me up, feeling very vulnerable, standing there with my breasts out in my underwear. Amy crawls over to me, kneeling in front of my and putting her hands under the waistband around my hips, pulling my underwear down as I scream. Ying and Eric let me go, standing there naked as I quickly try to cover myself. “OK, now go make us a nice drink” Amy says as the group continues laughing. Trying to cover myself as best I can, I make my way towards the kitchen and open the fridge to get some soft drink out. As the door opens, the freezing cold air from the fridge gushes out, giving me goosebumps all over my body. I take out a bottle of lemonade and some ice, and mix some whiskey with the lemonade, making sure it’s extra strong. I bring the drinks over to the group, who claps, with Eric saying “well done. You’re a good sport for putting up with us guys”. I sit back down and put my underwear and sweater back on, as everyone else also gets slightly more dressed. Ying takes off her bra and puts her tee shirt on, Eric getting full dressed, Chloe putting her red sweater back on and Amy putting her shirt back on. “OK guys, I’m off. I’ve got some work to do tomorrow so I’ll be off” Eric says as he stands up and starts walking to the front door. He puts his shoes on and waves at us all, saying goodbye again as well all say goodbye back to him. Ying locks the door behind him and turns off the lights, leaving the standing light on next to the couch. “If you guys want to stay over, you’re more than welcome! I only have one bed though and the couch” Ying says as she sits back down. “Yeah, I’m going to stay too, says Amy”. “Yeah, me too” says Chloe. “Oh, I might go home. I only live across the road anyway” I say, looking around for my clothes. “Noo! Stay!” Says Chloe and Ying together. “I’ll stay on the couch. You can share Ying’s big bed with her and Chloe” Amy says pointing at Ying. “Are you sure? Is there enough room?” I ask as I stand up. “Yeah sure. It’s a huge bed. We can all fit” says Ying as she walks towards her bedroom and turns on the light. We all get up from the floor and couch and organize where we are going to sleep, then decide to keep playing games, but this time with some different rules.

The new game is the same as the last, except we each only get one card and instead of choosing who does what, if you draw the card, you have to do the rule yourself. We sort out the cards, keeping two Queens, one Ace, and one Eight, making a rule that each of us can only wear 2 clothes so that none of us need to get changed or put on more clothes. “What does the loser do this time?” I ask as we each pick a card from the 4 cards on the table. “Oh, I have a fun one!” Chloe says. “The loser has to stand up with their arms up for 30 seconds while we tickle them, or kiss them, slap their ass. Whatever you want! But only for 30 seconds. Then we keep playing until there’s only two of us left”. We all laugh a bit, but slightly nervously. “OK” Ying says “put your cards down on 3. 1. 2. 3!”. We all put our cards down on the table face up revealing our number. Me and Amy both get a Queen, Ying gets an 8 and Chloe gets the Ace. Me and Amy high five, then take our shots while Ying takes off her shirt, her beautiful white skin shining in the light. “What dare should I do?” Chloe asks as we all turn towards her. “Bend over” I say, as Amy looks at me and smiles. “We each get to slap your ass!”. “Oh my god you’re so mean!” Chloe says as she turns around to bend over the couch. We all get up and slap her ass, making the skin on her ass cheek red. Turning around, we all push our cards into the middle and shuffle them around on the table, then take our card and flip it over. Ying gets a Queen. Amy gets an 8, Chloe gets a Queen and I get the Ace. Chloe and Ying take their shots while Amy takes off her sweater. The group then looks to me inquisitively. “I have a dare for you this time!” Chloe says. “I dare you to walk out into the hallway all the way to the other end, and run back to us with your shirt up!”. Amy and Ying burst into laughter “Oh my god that’s so good. Do it Song!” Ying says. It’s late at the moment, around 1am. I doubt there’s anyone out there anyway I think to myself. I get up and walk out the front door into the hallway. As I walk down to the end of the hallway, I hear the TV of another apartment, but otherwise pure silence. Quickly, I lift my sweater up over my head and run back towards Yings apartment as Ying, Chloe and Amy all start cheering. Panting, I get back to the apartment, lucky to not have been seen or heard by anyone. “Damn! Next time I’ll knock on some peoples doors!” Chloe says as we all make our way back into the living room of Ying’s apartment. “OK, next round” I say, shuffling the cards on the table. We all take one card and flip it over. “Fuck!”. Everyone looks at Chloe as she reveals her 8 card. We all laugh as she takes off her sweater, and we all reveal our cards. Queen for me and Ying, Ace for Amy. We take our shots, then look over at Amy. “I have another dare” I say with a smile. “I dare you to kiss Ying on the ass”. “Hahahaha! OK, that’s an easy one!” Amy says as she gets up towards and walks towards Ying. Ying rolls over onto her stomach and Amy bends over, kissing her on the ass as we all clap and cheer. “OK, next round. Who’s going to be the loser!” Amy says as she shuffles the cards on the table. We all take one card and flip it over. “Noo!” Amy pretends to cry, showing her 8 card. Chloe and Ying got the Queens, and I got the Ace again. “Lets do the others first” says Chloe as she pours a shot for herself and Ying. They take their shot, then Amy says “OK, before I’m out of this, my dare for you” she points at me. “Put your hand in your underwear and touch yourself”. “What?!” I reply, shocked at her dare. Ying and Chloe burst into laughter. “You either do it, or we both lose. Up to you!”. I look at them all shocked, seeing them smiling back at me. Reluctantly, I put my hand into my underwear and start touching myself, feeling my vagina starting to open up slightly as my fingers rub my lips. “OK. Enough?” I say looking up at them. They all start clapping and Amy says “haha yeah, that’s enough”. I take my hand out of my underwear, then point at Amy. “OK, your turn now. Stand up!”. Amy puts on a pretend sad face as she stands up. I get up from the floor, and walk towards her, then pull her underwear off her revealing her lightly haired vagina. “Arms up!” Ying says, as we gather around Amy, who puts her arms up and closes her eyes. “Please be nice..” she says.

Chloe starts a timer on her phone, and we all start tickling Amy. Around her breasts and thighs, slapping her ass and legs, and pulling her nipples. She screams as we laugh, getting payback on her for the dares she gave each of us during the other games. As the timer gets closer to 30 seconds, she drops to the floor, unable to stop herself from laughing from the tickles. “You guys are brutal!” Amy says as she begins to put on her clothes. “Hey, what are you doing? You have to stay naked until the game is finished!” says Ying, pulling Amy’s underwear back off her and throwing them towards the front door. “Oh man, you have to be kidding me” Amy replies, sitting up against the couch with her legs crossed and knees up under her chin. We all laugh, and take out one of the Queen cards from the deck. “Three to go!” Ying says as she shuffles the cards on the table once again. We each pick a card and flip it over. Chloe has the Ace, Ying has the Queen and I get the 8. “Yes!” Chloe says, happy she’s not the next one to lose. I take off my white thong from under my oversized sweater and put it to the side, smiling at the girls. “That’s not fair!” Chloe says. “The rules are to take off one clothes. I took off one clothes! What’s the problem?” I reply, smiling back at her. Ying takes her shot, and gags slightly, holding the drink down, then looks at me. “I dare you to swap your shirt with Song’s sweater”. Taken aback, I look at her in shock. “Seriously?” I ask. “Yeah, seriously!” she replies. I lean over to Ying’s white shirt, still sitting down and pull my sweater over my head, then take the shirt and put it back on. My nipples hard, I sit bottomless, cross legged on the floor. “OK, done!” I say, as the group giggle to themselves. “Justice! Hahahaha” Chloe says. We shuffle the cards once again and flip them over at the same time. “NO!” screams Ying, as she reveals the number 8. She stands up immediately dropping her underwear and says “OK, get it over with”. We all laugh, getting up, Chloe starting the timer and Amy getting ready. “GO!” Chloe says, as we start tickling Ying. I grasp one of her breasts with one hand and her ass with the other while I tickle her nipple with my tongue. Amy tickling her upper thighs and Chloe tickling her all over. Ying crumbles to the floor before the timer is up, but we keep going until the timer chimes, laughing hysterically. “OK OK, I’m out!” Ying says, as we all sit back. “Final round Song. Are you ready?” Chloe says as she removes the Ace from the two cards. Amy takes the two cards and puts them behind her back, then says “OK, pick one!” “I’ll take the right” I say, pointing at her right hand. Handing out the two cards to each of us and turning them over, we all burst into laughter and I start cheering, dancing around the room, seeing that Chloe has the final 8 card. I walk back over to the table and pour myself a shot then slam it back. “OK Chloe! Are you ready?” I say, smiling at Chloe as she slowly stands up and pulls her underwear down. “Oh my god.. please be nice to me..”. “No way!” says Ying, as she takes Chloe’s phone and starts the timer. As soon as we start, Chloe screams as she falls back over the arm of the couch, legs up in the air. Amy takes the opportunity, grabbing Chloe’s ankles and forcing her legs apart. Ying takes Chloe’s wrists and forces them above her head as Chloe tries to pull herself up unsuccessfully. Abs visible on her short and skinny frame, I take the opportunity to tickle her naked body as she squirms from side to side. The chime on Chloe’s phone rings, and we let her go free. Sitting up, she quickly grabs a tissue from the coffee table and puts it between her legs. “Oh my god.. I.. I’m”. “HAHAHA OH MY GOD! You got a bit excited there Chloe!” Amy says putting her hand down firmly on Chloe’s abs, pushing her back down on the couch. Looking closely, I see a shine of liquid running down Chloe’s leg. Chloe scrambles herself up to get another tissue, then quickly runs to the bathroom. Laughing, we get up and walk towards the bathroom. Ying picks up Chloe’s underwear on the way and hands them to her as we reach the bathroom. “It’s OK. It’s just a human reaction. At least we know you aren’t a robot!” Amy says, still giggling. “It’s so embarrassing” Chloe says looking up at us and taking her underwear from Ying.

We walk away from the bathroom and leave Chloe there to put her underwear on, putting our own underwear on and starting to tidy up the empty bottles and packets of chips from the table. Ying goes to her bedroom and comes out with a quilt and pillow, then puts it on the couch. “Here you go” she says, handing the pillow to Amy. I’m going to wash my face and go to bed. I join Ying in the bathroom to wash my face next to her, removing the eye makeup I put on earlier and using some of Ying’s moisturizer. As we leave the bathroom, Chloe is stepping into Ying’s large bed, taking the right side. I walk around the bed to the left side, then slide myself into the middle while Ying turns off the lights, tucking in Amy as she gets comfortable on the couch. Ying then walks into the bedroom, turning off the light and getting into the bed from the left side as well. The room is pitch black with no lights and the window closed, but being sandwiched in between Chloe’s small, tight frame, her breasts against my back and Ying’s softer but still firm back against my chest and legs, we three jammed together like 3 spoons drift off to sleep after a few short minutes.

I wake up in confusion, not realizing where I am or what’s going on, then suddenly remembering I’m at Ying’s house with Chloe and Amy. Clearing my eyes and pulling myself up to lean back against the headrest of the bed, I look down, blurry eyed, realizing I’m only wearing my white thong, with Chloe curled up next to me holding my waist and leg, and Ying lying on her back, mouth open and breasts exposed from when I sat up. I gently pull the sheet down as not to wake them up, revealing their naked bodies from under the sheets, all three of us only wearing our underwear. I lean over to the foot of the bed carefully and crawl out, then take the sheet and put it back over Ying and Chloe. Looking towards the living room, light flooding into the bedroom where I stand in my underwear, I walk out to see Amy on the couch, also still asleep with the quilt now gathered on the floor. Walking over to her, I pickup the quilt and put it back over her, then make my way towards the shower, picking up my clothes as I go. My mouth feels dry from all of the alcohol and I have a slight headache from not getting enough sleep, but figure that a nice hot shower should help me out. I turn on the shower and the water starts dripping down, slowly getting warmer and warmer. I get into the shower, letting the water run down my body, then take off my underwear and wash them with soap, hanging them up over the glass wall of the shower to dry out, thinking to myself that I only need to go from here to home later on. I finish my shower and step out into the bathroom, hearing chatter from outside. “Oh good, they are awake now” I think to myself. I put my short white leggings, bra and crop top on and wrap my towel around my head then open the door back into the living room. Ying, Amy and Chloe are sitting on the couch talking, then look over to me. Ying has her bath robe on, Amy has her quilt wrapped around herself and Chloe. “Morning!” I say as I try to dry my hair. “Morning Song” Ying replies, getting up from the couch. “Did you sleep well?”. “Yes, quite well, thanks. You?” I reply. “Yeah, pretty good” she smiles back at me. “So, we were just talking and thought it would be cool to go for a drive out to the Stone Forest today. We will just shower first, then head off straight away. You’re coming right?” Ying asks. “Oh, um.. sure I can come. I’ll just go home first and get changed” I reply. “Get changed? Why? You look great as is!” Chloe says, standing up out of the sheet, apparently still not dressed since waking up. “We won’t be long. I’m going to take a shower now” Chloe says, gathering her clothes from the floor and walking towards the bathroom. “I’m showering with you. It will save time” Amy says as she stands up dropping the quilt on the couch. Amy tip toes over to the bathroom and closes the door behind herself and Chloe, and I hear the shower start running. “Haha, you guys are crazy!” I say to Ying as I continue to dry my hair while she folds the quilt on the couch. “Yeah, we can be I guess.. but we are friendly enough” she replies, picking up Amy’s clothes and walking towards the bathroom. She opens the door and throws Amy’s clothes inside, then stops for a moment, turning back towards me with the bathroom door still open. “Are those your underwear?” she asks, looking me up and down while squinting and staring at me. “Yeah, I washed them in the shower before.. I didn’t think we would be going out!” I reply as Ying starts laughing. “You can borrow some of my underwear if you want. Up to you” she says still laughing. “Haha, no it’s OK. With my sweater you can’t see anything anyway though, right?” I reply, looking down at my crotch. “Not really. You’ll be OK” replies Ying as she walks into the kitchen. “Do you want a coffee?” she asks. “Oh yes please!” I reply, walking into the kitchen. I help her to make 4 coffee’s as Amy and Chloe get out of the shower and get dressed and Ying goes in to shower herself. We all sit around the couch, drinking coffee and laughing about last night, and talking general gossip about ourselves before packing up our things and walking downstairs to Ying’s car, on our way to the Stone Forest.
