Will and Elly [mf] (fiction, femdom, handjob)

Will looked down at his shoes as he made his way along the sidewalk. Grass poked up between the cracks at irregular intervals. He unconsciously avoided it with his feet.

He took out his phone to check the time. It was late afternoon. He was feeling a little down.

He rounded the corner to the alley and walked towards the brick building at the far end. To his right, a man in an apron sat on an upside-down bucket next to an open doorway. He was smoking and staring absently at his phone. Will smelled spices and heard bustling inside—a restaurant kitchen preparing ingredients for the evening’s service. The man glanced up at him in acknowledgment before looking back into his phone, exhaling a plume of smoke out his nose pensively.

The alley was fairly narrow and lined with various loading docks and utility doors, paved with old, sunken cobblestones. A few familiar cars sat parked in their usual spots.

Will came to the end of the alley and looked up at the building. It was three stories tall and rather narrow, resembling one huge brick on its side.

He punched a combination into the keypad and shouldered open the heavy door.

He stepped inside the entryway and began climbing the metal spiral staircase to the second floor. Faint, muffled sounds could be heard emanating from the basement below. He’d never been down there.

He reached the top of the steps and glanced out the window. He could smell it was about to rain. He felt a little better, being here.

He entered into the open doorway at the top.

“Hey Will.”

Elly was seated at the countertop by the kitchenette, doing something on her laptop.

“Hi Elly.”

She was sipping something opaque and bubbly from a large glass cup. A thin green bottle sat nearby, uncorked. He got a slight whiff of alcohol and citrus. He gestured.

“What’s the occasion?”

Elly smirked, not looking up.

“It’s a Tuesday.”

He laughed.

“That may be the biggest mimosa I’ve ever seen.”

She was dressed comfortably: a large, drape-y knit sweater with a wide neck, loose, frayed blue jeans and simple Greek sandals with toe loops. Her thick, dark hair was tied up casually with a big band. She looked up at him.

“Well, you know… I kinda just started pouring and figured hey…”

She shrugged and trailed off.

“Hah, I know the feeling.”

She looked him over conspicuously and smiled.

“Look at you! Why are you dressed up?”

He shrugged and looked away, opening a cabinet to get a glass.

“Did ya have a hot date?”

He sighed and poured himself a drink from the open bottle.

“I was supposed to get coffee with someone.”

She looked back at her laptop.

“How’d that go?”

He made a face.

“Well… *supposed to*… she flaked.”

She made a frown.

“Ugh. Fuckin’ youngin’s…”

Will sipped his drink.

“Yeah so I figured I’d come hang out here a while.”

She was reading something, taking a second before looking up.

“All dressed up and nowhere to go.”

He scoffed and pretended to be looking out the window.

She smiled at him.

“Well you look *nice*.”

He smiled back, hiding his face behind his glass shyly after taking a sip.

She batted her eyelids playfully and slipped the collar of her sweater over her shoulder with a little flick, exposing it. He could tell she was buzzed. It was very cute.

“*Well*… while you’re *here*…”

~ ~ ~

Elly fiddled with the camera on the tripod, looking through the viewfinder as she set up the shot.

“You know the drill…”

He was adjusting his clothes in the window’s reflection and trying to drink his drink quickly.

He smiled at her.

“Just stand there and look pretty…”

She finished setting up the camera.

“… and be my hot little *boy toy*.”

She emphasized her words playfully as she adjusted her clothes, pausing.

“Should I get changed? I feel like a *bum*.”

He looked over at her. He was always attracted to her.

“Fuck no… you look so hot.”

She perked up a little, grinning.

She walked over to him.

“That’s why I like working with you, Will…”

He looked back at her. He wanted to shower her neck with kisses and put his hand up her shirt. He smiled politely.

“… you always know how to make a girl *comfortable*.”

He beamed warmly.

“Well… *that*… and that fucking *piece* in your pants.”

She pointed at his groin and made a face of pretend, playful shock. He blushed excitedly.

She hiccuped a little and stood there, thinking.

“Okay. Be washing out your cup.”

She pointed at the sink. He nodded.

She picked up the little remote on the counter and pressed a button. A red light appeared on the camera. Will felt his pulse quickening. He sighed in anticipation.

“I fucking *love* this job—”

She gestured flippantly.

“Shush, we’re rolling. Wash, boy.”

He started washing out the cup, turning his head from the camera to hide a knowing smile.

Elly strolled up behind him, putting her arm around the front of his abdomen as she pressed her body into his, her pelvis against his butt. She was several inches taller than him.

Will began to breathe deeply through his nose in immense pleasure. She slid her hand up around his neck and squeezed it gently. She leaned in to whisper in his ear.

“Well *hi there*.”

His muscles relaxed as though relieved of holding a great weight. He felt warm all over. She squeezed his throat in her hand and rubbed his chest with the other, gently grinding her pelvis into his backside. He smelled her perfume—some expensive French scent he couldn’t begin to describe—and the subtle hint of wine on her breath. He breathed greedily, high on her attention.


He let out a quiet moan without meaning to. She began kissing his neck tenderly, squeezing his throat with more pressure. She felt the stubble above his Adam’s apple tickling her hand. He swallowed excitedly, his pulse pounding in his neck.

She slid her hand from his chest to his belly, gently rubbing his navel through his clothes. She was pressing her body into him with surprising strength, pinning his waist into the countertop. Will was in ecstasy. She nibbled his earlobe.

“What a sweet little boy you are…”


He moaned sweetly, grinding his butt into her groin. She felt lewd butterflies fluttering deep inside her womb.

She turned his body to face the camera, unbuttoning his shirt with her fingertip, squeezing his neck with still more pressure. Part of him wanted her to choke him until he blacked out. She lapped at his neck with little strokes from her warm tongue below his ear.

“Mmm… is it hard being so handsome, Will? Hmm?”

His eyes were shut in pleasured agony.

“Is it? Tell us…”

His shirt was unbuttoned and she was tracing little figure-eights on his solar plexus with two fingers, gyrating her hips into his ass as though lovingly fucking him. He could barely get his words out.


She squeezed his throat with enough pressure to make his breathing labored and began undoing his belt.

“Yes *what*, baby?”

She pulled his belt from around his waist with one strong, fluid motion, easing her hand around his throat. Warm, spring air flowed into his lungs, ozone tingling his sinuses. He heard rain on the skylights overhead.

“Yes… *mommy*…”

She relaxed her hand from around his neck and began tenderly rubbing his bare chest and abdomen with both hands inside his open shirt. She felt weak little chest hairs flicking up between her fingers. His rib cage expanded and contracted in front of the camera like an animal’s. She leaned her torso forwards, her lumbar against the countertop, his bodyweight cradled between her arms and groin. His knees were trembling. She lovingly kissed his neck.

“Yesss… tell mommy how you feel…”

He whimpered loudly, releasing a deep, animalistic anguish. His closed eyes welled up with tears of severe gratitude.

“I *love* you, mommy—”

Her hand slid back up to his throat, squeezing it tightly as she unbuttoned his pants in front of the camera. His voice deepened, jarringly sincere.

“*I love you, mommyy*—“

He was shuddering desperately in her arms, tears rolled down his cheekbones. She cooed into his ear.

“It’s okay, baby… it’s okay… mommy’s here… mommy’s *here*…”

She groped his penis forcefully through his boxer shorts, her hand in his open fly, his pants sliding down his thighs. Precum soaked the fabric. She could feel his pulse through his cock.

“Mommy… *mommy*…”

He was gasping for breath like drowning in open air. Tears flowed down his face, his eyelids trembling violently. Emotions poured out of him like a pot boiling over. He was writhing in her arms.

Her tone changed.

She gripped his throat forcefully and stood up straight, bringing him to an upright position. His pants fell around his knees. She slid her hand to the waistband and tucked the tips of her fingers under it, stroking his trimmed public hair.


Will breathed through her grip, laboring intensely, opening his eyes. He saw the camera on the tripod in front of them. She pressed her pelvis into his ass.

“Will… you know what I’m going to do to you…”

He squirmed in her arms. Beads of sweat were forming on his chest. She squeezed his throat firmer, cutting off his oxygen.

“Will… *that’s* a camera… and it’s pointed at *you*, Will…”

His eyes widened, manic. He struggled for a breath.

“Will, I’m going to take your cock out in front of that camera…”


She slapped her hand over his mouth. He felt the room spinning.

“I’m going to take your cock out, and I’m going to make you dump your jizz out all over this kitchen floor…”


His eyes were panicked. He felt himself beginning to black out.

She ground her groin into his tailbone lewdly.

“… and that camera is going to record it…”

The room was beginning to fade in and out with each heartbeat.

She reached her hand into his boxers and squeezed his testicles like they were pieces of meat.

Her tone shifted, becoming song-like.

“I want you to empty *these* for mommy, okay?”

He nodded desperately, feeling himself sliding into oblivion.

“When I say *go*, I want you to dump it out for me, okay?”



His eyes began to go unfocused, his last remaining life force concentrated in his throbbing cock and balls, his lungs burning for oxygen ravenously. His ass was grinding into her groin, precum laden with sperm pouring into his underwear. She finally wrapped her hand around his cock.


She released her hand from his throat, pulling his already-spraying cock from his boxers, cum flying everywhere with intense momentum as he gasped a mammoth breath into his lungs. His pupils dilated as far as they’d go as he let out a warped howl from the pit of his stomach. She joined in excitedly.

“Yes! *Fuck yes*! Let it out baby!”

She was rubbing his nipples and dry humping him violently, slamming her body into his with rabid, perverse lust, the crotch of her jeans soaked through with her wetness.

Time moved in slow-motion. The image of the room seemed to be searing itself into his retina like an over-exposed photograph, his ears ringing with each oxygenated heartbeat pounding through his body. His cock was spurting gobs of semen so massive and thick she could hear them hitting the floor. Her hand was completely drenched in cum, lubricating it as her tight, carnal strokes relieved his body from the intense desire inside his head.

“*Yes*! *Yes*! Good boy! Good boy! I love it! *I love it*!”

His eyelids dropped and his face went slack with primordial, overwhelming gratification.


He was thrusting into her grip as she humped him from behind. Her face was alight with enflamed sexual power.

The pumps of semen ran clear before finally coming to a dribbling end all over his shoes, pants and underwear. His eyes finally closed as he panted deeply through his nose. She embraced him adoringly, keeping her cum-soaked hand out in the air consciously. She squeezed him with intense appreciation, relishing the contact with his body. The two stood there like that for a minute, their breathing slowing to normalcy. He looked at her with wide eyes. He felt clear headed.

“Uhh… huh… hah… hahh!”

She was grinning at him gleefully, laughing with him.


She kissed his lips tenderly and looking at his peaceful expression, the tears on his face drying, beaming with happiness.

“Will! *Will*! You are fucking *amazing*!”

He was smiling ear to ear.

Her mouth was agape with wonder. She motioned at her hand, still covered in dripping gobs of semen.

“This… *this*… is fucking *insane*.”

She stuck her thumb in her mouth, sucking a rope of cum off it with her thick, soft lips.

Her eyes were still wide as she attempted to processes what just happened.

“Just… *wow*.”

He felt fantastic. He hugged her lovingly.

“Thank you *so* much.”

She smirked in delight.

“No, thank *you*!”

She walked over to the camera and shut it off, sucking another blob of semen off her finger with her lips before swallowing it without thinking.

She turned to him.

“I knew you were good, but *fuck*… what do you even say to *this*?”

She pointed at the floor. A comical amount of semen was sprayed all over. There was even some dripping from the refrigerator door.

He looked down at his legs. His pants were at his ankles, his cock and balls draped over his boxers, deflating, all covered in semen. He laughed with a silly humility then looked up at her with a mockingly earnest expression.

“I think I’m gonna need a change of clothes…”

~ ~ ~

(To be continued…)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ryssml/will_and_elly_mf_fiction_femdom_handjob