[MF] The time I (M24) came within an inch of fucking up my entire life, just because of how horny I was

Apologies in advance for how long this got. There’s a good amount of context needed to explain the situation, but hopefully the writing is decent enough that it’s a fun read.

This story starts years ago when I was in college. I had gotten out of a pretty bad relationship a few months prior, and didn’t really have dating on my mind. At a party, a friend and I were cracking jokes back and forth, just riffing off each others’ humor in a way I’ve only been able to do with a couple people over the years. Some folks were a bit exasperated, but this one woman I hadn’t met before was getting into it with us. I’d seen her around campus before, and definitely knew she was pretty, but as she joined in with our jokes and stupid references I realized, “Oh shit, if she’s single I should ask her out.” I walked away to get something to drink, planning on coming straight back and asking for her number, but when I did it turned out she’d just left the party with her roommate. At that point I knew her first name, and that was it, so I kind of figured it was over.

Lucky me, she had a class in the chemistry building that ended right before one of mine began, and I bumped into her in the main doorway just two weeks after the party. I got her number, and a few weeks later we were dating officially. Because of horrible acne during high school (which thankfully didn’t leave scars), I was a very late bloomer when it came to relationships. In fact, this was only my third one, and it was also my first time sleeping with someone. Overall it was a good time (the relationship and the sex), but eventually it was very clear we were extremely incompatible. We loved hanging out, and the sex was insane, but it turned out a relationship was a fundamentally bad idea. She lied to me over and over again, and I had some separate issues of my own to work through. Even beyond that, though, our personalities were fundamentally incompatible. In the months from the breakup until we graduated, almost every time we found ourselves in the same group the evening ended in one of our bedrooms. As one of my friends put it, she and I were “disaster soulmates”.

Fast forward a few years, and now I’m 24 and in medical school as the pandemic starts. Everything goes online, and as I get lonelier I get kind of depressed. Out of nowhere, I hear from her. Turns out she (also 24) has recently called things off with a fiancee, and the pandemic is leaving her painfully lonely too. We talk here and there for a few months, and the old patterns start sneaking back in. I’ll make an off-color joke, she’ll blush violently (hers is quite literally a classic “formerly Catholic girl” temperament). She’ll say something slyly sexual, and I’ll probe deeper. By mid fall of 2020, things are pretty much back at the level of massive sexual tension we had back in college. It was fun, but I assumed nothing would come of the flirting given the many hundreds of miles between where I was studying and where she was living.

Then there’s a bit of a surprise. One day we’re chatting, and she flatly asks if I’d be willing to come visit her. She knows I don’t have a lot of money given all debt I’m accumulating, and offers to house me and pay for food and most of a round-trip ticket. I’m in shock, but at this point also probably the horniest I’ve ever been in my entire life, so we settle on a plan. I stock up on some N95 masks, and at the start of my school’s winter break I fly over to the state where she’s living. She picks me up from the airport, and within five minutes of our arrival at her apartment things go crazy.

Now, when she and I were dating back in college, she was the most sexually vanilla person on the planet. Incredibly enthusiastic and fun, but kinks basically terrified her. Fast forward to summer of 2020, and apparently the intervening relationships have left her open to some kinks. At some point she asks what I’m into along those lines, and I list a few stereotypical things. Light BDSM, the occasional role play, filming myself with a partner, that sort of thing. She’s actually on board with all that. However, my most significant kink, which I then mention to her, is a breeding fantasy.

For those unfamiliar (though I imagine that’s not many people here), a breeding kink is where you get off on the idea of impregnating someone/being impregnated and dirty talk along those lines. To say that it’s my biggest kink is like saying a moose is bigger than a chihuahua. Technically correct, but an understatement. Now this kink, by contrast, is very weird to her. She promises to stay open minded, and I explain things to her. Over the course of the months between then and winter break of 2020, even she starts bringing it up in the flirting and teasing we’re doing over the phone and Facetime. She mentions that she’s on birth control for medical reasons, and maybe she’ll even play along when I visit.

Returning back to the moment we walk into her apartment in December of 2020, I get my bags situated in her room and turn to find her in the doorway, biting her lip and staring at me intently. I have no recollection of who moved first, because it couldn’t have been more than a second before we were tearing each other’s clothes off. We tumble onto her bed. Now, I brought condoms because I’m not stupid… or at least I’m usually not stupid… See, once we’re naked and I start eating her out, she gets wet as the ocean. To be clear, I’m not that good. For whatever reason she has the most incredibly high sex drive of anyone I’ve ever known, regardless of gender. It was the same back in college, so I wasn’t surprised to see things were still like that. She gives me some directions to help me out when it comes to using my tongue on her clit while I finger her, and after a bit she orgasms. Her pale face is flushed just as red as back when we did this in college, and her eyes look almost frighteningly hungry. She grabs me by the dick, puts her legs behind my back, and draws me inside her. I was practically just along for the ride from when I stopped eating her out until I was already pretty much balls deep.

See, this is why I said “usually” when describing myself as “not stupid”. Because apparently at this point I was so turned on that rational thought didn’t even register in any meaningful way. I needed to fuck her brains out, or pass out trying. Given all the times she lied in the past, my brain registered that there was a real risk she’d lied about the STD testing or wasn’t actually on birth control. None of that did even the slightest thing to hold back my stupid, stupid brain. She’s even more enthusiastic than she was years prior. Flips me on my back to ride me for a bit, then soon we’re in that “pronebone” position and at her insistence I am going as hard as I can. She turns back slightly, and tells me to kiss her. Don’t need to tell me twice, but after a moment of us making out as I continue thrusting she says she wants to get on her back. We’re back in missionary, and she wraps her legs around my lower back again.

I’m getting close, and she can definitely tell. She puts her arms around my shoulders to pull me in for more kissing, then pulls my head to where her lips are at my ear and growls, “I want you to cum in me. I need you to cum in me. I need you to fuck your babies into me. Fucking cum in me. Come on, do it. Cum in me right now. I need you to put a baby in me.” This is literally the single sexiest thing I’d heard in my life up to that point, and my brain says, “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” I was still aware that I didn’t know for sure if she was telling the truth about being on birth control, and somehow being fully conscious of that risk made things even the more arousing once my brain stopped thinking rationally in the first place. I growl back gutturally, and unload as deep as I can get. We collapse in each others’ arms, and by the time we’re even close to regaining our mental faculties we’re going at it again. In retrospect, it was absolutely stupid and dangerous for me. Here’s a woman I absolutely should not trust, who’s telling me to do something we both find incredibly sexy but which could well ruin my life if she’s lying. She’s no longer religiously Catholic, but later confirmed that she remained just as opposed to the possibility of getting an abortion herself as she was in college.

So after I’ve pumped her full of my cum repeatedly over multiple rounds until we’re both totally spent, we quickly pass out. I wake up in the morning to a note saying that she’s gone to get something checked with her car, and now that my brain is functioning again it really hits me just how incredibly risky that probably was. Hell, even just how irresponsible I am for flying to do something like this during a pandemic. I can’t do anything about the latter issue at that point, but when I head into the bathroom to shower I decide to open a couple drawers to see if the birth control part was true. I find it with the right number of pills missing from when she’d mentioned in a flirtatious text that she last refilled it. While it’s still possible this is an elaborate lie to get her knocked up, I feel safer. The lies in college weren’t on a big scale, nor were they ever about hurting other people. They were just her trying to hide when she failed a class, or something else went wrong for her. She wanted to be liked, but wasn’t ever malicious. Still, for the hours we were fucking that first night, I genuinely feared I might be about to impregnate this woman I knew I couldn’t stand being with long-term. But you know what we did when she got back from the auto shop? Jumped each other again over and over pretty much every day until I left to fly back to school.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ryqlv0/mf_the_time_i_m24_came_within_an_inch_of_fucking


  1. As a lady with the same kink, I’m torn between being turned on by how hot this is and cracking up at how fucking stupid you were. :P

  2. Pills are only 91% effective… but you are probably good. My first thought when I read she went to check something on her car was that she went to get Plan B. That’s perhaps different in her mind than an abortion.

    I have a pretty big breeding kink too. One time the condom broke on us and I unloaded a bucket of cum deep inside my gf at the time. We decided to go get plan B. On the road on the way back, she slyly turns to me and says, “you know, my womb is on pause right now… you could practice fucking some babies into me…” I almost just pulled to the side of the highway right then, but eventually we found an empty back road, pulled over, and flung ourselves at each other right there in the car. One of the greatest orgasms I’ve ever had.

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