Haley’s Choice (Part 1) [F/F]

Mistress Laura was the kindest sort of cruel woman. She was a sadist of the darkest kind, and she was rich enough that she could afford to find beautiful, young women who would indulge her awful fantasies. Usually, these were simple exchanges. Some poor, desperate woman drowning in student loans or medical debt would seek out the Mistress, and she would agree to get an embarrassing tattoo or undergo some horrible torture in exchange for having her financial burdens lightened. Laura called herself a philanthropist. Her extravagant wealth put her in a position to help women who needed help, and she was more than happy to do so. All she asked in return was to have her fantasies indulged. To get a bit of pleasure from the exchange. One night of kinky, often painful, always humiliating lovemaking later, and the girls were free to go.

But sometimes, Laura would meet a girl who was in such dire financial straits that no single act of depravity would ever be worth the amount of money she was requesting. Women whose husbands had fallen in with the wrong sort of loan shark. Women who were astoundingly bad at gambling and had wracked up astronomical losses. For those women, Laura had nothing but the utmost compassion. She was more than willing to pay off those debts in their entirety, under one condition: For the rest of that unfortunate woman’s life, she would serve the Mistress in any way she saw fit. No matter how painful, how humiliating, or how harmful. By the time a woman found herself desperate enough to knock on Laura’s door, she often had no choice but to accept.

Haley was not that sort of woman. Haley was kind-hearted to a fault, and that’s ultimately what brought her to Laura’s doorstep. Freshly nineteen, with a round, innocent face. Short of stature with narrow shoulders and wide hips. Brown hair that fell over her ears and went down almost to her shoulders. When Laura first opened the door to see her standing there – hunched slightly forward, looking up at her with soft, brown eyes – Laura knew instantly that she’d found something special. She invited her in to talk, knowing that there was only one reason that such a cute, downtrodden-looking young lady would find her way to the Mistress’s door. Haley accepted, hesitantly, and the two talked over tea.

Haley’s parents had never intended to have kids, and yet she was the middle child of three. Her father was consistently in poor health, staying in the hospital for almost a quarter of every year, and his constant illness made him frail and unable to provide for his family. Her mother did her best, but as a high school dropout, it was hard for her to keep a job that paid enough to support her children and pay her husband’s medical bills. She often resorted to prostitution and was eventually arrested. Haley’s older sister was developmentally delayed and unable to look after herself. Her younger sister was talented, intelligent, beautiful, and ambitious, but Haley feared she would never be able to go to college due to her family’s financial situation.

Laura listened to this story with great interest and empathy. She’d met nice girls before. She’d met women who wanted to sell their freedom so that other people could benefit from the money. But never in her life had Laura met someone in such need as Haley. What Haley wanted was for her entire family to be provided for. Bail money for her mother. Medical bills for her father. A stipend for her older sister and a scholarship for her younger one. In exchange, she understood what would be asked of her. That she would have to give up her freedom and live on Laura’s estate for the rest of her life, attending to any needs that Laura might need fulfilled.

“I have to say, sweetheart, you’re so young.” Laura remembered saying. She and Haley were sat on an overstuffed canape in the parlor, drinking tea from expensive, porcelain cups. Haley was looking at her knees, breathing steadily, and Laura saw her tuck a strand of hair behind one ear. “I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m belittling you, but you’re so sweet, I have to make sure. You do understand that there is a. . . sexual element to the deal I’m proposing, don’t you?”

Haley took a deep breath, responding with a simple, “Yes.”

“And. . . you have sexual experience?”

Haley put her teacup down on the platter on the table, then put her hands on her knees.

“I see.”

Haley understood perfectly well. In the weeks leading up to her decision, she’d found quiet moments to sneak away from the house and cry. The idea of giving up her body, her freedom, everything she was an everything she could be, just to be the sex toy of a wealthy woman. . . it made her sick. If Haley’s patron were a man, the thought would’ve been devastating enough, but Laura was a woman, and she couldn’t fathom the thought. Even though she’d never been with a man, Haley knew she was straight. She’d never fantasized about women. Never taken any uncouth glances at other women in the locker room at the pool. Never had any funny feelings seeing her friends change into pajamas at slumber parties. No part of her was excited at the prospect of becoming a sexual object, but she could at least have fantasized about enjoying it if her master were a man. With a woman, she had nothing to look forward to but pain, humiliation, and disgust.

And when she told her future Mistress this, Laura hugged her. She put her teacup on the coffee table next to Haley’s and wrapped her arms around the young girl’s shoulders. Pulled her close, held her gently, and ran her hand down her back. When Haley started to cry, Laura comforted her. She called her brave, selfless, and noble. With every ounce of praise, Haley cried harder, clinging to Laura’s blouse and burying her face in the crook of Laura’s neck. All the while, Laura held her, smiled, nuzzled her cheek against the top of Haley’s head, and told her that everything would be alright.

This is the story of the worst punishment Laura ever gave.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rynbrg/haleys_choice_part_1_ff


  1. Oooof! That’s exciting! Poor Hayley 😬 Eagerly awaiting the next chapter 😍

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