Eternal Spring: Chapter 6 lFF/Exhib]

As always, thank you for your support with upvoting my story, and sorry in advance for my English (second language). If you want to see the pictures of me and my friends in the story, head to my patreon. Some of them are unlocked for anyone to see :)


Chapter 6:

Mr. Zhao pushes his way in through the open door as I fall back from shock onto the floor. He bends over to take both of my arms and help me back up, legs quivering under the weight of my body. My legs give way again as I fall back onto my butt. “What the hell did you do to yourself?” he asks looking down at me as I scramble to look less awkward. “I went swimming with a friend last night… and.. I guess I pushed myself too hard” I reply. He bends over and crouches next to me, putting one arm behind my back and the other scooping up my legs. With ease, he lifts me up and walks me over to the couch, gently placing me down. I readjust my singlet and put my bath robe back over my shoulder, then pull my shorts back up above my waist, keeping my knees together. “Why did I wear such loose leg shorts without underwear. What is wrong with me! God.. I really need to pee” I think to myself clamping my legs together as much as possible and fighting through the muscle pains. Mr. Zhao looks at me, then starts laughing. “What..?” I ask looking at him. “You’re a mess Miss Song. I thought of all people you could handle a workout”. He turns around and walks towards the front door, picking up a bag of takeaway food with him back inside before closing the front door. “Here, I brought you some food”. He places the food down on the table next to my computer and opens the container. It’s a stirfry meal with a bowl of rice. “Thank you sir” I reply, looking at the food. “No problems. You can still use your arms and mouth I assume?” he asks with a cheeky smirk. “heh, yeah of course..” I reply, picking up the chopsticks that came with the food and snapping them apart. “I tried calling you a few times after you stopped replying to my emails, but when you didn’t reply, I thought perhaps something was wrong. I didn’t guess you would be sleeping, I instead thought you might have fallen over and hurt yourself, so I came straight away”. “Oh. You didn’t have to! But thank you for thinking of me. I appreciate it” I reply. “No problems at all Miss Song. I like my staff to feel like they are valued”. I smile up at him then take my phone off the couch and unlock it. “Oh my god.. 13 missed calls, 24 emails, 5 messages!”. “Yes, the world continues while you sleep Miss Song. Anyway, I’ll be leaving now. I need to get into the office. Is there anything else I can do to help?”. “Well… it’s a bit embarrassing” I reply “but… Could you please help me over to the bathroom..?”. Mr Zhao bursts into laughter as my face turns red with embarrassment. “It’s OK, don’t worry, I’ll get there myself” I say while he laughs loudly. I pull myself off the couch and onto the floor, then start dragging myself towards the direction of the bathroom. “Oh my god you’re hilarious” he says between laughter. “It’s fine, let me help”. Mr. Zhao walks behind me, then puts his two arms underneath my arms and over my shoulders, then starts to slide me across the floor. As I slide effortlessly across the floor, my arms locked by his strong arms and my singlet being pulled up by his grasp, I feel my shorts beginning to slide down slightly over my ass revealing my hip bones. “Ahhh!” I let out a slight scream as I feel my shorts getting lower and lower, my ass now completely out in the open sliding along the floor and my shorts dropping to just cover my vagina as we reach the bathroom door. I cross my legs to keep my shorts on as Mr Zhao looks down at me and his smile quickly turns to horror as he see’s why I am squirming and instantly drops me to the floor, letting my arms go free. I quickly reach down and grab my shorts, which are barely covering my vagina and pull them back up. “Sorry. I, I didn’t realize” He says as he quickly looks away, walking towards the door. “I’ll be off now. Sorry”. He opens the front door and closes it behind himself as I sit outside my bathroom panting. “Fuck” I say as I sit there.

Almost in tears, I pull myself into the bathroom and up onto the toilet, wishing today never happened. As I sit there in shame, I hear the message tone on my phone from the living room, dreading what’s coming next for today. “Please just let me get back to normal life” I think to myself. I leave the bathroom, legs still quivering and back into the living room, getting myself up awkwardly onto the couch. I pickup my phone and look at the messages, missed calls and emails waiting for me. Most of the notifications appear to be work, which is a good distraction from the embarrassment I just endured moments earlier, which helps me to focus on doing my work and answering the emails from clients. As the day goes on and the sun begins to disappear behind the mountain in the distance, looking out of my living room balcony window, time seems to speed up as I continue to work into the night. *ding* I hear my phone chime, and as I unlock it, I realize suddenly that it’s almost 10pm at night. “OK, that’s enough work for today” I say to myself as I close my laptop shut and open WeChat. “Hey girl, how’s it going?”. The message is from Ying. I smile as I start typing my reply. “You wouldn’t believe how shit my day was today! I can still hardly feel my legs, my boss came over and I fell asleep during work hours. I worked at home today because I couldn’t walk :(“. *ding* “OMG LOL”. She replies. I read the message and put my phone down. “OK, no sympathy from her I guess” I think to myself, as I force myself to stand up and walk slowly to the balcony window. Looking out at the world already beginning to sleep around me, seeing children do their homework in apartments across from me and people leaving restaurants downstairs from my apartment. I walk towards my front door and turn off the lights in my apartment, leaving the bedroom light on. As I walk away from the front door I hear a soft knock, then turning myself around, make my way back to the door. As I open it, I see Ying standing there in short leggings and a huge white sweater than almost reaches her knees. “Hello!” she says as she see’s me standing there. “Gee, you look like shit. Are you OK?”. “Wow. Thanks!” I reply as she walks into my apartment, closing the door behind herself. As I walk back towards my couch, Ying takes my arm and lifts some of the weight off my legs, helping me towards the couch, then gently helps me sit down. “So, what happened today?” she asks, putting my legs up on the coffee table. “It was horrible” I reply, as Ying takes out a small bottle from her pocket. “Wait, what’s that?” I ask seeing the bottle. “It’s muscle relaxing gel” she replies as she squeezes gel onto both of my legs. “Now tell me what happened” she continues, looking up at me and rubbing the gel into my legs, pushing my shorts up so that my ass is visible from underneath. The cool sensation of the gel mixed with an inner warmth and the strong smell of the gel filling the air in my apartment. I tell Ying about my day, and she laughs while gently massaging my feet, legs, inner thighs and the bottom of my ass. As I finish the recount of my day, she smiles back at me and stops massaging me, making her way to the bathroom sync and washing her hands. “That’s a pretty horrid day!” she yells from the bathroom. “Do you think you’ll go in tomorrow?” she asks. “Yeah, I have to. I can’t always work from home. It’s just that I had a lot to do today but couldn’t actually get up to leave the apartment” I reply. Walking out of the bathroom and putting the gel on the coffee table, she dries her hands on the back of her shorts, then says “OK, well, it’s late now, so I’m going to go home. Let me know if you need anything! I’ll see you this weekend maybe, if you’re available?”. “Yeah, I’m free this weekend, why’s that? Not more swimming I hope?” I look back at her with a worried look. She laughs then says “No silly! I’m having some friends over for drinks and food on Friday night. You’re welcome to come over and hang out with us if you like? Play some games..”. “Oh yeah, that sounds like fun! I’ll let you know” I reply. She smiles back at me, then walks towards the front door and opens it. “Cool OK. See you later then” she says as she walks out the front door, locking it behind herself. I get myself up off the couch, turning off the living room lamp light and make my way back to bed, plugging my phone into the charger and getting undressed. The moon is almost full as I look out my bedroom window, leaving it open for fresh air with the sheer blinds drawn. I get into bed, and within seconds of closing my eyes fall asleep.

As I open my eyes, the light through my open window floods in across my bedroom. Clearing the sleep from my eyes, I pull the sheet away from myself and step carefully out of bed, testing the strength of my legs. They are still sore, but at least I can stand up today. I look over to my clock and see it is 5am. “Nice and early” I say to myself as I walk towards my window and peak through the sheer blinds and the world waking up with me. I turn away from the window and make my way into the bathroom and start the shower, making sure the water is hot. The room fills with steam, as I walk outside the bathroom and into the kitchen, turning on my coffee machine and starting the grind of coffee beans. “I need to be alert today. I need to get through all of my work” I think to myself as I go back to the bathroom. As I walk into the shower, I hear the coffee grinder stop and the water start to drip into the cup underneath it. As I was myself, I run my hand softly over my abs and down my legs, feeling my thigh muscles flexing underneath my fingers. “pretty cool” I think to myself as I smile and running my hands over my body as I wash myself. I turn off the shower and step out, grabbing my towel and drying myself, then wrapping the towel around my hair and head and making my way towards the bedroom. I open my underwear drawer and take out a new purchase from a few weeks ago, a hand made lace bra and thong set, and put it on. I then take a pair of long white leggins out and a beige sweater out, put it on with some long white tube socks, then make my way back to the kitchen, grabbing my coffee and putting some ice cubes and water in the glass. Milk can be hard to get in China, so I prefer to drink an iced long black at home without the need for worrying about the fat content or keeping the milk from going bad. Drinking my coffee, I pack my tote bag and put it by the front door, then go back to the bedroom, taking my phone and putting it in the zip up pocket in my leggings and putting on my white sneakers. Quickly drying my hair and putting on some makeup, I finish up, grab my tote bag and make my way out of the apartment. As I walk along the cherry blossom pathway out of the community, I see Ying walking down the stairs of her own apartment. “Hey Ying! Good morning!” I wave at her as I walk past. She turns around and see’s me. “Hey! Do you want a lift in?” she replies. “Oh, OK! Thanks!” I say, stopping and turning back towards her. “You’re out early today” she says as we walk downstairs to the car park. “Yeah, I want to get a lot of work done today so I can come around to your place tomorrow night without having to think about it” I reply. She looks at me and smiles. “So, you’re coming then? I’ll let the girls know” Ying says, looking more excited than usual. “Haha, yeah I’ll be there. Should I bring anything?” I ask. “Hmm. Bring some drinks and wear something comfortable. It’s just us girls” she replies. “Cool. Done!”. We get into her car and she starts driving out of the car park. As we drive along on the way towards the office, I take my phone out of my pocket and check through my emails mindlessly. “What are your friends like?” I ask. “Hmm, they are all pretty chilled out. Just a bunch of girls around our age. Some moved here, some grew up in the city here. Only 3 friends are coming other than you. Chloe, Amy and Eric”. “Oh, I thought you said they are all girls” I ask. “Hahaha, well, Eric is gay, so he’s basically a girl. Chloe is straight, Amy is a lesbian. We tried dating a few years ago but it didn’t really work out. We are still friends though!” she replies. “Oh, okay, well that sounds like fun. What are we going to do at your place? Just drink?”. “No of course not!” she replies. “I have some games for us to play that my friends have played before. Card games and stuff like that to make the drinking more fun. It’ll be good to have you there too!”. As we arrive at the car park near the office, we make our way along the street towards the direction of the office, into the lift and up towards our floors. We hug as she gets out of the lift first and the work day begins.

The office is empty as I walk in, with the lights not even turned on yet. As I make my way towards the back side of the office towards my teams office space, the lights turn on announcing my presence. I sit at my desk, unpack my bag and order some delivery food from my phone, then open my laptop to begin the day. As time ticks along and my food arrives along with my fellow workmates and staff, time speeds along with ease. When Mr. Zhao arrives, he walks to my desk with a small box of chocolates and whispers “sorry about yesterday. It was an accident”, then walks away suddenly towards his office at the other side of our floor. My team all look at me in confusion, not knowing what happened yesterday at my house and probably confused about the chocolates. “It’s to help my legs. I had sore legs yesterday from swimming” I say, trying to diffuse the tension building with Millie, An and Liz all staring at me. “Catch!” I say as I pickup a chocolate for each of them from the box and throw it towards them. “Sharing is caring”. They all smile and start eating their chocolates while turning back towards their laptops and tapping away at the keyboard. At last, the day wraps up around 6pm, and I make my way downstairs from the office. Walking back towards the subway station, I see a little street store selling BBQ sticks, so I take a few sticks of BBQ lamb, some potato slices and a whole squid, eating as I walk. Feeling pretty hungry, I eat it all before entering the subway station, wiping my mouth with a wet wipe and tissue. The train home is particularly busy tonight with standing room only, but luckily for me I’m tall and slim and don’t take up much space, standing and holding the bar on the train above me. Finally, I get to my station in the south of the city, and make my way towards home down the pathway of my community. The cool night air and clear night sky surrounding me with the noise of the city left behind. Another day done and dusted, I think to myself walking along and finally up into my apartment. I get undressed down to my underwear, taking off my bra for a little bit of added freedom, put on my silk bath robe, then wash my face and change the sheets on my bed, putting the old sheets in the washing machine. Scrolling mindlessly through my at TikTok videos while watching TV, waiting for the washing machine to finish, I open my messages and send Ying a text. “Hey babe, quick question. What are the card games rules for tomorrow night? I want to be prepared”. I click the send button as the washing machine beeps to let me know it’s finished. I get up and take the washing towards my balcony window, pulling down a lever on the wall that drops a clothes line from the roof. Hanging up my sheets, I hear my phone chime. I finish up hanging up the sheets and go back to the couch to open my phone. “Hey! One game is a dice game. You roll five dice and guess how many of the same number is rolled between the players. Loser takes a drink. The second game is a card game. Each player takes 2 cards and whoever has the lowest number added between the two cards has to drink. There’s other rules for card combinations too. Make sure you wear a lot of clothes lol”. Curious. Why wear a lot of clothes? Oh well whatever, it should be a fun night. I think I know these games already so it should be fine. “Cool, thanks xx” I reply back. I turn off the TV and take my phone with me into the bedroom, then put my silk robe in the washing basket. I take off my underwear and slide into the cool white sheets of my bed. I turn off my bedside table light and lay there staring out the window as I drift off to sleep.


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