Codename Cambion Ch. 001 [MF] [Mind Control] [Big Tits] [High Heels] [Hypnosis] [Exhibitionism] [Office] [Teasing] [Str8]

***All characters in this story are 18 years or older***

Nate wasn’t sure exactly what his new career had in store for him, but he was pretty sure he’d enjoy it.

After college he spent a few years working in a federal agency as an investigator, but eventually he felt the urge to see what else was out there in the private sector. The specialized training he had received in intelligence collection made him fairly marketable. It had been a few months, however, and he had yet to find something that interested him.

Nate was about to settle for a mediocre position as a data analyst for the time being when he received a large, white envelope in the mail. It had a burgundy red stylized “SG” stamp in the upper right hand corner. The return address showed it was from a “Suada Group.”

Nate took the envelope inside and opened the envelope. As he sipped his coffee he read the following on the single piece of hardstock paper he found inside:

Mr. Nathaniel Jones,

We here at the Suada Group write to invite you to interview for a newly created position in our company. If you are interested in challenging assignments, autonomy, and worldwide travel, please come to the address below on the 28th of this month at 9:00 am.

The letter ended abruptly with the address. It was a four hour drive away, but Nate’s curiosity was sparked. He would make the trip, and if he didn’t like what he found he would accept one of the other jobs he had been offered.

He made the trip the evening before his appointment and spent the night in a cheap hotel. The next morning he put on his favorite dark blue suit and pulled into the parking lot of the business park the letter directed him to. His GPS app brought him to a tall building with glass windows all the way around, the most prominent in the park.

He walked into the lobby, as nice as any 5-star hotel he had been in, and went over to the directory near the security desk. As he browsed for the floor he was supposed to go to the mustachioed guard asked in a gravelly voice, “Can I help you find something?”

“The Suada Group?” Nate replied. “I don’t see it on the directory here.”

The guard frowned and, reaching for the phone on his desk, muttered, “Just a minute.”

Nate couldn’t hear what the guard was saying but, after a few moments, the guard hung up and seemed satisfied. “Come with me,” he said as he waved Nate behind the desk. There he led Nate through a door into what was basically a large closet with an elevator door at the far end.

This was odd, because Nate had passed about four other elevators on his way into the building. He didn’t ask questions, though. The guard led him into the elevator, pushed a button, and stepped out again. “Good luck,” he growled as the doors closed, leaving Nate to travel up by himself.

The elevator finally stopped at what Nate figured was one of the top floors, based on how long it took to get there. The elevator doors opened and he stepped out onto the marble floor. But he immediately stopped in his tracks.

The vast office space was extremely classy in a modern, sophisticated sort of way. Marble floors, glass partitions, thick carpets, and deep couches all combined to create an aesthetic of both comfort and professionalism. But what really surprised Nate were the women.

They were all gorgeous. They weren’t all supermodels in pencil skirts, though there were plenty of those. Many types and ages were represented, from the fit supermodels to petite goth girls, cute girls-next-door, and curvy MILFs. The common thread was that they all exuded a sexuality, the full force of which hit Nate like a brick wall. A very pleasant wall.

For their part, no one even glanced in his direction. They weren’t ignorant of his presence, just entirely disinterested. They continued their conversations or walks from one glass room to another without interruption.

Out of the crowd a stunning woman walked toward Nate. She looked to be of Mediterranean descent with straight black hair down almost to her waste, brown sunkissed skin, sharp facial features, and dark eyes. She was tall, even more so in her open toed high heels. Her dark blue knee-length pencil skirt did little to hide her wide hips and long, thick thighs. A white blouse and dark blue blazer, the first of which opened enough to show ample cleaveage, completed the look of a powerful, professional, and stunningly sexy businesswoman.

She approached him with a welcoming smile. “Hello, Nathaniel,” she said as she reached to shake his hand. Her voice was dusky, but absolutely feminine. “Thank you so much for making the trip to talk in person.”

“Hello, Ma’am,” Nate replied as he took her hand. “I’m happy to.” He really meant it.

“Oh, please, call me Veronica. What do you usually go by?”

“Nathaniel is fine, or Nate. I answer to both.”

“Ok, Nate. Shall we?” she suggested, signaling for him to follow.

Nate found it hard not to stare at Veronica’s perfect ass as he followed her through the maze of glass partitions. Each click she made with her heels was accompanied by the slightest jiggle that was oh so pleasing. But, not wanting to come off as a pervert before the interview even started, he scanned the environment as they walked.

All the walls except the outer ones were made of glass. As they passed through various rooms Nate saw women working on computers, chatting in lounges, and reading documents. But he couldn’t figure out what it was this company did. Why were these women all so sexy? And why was it only women?

They reached a large glass office at the back of the floor. It was sparse, with only a large rug beneath four large couches facing each other in a square, and a glass coffee table in the center.

“Please have a seat,” Veronica said gesturing to one of the couches as she moved to sit on the one opposite him. As she did she picked up a folder from the coffee table and set it in her lap. She pulled a piece of paper from the folder and slid it across the table.

“This is just a standard non-disclosure agreement,” she explained. “Some of our operations are a bit…sensitive. I’m sure with your background you understand.”

He nodded and took up a pen from the table. “I do.” Still, he glanced over the document just to be safe. Basically, don’t talk about anything you see or hear here. Got it. He signed the paper and pushed it back across the table.

“So, Nate, I read up a little on your previous work,” Veronica began. “Very impressive. It seems like you would have had no problem getting promoted there. So, what made you want to leave?”

“Well,” Nate thought for a second. “I wasn’t unhappy, but I did feel like I was on a leash. I knew I was capable of working in a more self-directed capacity. My superiors don’t always like it, but I think sometimes the best solutions are the most unconventional ones.”

Veronica’s eyes narrowed as she smiled. “Bingo,” she said as she pointed a finger at Nate. “That’s exactly why we called you in.”

“Oh? Which part?”

“Unconventional solutions,” she replied. “Our line of work here at Suada requires that our employees be adaptable, to create opportunities where there seem to be none. Full disclosure, I’ve been able to get my hands on your confidential records (don’t ask how) and I can see that’s what you’re good at.”

“Thank you,” Nate said. “But I’m still not sure exactly what it is you do here.”

“We’ll get to that,” Veronica promised. “Your records told me almost everything I need to know about you. But there’s one more check I need to run.”

“What’s that?”

“All I need you to do is sit there and relax,” Veronica explained cryptically. With that she set the folder back on the table, sat up straight, and took a deep breath.

Nate had no idea what was happening, but he learned a long time ago that calm and patience were usually the best options in any given scenario. He relaxed back into the couch and waited.

After a few seconds started to feel a tingle down his spine. His neck and cheeks started burning and his hands became sweaty. But most of all, he felt aroused.

This wasn’t like before, when he had just been enjoying the view of Veronica’s luscious figure. This was primal. Hungry. He didn’t just want to look, or even just feel. He wanted to consume, and be consumed in return.

So far Veronica had done nothing outwardly to provoke this. She still just sat there, looking intently at Nate. Seeing the effect that she was having on him, however, she shifted and sat back into the couch. Her legs spread just enough for Nate to see a strip of white fabric covering her mound.

Nate grabbed on to the couch cushions on either side of him as if he were holding on for dear life. There was no hiding the erection that threatened to rip through his pants. He tried to pull his gaze from Veronica’s crotch framed by two thick, tasty thighs, but it was impossible.

Now Veronica slowly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing heavy breasts cradled in a black lace bra. At the same time she spread her legs wider, allowing her skirt to ride up her thighs. Once her blouse was fully unbuttoned she squeezed her breast through her bra with one hand and gently rubbed her panty-covered pussy with the other.

Nate could barely see straight. His vision was foggy and the sweat that had been pooling on his forehead now dripped down his face. It was all he could do to keep from jumping across the table and taking Veronica then and there.

But she wasn’t done. She set her high-heeled feet on the edge of the coffee table to give Nate the perfect view of her french-manicured toes, her calves, her inner thighs, her ass cheeks, her asshole (just barely covered by a strip of white cloth), and her damp, panty covered pussy.

When she pulled her thong to the side, Nate could almost taste the moisture emanating from between her lips. Every muscle in his body tensed as he resisted the beast that she had awoken within him. He knew he couldn’t resist much longer.

Veronica ran a single finger through her pussy lips. As she pulled it away her wetness hung like a thread between her fingertip and the crest of her labia. As the single strand stretched Nate felt his mind stretch with it. Once it broke, so would he. He shook where he sat as she slowly raised her hand until, suddenly…

POP! The strand broke. The world around Nate went black. He fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.



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