The Education of Ashley Polk [Mf] – Prologue and Chapter 1

Hi! This is my first time posting something like this. This is a long story that I’ve been working on. This first post doesn’t get dirty. But if you like my writing style I can keep posting the rest of the story. Open to critiques and feedback


Ashley didn’t realize all at once she was unhappy. It was the realization of why. Or at least one way to fix it. Or at least it was something that stuck in her mind and became a manifestation of all of the other things in her life that were frustrating and monotonous. It happened one night. Laying in bed after her husband rolled off of her. He always fell asleep right after sex. He was snoring softly and she was laying awake in the dark. It was sex. She needed more of it. Or different of it or something. Somehow her brain tied her unhappiness to her sexual part of her brain. And now it was a link that was going to be hard to break. There was just one problem.

Ashley didn’t know that much about sex. Yes she was married. But she married Mark when she was 19. He was in the air force and was going to Afghanistan. They were high school sweethearts and it made sense. Everyone in her life approved. She grew up conservative. In a conservative family, in a conservative church, in a conservative town, in a conservative state. She was following a path of a good house wife. But, her husband was gone for most of their first two years of marriage. They had sex. It was fun at first. Exploring. Both of them were virgins. They didn’t know what they were doing. But figured it out. But since the first time they did it, it never really changed. They would kiss a little. He
Would roll on top of her. Thrust. Cum inside of her. Roll over and go to sleep.

When he came back from his two years they were both 22 and they moved to Colorado and he stayed in the Air Force. Working on a near by base. He made decent money and they were able to buy a house in a nice neighborhood with a special mortgage from the government.

They didn’t really fit in the neighborhood. They were a lot younger than everyone else. Most of the houses were filled with families. Kids running around the manicured lawns. That was except for Greg. Greg lived next door to them and was a single man in his 40s. He was a widower. He was mostly quiet. Mostly kept to him self. He took good care of the house and stayed home a lot. He worked from home.

It was in the summer, when during the week, while her husband was at work that Ashley started walking to the coffee shop everyday. She’d walk the mile or so to the local Starbucks and get her self a sweet coffee. It was her little treat and a good start to the day. She didn’t work. Was never expected to. In her new suburban life, without family or friends around she needs to start a routine. The coffee was the first step.

She didn’t know why she did it the first time. But she stopped at Greg’s house one morning. He was on his front porch. Typing on his laptop. Enjoying the morning sun before it got too hot. He looked up. Smiling at his neighbor. She was beautiful. Young. Much younger than him. But he could still admire her figure. Blonde hair over her shoulders. Slender yet curvy in the way that women are effortlessly attractive in their 20s. She looked vaguely like a woman he knew in college, but it could just be because she was so young. It put him in that mindset. But she was just the neighbor and when she stopped in front of his house, he looked at her. Standing in her tank top and yoga pants and for the first time since knowing her felt an attraction he hadn’t before.

“Do you want a coffee?” That is the question that started everything. Ashley and Greg’s friendship. The adventures they would go on. The bond they would form. Those are the stories that will follow.

Chapter 1 – Ashely’s Proposal.

Ashley was a person of routine. She liked following steps. Even if they were fabricated in her own mind. Doing the same things in order felt safe. Reassuring. It was a blessing, but also was part of what led her to the place she wa currently in. Sad. But, she had a plan to fix it.

Her new routine, was after her husband would go to work, she would get coffee for her and Greg and stop at his place. They sat outside while it was warm, but now it was late fall early winter and they moved inside his house for their little coffee dates. She looked forward to them. She got up each day and got dressed thinking about what Greg would like. It wasn’t a conscious thought at first. But then it just became a routine. Like the others. She would watch his gaze as he surveyed her each day. He tried to be subtle about it. But she was looking for it. Looked forward to it. The moment during their chat when he would slide his eyes up and down her body.

The idea first came late one night. She didn’t drink thst often. It didn’t make her feel great. But this might her and Mark had gone out to dinner and she ordered a fruity cocktail. Having a little fun. She had two. Didn’t realize how strong they were her head was spinning uncomfortably and she couldn’t fall asleep. She lay awake. Her drunk brain making connections that she had never made before. Kits those thoughts that usually pass when you sober up. But for some reason this one stuck with her. It was in her brain as she sat down at Greg’s kitchen table. Watching him putter around his kitchen. Looking for the bread knife to cut them each a slice of sourdough he just pulled out of the oven.

Greg was unlike any man she’d ever met. He was handsome. He had a kind face. Dimples on his cheeks when he smiled. A beard that varied in length apparently at random. He kept his hair short and it was speckled with grey. He had beautiful green eyes. He kept in shape, in a way that he still had a little bit of a belly, but you knew he was strong. A little bit of a lumberjack vibe, but he tended toward the outdoor/athletic clothing popular here in Colorado. A lot of Patagonia. It was his quiet confidence that was so attractive to her. His ability to just own the space he was in. It made her feel at once completely welcome, but also not sure she deserved to be there.

She had been curious since they met about his sex life. She would see different cars stop by some nights. Women coming and going occasionally. She asked him about it and he was always open. He has a couple women that he slept with. Friends with benefits he called them. One of them was married, but her husband and her had an arrangement. The other was an ex girlfriend. It didn’t work out but they liked having sex. So she also came over every once and a while.

He was so open about sex. Seemed happy to talk about sex and his sexual life. But also didn’t push down that road when Ashley asked. He gently moved the conversation somewhere else.

Greg could see her building to something. It was obvious in her line of questioning. Over the past week she brought up his sex life more and more. It seemed like she was processing something. He tried to stay away from it. Not because he was embarrassed but because he was worried about where it was headed. Ashley was beautiful, and he was getting to know her really well. They talked everyday for at least an hour. He could feel that twinge of feelings when he saw her. In a way he hadn’t felt since his wife passed away. He tried to process it. She was young and maybe a little confused. It didn’t seem like she was happy in her marriage, but Greg didn’t want to cause drama. To be an instigator. Be a problem. That’s why he didn’t know how to respond to her when she asked him the question she had been building to. She asked a second question that would be a turning point in their relationship:

“Greg… um… can you teach me about sex?”



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