[MF] I never should have gone to that party. [alcohol, impreg, bad end. Based on a personal experience.]

I frowned, adjusting the small skirt. “Are you sure this isn’t too much?” I asked my friend Lisa.

She giggled in response and twirled around to show off her short dress. “No, silly! It’s a college party! All the girls are going to be dressed like this. Don’t you want to get out of the house for once?”

I tried to pull the short skirt lower, and gave myself a look in the mirror while nervously bunching up the skirt in my hands. I did look good, that was true. But I was more used to wearing men’s jeans and baggy sweaters. This outfit left me feeling vulnerable.

“Cmon, slut!” Lisa yelled as she buckled on a pair of high heels. “We’re going to be late!”

The party was at an older frat house near our local college. I could hear the music from a block away. I shivered as cold wind blew up my skirt. Stupid fucking Lisa. She was always trying to drag me out to parties. I usually stayed in the corner, watching her flirt. My last relationship had ended months ago. I’m not good at talking to boys. I never know what to say, never know where to put my hands.

Lisa grabbed my hand and pulled me into the front door. It was only 10pm, but the place was packed. Loud music blasted from a speaker system.

I relaxed a little. Lisa was right. Most of the girls were dressed like me, or in even less. I turned around to talk to her, but lost her in the crowd. I nervously tried to pull down my skirt again. A few boys were drinking at the couch, and I could feel their eyes crawling over my body. First taking in my low cut top, then looking over my legs. One of them bent toward a little bit to get a good look up my skirt. I blushed and clutched my arms to my chest.

I turned around to find Lisa, and my chest slammed into something tall, and unmoving. I looked up. A taller man with a college T-shirt and holding two drinks looked down at me, unimpressed. He held out one of the cups. “You Nikki?” Your friend told me to come find you. She met an old friend out back, and they’re taking their time to get to know each other- if you know what I mean.

I slowly took the drink. Great, now I wasn’t only at a party dressed like this- I was here alone. The man with the cup playfully nudged me on the shoulder. “Go ahead, drink up. You look nervous. Loosen up a little.”

I closed my eyes and took a sip of the drink. It was good! It was sweet, but with an under taste I couldn’t place. “Mmm, this is delicious,” I said. “What’s in this?”

The man laughed and shot a look at the boys on the couch. Looked like they were friends. “Special house recipe. Don’t worry about it. Name is Dalton. Come over here and sit with us.”

I awkwardly took me cup with me and sat with Dalton and his friends. Every time my drink got low, he excused himself and grabbed me a refill. Faster than I expected, my head started to feel light. I felt a little dizzy. I noticed I was laughing hard at Dalton’s friends jokes. “See?” He said. I told you that would loosen you up a bit. He shot his friends a look I didn’t quite understand. One of them winked at him, and looked at me with a smirk. I didn’t even notice. My head was pleasantly fuzzy.

He pulled me onto his lap. I squirmed a bit, uncomfortable with the attention. His arms grabbed mine, running up and down them and settling on my lap. “Ssssh, don’t act like a prude. There’s not enough room on the couch for all of us. And I’ve been getting you drinks all night. Be friendly, okay?” His hand ran up and down my leg, stopping right at the hem of my mini skirt.

“Hey,” he said, snapping his fingers at the boy next to him. “The lady’s cup is empty. Grab her another one, would you. I started to protest, but Dalton put a finger up to my lips. “Ssssh, no back talk baby girl. We’re all having a good time here. Aren’t you?”

I relaxed against him, my head swimming. I was handed another cup, and had a few sips. It was the same sweet drink before, but with a bitter taste. “Mmmmm,” I said, trying to be polite.

“That’s better, baby girl,” Dalton said and laughed. “No worries here. You just seem like a cool girl. I just wanna get to know you better. He leaned in and slowly kissed my neck. With one hand around my waist, he slid his hand up my shirt and cupped my breast. “See, baby, getting to know new people isn’t bad. Don’t be a prude on me.”

Something was starting to happen to my body, something I couldn’t explain. Everywhere on my body he touched seemed like a warm, pleasant heat was heading through it. I could feel my nipples hardening, and without thinking about it, I spread my thighs. I started to pant when he slid a hand up the back of my skirt. He started rubbing circles over the top of my thong. I rocked my hips against his hand and looked around. Here I was surrounded by complete strangers. When I looked up, some time must have passed. Dalton’s friends were leaving the room. “Just wanna give you two lovebirds some time alone,” one hooted.

“That’s so much better, isn’t it Nikki?” He started to pull up my shirt. “Nooo,” I whined. I tried to put up my arms to stop him, but my head seemed so empty, and my arms so heavy.

“Don’t worry baby girl, well have a real fun night together, you and me. Give me a shot to change your mind.” He pulled me off his lap and easily tossed me onto the couch. I landed on my back, legs wide apart and my skirt flew up to my waist. “Much better,” he purred, taking a look between my thighs. “Thongs are my favorite on girls. Baby, you look good enough to eat.” He started leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, stopping to gently bite. His other hand kept rubbing circles right over my clit. I arched my back and moaned helplessly. His hands felt so good. I could feel myself soaking through my panties as his hands continued to rub me. He finally pulled up my shirt. I was panting, little small whimpers coming out of my mouth. I ground myself against his hand desperately. He took a nipple in his mouth, and gently bit down.

“Nnnnnn… oh fuuuck,” I panted while grabbing onto his shoulders, one hand in his hair. “Hey, keep it down, he muttered in my ear. They’ll hear you in the next room. Although I wouldn’t mind an audience for what I plan on doing to you.”

I couldn’t even think. I was close, I was so close. I needed him to keep moving his hand. I was arching and grinding into him, the most pathetic sounds coming out of my mouth. Right when I was about to cum, Dalton removed his hands. He stood up, and upclasped his belt. “It’s a two way street, baby girl. You wanna feel good, you gotta make daddy feel good. And you want to feel good, right?”

I fell onto my knees. He grabbed a fistful of my hair in his hand. Pulling down his boxers, he pulled my hair until my mouth fell into a surprised “o” look. Without missing a beat, he used his other hand to put his thumb beneath my back teeth, holding my mouth open. “Do a good job for Daddy, and daddy will make you cum. C’mon, little girl.”

I took his cock into my mouth and was rewarded by hearing him moan above me. Slowly working my tongue down the length of his shaft, I took my other hand and started stroking him. “Fuck, you little slut, where’d you learn that? Someone’s not as shy as they act.” I tried to murmur an answer, but the hand on the back of my head slammed my mouth forward. Tears filled my eyes as he entered my throat. I tried to pull my head back, but he held firm. I started to gag, and sob, my tears ruining my makeup. “That’s right, whore. Fucking stay right there while I ruin that nice makeup of yours.” I heard more moaning from above me. He started fucking my throat in earnest. Suddenly, Dalton didn’t seem so nice anymore.

He eventually let go of my head, and I fell backwards onto the sofa, coughing. “All right, baby girl, time for your reward. He lifted my legs over his shoulders. “Wait- wait!” I tried to insist. Words were getting harder and harder to use. “Condom,” I slurred out. “Need… a condom….. not on birth control.”

He didn’t seem to hear me. He rubbed his cock along my labia, a few strings of pre-cum mixing with my wetness. I moaned and threw back my head. “Don’t worry baby girl, trust daddy. He just wants to feel you a bit. He’ll pull out- don’t worry.” He sloooowly began to push into me. “Fuck, you’re tight, you slut. You sure you’re not a virgin?”

I stared up at him whimpering, tears still falling down my face. I didn’t want this. But I did at the same time. I needed him, and I needed him bad. Maybe just a few thrusts. He’ll pull out, right?” The heat inside me overpowered what was left of my mind. I started rocking my hips up to meet his, as he worked every inch into me. Fuuuck, my head was empty, but my pussy was full. I loved this. I loved every inch of him. He held my legs up higher, and started fucking me, hard. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him in closer with every thrust. I began to make pathetic mewling sounds that sounded more animal than human. I could hear him working on top of me, and could hear the wet, sucking sound my pussy made every time he pulled out. Fuck, how did I get myself in this position?

He paused, panting, and looked me over. “You know, you’d look damn good as a mother.” He slammed himself in to the hilt, throwing my body back as I made surprised, small sounds. “Noooo,” I whined. No, please don’t. Please. I’ll do anything!” He looked down and gave me a cold, appraising gaze. My earlier feeling was right- Dalton was not very nice.

“Tell you what, baby girl? It’s okay, it’s just a kink of mine. Tell you what, beg for my baby, and I promise I’ll pull out. Absolutely promise.” He gave me a wink, and a bit of the old, nicer Dalton was in his face. I hoped he would follow his word.

I leaned back, and held my legs up and apart for him. Sobbing now, more than ever, I looked up timidly into his face. “Please, Dalton, please give me your baby. I’ll be a good mom- I’ll keep it, I promise!” I was snapped back into reality with a sudden backhand.

“I was going to keep my word, slut, but you gotta put your heart into it. Make me believe you want it. Make me believe you want my cum. Beg, and this time you put your heart into it, baby girl.”

My face reddened and stinging, I took a deep breath. “Please daddy, give me something to remember you by. Something I’ll have months from now. Please come inside me and knock me up. Please make my skirts tight. Please daddy, fill me up. Please, I want your baby!” For a second I laid there, legs held up high. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had done it. He would pull out. He would keep his word.

Just as fast as that feeling of relief washed over me, it vanished. He grabbed my throat with one hand and squeezed- hard. “There you go baby girl, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Being honest, I mean.”

He began to fuck me harder than of ever been fucked before. Every stroke hit my cervix, every thrust knocked me backwards and made my breasts bounce against my chest. “Nooo, no, no,” I whined, trying to pull away. I tried pulling my hands off my legs and beating him on his chest with my fists, but my mind was so foggy. I was slipping somewhere away, far away. Somewhere down below me, I could feel my pussy squeezing onto him for all it was worth.

The last thing I remember was him over me, still with my throat in his hand. The last thing I remember feeling was his cock buried deep in me, twitching so hard it hurt. A flood of warm wetness filled me and poured down my legs. Then… darkness. Peaceful, silent darkness.

I woke up the next day with my skirt and top on, but my panties missing. I looked and felt down. It felt like somebody had cleaned me up when I was out. No sticky traces on my thighs, nothing leaking out of me. I took a look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, and I had a faint hand imprint on my neck.

I started to hyperventilate. “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine. You imagined most of it. You had too much to drink. It’s all fine. I’m sure almost none of that happened. There’s no way you went all the way.” I cleaned myself up as best as I could. When I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around, I didn’t see Dalton anywhere. I saw a few of the guys that were on the couch before leaving and asked then.

“Dalton?” One of them laughed. “Sorry,” he said with a smirk. “We don’t know anyone here by that name, do we boys?” The other men, holding back grins, shook their heads. Defeated, I slipped in my shoes and walked back home.

That was the end, or so I thought. A month after the party, everyone at my dorm came down with food poisoning. I took it harder than most. I felt so queasy every morning, and it was hard to not eat without vomiting. Even worse, I had missed my period. I shoved it out of my head. “Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it.” Holding my stomach, I went to bed. It seemed like I was always hungry nowadays. I must have been over-eating. I was gaining weight, and had put on a few pounds. I could still fit into my skirts, but they were getting tight. It was hard to squeeze into my old bras.

One day, two and a half months later, I looked into the mirror and gasped. My stomach had a definite swell. My breasts were fuller. I ran my hand down my chest, and shivered. My nipples were incredibly sensitive. Still, I pushed it out of my head. “It’s nothing, you’re imagining it. Go to sleep. It will all be better in the morning.” I cried myself to sleep that night, and had a strange nightmare. Me drunk, my head buzzing. Begging someone to do- or not do something. What was I asking them to do? I don’t remember.

The next day, I walked back to the frat house the party was at. A few frat brothers were playing beer pong. I didn’t see Dalton. “Weeeeell,” one of them crooned. What’re you doing back he- he froze as he looked me up and down, focusing on my swollen stomach and heavy breasts. “I’ll be damned, looks like somebody took home a little souvenir of that night.” He laughed in a way that had no mirth in it. I blushed and reached both hands down to cradle my stomach.

“Tell you what, princess. Leave your number here. If I do know a Dalton, I’ll try to have him get in touch with you. Hot, embarrassed tears rolling down my face, I scribbled my number on a napkin. On the way out, I stopped to pull down my shirt. None of them seemed to fit recently. The best I could do was to yank it down over my growing breasts and try to make it cover my stomach.

I waited and waited. Days passed. Each day I was more nervous than the last. Each day, I denied what was happening to me. I bought newer, bigger clothes. I felt almost normal. I ignored that it was getting harder and harder to see my feet in the shower. One day, I got a message from an unknown number.

Here is a link- https://imgur.com/a/RmyGIQC

I sat there on the toilet with my pregnancy test on my lap. Looking down, I realized why I had been getting so sick. Why my clothes didn’t fit. I leaned over to see the test around my expanding womb. Positive. I felt like a gallon of ice water was poured down my back. That man- that absolute fucking bastard- raped his baby into me. And I was going to have to live with it. Well, fuck that. Tomorrow, I was calling every clinic I could.

Months later-

He was right you know. He was right. Not a single clinic would take me. I went to an ultrasound last month. Twins. I grimace and rub my back as a hear them kick. I never should have gone to that party. I never should have taken that drink. I never should have opened my legs. I never should have begged him for his baby. I was a “good girl,” how did I get like this?

I managed to finish this semester, but I don’t know what I’m going to do after this. My due date is in less than a month and a half, and it’s happening whether I want it to or not. I thought about reaching out to Lisa to see if she wants to hang out, but she texted me first. Good friend. Wanted to know how my pregnancy was going, and if I had any names picked out. She found a new boyfriend, she said. Kind, cute, handsome. She sent me a picture, and I froze up. Lisa looked gorgeous, wearing a short dress and a push-up bra. She had a mans hand around her waist, his face pressed against her cheek. A very familiar looking man.

Dalton. She’s dating Dalton.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rxvm0w/mf_i_never_should_have_gone_to_that_party_alcohol


  1. This story is based off of when I was actually date raped by a friend. I worried about being pregnant for weeks, and my period was late 😅

    Be careful who you trust!

  2. I have to admit, that part about you holding your legs spread open is very hot.

  3. Like. Damn. Sorry that happened to you but fuck. I don’t think I’ve been harder in my life.

  4. You have his phone number.

    Clap his ass with a paternity suit. Take every goddamn cent he has.

    I’m a dude. This behavior is unacceptable.

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