Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F/F] Part 55


=== ***Alana*** ===

I watched the colors leave his face. I watched him feel his hand, how clammy it had gotten. He then blinked his eyes a few times, then he slumped over. His head bounced against Rox’s lap, then he fell to the floor with a deep thud.

“Chris!” We all called out in unison. I climbed over their naked bodies and nestled him against me.

“Get me some cold water, pillows and my work bag,” I told them calmy, and they each left the room. Lex came back first with pillows, held with shaking hands, and we laid him down straight, placed his feet up higher than his head, and made sure he’s comfortable. Rox came back with a glass of water soon after and we got him to drink some.

Izz came with my work bag, and I got my BP cuff and stethoscope from there. I checked his blood pressure and it’s stupidly low.

88/50. Shit, that’s low.

“His BP is low,” I told them, “We might need to take him to the hospital.”

“The hospital!?” Lex cried out in panic, “but… but… he’s going to be fine, right? Please tell me he’ll be fine!”

Lex paced the floor nervously, almost hysterical. “Rox, calm her the fuck down. Izz, grab some clothes for him in case he has to stay there for more than a couple of days.”

He should have given the hospital his basic information when he got his dick checked out, so we don’t really need to bring anything other than him. He’s awake now, a little bit, but I’m still worried about him.

If we go to the emergency room ourselves, he’ll sit in the lobby for several hours before being seen. Since he’s only there because of fainting, they’ll prioritize the more serious cases before him. If we go by ambulance, well he’ll be taken more seriously. At the same time, a bus ride is fairly expensive, but I think they can shoulder the cost.

“Let’s go to the emergency room,” Izz said as her hand went on my shoulder, “come on, we can’t wait long.”


We sat in the lobby with Chris’ head resting against my shoulder. Izz is over at the receptionist, talking calmy with her. Suddenly, the receptionist leapt up in surprise and ran to the back, and Chris is immediately flown to the back with us in tow. We immediately got a room, and I’m actually both in shock and surprise.

“What the fuck happened,” I finally said, and Izz only shrugged. The charge nurse, Alan, I know him, came into the room.

“Oh, Alana, I didn’t know you’re here!” he said. Alan is an elderly Filipino man, and his accent is thick. However, he’s very well-liked by the hospital. He approached Izz and held her hand and shook it. “Oh, I am sorry Mrs. Campbell. If I knew you were coming, I would have prepared the room myself!”

The fuck is happening!?

“Oh, don’t worry about it, just take care of Chris, alright,” she said while bruising Chris’ cheeks. “Can we get a room in 4 Alpha, by chance?”

“If there’s a room up there, then yes,” Alan replied and he smiled widely to Izz and to me.

The fuck is happening!?

A pair of nurses flowed in as soon as Alan left. They placed an I.V. into the crease of Chris’ arm and got him on fluids. “Alana, how long ago did he faint?” said Simone, one of the nurses. I went to nursing school with her and while we didn’t get along there, we have a friendly professional relationship.

“Um, about thirty minutes ago,” I answered, and she nodded, “his BP was 88/50 when I took it.”

“What was he doing that got his BP that low,” Harvey, the other nurse asked. I worked with him during a stint in the ER when the pandemic was in full swing. He looked at me and I just kind of stared at him.

“Oh…” he mouthed, finally getting the situation as he looked around to a room full of women. Women that, an hour ago, sucked and fucked this man and denied him an orgasm. Four women that sent him to the hospital.

Edging him was my idea. Sure, the others didn’t say no to my plan or anything, but I’m the one who wanted to do it. I watched a video, and this guy just lets out huge amount of cum, so I figured that Chris’ll just give us this enormous amount. I didn’t take into account that he had already came twice beforehand. I didn’t take into account that he’s already physically taxed. My lust got the better of me, and now I’m ashamed of what I’ve done.

They decided to keep him for observation, and he’s swiftly taken to his room. The day shift nurses were surprised to see me, seeing as I work in the same unit, and we got him settled into the room. Then came a face I didn’t want to come in.

Amber. Fucking, Amber…

Rox and Izz went out to get some food, seeing as dinnertime for the patients had been served, and I told them that I’ll let them know what diet Chris got from the doctor. Lex stayed by the couch, worried and slightly scared.

“The last time I was in a hospital, my mother was dying,” she muttered as a form of explanation, “I… I don’t have many good experiences with hospitals.”

“He only fainted, Lex, just relax. You’re going to make him worry,” I said to her while I rub her hand, “he’ll be fine.”

Amber came with that giddy smile of hers, and when her eyes landed on Chris it widened for a bit. “Oh my, fancy seeing you again!”

She kind of glanced at me and winked, “well, now I need to check your body for any skin tear or spots.”

“Amber, he’s 25 years old! What do you mean skin tear!?” I growled at her, knowing full well what she’s going to do because I do the same thing. However, that’s only for the elderly or the bed ridden patients.

“Alana, you don’t have a say in the matter. Now, just sit there and be quiet,” she said in a low tone, menacingly.

“Now, Chris, I need to get you into a hospital gown, alright?”

She’s way too happy to have said that, and that smile on her face is a little alarming. She procured the necessary gown and pulled Chris’ blanket back. Chris sat up and took his shirt off and she kind of cooed at seeing his naked chest. Then I saw her lick her lips while Chris started unbuttoning his pants.

“L-Let me do that for you,” she gladly said, and Chris just sighed weakly and sank back into his bed.

“I thought you went back to the nightshift, Amber,” I pointed out and she just brushed me off. She slowly unzipped his pants and hooked her claws around his waistband and slowly pulled his pants down. Painfully slow! Her face is so close to his crotch, that when his pants came off his cock sprang up and tapped her on the cheeks. I damn near shouted at her, but she just held up her hand.

“I can get you kicked out, Alana,” she threatened, “just a taste, alright? That’s not so bad, it’ll be our little secret.”

“Amber, enough!” I growled at her and this time I meant it. I shoved her away and she almost fell over if it wasn’t for Alexa catching her. “You can get fired for this! Don’t you even care about your career!?”

Amber brushed herself off. “I’m addicted to sex, Alana. I’ve been trying to control myself, that’s why I moved to day shift so I wouldn’t have a lot of chances of sleeping around. But then… that just free’s up my night, you know. I go to bars, hook up with strangers, and I just cannot help myself.”

“You need to get yourself into therapy girl. You’ll end up catching a disease.”

“I get myself tested almost every week,” she confessed as she has this defeated look on her face. “I’m getting there. I don’t have sex as often anymore, but the urge is so strong some nights.”

I came up to her and held her at arm’s length. “You need to get therapy. Something is wrong with you, and until you find out what you’ll just end up doing this over and over again until you get an incurable STD, get fired, or worse you sleep with the wrong person.”

“I know. I know you’re right. You and Victor and Emily, you’re all right.”

She turned to leave the room but not before finalizing his admission. “It’s almost shift change, so you won’t see me as much. Thanks, Alana, I’ll get myself into therapy soon.”

I felt sorry for her. She has an addiction and she’s taken steps towards it, but like addicts she relapses. The problem now is that there’s a big bag of coke right in front of her, and she needs a fix.

Izz and Rox came back with bags of burgers for us. Thankfully, the physician issued him a Regular Diet and so Chris is able to eat.

When the night shift came, his nurses immediately went int our room and wouldn’t you know it, it’s Victor. He shook our hand, especially Chris, and him and Amber went off to do their report.

“Nothing major with him, just general weakness, major dehydration and low BP. From what Harvey can gleam they were doing something… well, you know.”

“Hunh, I can guess. Alana, I’ll talk to you later, I need to get report on the other patients,” Victor said with a smile. He gave us a wave and out the room he went.

=== ***Bella*** ===

Oh, my poor man. On his hospital bed, and a bit weak.

We’re probably not going to have any sex anytime soon. Well, my man needs his rest. He’s such a trooper and he gives and gives, and he doesn’t know when to stop. He probably thinks that not having sex with us will make our heart grow colder for him. I can’t speak for the others, but for me I’m alright with not having intimacy as often as we used to.

“You guys can go home if you want,” I told them, “I’m going to stay by his side.”

Chris took my hand and kissed it. “You all can go home if you want,” he said. He’s not as weak as he used to be, I guess he just needed fluids and rest, but his voice is still not as robust as before.

“No, no, I’m staying,” I insisted, and he just rubbed my hand on his cheeks. Really there isn’t a lot of room here for 4 grown women to sleep in. The couch pulls out and there’s a recliner. It’s a pretty big room but I’m not about to bring a bed in here or anything.

Then a suit comes in, smiling and apologetic. “Uh, Ms. Campbell, I hope the room is to your liking,” he said. An elderly gentleman, one of the heads of the hospital is what I can tell.

“Yes, yes it’s fine. We’re pleased with the room.” I don’t need this right now. I don’t need the big boss of the fucking hospital to be in the room. Alana kind of gave me this incredulous look, like I’m some weird being or something.

“Ok, ok, if there’s anything you need just let me know, please,” he said and he made his exit. I sat back down on the chair and Alana approached me.

“Izz, why is the CEO of the hospital coming in here, at this time, when he’s supposed to be in his fucking mansion?” she asked with hands on hip.

“Oh, that,” I chuckled, “I kind of put some investment in the hospital, bought some shares here and there. So I just own some shares of the hospital.”

“How much shares,” she interrogated.

“Not a lot – ”

“How. Much. Shares.”

“Err…uhh… umm…. 15%?”

“15!? 15%!?” She exploded, “that’s a big part, what do you mean ‘not a lot’ you dumb bitch!?”

“I needed to put my money towards something permanent and sustainable, and given how people get sick all the time then what better place than a hospital?”

“What’s your monthly return?” She continued, coming just a step closer, “tell me now!”

“Uh… about… 35K a month?”

“What the… WHAT!? 35,000 a month!?”

She sunk back onto the couch with her hand over her head, “my god, you really don’t need to work for the rest of your fucking life. Fucking, rich kids I swear.”

Victor soon came back and hung a new I.V. bag. “How my favorite patient doing?” he asked cheerfully and Chris kind of groaned at him, “well, we’re keeping you overnight just to make sure your vital signs are stable. We do have a visitor policy, we’re over the pandemic but we can’t be too careful. Two visitors can stay overnight.

“I have to go to work in the morning,” Roxxy piped up, “I’d love to stay, but I haven’t gone to work in a week so if I want to keep my job I kind of have to.”

“I have a shift tomorrow night, so I need to rest,” Alana grumbled, “I can call out if you want me to Chris!”

“No, no, go to work, Alana,” Chris laughed, “maybe you’ll be my nurse tomorrow night if I’m still here.”

“Oh no, Chris you need to take it easy buddy! No more intense sex or anything, don’t do whatever you did to get you in here again!”

=== ***Roxanne*** ===

Alana and I drove home. The hospital is fairly close to the house, about a 20 minute drive, and since it’s night time there aren’t a whole lot of cars on the road. She’s sighing heavily, still a bit worried about Chris.

“Hey, you need to relax,” I told her and she just clicked her tongue at me, “babe, really, you need to relax. Chris is fine.”

“It’s my fault,” she said softly, “I’m the one who wanted to edge him, it’s my fault.”

“Hey! Hey, you stop that! We couldn’t have known!”

“I should have known! He just had sex, twice, and then I wanted to edge him! I should have known better than to do that! If it was regular sex, it’s fine, but he came so fucking hard that he fainted and it’s because of me!”

“Babe, listen, listen, we didn’t know. Chris didn’t know, Belle didn’t know, I didn’t know and YOU didn’t know! We’ll just be careful next time, alright? Alright?”

She was quiet the entire ride home. She moved like a zombie back to her room and closed the door. I went into mine and changed my clothes. I used to wear lacy teddies before all of this, trying to get myself used to it for my boyfriend. But now all I wear is a thong and a tank top. Why? because it’s easier to take off and Chris just slides the crotch part of the thong and fucks me anyway. Sometimes I wear my lingerie.

Like tonight.

I slip them on, a nice pink lacy bra and panties with garters and stockings, and I did my hair just right. I silently went into her room to find her gently sobbing into her pillows. I placed myself onto her bed, she noticed me immediately, and we started kissing.

We haven’t had sex with each other in a while, usually because our intimacy is shared with Chris and Belle, sometimes Alexa joins in. Being gay or being straight is all a blur nowadays, someone can be bi-curious, and they can still dress like a girly-girl or manly-man.

“Wait! I need to change too. I can’t just let you be the one putting all the effort,” she said as she pressed her finger against my lips.

“Alright babe,” I said as I licked her finger and sucked on it, holding onto her hand while she moaned. I finally let her go and she disappeared into her closet.

I waited for a few minutes, wanting to get myself in there and start again, but she kept telling me to hold on. When she finally emerged, she’s wearing the things we bought from the porn shop and the mall. Alana’s never been one for girly-girl type of clothing, she’s more comfortable in jeans and tank tops, but the way she fills in her own blue lingerie and even the crotchless panties that she told me she was going to wear for Chris, well my heart just about skipped.

“Oh boy…” I told said quietly to myself, “I’m in trouble.”

Initially I wasn’t sure if I’m into girls. Sure, I found myself getting more and more attracted to Alana, but I attributed that to a passing attraction at first. I did it just to experiment and to find out. But seeing her in that sexy get up kind of made it serious for me. I’m a bi-girl now, and my parent’s opinion be damned.

She crawled up to me and I extended my arms to greet her, and she fell onto my lips. We kissed for what seems like forever, I’m guessing Chris rubbed off on us, and when we separated, we were both breathing hard and fast.

She’s the first to act, kissing my neck and making her way down to my chest where she stayed for a moment. She reached behind me and undid my bra, then I removed them and pulled her in for a kiss as well while my hands removed her own bra. She started rubbing one breast while her lips went to the other’s nipples and she sucked and licked them, culminating into a gentle bite that increased in pressure until I hissed at her.

Her breasts are bigger than mine, I’m not going to lie about that, but they belonged to us, to everyone in this relationship not just me. While I gently sucked on her tits and nipples my hand started to rub and caress her thick, juicy ass. “Mmmm, your tongue is so wet,” she moaned as her hand rubbed my back, “suck me more, suck it harder.”

So, I sucked and ate her tits, but then she pulled me up to her face and we kissed again, “I’ll show you how to suck a tit,” she grinned, and she went down to my chest and sucked my nipple extra hard. So hard that I’m afraid she’s going to permanently make my nipples erect. She bit my nipples a bit firmer and then she lightly trashed her head left and right while her lips are around it.

“Oh shit, baby!” I moaned. She looked at me while my a tit is in her mouth and then I see her hand drifting south. She slips it under my underwear, and I feel her hand rubbing my clit. I felt that heat building up down there, and she kept her eyes on me and her lips on my nipple as she pulled and pushed at it

“Shit… oh shit…. fuck,” I whispered, “keep going, keep going babe…”

Her fingers worked faster, and she came off my breast and pushed me to my back. She went down on me; I felt her tongue enter me while her fingers still rubbed my clit. “Oh fuck, baby! Come here, c’mere I want some of you too!”

I see her leg whoosh past my head and then her nice mound plop on top of me. I pulled her close and started eating her out, but I’ll admit I’m not as good as her or Chris. I just licked her pink pussy, pressed my fingers in and pressed it against the roof of her vagina, which caused her to moan roughly.

“Fuck, babe, I’m going to cum! Keep going, keep going!” I moaned out and that seems to rally her on as she dug herself into me. She started sucking on my clit, using the same technique that Chris employs, while her finger rubbed the roof of my vagina.

Then I felt it. Oooh I felt it. It’s not as big of an orgasm that I get from Chris, but an orgasm is good no matter where and how you get it. Alana and I have had several encounters with one another, but we never did have sex with one another because Chris was there to fulfill it for both of us. This is my first lesbian sex with her, and I’m enjoying it thoroughly.

My orgasm came and I did all I could to not knock her off me. I grabbed her ass, squeezed it tightly while I grit my teeth and moaned hard. “Keep going, keep doing your thing babe,” I whispered, and I felt her enthused actions on my clit and vagina. “Shit, again!?” I screamed in my head as shes sending me into another orgasmic ride. This time, I couldn’t hold myself as my hips and legs bucked widely, like they have mind of their own. But Alana held onto my hip and her lips are attached to me as she continued. “Fuck! Fuck! Oh, god, fuck!”

I felt my pussy become more and more wet. I could hear her slurp and slosh and lewd noises. “Mmmm, you taste so good,” she said when she rose up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Y-Your turn,” I groaned as I crawled up to her.

“Oh no, babe, you’re a bit worn out. Next time, I’ll take take ride.”

“O-O-Okay,” I smiled at her as she pulled me up to her. We laid down with one another and she pulled the covers over us. “D-Don’t forget to set your alarm.”

~ End of Part 55 ~


1 comment

  1. About 5 minutes before you posted this I was wondering when you would post another chapter as it was about that time. Doing great keep it up

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