if you want…

She watches him undress, conscious of how wrong what she’s doing is. Really, if you wanted to get technical, what THEY were doing was wrong. She didn’t even find the weird glitch, it was her roomate that had come running into the kitchen shrieking with glee almost a month earlier. It seemed her phone had synced up with the upstairs neighbor’s computer, and the webcam was running live. He was decent looking, and courteous. It just so happened that this particular evening, he had company. Naked, sweat-soaked company. from it’s perch on the table or whatever he had it situated on the machine had a commanding view of the ikea-ish twin bed he slept on. The bed he was currently standing next to slowly removing his torn and dirty clothes. She leaned in and stared intently, noting how slowly he moved, hos it seemed like he had trouble working the buttons on his shirt. Her brow furrowed and she glanced down at her own phone, wondering if she ought to text her roomie. When her gaze returned to the tv screen they had cast the feed to, she gasped and her heart hung still in her chest for a long moment. He had removed his shirt, and what she saw made her eyes widen with shock. His back was a raw bloody ruin. There wasn’t an inch that she saw which remained unaffected.

He sank slowly to his knees, and then pitched to the side, striking the floor hard enough that she could pinpoint the spot looking up. Her first inclination was to call an ambulance. She even went so far as to unlock her phone and open the call function. However as she hesitated she watched half in worried concern half in aroused curiosity he picked himself up and caught his guest round the waistand half-lifted herhalf tackledd her onto the bed. Her mouth hung open as she watched the muscles of his back move as he ground his jeans-clad lower half into the girl’s as she wrapped her legs around his middle, arching her back to meet him. No, she thought, he doesn’t need anything besides what he has right there beneath him.

Steffi isn’t even concious of the fact that her hand has strayed down to her own center. Too wrapped up in the heat of the moment to realize, until her fingers slip into her sticky pantiesand she’s shocked to realize that she’s on the edge of climax already and hasn’t yet begun to touch herself. A few short strokes later and Steff flops back onto the thick cushion of the couch, arching her back like the guest, and amazed at the intensity of this first explosion of the night. She watches as her neighbor rolls from atop his guest to lie back against the scrolled headboard of the bed. This as his partner pulls the massive western boots from his feet, droppin them to the floor causing Steff to look up at the spot above her where they must be. Damn, she’s fast! Steff hasn’t let her eyes stay for a couple of seconds, and already the jeans have come off, and the guest’s head is moving in the universally recognizable way that indicates fellatio of a most fantastic sort is occurring. He doesn’t wrap his hand in her hair, or try to guide her technique. He seems to be enjoying it, but She can tell, he isn’t all that into what looks to her eyes like great head being given. The girl, on the other hand, cant get enough of what she’s enjoying.

The first bars of a song from the XX that she uses as a ringtone for her roomie cause Steff to jump a mile into the air. it repeats twice more before she can run over to the kitchen/dining areafor a paper towel and some hand sanitizer. By the time she catches up the phone, it’s already bumped the call to her mailbox. Jeannie calls right back, of course. Their convo isn’t that long, Jean’s got a hot date, and will be at his place that night. Though Steff tries, she can’t seem to divulge the events of the evening to her bestie, and when they hang up she wonders why she hesitated. That’s when disaster strikes. Somehow the feed from the cam has been severed, and try as she might she can’t quite figure what the fix is. She is crestfallen, and there is an ache in her center that puzzles her. She imagines the next move that her upstairs guy would have made, and she heads to her room to slip into her pj’s as she does. He didn’t seem to like the oral, maybe he was ready to fuck? No, not like that, he’s a force in the sack she decides. He was ready for his taste of her. Standing in front of her dresser she sees the girl straddling his fac as he lay waiting. In her mind’s eye she watches as the Guest lowers herself gingerly onto his waiting tongue and instantly enraptured by his skilled application thereof.

Steff looks in the oversized mirror hanging next to the dresser and she realizes for the first time that she and the Guest are built nearly identically. She hooks her thumbs into the waist of her very moist panties and imagines that she’s standing in front of him. She shimmys them down over her tight ass and they slip down her lithe legs to the floor, before she steps backwards out of them. Her eyes close and he’s there, andsinking to his knees as she sinks down onto her mattress, one hand catching a leg behind the knee and pushing it up over his shoulder, his mouth over her slippery sex blowing a hot breath that sends a shudder through her before the tip of his tongue makes contact with her tiny erect clit.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rx66mc/if_you_want