The Organization Chapter 8 & 9 (mf)

Well, you all are getting a twofer since the first chapter didn’t have anything hot in it.


Chapter 8

It had been something of a whirlwind three days and I was feeling a little overwhelmed. Fortunately the morning periods passed quickly and uneventfully. History with Ms. Willows and English with Ms. Moore were uneventful and neither gave any acknowledgement to our activities. I had Calculus with Mr. Kopecek where the only notable aspect was the silence from the triplets. I expected they had also been subjected to a full physical too. While Nurse Boltz had certainly made mine fun, I expect that it could be a little impersonal to have your body measured from head to toe.

The rest of the day was pretty much your standard school day, afternoon sleepies were struggled through until my final period ended. My last class was AP Biology and it was taught by Ms. Gray. This was only her second year teaching and she was by far and away my favorite teacher. It certainly didn’t hurt that she was easy on the eyes. She stood about 5’6” with long bown/auburn hair. Her skin was pale though it freckled in the sun. She had green eyes and a somewhat prominent nose. Her lips were full and when she smiled it was with her entire being. She had an elegant neck and though she usually dressed modestly, you could tell she had solid D cup breasts. Her stomach was flat and her hips were wide. Unfortunately, her ass was pretty flat but you could tell there was significant muscle there. Her legs were also long and shapely as far as I could tell. She definitely spent time in the gym or otherwise keeping fit. She often wore T-shirts and jeans or long shirts. She looked wholesome.

“Mr. Martin, could you please stay after class for a short bit?” she asked.

The traditional “ooooh” of the class started and Jackson jokingly said, “Must have fucked up.”

Order quickly reasserted for the last few minutes before the bell. Once class was released, Jackson and I agreed to meet at his place later.

Ms. Gray waited a second before closing the door. After how the last week had gone, my suspicion grew a little. “Mr. Martin,” she said with a sweet smile. “You were selected for Dr. Hogan’s program right? I believe Ms. Moore mentioned something of the sort.”

“Yes, I joined.”

“Are you enjoying the experience so far? What do you think?”

I grew a little wary but these questions were innocuous. “It’s been very intriguing so far. I’m excited to work with them.” I responded in the least committal language I could.

She laughed. “Your reticence to unveil the secret is commendable. I’m Jackson’s and Camille’s coordinator. We’re having a bit of trouble getting them on board. I’d like you to talk to them.” While she said this, she walked a bit closer to me. The normally reserved woman pulled a seat closer to me and placed her hand on my thigh. My pulse quickened and I looked into her beautiful eyes.

“I don’t know, it’s already been intense. I don’t want to push them anywhere they’d feel uncomfortable.”

She pulled back and looked at me, seeming to evaluate her options. “We also don’t want to push them to do something they don’t want to.”

“I mean, it seems like a lot of this is going to push me past my comfort zone. I’ve already been trying to wrap my head around things.”

She smiled again and leaned close, “None of us who are participating want to see any of our charges hurt. We do want to stretch your comfort zones though.” She was once again resting her hand on my thigh and pushing down a little. While I couldn’t see down her shirt, the curves of her breasts below her face had certainly got my attention.

“And I’d certainly appreciate any effort you went through,” she practically purred in my ear.

“They’re my friends, are you sure this program won’t hurt them?”

“They’re perfectly safe and, hopefully, they’ll enjoy it as much as we do.”

She pulled back a little and smiled down at my crotch where my reawakened cock was visible against my pants. I tried to readjust but her proximity made it difficult. “I guess I can talk to them. I won’t sell it but I’ll mention I’m going to do it.”

“Good, that should be all it takes.” She said brightly and stook up. “Let’s get you out of here.”

I stood and finally readjusted my pants so my erection wasn’t quite so obvious. Walking to the door, I stopped, hearing Ms Gray say, “If they do join, I’ll have to show you just how thankful I am.”

“Yes Ma’am!” I answered and hastily exited.

I wandered out in a daze until I arrived at my locker and collected my things. I collected my thoughts along with some books and folders before locking back up. The fuck am I supposed to convince them to join? I mean, I’m a single guy and this week has kinda been the dream but they are together. Also why does she coordinate both of them? Are my mentors also working with others? I was in my own head enough to practically run into Colleen.

“Hey Niko, Something on your mind? Eyes were a little glazed over there.” She said sweetly.

“Hi Colleen, sorry, I had a bit on my mind.”

“Dr. Hogan’s program?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m just a little worried though they all said they wanted good things for us. It’s just sus, you know? You still in?”

“Yeah, I’m still in, but I feel the suspicion. It’s weird. I’ve felt very cloak and dagger but they haven’t even said to keep it a secret.”

“I know what you mean,” I responded. “Like, how am I supposed to talk about this sort of thing? It feels like something we can get in trouble for, you know?”

She nodded in agreement as we ambled towards the parking lot. “I’m keeping it to myself for now but it’s nice to know there’s friends I can talk to about it.” She said then stopped, allowing me to continue a few steps.

“Niko, I want to ask you something.”

“Sure, whatcha need?”

“Well, Sadie Hawkins is next week. And I was talking with Camille. We were thinking about going except her and Jax are a thing.” She almost shrank into herself a little and was looking down at my shoes while she twirled a strand of her blond hair around a finger.

While the temptation to prolong her suffering was certainly present, I was mostly just excited. “Colleen,” I interrupted. “Are you asking if I’d go to the dance with you?”

She looked at me with red on her cheeks. “Yeah. Would you be my date next Friday?” She asked with trepidation in her voice.

“Of course! I’d love to.” She squealed with excitement and grabbed me in a hug.

“Haha, with one condition though.” I said, causing a quieting and quizzical look. “You let me take you on a date this weekend.”

Her smile returned, “I’d love that!”

“Good. I’d like that too.” I said trying to act confident.

She stood up on her toes and kissed my cheek. “I can’t wait.” she said then turned to run off.

“Hey Colleen, I’m meeting up with Jackson and Camille later. Think you’ll swing by?”

“Not tonight. But you all have fun. My Coordinator wanted me to swing by later this evening.”

“Ok, well maybe I’ll catch you around tomorrow.”

“Sure you will,” she said then laughed. Pointing to the parking lot she said softly, “Your other girlfriend is looking for you.”

I laughed and looked towards my car where Justine was sitting on the curb next to it, playing on her phone. “Ha, give a mouse a cookie…”

Colleen laughed, said goodbye again and I started walking over. “Hey cutie,” I said to Justine, causing her to jump a little.

She stood up with a bit of fire, “Check your phone asshole. I texted you hours ago, I really need a ride.”

“Sure thing,” I responded. “Though I’m not sure where my phone is, I usually leave it off during the day.”

I had actually left my phone off all day, though the initial pat down yielded no success. As I started to have some mild panic I heard a buzzing out of my Jeep. I opened the glovebox pulling it out where I had almost 20 missed messages and a few calls.

Justine laughed, “Ha! guess that’s why you missed them all.” She looked a little embarrassed.

I opened the texts and saw there were a few from my friends and about ten from Justine. “Well shit, didn’t know you missed me so much.” I teased and she punched my shoulder. I opened them:


Text 1: Hey can you give a ride later,

Text 2: My mom’s car broke down and I don’t have a way there.

Text 3: Just checking you got this…

Text 4: I’ll make it worthwhile

Text 5: A picture of her mouth in a wide O shape and her tongue pushing against the side of her mouth.

Text 6: Pretty please!!!

Text 7: Her in a bathroom stall, she must have aimed the camera up, taking a picture of her pussy surrounded by messy red hairs. she had taken off her skirt but kept her top on and you could see her eyes peeking over her boobs.

Text 8: A picture of her pulling up her shirt and holding one of her C cup breasts.

Text 9: I’ll make you feel good.

Text 10 around 4 hours later: Fuck you too dude.

I looked at her after the fifth text with a bit of a grin and I could tell it embarrassed her. “Well how could I say no after that.”

“Right!” She said laughing, her brash personality reasserting itself. “Plus I’m sure you actually want to finish this time.”

“Shit, I don’t have time.” I said ruefully.

“Not even five minutes?” She said, placing her hand on my upper thigh.

“If I’m about to do something with you, best believe it’ll be more than five minutes.” I said, waggling my eyebrows at her with a grin on my face.

“Haha, shut up.”

We rode back and had some mild chit chat. As we pulled up. She felt a little quiet. “Niko, I need to tell you something.” She took a deep breath and continued, “I just wanted to say I’ve really been enjoying our time and it should be obvious I like you. And My mom keeps bothering me to ask you over.”

I reached out and touched her hand, causing her to jump a little then meet my eyes with hers. I could see she was terrified and trying to get it out so I waited. With a deep breath, “I’d like it if you could maybe come over for dinner sometime with the three of us.”

“I’d love to.” I said.

She crawled over the seat and kissed me. It was soft and I could feel how nervous her breathing was.

“Also, I know you have some other girls, I don’t care. It’s been hard with Nicki and everything. I’m just happy to spend some time and have someone I can depend on.”

I kissed her again and felt wetness on her cheek. “You know I’m here for you.” I brought my hand to her cheek, wiped a tear away then kissed her again.

I know you don’t have time for a kid or want that yet too. But just tell me you won’t rule it out if… you know.”

“I promise,” I said. “Come on, let’s get you dropped off. I’ll walk you in.”

I drove the rest of the way down the drive and held her hand down the way. We pulled up and parked. I followed her in. The Foyer opened into a larger living room where toys were scattered about. Justine bent over and picked some up as we walked through. As always, she bent from the waist and I could see her checking back to see if I was looking. I was.

We went to the kitchen and she grabbed some waters. “Thanks for walking me in, and driving me home, and just being a good guy to me.” She handed me a water bottle then hugged me again. I turned her face up and looked into her eyes before closing my own and bringing my lips to hers. As always they were soft and her mouth swiftly opened and our tongues wrestled against each other. I felt her hips grind against me. My hands wandered down her somewhat muscular back and felt her round bottom.

We kissed for a few seconds until the sound of tires on gravel roused us from our reverie. “Mmm. That must be Lucy.” Justine said. I had heard the name a few times. She was Justine’s occasional babysitter for Nicki. The door opened and the pair came in. We heard her place Nicki in her playpen and make her way to the kitchen. Justine gave me another quick kiss and hopped away.

Lucy entered the kitchen carrying a few bags of which I grabbed a few to take to the table. “¿Hola Justine, Quien es? Su novio?” She said laughing.

Justine fired off something in Spanish back to her and they both giggled. Shit, I should pay closer attention in Spanish.

“Hello, I’m Lucy,” she said in lightly accented spanish.

“Niko,” I said, shaking her hand. Her brown skin was soft but I could feel muscle underneath. She seemed a few years older than us but still young. Her body was slim with small breasts but a nice ass. She was only about 5’0” but had almost a taller presence. Her face was pretty but I could tell she worked hard and was tired.

“Well girls, I should go, I have some plans I should get to.”

“Niko, can you give Lucy a ride to the bus stop?” Justine asked me.

“Sure, no problem.” It was only about a quarter mile from the end of the drive and on my way.

“Where are you going?, I’m passing through town to see Jax”

“Gracias Senor, I’m going to my other job at La Fiesta.”

“Cool, I’m passing by there anyways.”

Lucy went to gather her things and I kissed Justine again. She kissed me back, “Don’t get into any trouble tonight.” She teased and spanked me as I turned to go. I looked back, shaking my head but held my tongue.

We went out to my Jeep and she hopped in. I dialed up Jackson as I got in and he picked up immediately.

“Hey dude, I’m passing by La Fiesta on the way in. Want me to snag anything?”

“Fuck yeah dude…” He said, high as all get out. I started the Jeep waiting for more but nothing came.

“Um… Want me to get you and Camille anything?”

“Sure man…”

“What do you want?” I heard him call Camille over who took the phone.

“Hey Niko.”

“Heya, he too high to order?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I can call it in if you know what you want.” She said, always the brains of the operation.

“Sure, Just a Bravos Burrito.”

“Cool deal, I’ll put it under your name.” She said and hung up. Hopefully she’ll feed him some coffee or something.

The cold wind from the open Jeep was a bit bracing but I could see Lucy shivering. “Want a blanket?” I asked, pulling one from the back seat and turning on the heat. Wasteful but we weren’t going far.

She took the blanket and wrapped herself up like a babushka causing me to laugh while she warmed her hands by the vent. The ride was pretty silent as we were taking a pretty fast road until we were in town. I parked the car and we headed in. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra as her nipples were prominent below her shirt accentuating her modest breasts.

She waved goodbye, happy to enter the hot kitchen and I retrieved our food. Luckily Jax’s place was only a few minutes away.


Chapter 9

Jackson’s family had money. Not crazy money but they had a nice house and nice cars etc. After my father passed and my mom kinda descended into insanity, they started watching out for me. Our fathers were close growing up and even before he passed they were part of my life. It was likely because of them that I was kept fed and made it to school more often than not. During those first few years they were the only reason I had any birthday parties or Christmas gifts. I hope I can pay them back one day.

Jax and I have been friends since day one. From shenanigans in preschool to discovering weed in junior high, we were inseparable. Now, nearing the end of High school, we’re still best friends though busier with school, applications, and girls. That said, more days than not would be spent behind one of our houses with a blunt and some fire.

I pulled into their driveway and parked out of the way. They were hidden behind a stand of trees and had cleared out some space for visitors about a hundred feet from the house. Their home was red brick with decorative white columns. a gravel path with brown stepping stones extended to their parking lot. One of Jackson’s mom’s joys was gardening and during the spring the entire garden was overflowing with various flowers. Of course, most of the work was done by gardeners but I guess she picked out the plants. Right now though, the flowers had given way to fall foliage and they were overdue raking.

I walked up the path and entered without knocking. I left my shoes at the door then proceeded through the living room and into the sunroom where Jackson and Camille were both dead asleep. Leaving the food as quietly as I could, I went to the kitchen to retrieve utensils. A slight detour was in order and I stopped to grab an airhorn from the garage. I returned and made sure they wouldn’t break anything waking up, then with great glee I pressed down on the air button.

“Waaaah Weeh” the horn went though it was only half charged at this point.

“Gwaaah” Jackson yelled as he fell out of his seat, while Camille simply covered her ear with a pillow and flipped me off.

“Fuckass,” she muttered, though the promise of food got them both up, however bleary.

I distributed the various utensils and accoutrements and Jackson packed a small bowl. “Best start catching up.” He said and passed the one-hitter over to me.

I pulled a lighter and took the hit, burning it all in one go. We had gone up to DC a few weeks back to re-up on the good stuff.

“Good shit,” I wheezed at him.

Soon enough the silence of good food enveloped us as we chowed down and watched a little Planet Earth. While quite the accomplishment in documenting nature, truly a show that was emblematic of proper stoner culture.

As is tradition, we stuffed ourselves to full and a bit extra due to the munchies. We all laid, satisfied by our hedonism and quietly watched ants get infected by parasitic fungi.

“So dudes,” I started. “Ms. Gray asked me to stay a bit late today after class.”

“You tap that?” Jackson crassly asked and Camille slapped his full belly causing him to groan.

“You wish” I joked but was prepared for Camille’s lazy kick. “She actually wanted me to speak with you all, about, well… you know.”

At that, the two of them sat up and gave me a look. Jackson started, “Well we weren’t exactly expecting you.”

“Yeah, they decided to link us and have us share mentors.” Camille said. “We’re thinking of withdrawing and just doing normal community service.”

Jackson looked at me then asked, “Was your intro sexual as well?”

I nodded, “but it was pretty considerate. Nothing I was uncomfortable with or so they promised.”

“They promised us that too but already it’s making me…us uncomfortable.”

“How so?”

“Well, we both indicated openness to sharing or swapping or at least that’s what they told us.” Camille chimed in.

Jackson sighed, “And we are open to it, we’ve talked about bringing in a third or swapping with a couple. We’ve even been ok with playing solo or watching.”

Camille sidled up next to Jackson and cuddled in, clearly this was an uncomfortable discussion for him. She looked at me and blushed a little. “This is a bit uncomfortable isn’t it?”

I laughed, “Well it’s not the discussion I was expecting but Ms. Gray was ambiguous. I’m not sure what I was expecting. But you all know I’m here for you.”

Jackson also laughed. “Well bud I wasn’t exactly planning to share this with you. Like I said we talked about it and maybe we would act on it at some point but it wouldn’t be soon. Nor did we think you’d be here that way.”

“Dude, I get it. It was just sold to me as just some fun but I guess I’ve always been pretty sexually liberated.” I said and finally relaxed a little.

“Well there’s a little more,” Camille said, blushing again.

“Yeah, we were given a task for tonight.” Jackson said, looking ready to hide or run away. “It’s just a little weird that it’s you.”

“What sort of task?” I asked apprehensively.

Camille stood up,”It might be easier to show you.” She looked over to Jackson, “You can tell me to stop whenever you feel uncomfortable.

She walked over to me, “Stay seated, no touching unless I say so.”

I peeked around her at Jackson who gave me a small nod and Thumbs up. I could see the lust in his face and it was obvious he was getting hard as he repositioned his shorts. Settling back into the couch, I redirected my attention back to Camille.

She was standing, looking at me nervously. She had thick, long brown hair that was wavy and hung just past her shoulders. She was losing her summer tan and returning to her naturally pale skin. Green eyes shone out under manicured eyebrows. Her nose was straight and a little sharp. A shy smile was on her face as she contemplated how to proceed.

I mentioned before how small she was and her voice was appropriately high pitched to match. “Oh. I need music.”She put on some generic pop song and walked back in front of me. Again she smiled and blushed bright red while she seemed to give herself an internal pep talk before returning attention to me.

With sudden swiftness belying her previous hesitation, she came close and grabbed my arms, placing them to my side. “Keep your hands there,” she said into my ear. Her closeness was intoxicating and I could smell the faint scent of lilacs in her hair.

Standing back up she began to dance, slowly rotating her hips while she ran her hands over her body. The combination of her beauty and the taboo of what we were doing were arousing my flaccid penis. I wanted to adjust but Camille’s instructions were still fresh in my mind. Camille had always been a dancer, she was in a prestigious dance group until she tore her ACL two years ago. Now she would dance with the school spirit team and we had been to a few salsa nights around town though Jackson and I went more as moral support for each other than as dancers. This was the first time seeing her dance for me and it was intoxicating.

Her slim arms brought attention to her breasts, her waist, and her altogether magnificent ass. It was small and tight but perfectly round. Now she was bent over in front of me inviting me to stare as my hands want to reach forward and touch it. She moved back towards me and sat on my lap. My dick was rock hard, straining against my jeans.

She arched her back and leaned into me before sliding up my chest, her ass moving closer to my penis until she felt it under her. Her hand stroked over my length and she quickly covered my penis with her ass. As she gyrated over it, she said, “Oh, Niko. I didn’t know you had such a big dick” I looked up at Jackson and saw he had covered his lap with a blanket but it was clear he was masturbating, eyes glued to the scene before him. I had a moment of clarity followed by confusion about the situation but I was quickly distracted again.

She stood back up, ass in my face and hands on my knees before flipping her hair. My own breathing was becoming stronger as my lust increased. Her hands and ass only making my penis’s struggle against the fabric of my pants more urgent. I saw her hands sneak under the bottom of her tight shirt as ass rocked back and forth in front of me. As she raised it up, a pink thong peaked out from her low riding pants. She was wearing a white bra which came into view as she turned towards me, her shirt now in her hands and she straddled me and slung her shirt around my neck. “Like what you see?”

“Yes,” I eeked out as she pulled my face towards her modest breasts. Before I made it she released my head and neck back, pushing back into the couch. She writhed on top of me, grinding her hips against mine. She unhooked her bra in a smooth motion exposing her pink nipples to the air. I could see they were hard as diamonds. Her breasts were small but shapely, very much appropriate for her dancer body.

Before I knew it, she grabbed her shirt again and pulled herself forward so that her breasts were smashed against my face. “Kiss my nipples.” she whispered. I complied instantly and I heard a hitch in her breath as I pulled the left one into my mouth, rolling the nipple between my lips.

She resumed rolling her hips as she held my face against her breasts.

The song ended and her hips slowed. “Fuck that was hot,” she whispered and climbed off of me. I was a little confused but kept sitting as she walked over to Jackson. Still topless, she bent over and whispered something. He responded and she did a happy dance. She walked over to the music and turned it back on. A latin song with a heavy beat came on and she walked over to me.

“Strip” she instructed. I took everything except my boxers off. “Everything”. I looked back at her then Jackson who nodded. I took them off and she pushed me back onto the couch. She had managed to remove the rest of her clothes while I was doing the same. I sat back down while my erect penis stood at attention and she started dancing in front of me, gyrating her hips with her hands clasped above her head. Her eyes were glued to my dick and I could see her pussy was moist.

As she danced, her hands slipped down her body, stopping to tweak her nipple and then rubbing her vagina, causing her breathing to intensify. There was lust in her eyes then she twirled to face Jackson again and bent over. She had moved closer and her ass was only a few inches from my penis.

Finally she sat down on my lap and started giving me a lapdance.I could feel how wet she was as she stated lubing my cock with her juices. My gaze was locked on her ass as she worked it back and forth. The stimulation was nearly unbearable. The heat and wetness from between her legs was driving me mad. Finally, she was at the tip and I could feel her bottom lips teasing the head of my cock. Our crotches were soaked and I could feel her desire.

However, she slipped under my erection and trapped my penis between her thighs. I wasn’t inside her but she created a wet, hot tunnel for me. “Touch me,” she moaned and I obliged. My left hand grabbed her breast and caught her nipple between my fingers. She moaned and pressed her sopping vagina harder against my penis. By them my right hand had reached down to her cunt and started to play with her clit.

Until then she had been steadily working the thighjob. Her building orgasm however made her movement more erratic as my fingers circled her clit faster and faster. She collapsed weakly against me as I felt her hips shudder. I had been getting close and the sudden lack of stimulation was torture and I pumped weakly against her.

She disentangled herself a little and turned over so that my penis was trapped between us. We were both sweaty and hot and she kissed me softly. “Your turn” she whispered. Jackson stood up and started making his way to the bathroom. “Must be done, not like this stud” she said smiling with a twinkle in her eye. She started sliding her pussy up and down the bottom of my hard pole. Old juices mixed with new as she started speeding up. Her face was a mix of pleasure and determination as her hips moved faster and faster.

The familiar churn started in my balls as I watched this petite girl grind against me, sweat glistening on her skin and tiny tits bouncing on her chest. At last I grunted “I’m gonna come” and she somehow went into a higher gear. “Fuuuck” I groaned as my orgasm hit and it felt like I shot a liter onto my stomach. She slowed and finally stopped, perched upon me. She was breathing hard from exertion while I sat and stared at this beauty on top of me.

We both were breathing hard as we came down from our sexual peak. “Ahem” Jackson coughed and interrupted by handing us both a glass of water.

“Thanks babe,” Camille said with a giggle and finally climbed off. and wrapped a blanket around herself while I grabbed a paper towel.

After wiping off and throwing some clothes on in awkward silence, we all settled back into the sunroom.

“Well, that was something.” I finally said after a period of silence, trying to get a read on them.

“It was amazing,” they both said and kinda giggled in a satisfied way.

I looked at them with askance and Camille continued. “We had been discussing bringing in someone but we never knew how.”

“Its kinda been a thing of mine since, well, forever.” Jackson said, staring at his feet. He looked up, then at me. “Sometimes I felt a little ashamed wanting to watch my girl with someone else but as soon as you all started I felt so turned on it didn’t matter.”

“And, I liked it too,” Camille said, smiling a little shyly.

“Well shit, I had fun as long as you all did. You know you both mean more to me than sex or this stupid program.” We all laughed and settled back in, the awkwardness forgotten in the ease of old friends that decided their friendship wouldn’t be redefined.

They both looked at me, smiled, then we all started laughing. “Have a blunt?” Jackson asked.

“I’d have a blunt.” I responded. We smoked and watched more nature documentaries until it was time to go home. I gave Jackson a hug and Camille gave me a kiss a little closer to the mouth than usual then I clambered into my Jeep. I got home and pursued the necessary practicalities. Homework and games were my main activities before I knocked out.


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