Scenes From a Great Pretender: Chapter Two [MF/FF/MM]

Chapter Two: Let’s Turn It On

[Warning:Heavy Themes of Mind Break and Non-Consent]

The morning was a blur of movement, and that strange mix of exhaustion and excitement that came with the early beginning of a journey. Talfen didn’t need to wake Eliza up, which was fortunate because Talfen appeared to be missing. Eliza guessed that she was helping prepare Elizas things for the horses.

Elizas travel clothes were hung up on the outside of her closet door. Blue and Grey pants that went just below her knees, a tight shirt that went down past her elbows, and a cloak of the same colors. These clothes were no where near warm enough for the mountains, but would work well underneath her coat until they finally arrived in the warm valley.

Over the travel clothes she put on bulky padded pants and fur coat. They weren’t her nicest ones, but the last thing she wanted was to ruin her favorite clothes on a long journey.

As Eliza made her way out into the early morning courtyard, she was slightly surprised that her parents weren’t there to see her off. They had said their goodbyes the night before sure, but it still felt strange. Eliza shrugged it off. She was too excited about beginning the journey to be suspicious about anything.

Elizas four bodyguards were already waiting for her. Eliza had known them all of her life, and one was even close to her age and had been appointed recently.

Elizas head bodyguard was Syllia. Syllia stood taller then Eliza, and had that seriousness that all bodyguards seemed to have. Being over 400 years old gave her a much more mature demeanor alongside this. Syllias hair was a light purple, so light that could have been confused for a pale black in a different light. Her bangs were hung down over her forehead, with two lengths of hair going down the sides of her face. The rest was bundled up behind her in a ponytail.

Keya was the second most experienced, and therefore second in command. Where Syllias age and experience had turned her dead serious, Keya’s age had made her more playful and aloof. Syllia often blamed this on Keya’s lineage. Keya was from a long line of desert elves who had moved to the mountains thousands of years before. As such her skin was a tan, almost milk chocolate color.  Keyas hair formed into light tan dreadlocks, ones that she was very poud of dispite Syllias disapproval. She was just barely shorter then Syllia, and the two often bickered with eachother due to their differences.

The third most experienced, and the hothead of the group, was Matilla. Though the shortest of the guards, her personality and physique have her presence that made her seem much larger then any of them. Her most distinguishing features were her teeth and muscles. Using magic she had made all her teeth pointed and fanged. No one was sure why. And her muscles were even more defined then Elizas. Matillas workouts were legendary around mountain Elf society, and the results spoke for themselves. In a society of elves with similar body types, Matilla fought to stand out. Even here, she wore a sleeveless shirt cut above her stomach, showing off her well toned arms and abs. The cold was no match for her vanity.

Finally, the guard that was Elizas age, was Tisha. Despite her youth, Tisha somehow always looked haggard and tired. Her long brown hair was identical to how it looked when she got out of bed, and bags under her eyes were visible. Still, it wasn’t like she had gotten here through luck. Tisha was an immensely skilled at swordplay, and seemed to have lost sight for other parts of her life. Sleep and general self care seemed to have been some of the casualties.

Gerard and his guards seemed to be in a hurry. Their gear was packed on the sides of their horses, and their carriage was already at the castle gate. Eliza wasn’t going to argue, she was ready to get on the road too. She pulled herself onto her horse, and her guards did the same.

The journey started, and Eliza let Gerards group take the lead. Eliza motioned for Syllia to move up alongside her. Eliza spoke quietly “Im going to move up alongside Gerard. He has Sunny Day with him, so I’ll bring Keya with me. Matilla can watch Tisha on the carriage. Meanwhile you keep an eye on that Dwarf of theirs.”

Syllia nodded “Good plan your grace. I’ll tell the others”

They moved into their places. Eliza smiled at Gerard as she pulled up next to him and spoke “You are much more serious now then you were on the way in”

Gerard chuckled “I’m guessing you were watching our little race?”

“Indeed” Eliza said. “We can essentially see anywhere we want within these mountains.” A bit of an exaggeration. Sure they could see from wherever they want, but a certain type of magnetic rock needed to be placed there first. Misinformation was a good weapon.

Gerard looked around “Well I thank you for your honesty. Some would have kept that trick to themselves”

Eliza shrugged “When building friendships between countries, honesty is key.”

Gerard frowned for a moment. “In that case, there is something I must tell you. In the name of honesty and further friendship.”

Elizas ears perched up “Oh?”

“The Cathrain Empire is a human one mainly, and we’ve had many dealings with elven species. As such, we’ve learned of a biological quirk between our kinds” Gerard explained

It was Elizas turn to frown. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the course of this conversation.

Gerard continued “Quite simply: We humans produce some sort of hormone that elves find…pleasant. Addictive almost”

Eliza stayed silent for another moment. “So what are the effects of this hormone?”

Gerard looked at the sky “Overall, submissiveness, arousal, things along those lines. Of course, this is with the valley elves. We have no way of knowing if your mountain kin will feel the same effects”

Eliza was stunned by this admission. If he was telling the truth, then admitting it to her gained him nothing but suspicion. And why would he lie? To throw her off balance? It was working but that couldn’t have been it. Keya behind her must have been just has confused as her, saying “So is that how every elven kingdom in the valley ended up on your side?”

Eliza turned and glared at Keyas outburst, but Gerard laughed and took it in stride. “One could look at it like that, but we didn’t ask to produce this hormone. We prefer to look at it as a symbiotic relationship. In fact” Gerard turned and gestured to Sunny “We humans have a similar situation with Sunny’s kind”

Keya turned to Sunny. “What does he mean by that”

Sunny smiled, or her best interpretation of a smile. “Well you seeee” she put her left hand up, and it began to morph. It unfolded into strips of tentacles like flesh, dark on one side and pink on the other. “I am what your people call, a mimic”

It was Elizas turn to have an outburst. “You mean, like the kind that pretend to be chests full of gold?”

Sunny nodded and her hand returned to normal. “The veryyy same, though wee have evolved the past that in the last century. Like his majesty said, wee discovered that our elders can live off of the sexual liquids of humans, and other beings. ”

Gerard nodded “So we give our prisoners to them to live off of for the rest of their lives, and the young of the Mimics act as the best bodyguards and spies on can ask for”

Eliza looked at Sunny. “What did you mean by elders?”

Sunny smiled “Our elders are too big to pretend to be human and eat human foods. So they pretend to be buildings where us, their young, live. Their wee give them the humans his majesty gives us. The humans become addicted within a few hours, so everybodyy is happyy.”

Keya was getting annoyed by Sunnys strange way of speaking. “Why in the gods do you keep drawing out your “E”s?”

Sunny blushed “The E is just a very nice sound in the mouth and throat. It is why I chose to call myself Sunny.”

Eliza frowned “Do Mimics not have names”

Sunny shook her head “Not like yours. Wee are named after sensations and ideas. My full name is the day on which to sun warms up the flesh in early spring. This is long and clunky in speech though, so Sunny Day it is”

Eliza smiled. It was almost as cute as it was strange. She hadn’t hadn’t left the mountains and she was already discovering things she had never known. It then dawned on her that this exchange had successfully dampened the blow of Gerards revelation.

“Why did you tell me about your hormones?” Eliza asked, deciding it was worth being blunt “Thats a diplomatic nightmare to reveal, let alone deal with as negotiations go on”

Gerard nodded. “Well, first of all, it’s effects on the valley will become fairly obvious once we leave the mountains. It would have been impossible to hide anyway. Secondly, I feel that the long term trust is worth more then the short term shock”

Eliza kept her frown. It was almost an impossible idea to contend with. It troubled her, but Gerards smile at least made her wonder if he really meant no harm in its existence. Still, Eliza would be trying to breath as little as possible when the humans were near.


They made camp, and the first thing Mila did as soon as the tent was soundproofed was yell at Gerard. “Did you actually just reveal our one major advantage to them!?”

Gerard laid on his cot, smiling with eyes closed. “Relax, it actually went over much better then I thought it would”

Mila didn’t like that answer “And what will you do if they decide to pack up and leave while we sleep tonight?”

Gerard sat up and stretched “They won’t. I’m sure they’re far too desperate for information to run like that. Anyway, let’s focus on more lighthearted things.” Gerard turned to face Mila and grinned “How much fun did you have with that handmaiden?”

Mila sighed and sat on her own cot. The room had a cot for the prince and his guards. “A good amount, though she was a servant to their wasn’t much pride to break. She wined about having a husband or something but every Elf I’ve played with has said that”

Gerard shrugged “Well the queen was not only a great time, but a valuable source of information. I’ve learned quite alot about dear sweet Eliza from her.”

At that moment Retayn walked into the tent, followed by Allen and Sunny. Gerard greeted them with open arms “Welcome, I was just asking Mila here about the fun she had last night. How did your conquests fair.”

Sunny was always eager to share “I pretended to be a maids nightgown. By the time she realized what was happening she was too busy loving it”

Retayn huffed and sat on his cot “Maids are nothing. I had my own night with the king.”

Gerard chuckled “And I’m sure that was quite the revenge for you. Did you get what I asked for?”

Retayn smiled “Indeed it was. And yes I did sire.” He handed Gerard a folded envelope.

Allen eyed it “And what is that?”

Gerard put it into a bag “A little surprise for Eliza when the time is right. How about you Allen, how was your night?”

Allen shrugged “Same as everyone’s really. Found a pretty knife ear, threw a vial at her, and she was my slave before the glass hit the floor. Never fun when it’s not with Mila”

Mila smiled “We always do have the most fun together don’t we?”

Gerard clasped his hands in front of his face and leaned forward “Thats good to hear, because I need you two to pick out one of the bodyguards and enslave them”

Allen looked at him, confused “I thought we were supposed to save the bodyguards for the trip. It’s our first night out.”

Gerard replied “True, but I would like one spy in their group. I don’t like the idea of them working in the dark. So choose one of them and make sure not to break her too hard. She will need to be able to act normal after all”

Mila and Allen looked at eachother. Mila spoke “That cart driver looked pretty cute”

Allen grinned in response “We could make a proper knife eared slut out of her”

Gerard laid back in his cot “Fantastic. Milas soundproofing should keep them unawares. I’ll have a nice dinner with Eliza until then.”

“Yes Sire” Mila and Allen said in unison.


Tisha slowly moved her sword through the air, slowly moving through her forms for the night. She was well aware of how other felt about her dedication. But it was her dedication that gave her purpose, calmed her mind. She had been given free time during dinner, and she was going to use it how she damn well pleased.

Tisha heard the bushes shift behind her, and turned quickly. The male human was standing there, hands up at her pointed sword. “Sorry, I uh, just heard you were practicing out here. Wondered if you were interested in a bit of sparring”

Tisha weighed the options and decided it was worth the experience of testing a humans prowess. “Fine. I hope you humans know how to spend your time wisely, you’ll need alot of experience to keep up with me”

The human smiled and unsheathed his sword. “Im no expert, but I relish the opportunity to learn more”

Tisha rolled her eyes and bowed. They lunged at eachother, which surprised Tisha. She would have expected the human to be defensive, but he was just as aggressive as her. He was doing his best to keep up, but Tisha still slowed herself down to make sure she didn’t overwhelm him. She needed to see his technique afterall.

Tisha was so invested in this dynamic of trying but not trying at the same time, that she didn’t hear Mila sneak up behind her. Arms and legs suddenly wrapped around Tisha, forcing her arms to her sides. Her sword fell to the ground, and a rag was over her mouth before she could scream.

Tisha woke up a short while later inside the tent that was supposedly for extra supplies. In reality, it held a king sized bed that she was strapped down to. Her arms and legs tied down to the posts, she struggled as much as she could. She was still fully clothed, thankfully. This was humiliating enough while dressed.

Allen and Mila smirked down at her, both full naked. They clung together, starting the foreplay while they waited for Tisha to wake up. Something about them was mesmerizing. The way their hands trailed across eachothers sweaty skin, the breaths in-between kisses, even the way their bodies curved against eachother.

Tisha shook her head, her mind getting cloudy. This was a mistake, it let Mila and Allen know of her consciousness. Mila slowly walked over to Tisha, and started tiptoeing fingers across her clothes stomach. “Glad to see your up. How do you like the bed? Comfy isn’t it?”

Tisha realized there was no gag. They would regret that. She quickly yelled “YOUR GRACE RUN, DONT TRUST THE HUMANS”

There was only silence. The two humans burst out laughing. Allen sat at the foot of the bed “Mila’s sound proofing magic works like a charm, your precious mistress won’t be able to hear your allegiance changing”

Tisha looked around desperately. Before dinner she had been warned about the hormones humans could have. But that sounded like it took time, they couldn’t possibly be able to do anything overnight.

As if to answer her thoughts, Mila took out a small vial. Without a word she opened it, and put several drops on her fairly large breasts. Wait why did Tisha care what size they were? Mila then did the same to her pussy, rubbing it in with an appreciative moan.

Mila passed the vial to Allen, and Tisha struggled to pull free. “What do you think you two are doing? Stop toying with each other and fight me SWORD TO SWORD!”

Allen frowned as he poured a few drops onto his large erect member. He walked up beside Tisha, letting his cock hover right next to her cheek. “Humans get to fight with swords. People capable of rational thought get to fight with swords. People with free will get to fight with swords. You are NONE of these.”

As he talked, his words seemed to fade into the background. Tisha couldn’t stop staring at his cock. It waved subtly back and forth, and she could almost see the blood pumping through it. Her body was hot. Feelings of arousal she had never experienced floated through her lower body. It took her a moment to realized that her mouth was half open, her head pushing towards the cock.

She pulled back and shook her head again. “What is this magic you bastards” her voice was softer now

Mila crawled onto the bed, sliding up Tishas legs with her whole body. “No magic. Just nature letting you know who is in charge. Our hormones will slowly dominate you on their own, but in a concentrated dose like this? It rips the mask straight off you stuck up cunts” Milas fingers danced around Tishas thighs, teasing the belly sensitive areas. A moan escaped Tishas mouth, and she would have covered it if not for the ropes on her wrists.

Allen laughed. “Already falling into it. Even the maid I found lasted longer then this”

Tisha blushed, unable to hide her shame. Could a common housemaid really have a stronger will then her? Tisha gasped in pleasure as Milas mouth made contact with her pussy. A tongue that new the pleasures of woman hood twirled around the lips of her cunt, and Tishas legs shook in response.

As Tisha gasped again, Allen’s cock entered her mouth. She knew she needed to spit it out, get it away, bite on iI, anything except for what she did next. Her head went forward, excepting more of it into her throat. It felt right once she did. Somehow the act of her throat being assaulted brought more pleasure in between her legs, and she couldn’t stop the cycle. Pleasure in her pussy made her want to suck, and sucking created more pleasure in her pussy.

Suddenly the two stopped the cycle for her. Mila looked up at Allen. “I think she’s ready for you now”

Allen pulled his cock out of Tishas mouth, and she almost whined in response. She caught it in her throat, but the idea still filled her with arousing shame. Mila untied Tishas legs, and pulled Tishas feet up near Tishas head. Allen moved right in front of Tishas open legs.

Tisha was flushes red hot, confused, and most of all, horny. She had seen that word in trashy human books before, but had never related to the feeling. Now she understood it. Mila whispered in her ear “You want it don’t you? You want to be railed by him until all thoughts of your princess are turned into puddles of cum”

Tisha began to squirm. She felt empty, needy, she wanted more she really did. She didn’t want to betray Eliza, but….

In a moment of frenzied arousal Tisha nodded. “Yes…Yes Yes put it inside me. Rail me stupid for the love of- OoooOOOOHH” Allen obliged her, sliding his thick member into her awaiting hole. Mila didn’t need to hold Tishas legs up anymore, they wrapped themselves around Allen’s waist. In and out it slammed inside of her, and her pussy squeezed it every time. She craved it, everytime it wasn’t inside of her was a regret.

Mila whispered in her ear all the while. “You’re not a swordsman. You’re not a person. You’re a toy. A dirty little Elf toy, a knife ear who pleases the cocks of men and pussies of women. You belong to us, your body belongs to us”

Tishas arms clung to Mila while her legs stayed wrapped around Allen, pulling him in. “Yes mam, yes mam I am just a lowly toy, my body is nothing my mind is nothing I am just aaaaAAAAAAHHH” Tishas mouth opened in an “O” and her body shook. Her legs tensed, pulling in Allen deeply so he could feel her orgasm squeeze tightly on his cock. He groaned in response, grabbing her hips tightly as he pumped cum into her dirty elven womb.

Tisha fell back onto the bed and smiled in a daze at the ceiling. Mila appeared above her, spreading her pussy over Tishas face. “You’re not done yet knife ear. We still have all night”

Tisha nodded with joy, and obeyed happily.

*End of Chapter Two*
