Meeting my new partner’s son for the first time. Part 2

I had just finished dinner when my phone rang.

It was my daughter Lara calling. Lara was studying Vet Science at university in a country town about 3 hours drive away. It was nice to hear from her as I do miss her since she moved down there at the start of the year.

“Hello Lara honey, how are you? “

“I’m good mum, how are you?” she replied.

I was on top of the world. Yesterday, I had met my new partner’s son Greg for the first time. The day had gone unexpectedly well. I was very nervous before meeting him, knowing that he was a nudist just like his dad and the thought of meeting someone for the first time and they were going to be naked was a little intimidating. But Greg was an absolute sweetheart and we got on like a house on fire.

Looking back on the afternoon, I’m sure Tom secretly planned that the day was going to be sexually charged. As he fondled me in the swimming pool as Greg swam nearby, I’m sure that he intended me to lose my inhibitions and he was right. When he and Greg left the pool with their erections proudly on display, I was in the mood to take things further. Having sunblock rubbed on our bodies was very sensuous and seeing Greg applying the lotion to his ever hardening cock had me wet and longing to help him out. As I wanked Greg, Tom was wanking himself and the end result was my body covered in their cum. It was delightful.
“How did yesterday go Mum?”
Lara knew that I was going to meet Tom’s son Greg for the first time. She was pleased that I had met Tom some 2 months earlier and happy that I had a man in my life after so many years by myself after her father and I divorced.

“Oh, it went fabulously Lara. Greg is so nice, he is just like his dad.” I replied honestly, having a secret chuckle to myself, not letting her know the details of the day.

“I’m so pleased it went well mum, I can’t wait to meet them both, in fact that is why I am ringing. I have to come home next week for some uni prac and I thought I could stay a few days with you and hopefully meet Tom and Greg.”

“Oh Lara, it will be great to see you and I’d love you to meet them both.” I replied. I genuinely wanted Lara to meet them as I was sure my relationship with Tom was blossoming and hopefully we could be one big happy family soon.

“That’s great mum, look I can’t talk long, I have a lecture soon. What say I get to your place late on Friday afternoon?”
“Perfect honey, I’ll see you then, byeee.”

Now I had a dilemma. Tom and Greg are keen nudists and I have adopted the lifestyle with gusto since I met Tom. Nudity is now going to be a major part of my life. I was never a prude. When Lara was a child, there was casual nudity around the house. I would walk from the bathroom to my bedroom naked and occasionally Lara would catch me but it was never an issue, we were both females after all. Still, I was uncertain how Lara would take when I told her that Tom, Greg and I are naked when we get together. I was not going to be deceitful behind her back.

I rang Tom and told him that Lara wants to meet up and he was delighted that he was going to meet her. He suggested we come over on Saturday. He would ask Greg to be there. It was good by me, but I had butterflies in my stomach about telling Lara that they were nudists.

Friday afternoon arrived and I heard the key in the door. “Hi Mum, I’m home.” Called Lara as she struggled through the door with a rather large suitcase.

I grabbed her and gave her a big hug and kiss. I had certainly missed her since she went away to university. We had so much to catch up on. I carried her bag to her bedroom. “Have a shower and freshen up Lara, then we can have a drink and you can fill me In what’s been happening. I’ve just opened a bottle of pinot grigio.” I enthused.

“Good idea, I’ll be down soon.” She replied
We sat out on the back deck and chatted for ages. The time had come to tell Lara that we were going over to Tom’s place tomorrow. Tom had planned a bbq and it was going to be another hot day.

“Lara, Tom has a lovely home and he has a swimming pool so that will be great with tomorrow being so hot. “

“Great.’ Said Lara,” I have brought my bikini.”

I paused, now was the time to tell Lara. “That’s excellent Lara, but I have to tell you that Tom and Greg are nudists and they won’t be wearing costumes in the pool.”

Lara looked at me blankly. “Really?” she said….”Really?” she repeated. Her jaw had dropped and her eyes were wide open.
“Yes honey, really” I managed to mumble. “It’s all very natural, its just a very comfortable way they live.” I tried to explain. Lara sat silently for a moment. “Really?” she said again. It seemed the message was not sinking in. “Well, that is interesting,” she finally gasped, “I’m going to have nudie rellies. Who would have thought?” A smile came across her face. “Oh well, it should be an interesting first meeting.” She chuckled.

I let out a sigh of relief. Lara had not dismissed the idea out of hand.
“Hang on mum, wait a minute, what about you? Are you going to swim naked too?” asked Lara.
There was no need denying it. “Yes Lara, I have really embraced going nude since I met Tom and I love the freedom, so sorry, yes I will.”
Lara sat back in her chair, taking it all in. She said nothing for what seemed an eternity.
“OK. Mum, looks like tomorrow is going to be very interesting.”

Saturday was as hot as they predicted. Lara and I arrived at Tom’s house as if we were going for a day at the beach. We were both dressed in light sunfrocks, had our hats and sunblock and a nice bottle of white for the day.

Tom and Greg met us at the door and thankfully both were dressed. They each had on fashionable shorts and T shirts, the perfect clothing for such a hot day.

“Welcome Lara” said Tom. “We have been looking forward to meeting you.” He gave me a gentle hug and a light kiss on the cheek.
“Hello Lara, I’m Greg, so nice to meet you.” Said Greg, who followed his dad’s lead with a hug and a kiss. I looked at Lara and she was beaming. Tom and Greg were certainly easy on the eye and true gentlemen. I could see that she was impressed.

“Come inside, would you like a drink, cold water? A beer? Asked Tom.
“A beer for me thanks Tom.” I said. “A beer too thank you.” Replied Lara.
We sat on the back patio enjoying the drink and chatting and getting to know each other. The conversation flowed and everyone was relaxed. The first beer was followed by a second and they tasted heavenly on this hot day.

“Who is up for a swim? Asked Tom. “Lara, I know your mum told you that we are nudists, I hope you don’t mind if we go in naked?
Lara tried to act nonchalant. “Yes she did. I’m Ok with it, but I’m wearing my bikini.” She replied.

“Perfectly fine.” Tom replied. He stood up and removed his t shirt and slipped off his shorts. Again, he was not wearing any underwear. I watched Lara as he did this. She made no effort to avert her glaze. Greg then did the same and again Lara took the opportunity to have a good look. As they did before, they ran to the pool’s edge and dived in.

“My turn I guess.” I said to Lara as I lifted my sundress over my head. She looked somewhat surprised that I too was not wearing any underwear.
“Well, here I am, your mum the nudist.” I said to her as I faced her with my arms outstretched.
“Indeed you are.” Lara replied, “Not bad for an old duck as she eyed me top to bottom.” She giggled.

I felt relieved that so far things were going without any tension.
I walked to the ladder and eased myself into the refreshingly cool water.

I turned to see Lara raising her dress over her head revealing her very shapely body adorned in a tiny lurid pink bikini. It was skimpy indeed and didn’t leave much to the imagination. I thought that she may as well be naked too for all the good the bikini did in covering her modesty. I noted that both Tom and Greg had cast their gaze in Lara’s direction as she too moved to the pool’s edge and gracefully dived in.

We all four splashed about enjoying the relief from the heat. At some stage both Tom and Greg were floating on their backs, their flaccid penises on show. Lara again took the opportunity to enjoy the sight, especially when Greg innocently drifted to within an arm’s length of her.

Tom again, could not keep his hands off me and under the water I took the chance to grab his cock and playfully give it a stroke.
“Who would like another beer? Tom asked. “Yes please.” Said Lara, surprisingly as she was not a great beer drinker. Greg said yes but I declined.

Tom made his way to the ladder and his cock was at half mast still from my gentle caresses. He retuned with 3 beers and stood by the edge of the pool. Lara and Greg swam over to him. Tom knelt down so that they could reach the beers. His cock had not subsided, if anything it had grown a little. As he handed the beer to Lara she was only inches away from it. She took the beer and was in no hurry to swim away. She took a gulp and she and Greg waded back to the middle of the pool.

Eventually, it was time to get out, reluctantly. I noticed that Tom had purchased a fourth sunlounge so that there was one for each of us. Greg and Lara went and sat on two that were side by side as did Tom and me. The Sun beating down on our bodies was invigorating.

I looked across to Lara and she had undone the neckstrap to her bikini, no doubt to avoid the tan line there. I had a chuckle to myself as tanlines were not a problem for the rest of us.
She got out the sunblock and applied it to her exposed skin. We all did the same as getting burnt was a real possibility on such a sunny day. Lara glanced across as Greg dribbled the sunblock onto his skin and gently rubbed it in. She struck up a conversation with me as that allowed her to watch Greg between us without appearing to be staring. I was a wake to her cunning plan. She was silent as Greg arrived at his cock and applied the lotion. He was showing admirable restraint as while his cock did grow a little, it certainly was not a full blown erection. H sat back when finished and closed his eyes and relaxed.

Tom on the other hand was not so discreet. Rubbing the lotion into his cock had seen it grow to its full proportions. He too sat back and closed his eyes, oblivious to the fact that Lara was getting a front row seat to the action.

Soon, Lara sat forward and without saying a word, reached behind her back and undid her bikini strap, letting her top fall to the ground beside her. I threw her an approving smile and she just smiled back at me. Greg at that moment looked across to her. Acknowledging his glance, she said. “Well I don’t want to get tan lines. I have a nice dress that I will be wearing later in the week.”

“Nothing worse than tanlines.” said Greg, as you might expect from a confirmed nudist. “But you better apply some sunscreen or you are going to get burnt. Wise words indeed and Lara was well aware of that need.

“Maybe Greg can help you with that” I cheekily suggested. “Sure” said Lara, passing the lotion over to Greg who needed no encouragement to help. Greg poured a generous amount of sunblock into his cupped hands. Kneeling next to Lara he expertly caressed the lotion into both of Lara’s breasts simultaneously. Working his way down to her nipples, he lingered giving them extra attention, ensuring that they soon hardened. Lara closed her eyes enjoying the attention. Tom and I did as well, I was surprised how excited I was to see someone play with my daughter’s breasts.

Before too much longer, Greg had completed his task. His enjoyment of a job well done was evidenced by his throbbing hard on.

“Thank you, Greg,”, said Lara, teasing him by giving him a pat on his thigh and again sitting back in her sunlounge and closing her eyes. Greg looked a little disappointed but was not willing to push his luck. He too sat back on his lounge and no doubt welcomed his good fortune in being able to play with Lara’s ample bosom.
But my darling daughter was not finished with her teasing.

“Oh well”, she said, “When in Rome…” and with that she slipped off her skimpy bikini bottom joining the rest of us naked and enjoying the Sun.

She looked over to Greg. “I think I’ll need some sunscreen there too”. Greg did not need to be asked twice. Again, he filled his hands with sunscreen, which may have been a bit of overkill as her tiny bikini bottom did not cover much bare skin. I should not have been surprised that Lara had a bald pussy as it does seem to be the trend these days and was glad that we had “a matching pair”. Lara rolled over so that Greg could apply the lotion to her bottom, which he did with his usual gusto. Lara then rolled back over and spreading her legs saying, “I think you missed a bit”
Greg applied some blockout directly onto her pussy and sensuously rubbed it in. At the same time, Lara reached down and grabbed his rock hard cock and rubbed it up and down.

This was too much for me so I reached across and grabbed Tom’s firm cock and did likewise. We both we hypnotized by Greg and Lara’s performance. I wondered if I should be enjoying it so much, her being my daughter, but it seemed so natural. Lara was moaning softly as Greg continued to massage her pussy. Then, in an instant, Greg’s mouth was between Lara’s legs, expertly licking her engorged pussy. Lara arched her back savouring every moment of it. Tom was now fingering my pussy as I stroked his cock. The smile on his face no doubt one of pride in his son’s handiwork.

Greg then threw his towel from his sunlounge onto the grass and gently assisted Lara off her sunlounge onto the towel. She lay on her back and Greg spread her legs and thrusted his large cock into her soaking wet vagina. Tom and I watched in amazement all the while playing with each other.

Greg stroked expertly causing Lara to moan loudly. Soon they both exploded in an intense orgasm. At the same time, Tom unleashed a load of cum into my hand as I squirmed with my own orgasm.
We all lay there, exhausted yet satisfied with the powerful sexuality that had overcome us all. We were speechless and in reality, no words were needed. It was an overpowering scene and we took it in. I’m sure we all had the sense that the fun wasn’t over for the day.



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