Ugly Duckling [F19] tries to get revenge on her bully, ends up as his pet. [MF]

Hi everyone, long time no see. I had to delete my last profile because of a creep, but if you want to read my first story again (or for the first time), I posted it in my profile. Short Recap: Ugly Duckling becomes a swan but her low confidence gets her to fuck the first guy that hits on her and develops a taste for sex. Perhaps an addiction. At the point of this new story, I had sex with 3 men in total. Two men after Jacob were boring and uninteresting and Jacob again once he joined University in the fall.

The problem with living in a small city is that there are really only a few options for secondary education and you end up in University with the same people you went to high school with. And unfortunately for me, in my second year, my schedule lined up with my worst antagonist in high school, Mike. He was my bully in a big way, teasing me about my bird nest hair whenever he passed me in the hall, coming up with annoying and hurtful nicknames, knocking my books down, and even putting dead frog guts on top of my locker (which was thankfully being cleaned up by the janitor before I saw the full carnage, I love animals and it would have broken my heart). Mike also used to fuck everything that moved. He wasn’t exactly a jock, he more was a stoner actually carved from stone. Effortlessly, almost lazily, lean and muscular. He had long dark hair that didn’t go past his ears. He reminds me a little of Penn Badgley from Gossip Girl? With maybe a little Adrian Brody mixed in. And no matter what, he was always oozing confidence.

I hadn’t seen Mike since high school, and since then I had begun dressing sexier, controlled my hair better, started wearing contacts, and most importantly I was now aware that I was hot. No longer my Ugly Duckling phase. Full-blown swan. So when Mike first saw me in the halls, I don’t think he recognized me at first but I certainly recognized him. We were in the same mathematics course with about 100 people (everyone took it because it was the easiest of the required credit courses), and it still took 2 months for him to approach me. At the time, I thought it was because he finally recognized me, but I would later learn it was because he just dumped his last pet and was looking for another.

Our first talk wasn’t anything special, he seemed to fall a little back into high school mode and teased me while also complimenting me. And I just pushed back with what little confidence I had and walked away.

I immediately went to find my best friend Alice so I could give her the latest update on the ongoing bully drama. Now that I reflect on this, I think I was complaining about him a lot without actually being in contact with him. I should buy Alice a coffee to thank her for being so patient with me.

As I told Alice the story, she started to perk up with another devious plan of hers. She gave me the idea that I should hit on him and make him think he has a chance with me, only to leave him naked and cold in one of the empty clubrooms. The LGBTQ+ Alliance was one of the busiest clubs of the school and occupied one of the largest rooms. Because of this we often worked with our neighbours and made friends and helped each other out whenever it was necessary. And Alice had something she prized very highly, the code to the Students With Disabilities (SWD) club room. This is where anyone in a wheelchair or any other differently-abled person could go for some peace and quiet and height-adjustable desks for wheelchairs. Really, it was two couches, two desks, and a mini-fridge in a rather small room. But it was also rarely used, because despite being a useful resource…the club room floor wasn’t easily accessible…yup… you read that right. So what this room was, was Alice’s personal fuck room she used to fuck anyone she wanted. And maybe sometimes quietly study. She honestly told me as much as she used the room, no one was ever there past the morning. Since she was fucking the current Alliance president, she also had full access to the club room AC control panel. Including the SWD AC.

So this was the plan. Step 1) Hit on Mike and get him to follow me to the Handicap room for sex. Step 2) Get him to undress completely and tell him I need to grab the spare key so no one interrupts the two of us and leave him there. Step 3) Use the AC control to turn up the cold in the room and leave a note on the outside of the door “Tiny Shriveled Dick Inside”

As hilarious as we thought this plan was, neither of us really stopped long enough to think it through. So onwards to the path of failure and two years of servitude underneath a pig of a man.

A few days later, I put the plan into action.

“Hey Sticky, how’s it going?”

A nickname he used frequently, because he used to stick signs on my back, gum, lollypops, ripped up paper confetti, whatever, and said it wasn’t his fault I was so sticky. To anyone that says he did it cause he liked me, you’re an idiot. He was horribly cruel and did it to make the people around him laugh. We were high schoolers, not kindergarteners.

I’ve been told in the past that I’m bad at flirting and I’m comically ridiculous to the point of absurdity when I try to hit on men, and when I think back to what I said to Mike, I think that it might be true. It was something like:

“Wanna come see just how sticky I am?”

After a brief look of ‘Are you serious?’ He smirked and replied, “Yes, I do.”

So I led him to the SWD room and used the code to open the compartment that held the key and unlocked the door, leading him in.

As soon as he was in, I began to tell him I needed to get the other key so no one walks in and interrupts us and that I want him naked by the time I get back, but I didn’t get to finish my thought. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the door, letting it close on its own. One of his big hands was restraining one of my hands behind me, and the other was on the side of my neck, with his thumb pressing my chin up and into his mouth. I tried to push him off with one hand but he only kissed me deeper. As I pushed harder, his thumb trailed down from my chin and pressed into my throat, starting to choke me lightly. A kink I had already well-developed. I let out a small moan and I could feel his smile stretch across his face, while he was kissing me.

Not long after he stopped kissing me, released my arm, and pointed to the ground. “Down.”

This was my chance to leave and get my revenge and I knew it, I even stepped back a little.

“Down, SLUT” he said the word with such disdain…

Down I went, onto my knees.

“Good Slut, you get a treat.” He unzipped his pants and out sprang the cock I would worship to this day if he hadn’t broken things off. The same cock I would cheat on my current boyfriend just to taste it again. The same cock that is married to some blonde bimbo now and has sired two brats, but I’d STILL beg for it if he hadn’t blocked me on all social media. 9 inches, thick and heavy. And god the smell…if anyone tells you pheromones aren’t a thing, they haven’t smelled this cock, it is burrowed deep into my mind that If I could have a bottle of its musk, I’d just spray it on my pillow, bury my face into it and masturbate until my cunt was sore and swollen.

“Suck it. And get it good and wet cause it’s about to go into your pussy.”

I went to work. Up and down the shaft, licking it everywhere I could, marveling at its size, to this day it’s still the largest I’ve had and I consider myself a bit of a size queen. It was very sweaty and because of this, salty and sour as heck. But I felt drunk on the odour, I was in a state he would later call my “slut brain” taking over, where I would agree to do anything he wanted and get really perverse. I cleaned his cock as best as I could, trying to suck on it but couldn’t get it very far. One day he would almost suffocate me pushing it past my teeth and into my throat, but today he let me take it as slow as I needed to.

He picked me up by the armpit and stood me up, yanking my shirt off, pulling my pants down and I just let him, like I was his dress-up doll. He stopped and looked at my underwear, remarking at how slutty I looked, and that I must have planned to have me see him naked today. Had I? Looking back, I think I wore my sexiest pair just in case.

I asked him, “Do you have a condom?” I never brought one cause I never planned this.

“I don’t wear condoms. So don’t ask again.”

I shut up.

He got completely naked and made me finish stripping down myself. Then, he walked over to one of the adjustable desks, pulling me with him. He bent me down onto the cold desktop, tits pressed firmly against the surface with my ass out. And then he just started playing with the electric height adjuster, making me go a little down and then a few inches higher until I had to stay on my tippy toes. I realized he was lining my pussy up to his cock and it turned me on so much. He rubbed my pussy a little, dripping wet and spreading it around.

“Very sticky.” and he laughed at me. “I always knew you were a slut.”

And before I could come up with some quippy response, he plunged his cock into me. Pushing it hard, back and forth, with no regard to if it hurt me or not, and it did. He just kept working at it until I was wrapped around his cock enough for him to start fucking me. I tried to keep my voice down at first since this room shared a wall with the student union and I wasn’t sure how soundproof it was. But it didn’t matter, he was fucking me harder than I had ever been fucked and I was already cumming hard. My legs shook violently and as my tippy toes came out from under me, he just picked me up by the hip, leveled me off again, and kept fucking me, while I was still cumming. It was hard not to yell. People heard us.

My slut brain took over and I remember cumming maybe two more times, possibly 3 before he made me beg him to cum inside me. Which I did, desperately.

“Please, please, all of it, fill me up please please please”

He picked me off the desk, choked me with one hand and squeezed my tit with the other, and fucked me harder and rougher as I could feel his cock get just a bit bigger inside me before it exploded, filling me with a bucket load of cum. I could hear and feel dollops of cum fall out of my pussy, squeezing past his cock. Some getting caught in his pubic hair and other drops onto the floor, making a very audible splat.

He let me fall to the ground onto my knees and I keeled over, laying on my side, trying to catch my breath. He started to get dressed and took his phone out and took a photo of me curled up on the ground (I still have a copy of it, and NO you can’t see it). I tried to protest but he only told me to shut up. Then he gave me his phone and told me to put my number in, which I did.

“Let’s see if this is real.”

He dialed me and my pile of clothing started to vibrate.

“Good slut. Answer when I call. You’re coming over to my place on Saturday so cancel whatever plans you’ve made.”

He finished dressing. Raided the fridge and stole a can of Pepsi and a pudding cup. From the handicapped. And then started to leave. Just as he was about to open the door and leave he added, “Bring your math homework, completed. I don’t feel like doing it this week.”

I would show up on Saturday, with a copy of the completed homework. And he fucked me all over again before kicking me out. He didn’t cuddle. I would become his pet for two years. He would date his bimbo wife while fucking me earlier in the day. He even fucked me a week after the wedding, but soon after he called it quits.

Alice would figure out what happened pretty quickly and just laughed about it. Apparently, there was a rumour going around that one of the guys in a wheelchair had loud sex in the handicapped room.

Well, that’s it for this story. If there is any interest in more stories of my bully, please let me know in the comments. And as always if you want to send a dick pic my way, I won’t complain. I’ll add it to my growing collection. Love you all!



  1. “Raided the fridge and stole a can of Pepsi and a pudding cup. From the handicapped” 😱😱 the horror 😂😂

  2. Lol damn I guess some can tell if your submissive or not. Probably just assume and carry on as a dom haha. If I were you I’d try and maintain the power okay. To get the upper hand you wanted and see through the revenge ;)

  3. Like the story just hate the disrespect and degrading but, I get it if that’s some of u guys kink I guess

  4. Hate his attitude but very hot story! That was great you let him get away with not using a condom and finishing inside you.

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