The Perfect Sister

“That’s it, just like we practiced.”

His words floated over her as she held the vibrator in place. She could feel her arousal building and she closed her eyes tight. His deep voice caressed her and her lips curled into a smile before parting, her head thrown back as she felt the wave of her orgasm beginning.

Jessie lay splayed out on her bed, her small shirt pulled up around her shoulders and a pair of white thigh high stockings her only clothes. Beads of sweat rolled off her skin as her fourth orgasm of the day took hold. Bright red hair splayed out behind her in curls and tangles, matted from where his fist had been curled in it earlier when he had fucked her from behind.

It hit her then. She keened as her back arched off the bed and her knees parted. Jessie’s wet sex was exposed, quivering and moist for the camera stationed on a tri pod at the end of her bed. Her toes curled and body shook, her mind drifting to another place as she rode through her orgasm.

When she finished she collapsed to the bed, her hand dropping the soaked purple vibrator as she went boneless. Slowly her green eyes opened and looked to the camera.

Her pale skin was on display—chest heaving with each harsh breath, rose bud pink nipples erect and straining for attention. Drying cum was splattered across the perky mounds of her breasts and her flat stomach as she smiled. Not at the camera. Her smile was for her brother standing behind the camera. A blush crept up her pale cheeks and she giggled, turning away just as he flicked the camera off.

“You were perfect, Ariel.” He said, using her nickname from childhood. He stepped up and kissed her, running his tongue along her lip. He had been grooming her since she was a child. Always his special sister. His little, perfect, girl.

Jessie loved him. She would do anything for him.


Hey there! This is a snippet of an ongoing story with these two. For more of them, or one of my other stories, send me a PM!

My commissions are finally open again! Got a story you want told? Hit me up! I also RP.

Let me know what y’all think!

