Session I (45 Minute Version)

My Muse,

Don’t think for a second

That I have forgotten the lengths you’ve taken

To please Your Sir

Not a single one of those moments have been forgotten

I know the effort You have invested for me

The passion on Your gorgeous heart

But would You do me a favour

And demonstrate it for me again?

The soundtrack of the rain

Tapping on the balcony

Is the only soundtrack we will need

The dimmed light from the Sun

Blotted out by the clouds

Is enough to sustain our mood

For what we are about to do

Sit on the bed before me

Turn Your back to me

And close Your eyes

I want You to imagine Yourself in pure ecstasy

Drenched in pure adoration

So as You do

Stroke Your fingers on the sides of Your body

Just by Your finger tips

Starting on Your hips

Working Your way up

Do this slowly and with intent

As I watch You from behind

Work those fingers up

And across Your breasts

Then around Your nipples

Before they come back to Your sides

And work Your way down

Repeat this motion a few more times

And remember where You are

And with whom You are sharing this moment with

I see the grin rising on Your face

As You turn Your head over Your shoulder

I notice that Your eyes are closed

Lost in ecstatic thoughts perhaps?

Your gentle hums

Thrill me more than You can tell

This keeps me mesmerized

Though It’s the curvature made by Your legs

Knees bent

With Your feet set to the side

Portraying Your soles toward me

It’s the softness of these toes that curl gently

Which cause me to draw near

Enough to see this closer

I don’t think more than a few minutes have passed

But I can spend the rest of eternity just looking at You

And adoring You

But how about If I have a little more?

“My Muse…”

Listen to me speak

Focus on the tone of my voice

You pause

Setting hands on Your lap

While You look up

And depend on the guidance of my voice

“Yes, Sir…”

I already sense the surrender in Your voice

I won’t take it for granted

“Turn around…”

Your waist guides Your torso

Moving Your shoulders and head

Along with Your arms and legs

While that grin never fades

Your eyes open

And wander toward mine

So then You read my desires

Without me having to mutter a single word

Just by looking at my eyes

But also through my movements

As I let my knees hit the floor

And my hands draw beside them

With my face closer to the Earth that begot humanity

I look up at You

So You let Your body guide Your mind

Into providing this treat

Which I so desire

I sit back

But I lunge forward

While You stretch Your left foot toward my face

There is no touching

That’s not the point

It’s not time for that

Just Yet

Your hands clinch together over Your chest

It’s not their time to be in use

While my enticement is entertained

But the movement of Your legs

Draw the left leg back again

And push Your right one forward

Toes down and pointed

Before You lift them

Enough to let the under side have a glimmer of the faded light

Before You draw that foot back

And stretch out the left one again

Your hands un clinch

To set these fingers over Your lips

It’s as if to be pensive

And observant

Over what You are about to do

For no other reason but to try

To entice me the most

With as few movements as possible

What would it take

To please me?

You know I am a man with demanding taste

Which is why I wanted You

Of all the women in the world

I wanted moments like this

As only You can provide

You set both feet at the edge of the bed

Toes displayed for my pleasure

But You flex them

Moving them up, then curling them down

As the movement naturally dictates

There I remain

Observant and attentive

Just consider the things I’ve seen

The most beautiful things

I’d gladly reject those memories

Whatever marvelous things I can attest to

I gladly renounce them all

Just for this moment

As small and effortless it is to You

To see Your nearly naked

With Perfection before me

THIS is what I live for

This is what I want

And You can know this

Just by the sparkle in my eye

This turns Your grin into a genuine smile

Mouth open wide

It occurs to you to lift Your foot oh so closer to my face

Just your right one this time

And curl it down

As if to say

“Kiss me, Sir…”

But no

Not yet

You know I won’t

I just want to observe

So You lift Your left foot up with the first

And curl those toes

Before lifting those toes and spreading them


My body begins to warm up to the moment

As You reply without the advent of thought


I enjoy the fact that this sort of thing pleases You

To know that Your value is demonstrated

Even though You already are in so many different aspects

By so many others

But today it’s not about them

I don’t care about my obligations for this moment

It’s just about me

And about You

So You separate Your legs before me

Bending one leg and lifting the other a little higher

Rotating Your ankle

Allowing my eyes to bask in the surface of the skin

Of the underside of Your foot

my eyes remain attentive

While jumping onto Your own gaze

I see eyes of curiosity

That addictive smile

Framed by the most magnificent cheeks which God had made

You set that foot on the edge of the bed

To trade places with the other

Also demonstrating it’s splendor

By lifting it and flexing it

As wonderfully as nature had intended

It was not long before You cross Your legs

While You lunge forward

Hands on hips

Telling me further without a single word

“What now? My Sir…”

Mouth wide open

Smiling inquisitively

This is not unlike the many other moments I’ve seen you in

Yet after all this time, this lust has not dried

It is far from quenched

As You curl Your toes over again

I sit up and observe Your legs from above Your ankles

Seeking the details about You which are already engraved in my mind

What else can I do but adore You all the more

Day after day, one second after another

You are my prize

The culmination of everything I’ve ever wanted

In a woman

So I gaze up and stare back into Your eyes with this intent

Which You are very familiar with already

How contagious is Your smile

If I were to do so the same way?

How captivated are we in this moment

However sincere and vulnerable it makes us?

You extend Your arms as You wiggle Your toes

Draw them closer to Your feet

Never letting Your gaze deviate from mine.

So as Your face comes closer

So does mine approach Yours

So within close proximity

My heart manifests through speech

“Twenty Seven Years ago

The world became acquainted with magnificence

Such darling and joyous that moment was

For the world to finally know

What Perfection She has become…”

You blush lightly

A more subtle reaction of appreciation

There is not

But You don’t act out of surprise

You would not expect anything less from Your Sir, after all

So without request or urgency

You turn around as You were before

Bending Your legs, tucking Your feet aside

Hands on Your lap

And turning Your back to me

While gazing up in expectation

I’ve seen this cadence before

It tells me very clearly

Again without a single word

“Have me, good Sir…”

I react accordingly

By placing my hands on Your hips

Thumbs guiding Your waist

Lifting myself to let my chin meet Your shoulder

Still reeling from the pleasure of our ritual

I close my eyes to begin kissing Your ear

Rubbing my lips from behind You

Your shoulders twitch from this sensation

And a sense of pleasure that emanates from Your heart

You tilt Your head to spread the area of Your neck

So my lips migrate down onto the softness there

The humming I hear from You is nothing less than a treat

Before I get more of my fill

I scoot my knees closer to You

Letting them land on either side of your hips

Causing for the empty space between us to diminish all the more

You know me, that I like closeness

I draw my strength through proximity

In this case, it’s no different

My kisses gravitate upward an back onto Your face

slowly gathering warmth from the side of your eyes

You close Your eyes

And I move my hands onto Your shoulders

Thus enabling Your hand to cross over Your chest

To touch my hand on the opposite side

More pleasing hums originate from Your mouth

You raise Your face toward the sky

As if You have surrendered Your sense of control

To these sweet sensations You feel

I refuse to let You feel empty there

So my hands wrap around Your waist

From Behind

Your body falls back onto mine

And Your head tilts further onto my shoulder

Grinning with pleasure,

I can never have enough of this smile

From the first day I’ve seen it

Until today, under this dimly lit roof

You excite me as much as these sensations excite You

My hands wrap You even tighter

As I stand up higher

And move my kisses from Your cheek

Onto Your lips

We are in this inverted position

But the taste is just as magnificent as ever

My lips suckle onto Yours

Upper to lower and lower to upper

Puckering and so much reaching between both our tongues

My hand moves to cradle You by Your back

While the other holds You by the head

Thus allowing me to bury my lips further

I love every second of this

And by the warm sensations I feel from You

I could tell You love this too

So so much!

We kiss as if we seek

Is it for pleasure? Is it taste?

Does it matter?

We feel each others breaths on our chins

So I draw my face away from Yours

To move around and in front of You

Your hands move back to support Your weight

As You remain reclined back

Neither of us are anywhere near from satisfied here

I kneel in front of that space between Your open legs

I look down and beside me

You know exactly where I’d go from here

I lift Your left foot toward my face

And as what is my custom

I gaze at the softness of Your perfect sole

Do You know how many dreams culminate to a moment like this?

It can come true a million times

Yet I’d still want more

Just like now

But this time I list the other one along side the first

I see both soles before me

Drawing my lips close to the ball of Your right foot

Kissing it before doing the same to the next

These puckers are as tender as the ones I administered on Your lips

The difference is that I can see Your cadence again

Between Your toes

I love seeing You as happy

As You make me

My lips move onto Your toes

Suckling Your big toe in slow intervals between the others

My eyes only serve as a way to distinguish

That the perfection I see is real

My sense of feel exists so I may know That I am not in a trance

I can become more intimate with Your soles

But instead I choose to let go of Your feet for this moment

Setting them down

And crawling up over You

Your grin is widened as it is

But as I approach You closer

It changes in a way I can not describe

Perhaps the best word would be…


I crawl enough so that my face meets Yours

Our eyes lock as tenderly as our lips did some minutes ago

One hand supports my weight

While the other drags it’s finger tips

From Your navel

Down under Your panties

The motion is quick

But not brash

These finger tips are right where they belong

Wandering around the opening of Your flower

Simulating slowly

I pull them away from that area

To tickle over Your navel

A brief tease perhaps?

More like my enjoyment

To not rush my way in

Since it’s also about the journey

As well as it is about the destination

Let my finger tips tickle Your sexy tummy

And onto the round of Your breasts

Oh Your sexy breasts!

So Incredible!

Care to let the tips of my thumb caress the surface of Your nipples as well?

Stimulating these sweet areolas?

I didn’t intend to do more than this

But I couldn’t help but lower myself down

To have another taste?

I start with another kiss on Your right nipple

The proximity which I see them

Encourages me to grasp You tighter by the side

I suckle gently

With soft caresses with my tongue

Feel my breathing intensify again

While I feel Your body rise as You do the same

I use the moment as I have You captivated

To move my fingers back under Your panties

Tickling around Your flower again

Teasing Your clit

I am not inside yet

But the warm sensation of Your nectar

Could be felt even before I touch it

I am loving all of this so much!

While I lift my lips to meet the other nipple

To play with it just the same

I allow my fingers to slip right in

Feeling Your delicious warmth

That’s when my lips make contact with Your other areola

Causing You to react

Your slender body rises again

I decide to slip my other hand underneath Your waist

Cradling You close onto my bosom

This is when I realize how small You are

As if I already didn’t know

The frailty and delicateness

Which has been given onto my grasp

Now I am charged to take care of You

While simultaneously You’d take care of me too

My fingers inside Your warmth

Already gravitate to where they belong

Slipping around and in between

The delight of feeling Your nectar is indescribable

As much as the moaning that You make

My lips have traveled with glee between Your nipples

So they come away to let my eyes see Yours

I don’t, since they are closed

Rolled back with mouth wide open

“Ohhh yes! Right there, YES!”

It’s convenient to just finish You off this way

But You know how hungry Your Sir can get

So he certainly is right about now

Before much time transpires

I crawl down

In strategic fashion

My fingers remain

Until I pull them away

To present my lips over Your clit

This kiss is a little different than the others

I open a little wider

Not because of the size of Your flower

But so I may absorb as much of Your warmth as I could

Let Your moisture meet mine

Have my tongue and delight in what it may provide

It lingers around Your clit and penetrates a little deeper

My suckling takes in a bit of this nectar

It is my own pleasure to let it shroud my tongue

For this time being

Is it twisted to enjoy

This tiny bit of my Muse

Lined along the interior of my mouth?

My hands slip underneath Your legs

Encouraging You to squeeze them

I suckle a bit more

And my tongue wanders further

In the same rhythm as Your gorgeous moan

Becomes louder and sharper

Believe me when I say

The view is ecstatic!

But it’s time to close my eyes

To focus in what I came to look for

While I suckle, I listen to Your movements

They guide me to Your orgasm

But if I didn’t need the extra help

You place Your hands on my head

Driving it to Your pleasure

I can’t argue with that!

So I suckle some more

Navigating my tongue further

Your voice changes to that special pitch

I hit that spot

And I dwell there to find our delight

Not just Yours

You moan a little louder

I stimulate a little further

Deep and tense breaths

Your legs stretch out and are very tense

Strong clutches of my hair

You grab me tight enough so I may know

I found You here

This is where We belong

You moan to this extent one last time

And let out a deep breath

II hold my tongue a little longer

And keep that rhythm until I feel You relax

Your arms become limb

And Your legs loosen

Until Your breathing shallows out

And I stop

With a small kiss underneath

As I draw my lips away

I observe the contact I left

Onto my most beautiful Muse

The woman of my dreams

Lays here vulnerable

Having received pleasure from me

I crawl up and move beside You

Laying my head next to Yours

While You recover from the intense sensation

You move Your head over my arm

And stare up at me

Still breathing hard

I look back at You

To share with You

This joy of this moment

Just through the look in my eyes

In You I see

The desire to return me the pleasure

But I also see the basking of this moment

You want to stay where You belong

So I hold You a little tighter

To ensure that You belong here

Since there is always tomorrow

For another occasion of pleasure

In the mean time

The soundtrack of rain taps onto the balcony

And the dim light from the cloud drenched Sun

Will be our only company

We have the entire world under our feet

And all the stars in the palm of our hands

But this moment of silent closeness is enough

This is enough
