[S/b] My brother caught me (emo girl) masturbating during quarantine…

My name is Kacey. When the world stopped in the spring of 2020 I was finishing my junior year of college. My brother, Josh, was finishing high school and little did we know in a few months time – we’d be finishing each other. I miss that time and the closeness I felt with him. I miss his warmth on those hot summer nights and the way my body felt with his arms around me. So, now that we’re here, I guess I’ll share it.

I’m not really sure where to begin. Josh is a likeable, popular guy who is lanky, funny, and kind. He’s out-going and generally finds a way to light up a room. He’s close to 6ft tall, short brown hair, green eyes, toned body from running track but also does theater geek stuff and generally seems to have no problem with the ladies. He’s gotta a super cute butt!

As for myself, I’m like the opposite – a short, kinda chubby, big tittied bisexual emo girl with black straight hair with a streak of blue. I might not look the greatest in a bikini but I got it where it counts! When I was 19 I had a fling with my roommate, Mandy, and we ended up getting our nipples pierced as well as matching lotus flower tattoos on our thighs. I’m currently a data science major and I want to work for a big tech company.

I think that pretty much covers the basics. So, in March of 2020 when stuff started shutting down my school sent everyone home which meant getting kicked out of the dorms and moving in with my mom again. Leaving school was hard. No one really knew what was going on and there was uncertainty everywhere. I was in the process of trying to find an apartment so I could stay in the city for the summer and do an internship while working some part time stuff. It was going to be me and a few friends but once we were sent home everything went out the window.

The first time I saw Josh in a sexual way he had just gotten home from running. I was eating cereal in the kitchen when he burst in through the front door, shirt off, short running shorts, and sweat glistening. He wasn’t my brother, he was some greek god. He noticed I was surprised to see him and smiled saying, “Hi sis, I’m all sweaty!” He then opened his arms like he was about to hug me, teasing me, asking for my cereal. I immediately recoiled saying something like “gross” but honestly, it was hot. We often played around like this, invading each others personal space but something was different. He left to go take a shower and I put my bowl in the dishwasher and went to my room.

On this particular morning our mom left after Josh got in the shower and promised to be back in a few hours. I was horny and I knew this would be a good chance to watch some porn and get off. Josh takes very long showers and afterwards disappears to his room until lunch so I had the rest of the morning to myself, more or less.

My room was next to our mom’s. Josh’s was across the house. He pretty much had that side of the house and a bathroom to himself while me and my mom shared a bathroom. It worked out well for him, as the only guy in a house of girls he had a pretty good amount of space. I was so horny I could feel my juices starting to flow and needed to get my underwear off right away. When we were roomies, Mandy helped me pick out a vibrator, the “Satisfyer pro 2.0” and boy does it do the trick! Clit stimulation is how I get off and it works perfectly.

I don’t know how much time passed when I heard a knock on my door. It wasn’t shut all the way! I then realized how loud the vibrator was. Clit vibrators have like a suction cup thing on the end of them that mimics like a mouth but when you get going it can get kinda, well, louder than a dildo vibrator. I freaked.

“Josh what the fuck!”

“Can I open the door now?” He sounded amused.

“NO!” I pulled my shirt down but couldn’t find my panties so I put my legs under the bed and asked, “What do you need?” I demanded.

“What were you doing in there…?” He definitely heard and was teasing me about it but continued, “Mom called, she needs a ride. She’s at work and her car won’t start.”

“Okay? Go away. I’ll call her back.”

While Josh did have a license he did not have a car yet and he wasn’t insured to drive mine so I was going to have to be the one to go get our mom. Once I collected myself and got dressed, I found my phone and saw I had several texts and two missed calls from her. I was embarrassed. I wanted to talk to Josh about what he heard/saw but I also did not want to talk about it in any way what-so-ever. Another part of me wanted something else. I had been noticing him more as man in the last few weeks and he was in many ways everything I hoped he’d be, the kind of person I’d want in a partner. It was a strange feeling.

The next few days I did not see Josh very much. He was studying for finals and I, admittedly, could not really see him without getting a shade of red. By the time the weekend came around things were getting back to normal and I assumed that it would just be something we wouldn’t speak of. I walked around the house a bit freer, relieved that maybe the awkwardness had passed. Things changed after a Saturday night of throwing back a few glasses of wine with our mom. I thought about finally confronting him after she went to bed.

We were watching Netflix and both sitting in our pajamas on the couch together on opposite ends. The show we were watching came to an end and Josh said something stupid in the Tiger King accent and I threw a pillow at him and just blurted it out.

“Why did you walk in on me jillin’ off!” I was red in the face still but that might’ve been in part from the wine.

“Your vibrator is loud. Holy shit! It’s like a lawn mower.” He responded. I laughed.

“It’s not a lawnmower!”

“Anyways, mom was trying to get a hold of you so she called me and I went to go get you and halfway across the house I heard that thing!”

“How long were you there before you announced yourself?” I asked.

He thought for a second, “I dunno, a few seconds maybe. Once I realized what was going on I announced myself.”

“Did you see anything?” I wanted to know if he saw me exposed.


“Don’t lie!”

“Well, yeah, for a second, your door wasn’t closed all the way and I peaked in.”

“I knew it!” I was honestly relieved more than I was mortified, “did you get a good view?”

“You have nice boobs.” He was being kinda sheepish and not making eye contact. He knew he was in the wrong and apologized, “I’m sorry Kacey, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy like that. I was kinda turned on and a little curious but I shouldn’t have peaked I should’ve just knocked.”

“Apology accepted. Now be normal.”

I smiled. Then I had a naughty thought.

Thoughts are invasive. Once out of the box there was no going back. I wanted to see Josh’s penis and watch him stroke it for me. I wanted some human contact. I needed it. Whether it was my piercings or brushing up against the fabric of my shirt I felt my nipples tingling. My pelvis felt like it was going over a roller coaster and all I could think about in that moment was the excitement I was feeling. It was like the morning I saw him shirtless and sweaty but way more intense and urgent like a dam that was about to break.

“I want you to jack off for me.” I told him.

“What!? You’re crazy! You’ve had too much to drink.” His face turned red. I had him in a corner.

“Come on, you saw me, it’s only fair that I see you.

“We’re not kids Kacey, this isn’t playing doctor.” He was defensive and I worried in that moment that I might have pushed too far. I had to put him at ease.

“You want to see my tits again?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest so they bulged out of my tank top. It was my last resort. I was aching to touch myself again and have him watch.

“Um… Yeah?” I knew then that he couldn’t resist so I pulled them out. It was liberating. My breasts, nipples, and everything were on display for my brother to see. It was so wrong but so intoxicatingly arousing.

“What about mom?” He started to fidget with his draw string. I could tell he was erect.

“She’s out. Believe me.” I’d done my share of sneaking around back in high school.

“Okay, here it is.” He pulled his pants off and I saw the most beautiful, erect dick I’ve ever seen in my life before or since. I honestly don’t think penises are that attractive. Curves are better, butt, boobs, and a pretty face. Oh my, his dick is close to eight inches.

“Oh my god!” I blurted out, “That looks dangerous!”

He smiled, “I get that a lot.”

“No shit? How many girls have you been with?” I reached down into my pants as I watched him caress his dick.

“A few.”

“How many is a few?” I was genuinely curious. I never saw my brother as a sex god but I never thought I’d want to see his manhood either.

“More than five, less than ten?” Wow. I was shocked, “What about you?”

“Girls or boys?” I pulled my pants off and propped myself up more on my side of the couch so he could see everything. He sat there slouched, stroking, shirt still on.

“You told me about Mandy, and I know about the guy when you were a senior in high school but that’s about it.”

“I don’t keep count.” Which is true. I’d had my share of partners in the dorm-life.

“Really? Don’t lie.” He was being earnest.

“More than seven, less than ten?”

“So we’re about even.” He said.

“It’s not a contest.” It was actually more than ten, counting girls and guys, fifteen-twenty? I didn’t want my brother to know that just yet. Sex has always been more enjoyable than relationships for me. Mandy was my first girl partner and is also one of my steadier relationships even though I would have never called us a couple.

“You don’t shave. I like that.” I have a bit of bush, it’s not out of control but I hate shaving so I mostly just keep it trimmed. I noticed he was shaved and thought that was a bit odd but I didn’t ask about it because I figured it was his preference.

“What’s the craziest sex thing you’ve ever done?” I asked, trying to control my breathing. I’d been wanting ot cum the whole time but felt I needed to go slow.

“This.” He replied. And with that started to stroke faster.

“Are you going to cum?”

“I’m close yeah, what about you?”

“I’ve been close for a while.” No sooner had I said that, I felt the dam begin to break. My body shuddered and it felt like fireworks going off in my pelvis. I moaned and slouched back on the couch. During this he must have finished as well as we both sat motionless for a minute or what seemed like an eternity.

We sat there for a minute in our post orgasm haze. We locked eyes. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. So I said something like, “That was fun.” He agreed but I could tell he was really nervous about it. Was he just trying to be nice? He excused himself to go clean up and I did the same. I put my pants and shirt back on and went to the bathroom to pee and wash up.

When I came back to the living room he wasn’t there. I flipped on the TV and mindlessly put something on, wondering what was going through his mind about what had just happened. I waited for about ten more minutes and then I got out my phone and almost texted him but I felt that would be too clingy and weird. Instead, I poured a half a glass of wine, finishing mom’s bottle and waited. He never showed.

The next morning was business as usual. I was groggy and maybe a little hungover. The fact that Josh had ghosted me after our intimate activity together was weighing on me like a ton of bricks. Our mom spread out her work stuff at the kitchen table and Josh went running, took a shower and then went straight to his room. I had school work to catch up on too so we spent the day in our own corners of the house.

I wondered if I really did pressure him in a way that wasn’t cool. He is normally very confident but I felt that maybe I had jarred him a bit. I texted Josh that I wanted to talk about last night sometime. That afternoon my phone buzzed with a text. It was Josh: Last night was… interesting. Do you want a repeat?

I was relieved. Yes! However, I also wanted to talk to him and not just get off together. So I responded that I wanted to talk to him and suggested we get out of the house and get some fresh air. Our mom was annoyingly around the house so we’d have to get somewhere out of ear shot.

Our deck in the back is seldom used but it has a nice patio setup with an umbrella. While I’d prefer to go out somewhere and get out of the house our mom was being very covid-concious and insistent on us staying put. I brought a book so I could look like I had a purpose, it was a nice day afterall. Josh came out with a sandwich and some tea. He smiled and said, “How’s your book?”

“I dunno. How’s your sandwich?” I replied with a smirk.

“I haven’t eaten it yet.”

“Then there you go. I haven’t read it yet.” We paused. He ate his sandwich, I got the feeling that he wanted me to start so I cleared the air by just stating the situation: “Look, we’re both here. The world is ending every other day. There are Murder Hornets invading and who knows when we’ll make contact with aliens. What I do know is that I need some contact and I’ve been just super horny all the time lately and last night was really hot.”

“I agree to all that, yeah.” He thought for a minute. “I don’t know though, it just feels wrong. Like, I’m not supposed to be turned on by you but I am.”

I replied playfully, “You’re turned on by me?”

“I’m a dude, Kacey, I’m turned on by everything.”

“So, what do you want to do about it?” I asked. I knew in that moment I wanted him to fuck my brains out. I saw what he was working with and I wanted it in me.

“I dunno. I figured since we’re in the same boat maybe we can help each other out?”

“You want to do my homework?” I teased, handing him the book.

“No… Kacey you know what I mean.”

“Yes. I want to take things further, if you want to. I’m okay with it. You’re handsome and this is a fucked up time for both of us.”

“Yeah.” His voice trailed off. Our conversation continued. He was bummed about finishing high school with no graduation ceremony. Everything was very uncertain for him. He wanted to do track in college and had a partial athletic scholarship lined up but it was unclear if school would start in the fall or not. He felt like he was getting this time of his life robbed from him. I got it. I did too but it wasn’t the same.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rw8edz/sb_my_brother_caught_me_emo_girl_masturbating


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