My [FF]irst Time

My other stories are fiction, and I doubt I will post many other true ones because my actual sex life is not nearly as interesting as my fantasy life and I dont have many true ones worth telling. Except for a few details to protect the innocent like names and all that, this is excactly as I remember it happening. I hope you all enjoy.


Amy hated parties. No matter how many times one of her friends insisted she go to one she’d never get the appeal. She’d somehow once again let herself get pressured into coming though. This time Riley had practically dragged her here. Riley had heard from a friend that Ryan might be there, and Ryan was coming for the same reason everyone else was: the Anderson’s were out of town for the week, and their son thought the best way to get more popular was to invite people over to drink his dad’s beer. Looking around the room, it seemed to be working. Everyone but her seemed to be having a great time. Amy couldn’t help but wonder what the cost would be when his parents came back to a house without alcohol but full of mysterious stains. That wasn’t her problem though.

Before Riley had managed to get her crush’s attention, Amy’s only problem was hanging out and pretending to have a good time. They’d only been there an hour before Riley had disappeared with him, leaving Amy to fend for herself. Now Amy’s problems had multiplied: she was alone, she barely knew anyone, and since she already told her parents she was going to stay over late at Riley’s to study she couldn’t just go home. If she came home while they were still awake, they’d ask questions, and Amy wasn’t a very good liar. If they really drilled into her story, she’d probably just confess everything.

So she had to endure the thumping rap music and the random guys checking her out while she pretended to have fun for the next couple hours, or until Riley reappeared – whichever came first. It’s not like there was much to look at anyway. Amy used her long dark hair to hide her plain face as much as possible, and the rest of her boney body was hidden underneath her black baggy sweatshirt and dark jeans. These guys had about as much of a chance with her as Ryan and Riley had of working out, she thought. Just thinking about the wedding invitations they’d have to make made her giggle. ‘Ryan and Riley Ross cordially invite you to…’ She made a mental note to bring that up every time Riley started getting all gooey about him. It wasn’t that Amy couldn’t just understand this relationship in particular. She didn’t get the whole thing. She’d never had the crushes her friends always seemed to flaunt and then forget about. She had pretended to sometimes though – to fit in.

That had worked for a few years, but at eighteen she was a kissless virgin who’d barely dated anyone, she’d become ‘the weird girl’. Rumors circulated sometimes that she was trans or gay, but asexual felt like the best fit most days. Not that Amy didn’t have fantasies or sexual desires – she just didn’t have them about real people. Even here at this party where she didn’t know even a quarter of the people, the rest knew not to flirt with her. They knew it was a waste of time. No amount of smooth talking could penetrate her awkward exterior to get at the juicy bits they were after.

After turning down the fourth offer of a beer Amy went to the back yard to hang out until it was late enough that she could go home. She’d gotten drunk before, which was fun, but she was definitely a lightweight. The last thing she’d needed was to get drunk by herself in a room full of people. She shivered, half from the cool night air and half at the thought as she walked towards an deserted concrete bench near the back of the garden. Getting drunk and being taken advantage of might be hot in her fantasies, but it was the last thing she was going to seek out. No, better to be alone and focus on finishing school instead of complicating her life with sex and emotions.

Amy was so wrapped up in her thoughts now that she’d found some solitude, that when someone said “Hey” from the shadows it made her jump right out of her skin.

Amy startled easily, and only barely kept herself from screaming at the sudden noise. As it was she briefly cowered at the sound before regaining her composure. It was just long enough to make the guy in the shadows under the old Elm crack up with laughter. “Chill dude, chill. Everything’s cool. You’re Amy right?”

“Do I know you?” Amy asked, peering harder into the shadows to try to figure out who she’d bumped into back here. Her eye’s still hadn’t adjusted enough to be able to see too many of the stranger’s features. She just hoped she hadn’t walked in on someone’s make out spot.

“Not really no,” he said, “But I know Sasha and Trevor, and I guess you hang out with them sometimes.” The guy took a long drag off the cigarette he was smoking, letting her see his face. His stubble made her think that he was probably a year or two older than her, but did sort of look familiar. After he held his breath for a few seconds, he exhaled and she changed her mind at the smell. He wasn’t smoking – he was getting high. “Name’s Steven” he said before coughing up a storm.

“I can go somewhere else if you want…” Amy started, taking half a step back unconsciously. “I don’t want to—”

“Forget it,” Steven said, waving his hand with the joint in it expansively. “Mi backyard es su backyard. Besides, so far this party has been pretty lame.”

“You think so?” Amy asked, sitting down on the far side of the bench, a couple paces from Steven. “It seems fine to me.”

“If it was fine you’d be drinking, and if it was great, you’d be dancing with one of those guys up there.” Steven said, as he stood, “But you’re back here with me, so what does that say about it?”

“Wait,” Amy interjected, “Are you saying I have to agree because I’m back here with you? Does that make you more lame or less lame than the party. I’m confused.”

Steven chuckled as he walked over to the bench and sat down, cutting Amy’s personal space in half. “Good one,” he said. “Normally I’d be the lamest guy here. But a little weed and bang – suddenly I’m a good time.”

“Is that so?” Amy asked, skeptically. “Pot makes you more interesting?”

“Well it helps if you have a couple puffs first. “Steven joked. It fell flat with Amy, but he cracked himself up enough that he needed a few seconds to collect himself. “Go on, try some and find out.”

“I don’t know.” Amy hesitated. “I don’t think it’s my thing.”

“You never know until you try.” Steven countered, holding the joint out to her. “Go on. It won’t kill you.”

Amy wanted to say no. She should have said no. If anyone had asked her why she didn’t, she wouldn’t have been able to say. She didn’t though; instead she took the offered joint and slowly brought it to her lips. She had a couple hours left before she could go home, and what the hell else was she going to do, she thought, as she took a small drag on it before handing it back.

“Now hold your breath,” Steven cautioned, “…and breathe out.” Amy tried to breathe out slowly, but ended up in a fit of coughing just like Steven had earlier, making him burst out in another fit of giggles.

When the twin gales of laughter and coughing died down Amy was surprised to find the only thing she felt was embarrassment. “I don’t feel anything,” she said finally.

“Give it time,” he answered, “Give it time.”

So she did. They sat there talking for at least twenty minutes about school, mutual friends, and all of Steven’s crazy theories about pot before she started to feel a little weird. She tried to play it off, and pretend that nothing was happening, but after a few minutes she suddenly found him expectantly looking at her. He was obviously waiting for her to say something, but she had no idea what. Had she been listening to him? Did she lose her train of thought while she was saying something? It suddenly occurred to her that she had no idea what had happened for the last few minutes.

“Oh – you’re definitely feeling it now,” he said, looking very pleased with himself. “How do you like getting high?”

Amy’s thoughts were racing in her head. She thought about standing and making her excuses. She wondered if she should thank him, or if maybe she should ask how much more intense this was going to get. All Amy could get out though was, “It’s fine… Kinda nice I guess.” She’d always thought that getting stoned was a figure of speech, but minute by minute she felt like it was getting harder to move or speak. She watched Steven talking, not quite listening to what he said as she decided she probably shouldn’t try to stand. She couldn’t quite figure out what he was saying, but she could tell he was flirting with her. He’d already moved towards her, and was leaning in her direction. If she kept sitting here, she knew he’d kiss her. Even knowing this though, she still couldn’t quite make herself move.

She didn’t want to kiss him, but Amy didn’t think she could stop him. She couldn’t even stop herself from thinking about what he was going to do to her. Would he really draw the line forcing his tongue in her mouth or would he try to grope her little tits too? Would he be satisfied to molest her over her clothes, or would he try to slip a hand inside her panties? He was licking his lips, obviously ready to make a move when it suddenly occurred to her: no one was back here, and he wasn’t going to stop until she told him to. Maybe not even then. Amy suddenly realized that she was about to have sex for the first time, and just like her fantasies she wasn’t going to have a say in the matter.

That’s when Jessica suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and sat down between them. “Man, it’s skunky as fuck out here,” She said a little louder than she probably needed to. “You back here smoking that ditch weed again Steven?” Amy could see the hard-on tenting his pants and the look of disappointment in his eyes. Amy had been that close to having a man take advantage of her when suddenly Jessica had saved her. It was funny – she knew of her, but ran with a completely different crowd; Jessica was the last person Amy could think of that would do something nice for her.

“Nah,” Steven said, obviously less affected by the drug than Amy was, “I’m just showing Amy how to get high so if you don’t mind—”

“Amy, huh?” Jessica interrupted. “Sorry to break up the party, but Amy’s friend sent me to get her. She needs some help in the bathroom, so you’ll have to get high all by yourself.” While Jessica spoke her last few words, she made a slow jerk off motion with one of her hands before getting to her feet.”

“Well, if you want to come back after Amy we can—” Steven said hesitantly.

“She doesn’t” Jessica interrupted, grabbing Amy’s hand and pulling her to her feet, leading them both away. “Come on Amy, Dana needs you.” They were almost to the house before Amy realized that wasn’t her friend’s name. If Riley didn’t need her, then where was Jessica taking her?

After a minute navigating through the backyard and the crowded living room, the answer was exactly where Jessica had said: the empty half bathroom off of the entryway. “Steven is a creep. He graduated last year and he still comes to high school parties to get eighteen year olds like you and me high so he can take advantage. You gotta watch out for guys like that.” Jessica said as soon as she closed the door. “Don’t you get that, Amy?”

There was real concern in Jessica’s voice, but Amy couldn’t quite figure out why. She didn’t even know her. Not really. Why would she care what happened to her? “You’re right,” Amy said finally. “He was going to… and I couldn’t…” Suddenly Jessica swept her up into a hug that made her painfully aware of the taller girl’s breasts as they were pressing against her. There was too much fog in Amy’s mind to decipher quite what was going on. Had she sounded sad or upset by what she said? She hadn’t meant it that way. Nothing had happened yet.

“I’ve never even been kissed,” Amy whispered, “I don’t know anything about this stuff.”

The hug lasted a little longer then it evaporated and Jessica stepped back. Amy was surprised to find she felt disappointed by the sudden gulf between them. Jessica was a pretty young athlete, a couple inches taller than Amy, with Auburn hair, a pretty smile, and a shapelier body than Amy could ever hope to have. “I’m sure any of the guys here would be happy to fix that for you,” Jessica said after an awkward moment, while Amy just stood there quietly looking at her.

“I’m not really into guys, I—” Amy started, before without warning Jessica pinned her to the vanity with a kiss. Amy was so focused on how warm and soft the other girl’s lips were that she didn’t even kiss Jessica back. Instead she just sighed, and Jessica took that as an invitation to slide her tongue into Amy’s mouth. Even if the pot hadn’t made time a distant and inconsistent force, this moment would have felt timeless anyway. She could feel her heart pounding, but she could also faintly feel Jessica’s heart beat too. She could taste lust and cigarettes on the other girl as the kiss lingered. For a long moment the whole world was just that kiss and the sounds and smells of the other girl, and then just when Amy finally started to kiss back, Jessica pulled away.

“Then I’ll help you instead,” Jessica said, smiling, while Amy just gazed blankly with a far away look in her eyes. “Come on – let’s get out of here and find somewhere quiet until you’re feeling better.” It wasn’t a question. Jessica led Amy away, out of the bathroom, through the front door, and then down the sidewalk. Halfway down the block she put her arm around Amy’s shoulder. Amy knew she should say something about Riley, or at least ask where they were going. Instead they walked in near silence enjoying the crisp spring air. It was cool, but not cold, and Amy enjoyed the warmth of the woman holding her. While they walked together she wracked her brain for details about Jessica but couldn’t come up with much. She was her age, or maybe a little older, she was on a couple of the varsity teams, but Amy couldn’t remember which ones. She also seemed to be gay, but Amy didn’t know if that was common knowledge or not.

Amy noticed they were at the edge of the Armstrong park, a block or two from the house they’d left before she finally spoke. “Won’t people talk… two girls leaving together like this?”

“Talk? Let them.” Jessica answered, smiling as she directed them further in the park. “Maybe we should give them something to talk about, what do you say?”

“I don’t know,” Amy faltered. “I’ve never even… I don’t even know if I like girls.”

Jessica stepped forward, so close they were almost touching before asking “Did you like it when I kissed you a few minutes ago?”

“Y-Yes, but—” Amy started.

“Well then how do you know you won’t like doing other things with a girl?” Jessica countered.

Amy stood there in silence for a long moment, unable to answer the question before Jessica took that silence for acceptance, and pressed Amy against the cold metal of an old jungle gym and then after searching her eyes, kissed her again. It was gentler this time, but more eager, and this time Amy kissed her back. Her mouth was on autopilot while her mind raced purposelessly. Should she stop this? How would she do that? Maybe she could explain that she didn’t know her very well and… oh my god, her hands, Amy thought, feeling Jessica’s hands suddenly join in the assault. Her left hand was groping Amy’s breast through her t-shirt, and Jessica’s right hand had grabbed Amy’s lower back and was slowly drifting down the curve to her jeans-covered ass.

Amy brought her hands up to push Jessica away, but as soon as she put her hands on the larger girl, Jessica moaned into her mouth and started to kiss her harder. Amy froze, stunned by the eroticism of it all. When she’d put her hands on her lover to push her away, whether by accident or subconscious intent she’d put them on Jessica’s breasts. They were a size or two larger than her’s in both cup and band size, and Amy could feel their softness through the shirt and the Bra. She stayed just like that, too stunned to stop Jessica, at least until Amy felt the other girl’s hand slide up under her t-shirt, heading towards her tiny tit.

“Please don’t,” Amy said, barely above a whisper as she pushed back her lover enough to finally break the kiss. “Someone might see, and— Uhhhhhaa” Amy didn’t get a chance to finish, because Jessica short circuited her mind by groping her tit and gently pinching her nipple.

“What’s the matter?” Jessica asked, feigning concern over a thin veneer of playfulness. “You don’t like what I’m doing? You don’t like the way I make you feel?”

“I do, but— mmmmmm… We shouldn’t do this.” Amy moaned, completely aware she was losing not just the battle to fight off Jessica, but the battle to fight her own rising desire. She’d given it a lot of thought, but she’d never really considered herself straight or gay before. Right now she was definitely at least bi.

Jessica’s only answer was to start kissing the shorter girl, even harder than before. Amy melted beneath the onslaught. She didn’t fight when Jessica attacked her breasts again, or when Jessica slid a hand under her waistband to grope her ass through her panties. Indeed, she probably would have let Jessica’s wandering hand reach the pussy it had slowly started to move toward if it wasn’t for the sudden warble of a police siren. That single chirp instantly broke the two of them apart. Amy was instantly afraid that someone had called the cops on her and they were going to tell her parents everything.

But as she looked for the source of the sound, she saw it was breezing through an intersection with lights on, silent except for that quick burst. It drove right by the park without slowing down, and Amy wondered what they were doing, when the car suddenly turned left onto the street they’d come from. Were they going to break up the party, she wondered? Should she call Riley and warn her?

Amy never had the chance. Watching the car’s progress, she’d turned her back to Jessica, and now that they were in the clear, Jessica took advantage of that vulnerable position, to press her against the metal ladder of the jungle gym as she started to kiss and bite Amy’s neck.

“Mmmmm… What are you… haahhh… doing? We could get c-caught.” Amy said between moans and gasps as she struggled to maintain control.

“Get caught, huh? Something tells me that turns you on.” Jessica said, unbuttoning the top button of Amy’s jeans so she could slide her right hand into her pants. Amy felt Jessica’s cold fingers slide under the waistband of her plain cotton panties, and then stop, just before it reached her clit. “That is,” Jessica teased, “Unless you want me to stop.”

Amy wanted to tell her to stop, but another part of her wanted Jessica to keep going. Most of the rest of her was horrified as she recalled that she hadn’t shaved in a few days, and that right now Jessica was feeling her gross stubble. All she could manage to do though, was whimper, which Jessica took as approval, letting her fingers dip down, grinding against Amy’s clit briefly before sliding three fingers down along her slick slit.

“Mmmmm,” Jessica purred, “Looks like I was right. You might be a virgin, but you’re a little exhibitionist too, aren’t you? I’ll bet you were just dying for a girl like me to take advantage of you, weren’t you?”

“Nuuuhhhh… That’s n-not true… ahhhhhh…” Amy moaned, embarrassed by just how loud she sounded in her own ears. But she couldn’t do more than that. She couldn’t argue or fight or think. All she could do was hold onto the jungle gym ladder as the woman behind her played with her pussy and whispered in her ear.

She watched the police car stop in front of the house they’d just been in, only a couple blocks away, but her mind was only on the slick fingers that had moved up to play with her sensitive little clit. “Does that feel good baby?” Jessica asked, whispering her words so close into Amy’s ear that the breath sent a tingle down her spine. Amy’s only answer was an intermittent stream of gasps and moans. Was this just the pot and the danger, she wondered, or did it always feel this much better when someone else touched you like this?

“You’re really getting into this baby.” Jessica teased, “It’s a good thing you stayed a virgin for so long or else you’d probably be a total slut by now.” Amy’s body jerked at those words, her hips bucking against Jessica’s busy fingers. She wasn’t wrong. Amy had known that for a long time. Her ripe young body was boiling over with lust. It was only a matter of time before someone took advantage of that – before they let the genie out of the bottle.

“Ohhhh.. Fuck!” Amy groaned, her lustful noises getting louder as she got closer. “Mmmmm… mmmmm… Please…” She could see people leaving the house now as the police were starting to disperse the party and send people home . In a couple minute’s people would be here. They might even be able to hear her already. That terrible thought only turned her on further though.

Jessica redoubled her efforts to make her lover cum. She bit her earlobe, pinched her nipple with her free hand, and after a quick dip down to lubricate her fingers, she started to play with Amy’s clit even more roughly. Amy didn’t so much experience as endure what was happening to her. All the thoughts were a jumble in her head. She’d gotten high, she’d almost been molested by a man she didn’t know, and now a woman that was basically a stranger was just about to make her cum in a public park. Amy brought her hand to her mouth, biting the knuckle of her right pointer finger to try to mute the moans that she could neither stop nor control.

When Jessica had started playing with her cunt, Amy was already wet, but it had now become a flood, literally and figuratively. She was drowning in the pleasure at the same time she watched knots of people in twos and threes slowly closing the distance between them. “Ahhhh… mmmm… I’m…” Amy stammered before she was swept beneath the current. Thanks to a death grip on the ladder and Jessica pressed against her, Amy didn’t fall as her body went numb and started to spasm, but it was a close thing. It was a dozen beats of her heart seconds before she could stand on her own two feet again.

Jessica held her for a moment before pulling her away from the playground equipment, sitting down on a bench hidden in a grove of trees, where the people that had gotten only a few dozen feet away would be less likely to see them. At this moment Amy didn’t care about that though. She laid her head on Jessica’s shoulder, her chest still heaving as she came down from the first real orgasm of her life. Up until now she’d thought she was making herself cum to dirty stories a few nights a week, but if she could feel this good, then she’d clearly been doing it wrong. They enjoyed the quiet moment together until Amy finally asked, “Does it always feel that good?”

“Why don’t you come over to my Dad’s place when he’s at work, and you can see for yourself.” Jessica answered. Amy could hear the smile on the girl’s face even if she couldn’t see it.

“I’d like that,” Amy murmured, surprised that she meant it. Maybe tomorrow she’d get cold feet and pretend that this never happened, but for tonight she couldn’t think of anything she would rather do.

They sat there for almost an hour, kissing occasionally while Amy came down from her brief exposure to marajuna. Once she got sober she worried about the smell, and Jessica responded by lighting up a cigarette to cover it up. The kisses didn’t taste quite as good after that, but Amy thought the sentiment was very sweet. Eventually they both went home, and Amy’s parents were none the wiser about her adventures.

On Monday Amy had to endure Riley’s version of events from the party, and how she barely got dressed before they kicked everyone out several times, which was fine. While she was busy being the center of attention, no one was asking Amy why she was being so quiet, or why she had a dumb smile on her face. Riley’s story didn’t matter. School didn’t matter. None of it did. All that mattered was that on Thursday after school she was going over to Jessica’s place to learn even more about her body. Maybe this time if she was brave enough she’d try to make Jessica feel good too…



  1. Great story, beautifully written. I would love to read part two!😍😍😘

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