Her Turn On Was Rose Gold

There was this woman whom I’ve met in college. It was 2019 and it happened to be a few months before she was to go back home to South Carolina, so we’d never made anything serious about it. Her name is Nicole, and although there was nothing particularly remarkable about how we came together, we did end up spending that summer together and ended up having relations in August of that year.

I remember how much of a giver she was, always willing to go that extent to make things special. Most of all we were good friends. Not really endear but we got along quite well. She and I had the same sarcastic sense of humor where we’d go out and sit somewhere randomly and just people watch and make up random things about them. We were definitely physically attracted to each other, yet our demeanor was much too silly to be romantic.

When she had left I did keep her in mind. Eventually my mind went elsewhere with life until there was a sudden occasion for a rendezvous around February of 2021.

I had received a text message from Nicole:

“Hey you!”

“Oh hi!” I replied. We never had corresponded much this way, only to share birthday wishes.

She continued, “Long time no see huh?”

Me: “Yeah! How’s it going?”

Nicole: “Good. I’m coming back to LA this week?”

I replied gleefully; “No way!” I knew where this was going;

Nicole: “Uh huh! What you doing these few days?”

Me: “Same stuff, you know. I’m in town this week.”

We conversed a bit and inevitably got to the point;

Nicole “I have some time before I fly out but after I pick up some records. Want to do a late lunch? Early dinner?

Me: “Linner? Dunch? Sure”

Nicole: “I’m staying at the Marriott by LAX so we can do the restaurant downstairs.”

Me: “Sure, I’m down!”

This is how a tepid week can suddenly turn into something interesting.

That day was as uneventful in the morning as any other day, so I kept in mind our meet up as the highlight of it. Later that day I had received a text again;

Nicole: “Bad news!”

Me: “Uh oh! (All the appropriate emojis)”

Nicole: “Yep! I’m being delayed! My records won’t be available until 3pm.”

That was supposed to be the time we were to meet up!

Me: “Oh no! We can always just meet up afterward?”

Nicole: “Well…I don’t like to eat so soon before the flight.”

I remember her mentioning that she gets motion sick in flight so she doesn’t eat for at least 6 hours prior. Her plane leaves at 10pm so that would mean that she shouldn’t eat after 4pm. Realistically, we’d eat around 5pm so that wasn’t going to work.

Me: “Aw bother!” Coffee? Tea?”

There was a blank pause for a solid ten minutes.

Nicole: “Not feeling it.”

My internal hype machine had dwindled.

Me: “Awwwwww! Next time?”

There was not much of a hesitation before I saw a text back;

Nicole: “Nah, I still have two hours before go time. Ya thinking of what I’m thinking?”

Really? Is she going there?

Me: “Umm…am I thinking what you’re thinking what I’m thinking?”

She had texted a row of winky eye emojis

Me: “Why u so silly?!”

She texted some laughing emogis. I am liking this woman’s straight forward approach.

Me: “Sure why not. Nothing else going on anyway.”

After going home to take a shower, I embarked on a hormone guided journey to the airport where her hotel was nearby. I knew this girl. Trying too hard seems inappropriate at that point, for her and I. I did bring a small gift, however.

Having parked at the hotel, I walked into the lobby then into the elevator to go up to the twelfth floor. I walked to her room and knocked at the door where she opened it and greeted me;

“Well hello room service.”

Our character didn’t miss a beat; “Hi lady, your shoe cleaner at your disposal.”

“Nice! Too bad I brought way too many shoes!”

I giggled and offered her the gift. “Here take this before I change my mind.”

She reacted; “Aww thank you! What is it?”

“Well open it!”

“I’ve just told you I may not have enough room in my bag.”

“Just do it.”

“Okay boy, you don’t have to be violent.”

She opened it and saw that it was a tiny salt lamp. She laughed.

“Ahaha! So you want me to remember your salty ass?”

I didn’t expect anything other than that reply;

“Of course!”

After other greetings, she led me to the bedroom. The entire suite was lit only by the lamp that was far by the window so most details about her were not easily noticeable, so I asked;

“You’d colored your hair!”


“I thought you were a red head? No?”

“I am…”

“Is your hair not brown?”

“No, it’s red.”

“Oh. It looks brown.”

“Nah, but I get that often. Must have to do with my cycle.”

She never ceases to make me giggle, but she never seems to be one to hesitate either.

“Wanna fuck over there or is the couch best?”

“Do you have no shame? Like, are you an escort during the day?”

She laughed “No! Only in the evening! Silly boy!”

I fed off these sort of things; “Well good thing it’s evening then.”

“Not yet. It’s still late afternoon, but I’m horny so let’s get on with it.”

I had to admit that I am a bit awkward with just undressing with some woman without there being a romantic demeanor. That’s when the funny stuff just kicks in, but in my case I wasn’t trying to be funny;

“Okay so what do you do for a living again?”

I watch her remove Her black blouse revealing her black bra. “I’m a psychiatrist for kids.”

I suddenly remembered our conversations about that.

“Oh yeah! Bet you don’t remember what I do!”


“Well okay but you don’t remember my favorite color.”

“My skin color is your favorite. It also happens to be your favorite flavor.”

While looking at me with that sharp and direct stare, She bore a wicked grin with a lip smack that was followed by her tongue licking her upper lip. She was being sarcastic again but this also happened to turn me on instantly. Since I was not wearing a bra, my chest was bared as I removed my shirt. She looked at my chest while I replied in a sexy voice;

“Well…actually…my flavor is hazelnut. Who’s the salty one now?”

She removed her pants to reveal her black panties; “That’s still you, you make no sense.”

She was right, I make no sense. I was too distracted as I focused on her fingers slipping under the back strap of her bra. She waits before she unbuckles it;

I try to do a come back; “Oh yeah, that’s true, but…”

“Hush…” She puts a finger over her lips while the other finger loosens the strap and drops the bra onto the floor. Another grin hides behind her finger as my eyes widen. She speaks; “Oops.”

I take her advice and shut up before proceeding to remove the rest of my clothing. She speaks in a softer and more seductive tone; “We both know why we are here.”

I interrupt; “We’re gonna bang!”

“No! You’re going to rub my back! Warm oil please.”

I used to give her a back rub in those instances when we spent the night together. We had never undressed for the occasion and didn’t even sleep together, other than that one instance in August. I reacted;

“Okay so what do I get?”

“A spanking.”

“Yes Ma’am!”

Within the darkness of the night was the dimmed atmosphere of that room. She approached me as we both sat on the bed. I saw her naked body sitting in front of me while she retrieved the lotion from the bed side. This was a very nice way to start up our session, she knew the type of man I was to be observant of the details of her body. It’s like I prefer to see who I had the privilege to be intimate with while I planned my move, I didn’t do anything different in this occasion.

She is like a sexy blend of Julia Roberts and Jessica Chastain with the curves of a Victoria’s Secret angel. I once asked if she had ever considered modeling, which she did, but didn’t had the poise for it, whatever that meant. Plus she mentioned something about her ankles being too thick, which I didn’t think so. She did look a bit different to me in this instance, even though the last wasn’t too involving. All doubts were set aside when I noticed that distinct mole on the left side of her extreme lower back. I recognize it. She took her long red hair and tied it in a bun to avail her neck to me.

I squeezed a bit of oil on my hands to warm it and began to rub it with my finger tips. This is the first time we had oil and it was never brought up before to consider using it in the first place. This made me think that she had this session in mind in the way it’s unraveling. She knew I would not mind playing along.

“How does this feel?” I approached my lips close to her ear. I wasn’t sure if I was being sarcastic sexy or if I was just going with the mood, either way I was doing what felt right.

“Mmmm, this is nice.” She whispered and followed with a giggle. Having set her hands down on the bed, she exhaled and closed her eyes to slightly tilt her head back. This silence became the border line where the dominant sarcastic demeanor was laid to rest and this cool feeling of intimacy began to come into us. This felt natural beside it feeling very good.

“Would you rub my shoulders?” She asked nicely.

“It’s not like you do any heavy lifting to begin with.” I smoothened my tone of voice but the sarcasm dies hard.

“Mmmm, your heavy attitude is weight enough for me.” Nicole knew how to hit back and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.

Keeping an eye on the skin of her back wasn’t too much of a task for me. In fact this was the commencement of the enjoyment I always took, to let my sense be drenched in her beautiful body, and that she definitely was.

I loved how comfortable she was with me, it was easy for me as well, that way we can be ourselves and release that side which doesn’t usually see the light of day with most others.

I took a little more oil and rubbed it between my hands before lathering it on the lower side of her shoulder blades. This enjoyment continues between the both of us, especially for I, placing my hands along her waist and rubbing them down and around the narrow below her ribs. This journey I take with my finger tips send to be the beginning of arousal for her;

“Mmm, Devin…”

This voice which she muttered, subtly sexy but eager all the same. It’s very special to know that I was able to trigger her into this mood without to much effort. She continues;

“Lower back please?”

My fingers move from her waist down to her lower back where my thumbs land on that small dimple in the middle. I rub in a circular motion with enough smoothness to feel the tiny hairs along her skin. Nicole kept humming softly, and even softer with each passing minute. She was relaxing, but I was curious.

My fingers slowly slid from her lower back and went over her thighs to slip between her legs. I couldn’t see where they were going since her back was turned toward me so I depended on what I felt. Soft strokes were planted over her navel and down right over her vagina with both of my hands. Then I pulled back up and went back down, causing a stroking sensation while I listened to her reactions. There wasn’t much noise as there was twitching. I recognize this expression of pleasure and surprise from her, this is something very good. I continued these motions while sneaking my fingers lower and underneath with each successive stroke. I felt her breathing as her lungs rubbed against my fore arms, it increased at a rate where this also tells me something else, how her arousal increases with my reactions.

Inevitable my fingers stopped over her vagina. I pulled one hand back to let the middle finger of the other sort of tickle the upper lip of her clitoris. She moaned quietly with a soft exhale from her mouth. With that, she took her hand and placed it on my leg behind her, squeezing it and driving her nails deeper. This told me to keep going and inevitable slide my finger between the lips of her clit. She moaned a little louder;

“Oh, ohhh…”

Her back became erect and her chest was puffed up. This was a turning point where the sarcasm definitely died and our roles became much more defined. Suddenly she grabbed my arm with the other hand and turned around. She grabbed by jaw and met my lips with hers and drew me in for a brisk first kiss. The next one was much more deep and larger. She hummed more as my own breathing increased, followed by a deeper hum from my own voice. We continued kissing deeply as we both began to stand up. I initiated this as I went to dive deeper into our intimacy.

We walked closer to the top of the bed when she suddenly stopped;

“Wait!” she exclaimed to my surprise.

I replied; “Huh? You okay?”

“I want to try something…” She turned behind her and opened the drawer next to her hip to pull out this purple toy of some sort.

“Sweet!” To me it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. She hurried as to not break the mood;

“But watch this!” She grabbed her phone on the table and apparently used it to turn this thing on. It was this rose gold thing that also managed to turn me on. It had a slow pulsating motion which increased in speed. She was excited;

“Look! Multiple speeds!”

That made me giggle; “Nice!”

So she told me her plan; “I found this and it got me thinking of you, how you rubbed me last time. I thought about you doing that again and using this?”

The idea occurred to me; “Say no more…” I kept giggling “Okay so lay on your back then”

“Yay!” She clapped and turned to the bed to lay on it. She spread her hair on the pillow and closed her eyes.

There’s something sweet happening when a woman decides to give this much trust to someone. Partly because she is completely naked and vulnerable but also because of the thought of letting someone else guide her pleasure in this way. I was interested since I’ve not interacted with such a device before.

I took the toy and the phone with the app on the screen. It was self explanatory with what appeared to be three different dials controlling different speeds for those features of whatever this thing did. It took a three second glance to understand what to do before I laid my fingers on her body again. She spoke to me in her semi relaxed and aroused voice;

“Okay do your thing…”

Now I wasn’t sure how long I took to caress her but it felt like an instant. I first touched her on her thighs as I placed one hand on each leg. At that point she spread them slightly enough to not require any movement later. I slid my fingers down to her feet and under her soles where I observed the movement of her toes more. She wasn’t too ticklish thankfully. I also noticed that she immediately fell into this semi relaxed and sleepy state in an instant, since the twitching sort of felt reminiscent to a dream sequence. I continued to caress with my fingers by sliding them back up on her thighs, over her navel and around her nipples. I only used my middle finger here as well, I prefer to respect the sensitivity of these areas with a particular touch as to not over stimulate them. After circling them I moved my hands around the base of her neck then up her jaw. She kept her eyes shut as reminiscent as, again, a dream sequence. I couldn’t wait too much longer before I slid my fingers down her body, slowly, over her breasts, her navel and back around the sensitive interior of her thighs. I took this moment to grab the toy and activate it with the app. It vibrated at first, slowly, then I sort of slid it around the lip of her clitoris before sliding it in between. Before driving it in, I turned on the pulsating feature so that I could see what it did because I wasn’t too sure about it. Thankfully I choose the slower speed and it pulsated slowly, in and out. I didn’t have to drive it in too much as it sort of tickled the surface and inside enough to cause her to moan.

“Oh ohhhh yess!” Her reaction was immediate! I didn’t want to go too fast but I was enjoying myself thoroughly, so much so that I kept it here probably a few seconds longer than I should have.

I began circulating the toy around and inside in a repetitive motion. She began to clinch onto the bed spread with one hand and the pillow behind her head with the other. She spoke with a brisk exhale;

“…a little faster. Faster!”

I began to grin as I followed her desires. This is so much more fun that I thought it would be!

The moisture between increased dramatically as she began to stretch her neck up and back to let out a set of loud moans. I couldn’t tell anymore, at what point she was breathing, but eventually she let out this loud cry which caused her leg to shiver. “Ohhhh” A diminishing moan was concluded with a loud sigh of finality. She grabbed my hand as she breathed out a set of giggles, also grabbing this toy. The giggles and the deep sighs continued as she indicated to stop with her fingers.

“Ohh that was GOOOOOOD!” That last word was expelled with decent force. She got up and began to crawl to me. “So Mr. Devin, How can I please you?”

I looked at her body and knelt up but I sat back with an intention that was not for the mood.

“Perhaps we should stop.”

“What? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I think so.” I had to be sincere. “This was fun, pleasuring you and all but I was also thinking of you being someone else…”

“Uh oh…okay.” Her voice changed back to her normal tone. “Have I done something wrong?”

I elaborated; ” Last time that August of 2019, I didn’t really mind our fling but then I found someone, then since that didn’t work out I figured I’d to do this with you but I don’t think I could go on. I’m still dealing with this. I’m so sorry, I hope this wasn’t a disappointment.”

“This is a damn good disappointment I’ve had in a while, Devin.” She didn’t seem upset, just really flaccid.

We got up and commenced to get dressed again, she spoke up with her typical sarcastic self;

“I think you know what this means.”

“Yes I do.”

“You need help, Devin!”

I offered a comeback; “This coming from someone who needed my help to use her dildo on her.”

“Ah, too shay my friend, but are you sure you’re not gay?”

I laughed;

“Alright, listen here, smartass…”

We finished the rest of the night by talking a bit about what was next for our lives and said our goodbyes before parting ways. She is a good friend whom I had recently had the pleasure of texting her the usual birthday well wishes,

That’s where our relationship has resorted to. Beside a moment of fun, this has also served as a turning point of sorts. I’ve realized that things are going to be different for me, where a change has come about to what I felt the value of sex and intimacy really is. This meant that I have become a different person, but I didn’t mind at all.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rw0bfe/her_turn_on_was_rose_gold