[Part 13] Lisa Galaxia – Why not do both? (hidden camera, interrupted masturbation, sci-fi, choose your own adventure saga)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – For those who may want a story summary, or to catch up on old chapters.

Last time Lisa and Rachel were able to earn their boss a promotion and pay off their debt by gambling on, and winning, a sexually themed game at a party held by the planetary governor. They were reunited with Anity who’d they’d managed to free from pirates weeks earlier, and together the three women were debating their next destination.


“Do you really think we can help?” Rachel was asking Lisa. After a bit of a nap and a shopping trip to grab what few supplies they could afford, the three women were discussing what their next destination should be.

“I don’t think we’ll know for sure until we get there, but I think we should at least go see. I mean it’s Anity’s family after all.” Lisa was explaining.

“What about the pirates, don’t they control the whole planet?” Rachel asked.

“Mostly just the mining towns and ports around where my family lives,” Anity cut in. “Cerluria isn’t unified in any way, just a bunch of nations that are loosely aligned with the Galactic government for trade.”

“So we can avoid them then?” Rachel asked.

“Probably, or maybe hopefully given what we’re travelling there in…” Anity replied.

“Hey!” Lisa jumped in sounding slightly offended, “this ship has outrun them before!”

“And nearly got turned into swiss cheese last time we saw them too.” Rachel reminded her.

“Well that’s not my fault! Someone had to save you from the Night Terror remember?” Lisa pointed out light-heartedly.

“And thanks for that,” Rachel smiled and replied, “but the point still stands, we should repair some of the damage. Should we head back to Nexer first maybe? Maybe you can get another discount on work from that mechanic, Tom was it, who helped you earlier?

“Ugh I don’t know, I don’t really feel up for that kind of thing right now. I’d rather just head straight there.” Lisa sighed. Tom would want sexual favors from her in return for work, and after being on stage at that party last night Lisa was in no mood to see another penis just yet.

“Let’s do both. Maybe I can fix some things enroute?” Anity offered.

Lisa and Rachel both turned and stared at Anity in surprise.

“Wait… you’re a mechanic?” Lisa replied, sounding more than a bit shocked.

“No, and we don’t have any parts even if I was.” Anity explained, backtracking a bit. “I learned to do some neat things with wiring and programming though.”

“Neat things?” Rachel asked.

“Sure, I saw some of the damage, and know this kind of ship pretty well.” Anity explained. “I could wire around your damaged power cell, that would help a lot. That leadline of your main lazer cannon is moderated for civilian use, it’s easy enough to unmodify and it’ll give you more power. I have this program on a disk in my bag that will let you angle your shields with more precision like a military ship does. Would you be okay with that?”

Lisa stared blankly at Anity for a moment, this was an unexpected twist. “Where’d you learn how to do all that? That’s not stuff they teach in a trade school.”

“When we were fighting the pirates, we had to improvise a lot. Everyone picked up some new skills.” Anity shrugged. “I could probably look around a bit more, see if there’s anything else I could do.”

“Is any of that legal?” Rachel asked.

“Well it’s at least more legal than when you transported me and Zachery off world,” Anity admitted.

Lisa laughed at the irony, especially since it was Rachel who wanted to transport the two of them initially. “Good point. Ok, feel free to see what you can do. I’ll get us lifted off. It’s a couple days travel to Cerluria anyway.”


Lisa stepped into her room and saw Anity hard at work. Anity was nothing short of a miracle. After two days of hard work the Rose Rocket was capable of doing things it had never done before.

Anity turned around with a worried look on her face.

“Hey what’s up?” Lisa asked, “Rachel said you wanted to see me?”

“Yeah, I do,” Anity started, “I don’t really know how to say this, but I found something suspicious while I was trying to replace some damaged wiring that runs along this side of your room.”

“Suspicious?” Lisa asked with a now-worried expression spreading over her face. “Like what? Suspicious how?”

Anity walked over to the mirror on the wall and wiggled it free from the wall. She set it on the floor revealing a recessed wall cavity with a couple odd looking pieces of electronics in it. “You see the main power cable split off and went behind the mirror here…”

“Woah, what is that?” Lisa asked in surprise.

“Camera, microphone, data storage, and transmitter.” Anity pointed out the pieces one by one, “It looks like it’s in pretty good condition too.” There was a brief awkward pause, “I’m really sorry, but there’s a good chance someone has seen or heard everything that’s happened in this room since this was installed.”

“What?” Oh my word, this is creepy” Lisa sat down on the side of the bed and stared at the wall space where the mirror had been. “Did you…”

“I disabled it,” Anity reassured her, “Do you have any idea who might have put it here?”

Lisa shook her head and stared at the unwanted electronics “The pirates maybe? Or one of the government employees, a lot of them were creeps. Tom was alone here, but he didn’t seem the type to do something like that. The ship had other owners before me too I guess.” She sighed, “I suppose it could be any number of people. Can you figure out where it was transmitting to?”

Anity shrugged, “Maybe? Depends on if the data on it was well encrypted or not.” The two women stared at the unnerving device a bit longer, until a sharp tone could be heard from the cockpit. It shook them back to reality.

“That means we’re almost there,” Lisa said, grateful for the interruption. “If it’s not much trouble could you see what you can figure out about the device?”

Anity nodded, “Sure, I’ll try my best.”

“Thank you!” Lisa replied as she hurried out the door. Rachel was already in the co-pilots seat as the ship lurched out of hyperspace. Cerluria sparkled beneath them as Lisa sat down and started checking her instruments. Anity came in after a moment and stood in the doorway behind them.

“Look for a beacon, YFC-2279” Anity suggested.

“What’s that?” Rachel asked.

Lisa typed on her control console “I don’t see it on the list of approved landing sites.”

“It’s not on any list, try to enter it manually. It should show up as a commercial warehouse on the southern continent.” Anity explained. “It’s really a clearing in the forest not far from my hometown. When we were resisting the pirates it was a place we hid some supplies. As far as I know they never found it.”

Lisa input the site’s coordinates and changed course. The Rose Rocket descended through the atmosphere and flew a ways off the coastline of the continent.

“There’s my town,” Anity had walked towards the windows and pointed out a city far out in the distance, on the hillsides near the shore. Behind it was a large open earth pit, and in the clearing beyond that there looked to be a buzz of activity.

“Let’s keep our distance, I don’t want to attract any attention.” Lisa remarked and turned the ship to stay well away from the shoreline near the town.

“Wow,” Rachel exclaimed while looking at the instruments in front of her, “our sensors see like 5 pirate frigates parked there, and a whole lot of other activity near the mine.” She turned to look at Lisa.

Lisa felt her gaze but didn’t return it, “keep scanning we’re going to need more intel if we’re going to do anything.” She said as she adjusted course again to the landing site Anity recommended.

It wasn’t long before Anity’s town disappeared over the ridge and a little clearing in the forest came into view. It wasn’t much, it looked like a small homestead. There was a barn and a couple of other abandoned-looking buildings mostly hidden by forest, nestled around the tiny clearing. If they weren’t specifically looking for it the women would have easily passed right over and not realized it was there. Lisa edged the Rose Rocket carefully down a gap between a couple of nearby trees; hopefully reasonably out of sight.

With the spacecraft parked the 3 women descended the ramp and made their way towards the structures. They looked aged, but still functional, with just a bit of overgrowth starting to take over. “We based ourselves out of here up until a few months ago. There should still be some food and weapons in here if it hasn’t been looted.” Anity remarked.

They reached the first of the structures which looked like a small farmhouse. With a bit of a shove Anity swung open the door and the 3 women stepped in to an unexpected shriek.

“Who are you? Don’t come closer, I have a blaster!” A man’s voice shouted nervously from the dimly lit room.

“Clark? Is that you?” Anity asked as she squinted in the dim light.

“Ye… I mean no! I mean, you first! Who are you?” the outline of a man responded with uncertainty.

Anity sighed and reached for a light, “Cut the act Clark…”

“No wait, don’t!” He shouted as Anity flicked the switch. The room lit up a bit more and the women gazed upon a 30-something human male, fair skinned, who just happened to be completely nude and sporting a sizable erection. He was clutching a video tablet to his chest.

“Ahhh!” Anity exclaimed, “Damn it Clark, put on some pants! What the hell!?”

Clark began fumbling for his pants, dropping his tablet in the process. It landed facing up at his feet. Displayed on it was a rather unflattering video of a Lizardman who appeared to be having sex with a small green female alien. “Shit, no! No don’t look! Sorry I wasn’t expecting company, nobody ever comes here!” Clark embarrassingly explained as he pulled on his trousers and shut off the video. Anity just rolled her eyes at him while Rachel giggled a bit to herself. Lisa had already averted her eyes and was looking a bit embarrassed herself as she stared at the floor.

“Is it just you here?” Anity asked.

“Yes, just me. It’s been that way for a couple months. Clark explained, slipping on his shirt. “People either left town or were put to work in the mines after you were captured. Wait… speaking of that, how are you free?”

“Lisa and Rachel here helped free me, and we came back to see if we could help others.” Anity explained, making a gesture towards each of the women in turn.

“Oh wow, sorry, it’s so good to see you well again. I figured you were gone for good when that Commander Zachery took you off-world.” He then turned to Lisa and offered to shake her hand, “Hi I’m Clark, thanks for saving my friend…”

Lisa looked uncertainly down at Clark’s hand, and was hesitant to extend her own. Instead she just took a half step back and waved “Uh, yeah nice to meet you.”

Anity groaned, “Clark! Think! For God’s sake your hands first please.”

Clark looked confused at first, then it finally clicked, “Oh right! Sorry, guess that’s probably a bit gross huh?”

“You think?” Anity shot back with a hint of annoyance, before switching to a more curious tone, “so you’ve been here by yourself for months?”

Clark nodded and started explaining as he walked over to the sink in the small kitchen. “Yeah, I walk into town maybe once every couple of weeks to trade some of the supplies we stashed here for food and other stuff I need. Otherwise it’s been rather lonely. I’ve been trying to fixup the Sparrow so I can leave, but her hyperdrive still doesn’t work, and I haven’t been able to barter for parts.

“The Sparrow?” Lisa asked, “it’s a spaceship?”

Anity jumped in, “It’s an old retired two person military fighter we used to attack the pirate’s mining operation, hit and run style. Well, at least before their frigates showed up in larger numbers and shot it up good. It could barely even fly at the end. So we just parked it in the barn until we could find parts to fix it. We never did though.”

“Yeah it was a shame, she’s a good ship that deserved a better fate.” Clark added, drying his hands on his pants. “So you’re here to help? That’s awesome, but sorry, I don’t know if there’s anyone who can really fight here. Like I was saying earlier, most everyone either was forced to work in the mine or fled off-world months ago. No one from our old resistance group is around anymore.”

“What about my family?” Anity asked hopefully, “Do you know what happened to them? Are they okay? Did Zachery keep his word that they wouldn’t be harmed?”

Clark shrugged, “I don’t know honestly. They closed your family’s store. Your brother was forced into the mine along with some others after you left. Your two sisters and your mom were sent to work in the pirate camp last I heard. That was months ago though, and no word since.” He paused for a moment, lost in thought. “Sorry, I don’t know more, been afraid to ask too many questions. I’ve just been trying to lay low and survive here.” He added apologetically.

Anity sighed, “It’s okay. I don’t know what I expected.” She seemed uncertain of what to do next. “It sounds like things have been awful for everyone.”

Clark looked over at his friend for a moment, “You know. I have to make another trip into town here soon. Maybe it would be a chance to try to learn more?”

Anity leaned against the wall and thought, “Maybe, I do wish I knew what happened to them, but I don’t want to put you at risk from asking too many questions though.”

“Aww, don’t worry about me,” Clark laughed bravely, “I’m just glad to see you again. Gives me a spark of hope I haven’t had in a while. Besides, I wouldn’t mind stirring the pot again for old times sake.” He gave a wink in Anity’s direction.

Anity laughed, “Where to start though? Do we ask around town? That’d be simple. You’d think the camp itself might have records, but I wouldn’t know how to get in there.”

“Yeah I’d have to have a good reason for them to let me in there. They let local traders into the base sometimes, if you have something worthwhile to sell them. Most of the random stuff we stockpiled at this homestead hasn’t been worth their time though, so I just have been bartering for food in town.” Clark explained.

“Do you know what they’re interested in?” Rachel asked.

“Weapons mostly. Maybe they’d want to trade for that cache of detonators, or some of the blasters we still have hidden here. I kind of hate to do that though, knowing what they’d use them for…” Clark trailed off a bit dejectedly.

“Nothing else of value here?” Rachel asked, a bit forlorn.

Clark thought for a moment, “No, the only other thing would be…” He snapped his fingers, “well unless, just a minute. I have an idea!”

Clark dashed into the other room in a hurry and could be heard rummaging around. Lisa and Rachel looked at Anity curiously, but Anity just shrugged her shoulders. She couldn’t imagine what he’d found either.

Clark popped back out of the side room, his arms were full. He dropped a pile of stuff on the ground with a loud clank. “Well the one other thing would be you all!”

“Wait… what? Us?” Lisa asked, feeling confused.

“Yup they always pay well for girls!” Clark replied as he held up a pair of extremely skimpy metallic bikinis that looked like something an exotic servant might wear.

“Where the hell did you get those?” Anity asked.

“Umm… I… well a friend of mine…” Clark stammered, then moved on avoiding the question, “look I have chains and stuff to go with them too. Pretty nice yeah? Maybe we could barter you for some parts for the Sparrow and then spring you later after you’ve snooped around some?”

Clark excitedly glanced around the room, but his eager smile was met with uncomfortable and uncertain faces from the three women. A very awkward silence followed.

“Well I couldn’t do that,” Anity replied finally after Clark’s smile had faded, “They’d recognize me in an instant and would be super suspicious. It’s up to Lisa and Rachel if they want to try though. I’m not volunteering anyone else for that job.”

Lisa frowned, “yeah I don’t know, I mean we’ve had run-ins with pirates before too. Likely not the same ones as here though. Not sure I’m really keen to be a slave honestly.”

“Well I’m willing to try if you are,” Rachel offered. “But is that really the best way? We’d be entirely dependent on a rescue, and who knows what we’d be subjected to until then.”

“Yeah,” Clark admitted, “High risk, but potentially high reward if you can get access to good info from their base.”

“What are your thoughts Lisa?” Rachel asked. “Do you think we can do it?”

Lisa thought for a moment.


Option A: Let’s do it. We can put on the slave bikinis and we’ll have Clark “sell” us to the pirates. We’ll see what info we can unearth about them and Anity’s family while inside, and then Anity and Clark can help us escape later.

Option B: Let’s trade some of this weapon stockpile instead. Giving the pirates weapons isn’t ideal, of course, but we’ll still get access to their camp to snoop around in. At least we won’t have to worry so much about arranging a rescue later.

Option C: Let’s just have Clark barter his usual supplies in town and we’ll see what info we can learn around there. No need to take extra risks right now.

Option D: Honestly all of this sounds too risky. There’s more pirates here than we were expecting, and outside of Clark there seems to be no allies to help us. Let’s just grab some parts and supplies from the camp here and the four of us can head out before we get discovered.


Hi again everyone! 👋

Hope you enjoyed this episode! Let me know what you’d like to see the 4 adventurers do next time and thanks again for your votes! Makes story writing a lot of fun! 😊

As for breaking the tie in votes from last time. I pulled the discovery of the hidden camera from option C and added it here. Also had Anity do some upgrades. There’s also a plot point from option A I’m tying in, but still keeping that a secret at the moment to not spoil anything! 😉

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ru1fxj/part_13_lisa_galaxia_why_not_do_both_hidden


  1. As much as I like the idea of sex slavery for Lisa and Rachel I don’t think it’s wise. Best bet is grab what you can, and bug out. Option D

  2. I love how you managed to mix the other storylines into this one! And while I agree with Mr. ndoooodles that sex slavery sounds hot (I feel bad for writing this, obviously I am just here for the plot and skip all the parts about sex cough cough), I vote for option C! After all, gaining some intel about potential allies and what’s happening does not exclude posing as traders or, if push comes to shove, slaves.

  3. Well, GOOD!!! Lots O’ “C” Votes!!!! I was Worried , I influenced the last Vote Too MUCH!!! I am voting the Exact OPPOSITE, This Great Story is in Erotic Literature and Sex Stories, SO I am Voting For Option A, aaallll the way. BUT This Chapter was great!!! SO MUCH GREAT PLOT DUMP!!! Anity’s surprising Tech Skills (reminds me of “Farscape”, with Characters Revealing Hidden talents at unexpected times) AND We learn MORE about Her Planet.

    I was Surprised that there was NOT an option to Gut “The Sparrow” to Upgrade “The Rose Rocket” !?!?!?

    …..NOW, I need to get a Copy of THAT Mirror Recording/Feed……..

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