Finding a Place (Part 1): Reconnecting [Incest] [MF]

This story takes place in a world with simple magic – more akin to advanced medicine than magic. Think potions, not fireballs. Otherwise it’s just like our world. All characters are 18 or older.

—–Ch. 1—–

It was finally here. High school graduation was past us. The world had opened up. The real world was just a summer away.

My name is Alex. Recent high school graduate. I still wasn’t certain what to do with my life now. I didn’t really like the idea of going back to school, but I had applied to some colleges regardless, accepted one, was ready to go study computer science or engineering or something, but I just hadn’t felt that passionate about it. Not yet, at least.

I wasn’t the best student in high school, but I wasn’t an idiot. A combination of laziness and depression, maybe. I played soccer for a semester, and practiced with the track team, so I was in shape. I wasn’t the star athlete in the slightest, I mostly did it for exercise and to help with my depression. My mom knew I was struggling a little with my direction in life, so at my graduation party she suggested something –

“Why don’t you ask your aunt to take you on a trip somewhere? You’ve hardly traveled anywhere, maybe seeing the world a little might help you come to a decision?”

To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled about the idea. There were two reasons I didn’t travel: One, we didn’t have a lot of money; and two, I didn’t particularly care for being in vehicles – I think I had motion sickness. I also just honestly wasn’t that interested in travelling and sightseeing. I enjoyed cooking, playing video games, and exercising. Nothing else has done it for me so far. That might actually be three reasons.

I was about to wave away the idea, but my aunt had other plans, “What a great idea! I’ve been wanting to take Suzie to travel as well, but she claims she hasn’t been in the mood for it for years now. We can make a small family trip out of it.

”My aunt Sarah was my mom’s twin sister. My mom was single, and had a decent paying job now, but had been sick and struggled to hold down a job to pay her medical bills for many years. Unlike my mom, my aunt was rather successful. She’d been a talented apothecary and produced many magical medicines, and it had made her an impressive sum of money. People with the ability to produce magical products were incredibly rare, and my aunt had been exceptional even among those few, and so it seemed she’d never struggled in life.

Sarah had offered to help her out many times, but my mother was reluctant to accept. Eventually she let my aunt produce some medicine to ease the pain and help her endurance, and that allowed her to get a more stable career; but it had been many years of struggling before that. My mother was annoyingly proud at times, and I think she resented my aunt Sarah a little for her magical abilities.

My cousin Suzie chimed in “I guess I just don’t get a say?”

“Yeah, wait. I hadn’t agreed yet either,” I followed.

My mom and aunt glanced in our direction, briefly looked back at each other, then simultaneously dismissed us with a half-hearted, “It’ll be good for you”, as if they didn’t really care about what we thought.

—–Ch. 2—–

A while later, back at home, my mom had already packed most of my clothes and some other travel necessities.

“Mom, I’m sure you don’t need to pack all that. Sarah can just pick up whatever we need when we get there. I don’t even think those chargers work in Europe, they have different plugs or something.”

She exasperatedly let out a “Well, then throw it away when you get there,” and closed and zipped up the suitcase.

“Remember, you better be on good behavior. You’re going to be travelling for two entire months. I’ll try to get a week off and join you guys later – maybe I’ll time it around when you get to Paris, or Milan, oh I’d love to tell people I visited Milan.”

“We don’t even know where we’re going to be visiting yet. Or, at least I don’t. We might not even visit those cities.”

“Then I will join you for your trip through Vilnius I guess,” she shot through partially gritted teeth while staring daggers at me.

“I don’t know where that is.”

“Perfect. I’ll tell Sarah to add it to the itinerary,” and she shot up from the suitcase with a huff, and turned to walk out of my room. She turned part way down the hallway and added, “They’ll be here soon. Make sure you have everything.”

Sarah and her family arrived a little while later, and we started packing all of my stuff into the back of their SUV. We were going to head back to their house for a few days to finish getting ready, then we’d board a plane for “Somewhere in Europe”, I was told.

My mom gave me a tight hug and said, “I’ll miss you, be good. I really hope you enjoy the trip. I know you didn’t want to go, but you should experience new things,” she pulled back and finished “I love you.”

“I love you too, mom.”, and I got in the backseat of the car.

—–Ch. 3—–

The drive back to Sarah’s was only a little over an hour, and we were only about 15 minutes into it when I started feeling a little queasy.

“Can I open the window a little bit?”, the stagnant air was starting to get to me.

“Sure honey. Are you doing okay? You look a little nauseous,” Sarah asked from the front seat, glancing at me through the rear-view mirror.

“Yeah, I just get a little motion sickness whenever I’m in the car too long. It’s especially bad in the backseat.”

“Oh, you should have told me. I could have made something for you,” she sounded concerned, “Remind me tonight and I’ll make some medicine for the trip. I can’t imagine travelling across Europe for two months with motion sickness will be an enjoyable experience at all. In the meantime, you can lean your seat back and maybe that’ll help.”

Apparently each of the rear seats could lean back individually. I didn’t even know that existed in cars.

Suzie cut in from beside me, “I still don’t understand why I had to come along for the car ride. We’re going right back home anyways. And now Alex might be sick.”

“Because I told you to. And Alex won’t be sick, right Alex?” she stared at me sympathetically through the mirror.

“Yeah, I should be a lot better now, thank you,” I forced out while leaning back. It was still going to be a long car ride. I felt bad for Suzie, her mother seemed to force her along with her whims just like mine.

Suzie was my cousin, obviously. We were around the same age, but she was a few months older. Our parents were pretty young when we were born. Sarah and Suzie used to visit a lot to check up on my mother, but it had been a few years since they last visited, ever since my mother accepted the medicine from Sarah.

She didn’t look a lot like her mother. While Sarah and my mom had dark brown hair that they both kept long, Suzie had shorter hair that she normally put in a ponytail, and it was black and messy. It looked cute, though. Her skin was also fairer than ours, she seemed to take a bit more after her father, Charles, who was currently driving the car, but she still had the softer facial features of my aunt and mom.

I got distracted and noticed I was staring at Suzie a little too long. It was subtle though, I think. She was wearing gym shorts and a tank top for the summer heat. She was leaning against the car window, one hand holding her phone resting on her leg. I hadn’t noticed before, but she had really nice legs, she was –

“So, Alex,” Sarah’s voice cut through my thought. I jumped a little and looked forward, and Sarah was staring directly into my eyes through the mirror. Smooth, dude. She definitely didn’t notice that. Hopefully she really didn’t.

There was a long pause, what felt like an eternity, before Sarah continued, “Is there anywhere you wanted to visit in particular?”

“Um, my mom said she wanted to join us in Milan, I guess,” I managed to regain my composure. Fortunately Suzie and Charles hadn’t really been paying attention, I think.

“Then we can add that to the list. Is there anywhere that *you* wanted to go, though?”

“I’ll have to think about it, I figured you’d just plan everything out.”

Sarah let out a soft chuckle and turned her intense stare away from the mirror. I felt my heart rate settle down a little, and couldn’t help but lean back, close my eyes, and quietly let out a sigh. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Suzie glance my way briefly then looked down to her phone for a while.

—–Ch. 4—–

When we arrived at aunt Sarah’s house – which I honestly feel calling it a house would be a disservice, this thing felt enormous compared to my modest home – she made me unpack my belongings and bring them inside, then we had a nice dinner together around the table. It felt a little strange, my mother and I would normally just grab a plate and eat in the living room.

They weren’t overly formal or anything, it was still a casual dinner, but the size of everything they did was a little off putting. The dining room was separate from the kitchen, and could still probably fit an extra kitchen in it regardless.

When we finished, Sarah suggested we go into their living room to watch a movie. Apparently Sarah and Suzie liked watching bad horror films. Their living room was surprisingly small compared to the rest of the house I’d seen. It didn’t seem to be the main room for hosting guests, maybe.

It had a large TV and three two-seater couches which looked incredibly comfortable. I sat down on the one directly in front of the TV, while Sarah and Charles sat on the one to my left. Sarah laid across the couch with her legs across Charles’s lap facing the TV, she had changed into shorts like Suzie had been wearing, but hers seemed even shorter. Because of the orientation of the couches, neither of them could see me, and I caught myself staring at Sarah’s thighs for a while longer than I should have.

I heard a slight cough from my right as Suzie sat down on my couch, she looked from me to her mom, who was messing with a TV remote to set up the movie, then looked forward at the TV and propped her head up on her arm, leaning on the couch’s armrest.

Her legs were forward, and crossed at her ankles as she leaned back into the couch. She reached for a side table and the lights started to dim and turn off, as the movie started. I noticed that there was a surround system set up, and there was a speaker on either side of our couch. It sounded incredibly realistic, it’s just a shame it was being used to play some cheesy horror flick.

The movie went on for a little while, as a few jump scares came and went, and characters continued to make comically bad decisions. I was a little bored, and started to doze off, when suddenly the movie cut to a sex scene.

The main character and his girlfriend, who had somehow failed to realize their friends were dying in the same house, were in a bedroom getting down like horndogs. He was laying down, hands around her hips as she bounced up and down on his cock. I wondered what this movie was rated, because it sure was showing a lot. The camera zoomed in on the girl’s ass, his hands clearly gripping tightly around her, occasionally moving to squeeze her incredible looking ass, grabbing her and lifting her up more. In my left ear I could clearly hear her moans, and the slapping of her skin on his was coming from all around the living room.

It looked like Charles had already fallen asleep, his head leaned back and to the side. Sarah was pretty intently staring at the screen though, and it looked like her hand might be resting between her thighs.

I glanced at Suzie and her hand was on the side of her chin, her finger covering her mouth, and she seemed to be sheepishly sinking into the couch. She saw me out of the corner of her eye and glanced over, then looked down at my pants. Shit. With this woman moaning in my ear so much, I realized I was incredibly hard, and you could tell through my sweatpants. Suzie awkwardly glanced away immediately after, and I looked back at the TV and crossed my legs.

Suddenly the woman was stabbed through her chest, a long blade coming out right beside her nipple as her round breasts were falling back down and she sounded close to climax, and her moans suddenly turned to a pained gasp. Suzie let out an adorable yelp, it seemed to surprise her. She threw her arms down when she did, and accidentally hit my thigh with her left hand, she quickly pulled back. The scene was incredibly loud, but I almost thought I heard a woman’s moan from the other couch, and Charles seemed to have woken back up. I looked to my right and Suzie was covering her eyes, seemingly more out of embarrassment than fear. I have to admit, the scene had even managed to get me a little, and I hadn’t been nearly as invested in this movie as Suzie had. It was probably the abruptness, and the awkwardness of the room right before.

We moved on from the scene, and eventually the film ended with the main character and his best buddy’s girlfriend being the only ones left alive. The villain had been some mysterious evil entity or something that had controlled his best bud to kill them all, and had made them all hornier, I guess. I hadn’t really been paying that close attention. It seemed to be setting up for an equally bad sequel featuring the main character and this new girl.

Sarah stood up, adjusted her pajamas, and said, “Well, that was an exciting movie. Maybe we can watch the sequel tomorrow night,” yeah, I figured they’d milk it for another one. Charles groggily stood up after her, and whispered something about heading to bed to get some sleep, and Sarah agreed. “Don’t stay up too late, you two,” she said to us while walking out of the room. I watched her walk out of the room with Charles in front of her, and I hate to admit it, but her tight shorts made her ass look way hotter than the actress in the movie’s did, as her hips swayed seductively back and forth, and her long legs shined as she walked by the TV.

I adjusted uncomfortably in my seat as I started to get hard again, and hoped Suzie didn’t notice. Unfortunately, it seems she was staring directly at me the entire time. As soon as Sarah and Charles were out of earshot, Suzie softly said, “You’re a pervert. That’s your aunt. Your mom’s twin”.

“No, it wasn’t that,” I forced out, “it was the movie… it…”, I weakly defended myself.

“Whatever.” She responded. “Sorry.”

“Huh… sorry?”

“For hitting you. Earlier. During the movie.”

“Oh, yeah. It’s not a big deal.”

Suzie started to stand up. I swear I wasn’t normally like this, maybe it was a combination of not having been in a relationship for a while, and the awkwardness of the movie and anticipation and fear for the summer. But I couldn’t take my eyes off of Suzie’s ass as she stood up. She was right, maybe I am a pervert. I felt bad for a moment, then Suzie started to stretch and yawned. She put her arms together and over her head for a long few seconds, and tightened her legs together. Her chest was pushed forward, and her ass was pushed out. She normally had a certain cuteness to her, but I suddenly felt something else.

I don’t think I’d ever been so erect in my life. I was throbbing so hard it actually hurt. Without thinking, I let out, “Do y -”, and quickly cut myself off. Wait, what the hell was I about to say?

“What?” Suzie quickly turned towards me and asked.

“No, uh, nothing.”, I awkwardly coughed out, “I wasn’t thinking”. Why did I say that?

“What were you going to say? It sounded like you were going to ask a question. ‘Do you…?’”

There was an incredibly long pause, and Suzie was staring intently into my eyes, she was now being silhouetted by the TV, and for the first time I noticed that the lights weren’t fully off anymore, but were partially dimmed.

“Do you…?”, she repeated, slower this time, not taking her eyes off mine. I felt completely lost for words. I wasn’t expecting her to call me out like that. I had been really, really stupid. Maybe that’ll teach me to watch where my eyes wander. I was still plainly erect.

“Fuck it, you aren’t going to do anything, huh.”, Suzie let out an exasperated sigh, and moved towards me. What? What was happening?

“You just sit there and stare at every woman you meet? Never making a move?” She asked while she stood in front of me, put her arms over me, and gradually leaning forward. Her hand lowered and brushed my cock through my pants. She tugged at my waistband for a moment, then slid forward onto the couch and put her arms over me again.

“You’re my family, was I supposed to make a move?” I asked, genuinely confused, but incredibly aroused.

“Shut up,” she snapped back.

She was straddling my lap now. She slowly lowered herself down onto my lap, pressing against my cock, her arms on either side of my head, gripping the back of the couch. I don’t think I’d ever been this excited with my ex.

“Should we… be doing this?” I asked her cautiously. I didn’t really want her to stop, honestly.

“No, of course we shouldn’t be.” She softly moaned as she started grinding back and forth. Her shorts and underwear were thin, and I could clearly feel her pressing hard against me. I moved my left hand down to her thigh, sliding a few fingers an inch into her shorts, and gripping her inner thigh. She let out a soft moan.

“It’s fine,” she let out, “we aren’t actually going to have sex, you freak.”

Both of us were looking down, down to where we were touching. She rocked her hips back and forth, she moved her right hand down to my leg to leverage herself, and push harder into me. Pushing off of my leg, pulling on the couch, then pushing off the couch, and pulling at my leg.

“Then… what are we going to do,” I asked through bated breaths.“We aren’t going to have sex. It’s wrong,” I think she said. I could hardly make it out through her moans.

This seemed wrong, but it felt incredible. Suzie was a lot smaller than me, her shorts had ridden up and my hands were around her hips and outer thighs now, my thumbs under the waistband of her panties. I pushed and pulled her along. Her head was slightly above mine as I was leaning back, pushed up against the couch and into her, pulling her hips down into me.

She leaned her head in closer to my neck, and I could feel her warm breath, her lips were hovering just off my skin. She moved her hands down to my sides and dug in with her fingers, and I slid my hands under her shirt and pulled her midriff closer to me. She repeatedly pulled at the waistband of my sweatpants, and my cock was hit with bursts of the colder, fresh air, and she gently brushed her fingers against me. I started to move in closer to her and kiss her neck, but that only lasted a few seconds.

She suddenly stopped grinding and stood up. “Huh?” I let out without thinking.

“Just hang on,” she said, and leaned down, pulling down her shorts and panties, “we aren’t having sex. No penetration. We’re still cousins.”

“Uh, right.” I slowly responded, a little confused still.

She stared at me for a moment, impatiently, and said “Well? Take off your pants. Are you waiting for me to do everything for you?”

“Oh,” I said as I leaned forward, lifted up a little, and pulled my pants and boxers down in one motion. She put her hand on my chest and pushed me gently to the side, so I was laying down across the couch now. She put one leg over me, and it looked like her thighs were wet. She set herself back down straddling me again, and her pussy lips were now directly on my cock. She let out a long moan.

She started grinding back and forth even more intently than before, and leaned forward towards me. She put one hand on my chest, and the other around my shoulder and neck, and pulled herself back and forth on top of me. I was completely lost in the moment, when I realized she was doing all the work. I reached down with one hand and started rubbing her clit. She was incredibly wet, and her moans were becoming louder. I started to worry that her parents might hear us, but she didn’t seem to be concerned in the slightest.

I put my other hand on her ass and gripped tightly, my fingers wrapping around to her thigh. She shuddered and pressed harder into me, her head was between my shoulder and neck now, and she paused and moaned for a moment. I didn’t know how far she wanted to go, but I was starting to get really into it, and she sounded lost. I pulled my hand away from her clit and she sounded a little disappointed, until I put my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her head closer to me, and softly bit her earlobe. She was breathing heavily into my neck and collar, and I felt her teeth gently scrape against my collar bone.

She seemed to be struggling to figure out what to do and was shifting around a lot. My teeth were still gently nibbling her ear, and she didn’t pull too far away as my hand was in her hair, pulling her towards me, but she was trying to find something to do with her mouth as her moans became louder and louder. I moved down to her neck and started kissing and gently biting her, and she now buried her head into the armrest of the couch and shuddered repeatedly.

I could feel I was close, but I grabbed at her shirt and pulled it up over her head. She was wearing a sports bra, and she leaned back and pulled it off. I leaned up to her and started kissing my way down to her soft, small breasts. I still couldn’t believe what was happening. I put my mouth around her nipple, and lightly sucked on her. I closed my teeth around her nipple and started running my tongue around the tip of it, and grabbed her ass with both of my hands, pulling at her thighs and grinding into her harder. I was close. Really close. I thought she might be too. I pulled her harder and tighter into me, still biting and licking her nipple, I switched to her other tit, and it felt like my tip might have ended up slightly inside her as she grinded back and forth more frantically.

“I’m about to cum,” I moaned out, and she raised her hips and moved back down on top of me, both of her hands wrapping in my shirt at my pecs. I was definitely inside her now. I was only as deep into her as the head of my penis, and she quickly pulled away and my cock fell out as I came. It ended up all over my shirt. She moved forward and then back, and my cock was between her ass cheeks now. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I reached up, pulled her into me and kissed her on the lips. She lingered for a moment, then pulled away.

“What was that?”, she asked, accusative.

“Huh? What?”, I stuttered.

“I didn’t say you could kiss me on the lips.”, she pouted. “You also broke the rule. I said no penetration, but you even almost finished inside me. And I didn’t even finish. What the hell was that?” She sounded half serious, and half coy.

She sighed and turned, pivoting on one knee. She gently sat back down on top of me, facing the opposite direction. Her ass was pressed against my pelvis, my erect cock up to her belly, pressing into her it was so stiff. She undid her ponytail and started to fix her hair, one hand on the front of my shaft, softly grinding into me still. I moaned and tensed up, exploring her body with my hands from behind. I moved between grabbing her ass and her tits, and running my hand down her sides.

“I think you need to go shower,” she said after a few more minutes of this. “You’re messy. You came on your own shirt, and you’re sweaty.”

She stood up, grabbed her clothes, and started to make her way out of the room. I unashamedly watched her ass as she walked away this time. Her soft, fantastic ass. Halfway out of the room she turned and said, “I’ll just finish without you. You were a little selfish. I’ll show you to the bathroom and start the shower for you.”

I stood and began to follow her, both of us still naked except for my messy shirt. There were a lot of rooms with closed doors as we walked down the hallway, this house really was enormous. Maybe her parents’ room was far enough away that they couldn’t hear us. We weren’t quiet at all. What the hell had we just done?

Holy shit, what if her parents did hear us? What if my aunt tells my mom. My mind started to race as the consequences of what just happened started to dawn on me. I’m so incredibly stupid. How could I be so horny. She’s my cousin. But she started it, right? All I was doing before that was staring, which is perfectly normal and natural. But I was inside my cousin, even if only for a few seconds. I almost came inside my cousin.

A light flicked on and I realized we were at the bathroom. She walked over to the shower, leaned in and turned on the water. Her ass presented perfectly in the dim bathroom lights. She gently shook her ass back and forth as she turned the water heat up, then turned to face me and smiled.

“Have fun,” she smiled coyly and winked, and brushed against me as she walked past, “I have to go take care of myself like a big girl. I don’t have someone that’ll take care of me every time I’m caught staring at any piece of meat walking by.”

I took off my shirt, and she grabbed it from me and said, “I’ll put it in the laundry. Wouldn’t want you getting lost in the house naked.”

And she walked out of the bathroom and closed the door.



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