Step Sister Corruption Part 202 – Day 113 Test Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I can’t believe Gabe has the nerve to say that *he* believes that his yummy delicious precum is *addictive* and that **I** am addicted to it!

It’s not **my** fault I enjoy sex.

If anything it’s **his** fault for being so good in bed that **I** fell for that dumb ass.

And so what if I tackled him and fucked him when he got home. I was horny dammit.

It’s not **my** fault that I got accustomed to having sex with that glorious dick of his that my pussy was aching for his dick after not having it for a couple of days. It’s **his** fault for leaving me alone for a couple of day’s while he fucked Kelly. It’s **his** fault for getting me attached to him and his glorious fucking cock.

Granted I do have to share him with Kelly on a regular basis which I think having Kelly join our activities has been quite fun as it does push my boundaries.

And yes I do share him with the plethora of girl’s but at the end of the day he does fuck me the hardest so it’s not too bad so I can’t really complain.

Though both are on my shit list after Kelly’s little stunt on their way back Vuse. They’re just lucky I love Gabe….and after I went and got tested that everything came back negative.

But still what makes him think that **his** delicious precum and cum is addictive?

I don’t think it’s addictive. More like everything that is delicious in the world.

It’s not **my** fault I enjoy the taste of **his** precum and cum. I mean yes I did make him take supplements to make it taste good but I always enjoyed a guy’s taste….as long as they had the right diet. And Gabe’s diet was just right that his fluids always tasted good to me.

Granted since my enhancement I think his taste is much more pronounced now as it explodes on my tastebuds giving me euphoria.

What makes him think **he** can deny **me** from **his** precum and cum? And to what….test if **his** precum is addictive?

I was so pissed at him when I got home from the gym with Kelly to find he was bottling my god damn precum and was going to hide it from me.


I felt so hurt that he was going to deny **me** and deprive **me** of what is so rightfully mine.

And looking at that bottle of **my** precum that his body produced for **me** just looked wrong.

I knew **I** should be disgusted that *he* was bottling **my** precum but looking at it I couldn’t help myself as my mouth watered. My stomach gurgled wanting it. My pussy started juicing begging me to sit upside down and let the bottle leak into me.

The bottle begged me to do so much with it.

Yes I know it sounded weird but not as weird as to test if this glorious delicious liquid that was mine would be as addictive as he was thinking it might be.

Most people would look at this bottle and probably think this right here in my hand was the most disgusting thing in the world.

To me, it reminded me of what my father used to do when he was beginning to climb into the bottle as he would splurge every so often on his favorite scotch and fork over $200 for a bottle of alcohol. Of course back then that bottle would last him months before it was gone. But as time passed the more he climbed into the bottle that bottle would last shorter and shorter until he could no longer afford spending $200 on a bottle of scotch. Now he only wished he could afford a bottle of scotch that pricy as scotch of any kind didn’t last long in the house before it was in his stomach.

To me, it was like that….before he climbed so deeply into the bottle. I was holding my favorite overpriced scotch. It wasn’t your thousand dollar or more scotch, but it was the same appreciation I saw in my dad and happiness as he bought that bottle.

So I looked at Gabe and decided I would help him test to see if his, I mean my, precum was addictive.

Under two conditions of course.

One he wasn’t going to be around when it gets tested to make sure him in general doesn’t skew the test.

And two he needed to go make me another bottle of my *scotch*….with some extra supplement’s in him of course.

He reluctantly agreed after taking some Nutter’s and Gusher’s as he sulked upstairs to create another bottle of my new brand of *scotch*.

Then I called the one person who would be perfect to test this on to see if this magical liquid was indeed addictive….I called Sabrina to come over under the pretense that she was in the final stage of being added as she had been constantly begging me if she was added yet.

Why did I choose Sabrina and not one of the other girl’s?

Easy, Mia and Karinna were already attached to Gabe and would be willing to do anything. Not a great choice in my mind.

I would have chosen Brynn but she already seems addicted to him after whatever her and her mother did to Gabe that one time. So this wasn’t exactly a no brainer.

I could call Morgan but she’s willing to do anything that I ask. So she was out.

I only had one person who wasn’t addicted to Gabe….yet. And that was Sabrina.

She, of course, quickly agreed and said she would be right over.

Then while *we* waited.

I decided to *test* my new scotch to see if it passed a proper taste test.

I grabbed a dropper that Gabe had prepared for the bottle and pushed on the nipple as It sucked my scotch into the glass tube.

I pulled it out and squeezed the nipple letting the tube filled of **my** scotch fall into my open mouth letting it hit my tongue.

The slimy gooey liquid hit my tongue and my tongue exploded with the familiar feel good feelings as I tasted rainbows, spring, cotton candy, and everything that made me feel good all wrapped into one sensation.

Yep it was as good as if fresh from the source when I coax this special fluid from the one person who can produce it….Gabe.

I had to refrain from getting myself another helping of the elixir I held in my hand or I’d just devour it and drink it all in one sitting.

Granted I had to give Kelly a tube filled as she proclaimed that wasn’t fair. I watched her eyes flutter as she experienced whatever she experienced when she drank this special brand of *scotch*.

Then I walked over to the kitchen to make some peppermint tea with some *extra* flavoring.

I looked at Kel who couldn’t keep her eyes off *my*, I mean **our**, special bottle of *scotch*.

I spoke, “You gonna stick around?”

Kel shook her head once I spoke and looked at me before she spoke, “Na I can’t stand being around her judgy attitude so I’m gonna go shower off.”

I smiled knowing exactly what she was talking about but I stupidly agreed to help Gabe see if his fluids were indeed addictive. So I had to do this.

Kel went into her room while I waited for the water to slowly heat up before I added the loose leaves into my new kettle that would make tea with loose leaves as there was a filter in the neck of the spout that would capture any and all loose leaves as it got poured.

So with my tea waiting to be made I grabbed a couple of mugs and set them out. I pulled my new *scotch* and put a tube filled in each cup and quickly hid the bottle so Sabrina couldn’t see it.

And I wasn’t tempted to drink the quickly shrinking liquid and finish off the bottle.

Good thing Gabe was upstairs making another special bottle for me.

I opened the kettle and sprinkled a few tablespoons of the loose leaves for peppermint tea.

As I sprinkled the tea in I lightly wondered how long it took him to make the bottle.

While I thought exactly how long it took my *scotch* maker to make me some more scrumptious delicious *scotch* upstairs I heard the clear unmistakable sound of the most shittiest car pull up to the house knowing the owner of the car quickly switching my thinking from Gabe’s cock juice to how in the hell can a girl keep driving that jalopy without wanting to take a Molotov cocktail to that bitch and simply collect the insurance money to get a new car.

Then I remembered I have no room to talk as my own car has it’s own problem’s and I was in desperate need of a newer car myself.

I didn’t have the free flowing money to get a brand new fucking autonomous electric car with just about every bell and whistle in the thing like Kelly nor did I have mommy and daddy get me a hybrid like Gabe.

I did have a car that ran modestly that I’m still paying on my loan for a used vehicle that was five years old compared to Sabrina’s piece of shit little hatchback.

Kind made me happy that my car not only ran without many issues but it sure as fuck didn’t backfire like that car just did. And the best part it was **mine**.

No one fucking helped me get it.

My parent’s sure as fuck couldn’t spare two pennies to help me pay for my car let alone have good enough credit to get my car. Granted I didn’t have credit to get my car but it was surprisingly better than all my parent’s delinquencies on their credit.

AND I was paying for my own insurance.

If this deal didn’t fall into my lap I would probably have to get a second job just to help with everything I do.

Might still have to look into doing my own *adult* account like Kelly was doing now that my body was more banging compared to how it was. Especially after seeing how much money Kelly was pulling in from her own *adult* account.

Plus after seeing Sabrina’s situation and hearing her life story made mine seem tame or at least less fucked up.

When she pulled in her car sounded like someone just fired off a shotgun.

I waited a few seconds before I heard a car door open and close, some light cussing complaining how much colder it is here compared to back on the college campus.

I’ll admit I smiled at that thinking *No Shit Sherlock we’re higher up and not surrounded by concrete* along with the other thought that should be painfully obvious to the cold *It’s also winter you dumb bitch!*

Finally after a few more seconds there was a knock at the door.

I smiled just to torture the bitch as I innocently called out, “Who is it?”


Who? Me?


Besides the person behind the door will help take out my frustration thanks to Kelly and Gabe though I have some plans for those idiots.

Sabrina hissed through the door, “It’s me Summer remember you’re the one who called me here now open the door before I freeze my vital parts off.”

I lightly chuckled careful to not let Sabrina hear me laugh at her misery before I spoke, “Come in!”

The door swing in as Sabrina quickly stepped into the house and as quickly close the door.

She was wearing her usual garb of clothing style pretending to be high class and pompous though her clothes were obvious off the clearance rack from someplace.

She was about to walk towards me when I looked at her, “Uh uh uh. You know the rules.”

Sabrina huffed at me, “Do I really have to?”

I smiled and nodded.

Not that long ago about the time after our *enhancement* I text Sabrina that if she really wanted to be part of *circle of fun* that she had to abide by a few new rules.

The new rule, just for her, was while in our house, ok Gabe and Kelly’s house, Sabrina must lose all garment’s and remain topless at all times. In the bedroom’s she **must** be naked.

It was my little way of helping her get comfortable.

She pouted at me, “Really it’s just you and me?”

I looked at her, “Now Sabrina.”

She sighed, “Fine!!!”

She proceeded to remove her heavy coat and hang it with the other coats next to the door.

Then she removed her turtle neck sweater. Then her shirt. Then she removed her bra.

She kicked off her shoes, pulled off her pants, and removed her panties before putting her pants back on.

She glared at me, “Happy?”

I smiled at her, “Yes,” as I pulled the kettle off the stove and wafted the steam to my nose as I smelled the aroma Happy that it smelled like peppermint tea.

I walked over to the table where I had the mug’s with Gabe’s possible addictive splooge in it and poured the tea into it mixing the flavors together.

I looked at her, “Sit. Drink.”

Sabrina sighed but nodded as she walked to the table and sat down. She leaned forward and smelled the concoction in front of her and she moaned out loud, “God do I love that smell.”

She picked up the mug and brought it her face lightly sniffing the tea. She sniffed a couple of times before she looked at me, “Did you do something different to the tea?”

I looked at her and shrugged.

She looked at me, “It has a faint earthy aroma?”

I smiled at her, “New leaves. Thought it smelled good.”

She looked at the cup and shrugged before she took a small sip.

I did the same finding that the tea was perfectly hot. It wasn’t overly hot to where it was scolding and undrinkable nor was it too warm.

I immediately tasted the peppermint tea but Gabe’s clear lubrication splooge exploded in my mouth as all the euphoria made me want to gulp it down.

It wasn’t overpowering but wasn’t weak either though there wasn’t much of his precum in the mug.

Nor was his splooge fighting for dominance over the peppermint tea.

It was an almost perfect blend together.

The tea’s sweet minty taste, though a lot of people think peppermint tea tastes like dirty slightly minty water, and Gabe’s earthy precum tasted amazing and complimented one another.

I looked over at Sabrina to judge her reaction as her eyes were still closed, a lot longer than mine, as she hummed before she finally opened her eyes, “That’s good.”

She put the cup down, “So you mentioned that you wanted to tell me something?”

I looked at Sabrina with a smile, “Before you do join. I already know you like having your pussy filled.”

Sabrina nodded but her attention was trailing to the cup as she took a bigger gulp before she spoke, “That’s right.”

I smiled, “What about your other orifices?”

Sabrina blushed but spoke, “Sorry Summer but I refuse to have any guy shove his dick up my ass. If that’s what I have to do to be part of this circle of yours then I’m out.”

I laughed, “You don’t have to worry about him taking your ass if you don’t want. I don’t think he’ll touch my ass after that one time as I was sore for a couple days before I could sit without cursing.”

Sabrina blushed and laughed with me.

I continued, “I was talking more of your mouth.”

Sabrina looked at me and spoke, “Yeah I’ve used my mouth on a guy on occasion.”

I smiled, “And how was it?”

Sabrina shrugged, “Alright I guess. Not really a fan of how guy’s taste especially when they cum in my mouth.”

So she’s not a fan of cum huh?

Sabrina smacked her lips and looked at her nearly empty cup before tipping it back and drinking the remaining liquid.

I couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched Sabrina finish the cup tilting it back making her push her chest out as I literally saw something.

Something that made me think that Gabe might be actually be onto something with his theory that his precum was addictive.

