Step Sister Corruption Part 201 – Day 113 Collection Pt 2 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


You ever heard the expression *blood in the water*?

No I’m not calling either girl a shark. That’s the wrong terminology.

More like nymph is the correct term.

As soon as I opened the door to my room to see both girl’s looking like they’ve worked their asses off at the gym. Their hair looked like it was still drenched from their sweat. Their work out bras were wet from sweat and keeping their breasts smashed into their bodies so they don’t move much. Noticeable sweat stains in the workout pants or yoga pants. Each piece of clothing meant to handle the workout inclined enthusiast just wet.

Their skins glistening.

Just that natural beauty both girl’s exuded though they didn’t have no makeup on.

They instantly stopped laughing and smiling as I noticed Summer sniffing the air like there was blood in the water.

Kel sniffed around too as if trying to figure out where the smell was coming from.

I had no idea what made them stop to start sniffing the air.

Maybe they smelled something foul in the air.

Maybe they were smelling their own *funk*.

Then I heard Summer look at Kel, “You smelling that too?”

Kel looked at Summer and nodded.

I walked down the stairs as I watched their curious behavior. When I got to the landing of the main floor I spoke, “Smell what?”

Both girl’s looked at me but didn’t answer. Summer walked up to me meeting me half way and looked down as she spoke, “An earthy aroma.”

She didn’t pay attention to me but was paying attention to my semi still sporting as she licked her lip’s and I saw her eyes glaze over as if tranced.

She quickly grabbed my sweats pulling them down to be greeted by my dick in a contraption.

She blinked and spoke, “Gabe, why is there a bottle hanging off your dick with **our** preferred meal in it?”


I forgot to take the stupid thing off and seal my precum for phase two in Dr Braxter’s idea to test if my precum is addictive or not.


How did she know my dick was leaking precum?

Was that what she was smelling?

She and Kel were smelling my dick leaking precum?


That’s **NOT** possible!!!

Is it?

AND Did she say ***our***?

Last time I checked it was **my** precum that **my** body naturally produces.

Not **theirs**.

Ok Yes I’m dating each girl. And yes my dick is theirs to play with just like their bodies are mine to play with.

But theirs?


Summer picked the bottle off the hanger and removed the tube out of the container. She held up the nearly full bottle of my precum as she spoke, “What’s this?”

I looked at her, “My precum.”

She squinted at me, “No shit Gabe. What’s it doing in a bottle and not in your body waiting to be milked by me or Kelly?”

I wanted to make a smartass remark but her tone told me volume’s that if I did I was as good as dead. Or at least sleeping alone for a bit.

I briefly looked at Kel hoping that she might help me but she had the same look as Summer….hurt and upset.

Right she wasn’t with me when I had my conversation with Dr. Braxter so she doesn’t know.

I looked at Summer and decided the truth was my only option. I spoke, “I was collecting it to experiment a hunch.”

She looked at me and blinked, “Huh?”

I sighed, “After last night when you tackled my ass and fucked me. It was unusual as you’ve never done that.”

She moved her posture to one side of her body and folded her arms under her breasts that all girl’s seemed to know how to do instinctually when their pissed at their mate.

I’ve seen my mom do it to dad hundreds of times….usually when he disappears without her during Kel’s red tide before he made her start working out. Or when he disappears for a trip without her…..before you know I became Oedipus.

Summer freely let my bottle of precum freely dangle in her hand as she spoke, “It’s not that unnatural Gabe. I was horny and you benefited from it as well.”

I looked at her, “That’s not what I saw babe. I saw pure lust in your eyes as you fucked me.”

She looked at me, “So what? I’m not allowed to be horny now?”

I shook my head, “No no that’s not it. It’s when you stopped, smiled at me and admitted that you can feel my precum leaking into your pussy.”

She squinted at me, “Yeah so that’s not really all that unnatural.”

I spoke, “Could you do that before we got enhanced?”

Summer thought for a few moments before she shook her head, “No.”. But she quickly added, “so what? I can feel you more now. It’s not cause,” she held up the bottle, “to do this.”

She shook the bottle, “Your depriving us of **our** precum Gabe. That’s selfish.”

She brought it to her lips, “You better have answers or I’m drinking this goodness now.”

Kel immediately piped up, “Hey!!!”

Summer turned to Kel, “Relax I’m only drinking half the other half is yours.”

She turned to face me not caring that Kel smiled, “Speak.”

My mouth started running fast, “I think it’s addictive!”

She blinked, “Huh?”

She held up the bottle against the light and mused out, “It’s just precum.”

I sighed, “Exactly my *enhanced* precum Summer.”

She looked at me, “So you think your precum is addictive because you’re enhanced?”

I nodded, “Think about it Summer. Before you got enhanced would you have tackled me to fuck me?”

She smiled, “You bet your sweet ass I would if I haven’t had sex in long enough like you two leaving me behind for those two torturous days.”

I looked at Kel, “How about you?”

Kel thought about it before she spoke, “Tackle? No. Rape you in your sleep. Yes.”

Ok I need to approach this differently.

I looked at Summer, “Ok so you’re telling me if we don’t fuck often enough then you’re going to tackle me and force me to fuck you?”

She looked at me and nodded, “You better believe it buster. You’re with **me**. If I don’t get dick often enough I turn into a raging bitch foaming at the mouth.”

Kel chimed in, “Same.”

I looked at her, “But I’ve seen you go weeks if not a couple of months before you get another guy.”

Kel nodded, “That’s true but you don’t see how often I masturbate in between guy’s just to keep my horniness in check.”

Summer laughed, “Me too.”

She looked at me, “But when I’m with a guy. And he fucks nearly half as good as you do you better believe if I don’t get it often enough I will hold you down. I will make you munch my pussy. I will make your dick hard. And I will fuck your dick with my pussy until I have orgasmed enough.”

Ok I was getting no where.

I tried my last resort…..beg.

I looked at her, “Will you at least let me test it out to see if my precum **is** addictive?”

She looked at the bottle again. Then she looked at me, “Is this the only bottle?”

I nodded.

She squinted at me, “Promise? There’s no other bottles hiding in your room?”

I shook my head.

She looked at Kel, “What do you think?”

Kel shrugged, “It’s your call Summer.”

Summer sighed but turned her attention to me, “Ok say I let you test it. How were you going to test it?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe have one of the other girl’s consume a drop here and there and see if their mood changes or not. I honestly haven’t thought that far ahead.”

She looked at the bottle and she was obviously deep in thought. Then I saw her wolf shit eating grin slowly spread on her face.

She looked at me, “Oh I have just the perfect test subject.”



1 comment

  1. hey, I think part 1 and 2 got switched? not a big issue but figured I’d speak up

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