Step Sister Corruption Part 200 – Day 113 Collection Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I must be out of my fucking mind!!!

And stupid.

And gullible.

Oh and afraid.

Why was I all these?

Simple I had listened to Dr Braxter’s idea to *test* to see if my precum and/or cum was addictive in any way. So she suggested, among other things, that I should *collect* my precum into bottle’s then depending on how much I collect to have other girl’s *taste*/consume my precum and see if they suddenly become addicted.

And I have no earthly how to *collect* my precum. Like do I put on some porn to get myself hard and tease myself until my dick suddenly starts leaking precum then somehow siphon it into a jar?

I mean that was the only thing I could think of. It’s not like I can ask the girl’s to blow me and then ask them to spit my precum into a jar when it starts forming.

Yeah right like that will go over well.

So the girl’s were out if I was going to ‘collect’ my precum.

But I hadn’t watched porn in so long after having so much free range pussy I didn’t know if porn would still work on me or not.

I scoffed at the idea and remembered that I’m a guy. Of course porn will work.

Of course all of this sounded *insane* to me as I was being talked into collecting my fluids for some half brained idea like having my fluids *tested*… sounded disgusting even in my mind.

What am I some sort of weirdo that has an obsession that the government was out to steal all my things and I start collecting all my stuff so the imaginary people can have my stuff?

Just have jars and jars of my pee just strewn about?


Wait wasn’t there same famous person that did that?

I tried to remember ‘who’ did that. If I remember correctly it was some famous big wig type of guy. Pilot? Movie guy?

I remember reading this guy was so eccentric that his vegetables had to be even not odd. The food couldn’t touch.

What was his name?

I shook myself out that rabbit hole and explained to Dr Braxter that I had no way to *collect* my precum and admitted if I was going to have myself *turned on* I might as well let the girl’s give me head as that would be faster than watching porn and milking my dick of it’s precum.

Don’t care who you are that’s masturbation and when I have willing girl’s to let me stick my dick in them then what was the point?

Dr. Braxter had an idea how to help with my *collection* and needed to meet her at one of the fertility clinic’s….the same one Brynn worked at.

My *stupidity* allowed me to believe that Dr. Braxter was out to help me, though I knew better as I was no more than a testing rat in her eyes. Still my dumbass drove *my* car **without** Kel to make sure that neither Dr. Braxter or Brynn were up to any *funny* business per Summer’s new rule with the Braxter’s.

I drove through the snow encrusted roads thinking I’d probably be safer driving a snow mobile than my car in this weather and it was only going to get worse. Still winter was still my favorite time of the year though the girl’s kept the house in constant summer temperature’s.

Not I’m not complaining about the sweating temperature in the house as the biggest benefit was my girl’s willingness to walk around naked giving me nothing but easy access. Just would be nice to have the house cold every once in while…. Know what I mean?

Eventually I made it to the clinic as Dr. Braxter was waiting in her car. We went into the fertility clinic together and Brynn helped her mom get the items I would need to *collect* my precum. They handed me the items and I quickly and safely drove back home happy they didn’t trick me into staying or anything like that.

Dr Braxter wanted me to stick around so they could run another test but I made up an excuse that I needed to get back and watch my sister’s until the rents got home.

Then my *gullible* ass took the proffered items without much question.

Yes I know how stupid this sounds but for some odd reason I wanted to know *if* my fluids were addictive or anything else. Especially after what happened yesterday.

So I took the pills that was in the bag. Then I looked at the item that was to *collect* my fluids or precum completely confused as to how I was to install it on me.

Luckily for me there was instructions.

I opened the instructions and blinked at what I had to do.

I have to do **WHAT**???

You have to be kidding me?

The item I was holding had a long tube, for the better words, in the bottle with a hanger.

Essentially I stick the tube up my pee hole.

I’ll say that again **THE TUBE GOES UP MY FUCKING PEE HOLE!!!**

At least the tube had a small diameter and looked very flexible. Just happy it wasn’t made of glass. Don’t want that shit breaking in my dick when I get hard.

The hanger goes around my dick. And the plastic container snaps onto the hanger and the tube goes into the container.

Seems simple enough.

I locked myself in my room telling Kel that I’ll be doing video’s and don’t want to be disturbed for any reason. She looked at me weird but shrugged and said she had her videos to do for her work out channel and would be heading out soon.


I waited for the pills to kick into effect as my dick went into *semi* mode and wasn’t long before a blob of precum showed up at the end of my dick.

I naturally bit the bullet and shoved the flexible tube up my pee hole and let the rest hang into the container as the container hanged off my dick.

Then I put on my baggiest sweats to hide what was going on and started doing videos.

I sat there trying to keep my mind off what was going below the waist as I felt my own *urge* to shove my dick up a willing wet tight orifice attached to either of my girl’s and was doing a really good job.

Also I was trying to keep my mind off the other issue or *idea* that Dr Braxter suggested I do to find out if my precum was addictive or not which was cut off both Summer and Kel from my dick.

Yeah I was *afraid* of even uttering that particular idea to either girl as what was witnessed last night as Summer effectively helped herself to me via force not that I was complaining….ok I was but it was more of a non issue at the moment…..ok it was an issue.

But my point still applies if Summer basically tackled my ass and rapes me just to get to my gooey center just to satiate her *need* and calm her *cravings* after only two days then I’m *afraid* to find out what **both** Summer and Kel will do to me when I tell them they’re cut off from my dick and it’s fluids for a bit.

I doubt the whole *because I want to test something* will fucking fly.

So here I sat putting the second part of my *testing* phase on hold as I did my video’s while my dick leaked my precum courtesy of whatever Dr Braxter gave me.

I sat there doing research on each video I wanted to do before I sat there recording and editing each video I did.

By the second video I took a look at my *collection* thinking I had leaked enough to fill a bottle….at least that’s what I assumed.

I pulled the elastic band on my sweats to reveal my still semi erect dick with its unusual attachment finding the bottle wasn’t even at the half way point.

I sighed and went back to work on my video’s while I was still alone occasionally checking on my *collection*.

By the fourth video I was finally close to the half way point.

By the seventh video I was over the half way point but not full.

And by the eighth video, I couldn’t keep my focus as whatever was in whatever I took to make my dick start producing precum like crazy I was near desperation for some pussy.

Looks like Part two of Dr Braxter’s plans to *test* my fluids would be an impossible task.

For if **I** was having issues not keeping myself *locked* up from the need to have my member inside a wet tight velvety confine then keeping either girl away from me would be not only impossible but infinitely hopeless.

Wait was I *addicted* to them as much as they were *addicted* to me?

I smiled and though *Yes I’m a normal straight guy of course I’m addicted to pussy* and *Yes I’m addicted to Summer **and** Kel **because** of my affections for them both*. Their pussy’s were just bonus item’s in my mind…and their mouth’s…and possibly their assholes, though I’ve only used them once.

Ok ok. Yes I’m addicted to them because I love them as a whole and see them as more than objects for **my** pleasure.

I re-diverted my attention to my videos as I resisted a multitude of ways to *distract* myself from my task of creating content instead of finding ways to get my dick wet.

Or at least I *tried* to keep my focus on creating content.

It wasn’t long before I found myself minimizing everything and going to the folder Kel stupidly left sitting on my desktop labeled ‘*Car Footage*’.

I clicked on the folder to find my video editing software’s project file meaning Kel had edited the videos she wanted and was still waiting for me to watch said edited videos before she uploads them to her *adult* channel.

Then I saw a folder inside there called ‘*Unedited*’ and another reading ‘*Edited*’.

Time to see what Kel had edited together.

I opened the ‘*Edited*’ folder finding three videos and clicked on the first video.

I watched the first video load up and found that Kel had edited our video where I had first made *love* to her doing this weird quad montage showing just about every angle from first making out to penetration to our bodies slapping until me cumming in her. She actually was about to blur out *our* faces and messed with the audio to bleep out when either us spoke or used our name’s.

The video was interesting as it captured all 42 minute’s of our love making though the camera angles were good it sure as fuck wasn’t porn quality. But it was good enough to where I couldn’t tell in the video it was me though I *knew* it was me. Same thing with Kel.

She was even careful enough to make sure in the video to exclude Summer though you could tell there was a third female there let alone who it was.

Though this video was before we were *enhanced*.


I miss the day’s when I could fuck either Summer or Kel without having to play game’s to **quicken** my orgasm state. Back then I **was** playing game’s to **lengthen** my orgasm state.

I went to the next.

Looks like she chose the trip towards Vuse when I, once again, made *love* to Kel during the trip to the hotel.

This video was much longer though she chose to do the same quad video that showed make out to penetration to *love making* to orgasm. Once again she was careful to blur our faces and bleep when we spoke or used name’s.

That video captured all 1hr and 37 minutes of our *love making*.

Then the next video was our return. Looks like she chose my third orgasm as that was more of a pounding than love making.

By the time I was half way into the third video I heard some voices downstairs which meant the girl’s were home.

Time to go deal with them as I got up and walked to the door not realizing I had just made my crucial mistake in my preparations…..

