Mothership Wilderness Chapter 26 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

I’ve written this story through chapter 33, including the finale. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Previous Chapters:

Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Mothership Wilderness Chapter 19 [MF] [inc] [cheat] from eroticliterature

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24 [](

Chapter 26

“We aren’t carrying any contraband.” Jacob shrugged at the inspector general on the other side of the invisible barrier. He could see just the faintest hint of a shimmer from the force field. “We’re on a religious mission.”

“Right.” Tabitha frowned. “The Ardent Congregational Establishment. All set to colonize New Canaan and …” She paused, struck by a subtle shift in his expression. “Did I say something wrong? Are you not set to colonize New Canaan?”

“We are.” Jacob smiled serenely.

“So … something about the Congregational Establishment? I know you don’t like to be called Fourth Wave. Is that it?”

“You imprisoned me. I’m not helping you out.” Jacob shrugged again and leaned on the table. “Ask the right questions, inspector, and I’ll give you the right answers.”

“Are you not actually Fourth Wave?” That didn’t make much sense to Tabitha, of course they were Fourth Wave. But it was the next logical question.

“We are and we are not. We are a scion of our church and we bring something precious and new to the galaxy.” Jacob slowly unzipped his uniform, never breaking eye contact with Tabitha.

“A whole new branch of zealots,” she muttered. More loudly, she said, “What is this precious thing you bring?” To her trained eye, this nineteen-year-old’s smile was smug and overconfident. She was getting somewhere. She had been right to trust her instincts. His brash youth would lead him to spill their secrets.

“Me.” Jacob stepped out of his uniform. His cock pulsed and moved in his underwear, poking its head out above his waistband.

“What in the heck is that?” Tabitha had seen many things, and didn’t startle easily. But her shoulders tightened. She could feel fight-or-flight trying to hijack her brain. There was something very wrong with Jacob Winthrop. “Is that your … is it …?” She stared at the bulbous head oozing clear liquid. What had poor Gail Estes stumbled into?

“It’s the future, Mrs. Kensington.” He removed his underwear and let his cock stretch before him, displaying its full majesty.

“Oh God …” What could Tabitha do? In the blink of an eye, she ran through her options one by one. She couldn’t safely get him off the ship. She couldn’t run for help and expect him to still be behind the barrier when she got back. She decided to continue her interrogation and get everything out of him. Then she’d have grounds for a full quarantine. “What did they do to you?” She regained her composure. This was just a variation on the insanity she sometimes dealt with in her job.

“At first I thought it was an accident.” Jacob took hold of his cock with both hands and slowly stroked himself. This woman couldn’t stop him. He could see it in her eyes. She had already lost. “But now, I know it was all part of His plan. I am the Messiah. You are part of His plan, too. I can see it.”

“Stop … that.” Tabitha’s nostrils flared. What was that smell? It was musky and earthy like what she imagined the scent a forest floor might have. It was beguiling. She found herself letting her guard down. She tried to get ahold of herself. Her underwear was inexplicably soaked through. She cleared her throat. Her gaze was locked on a penis that had clearly grown beyond what any penis should. It was hard, but somehow it writhed and pulsed like it had a separate life. “Don’t touch yourself … like that.” Her breaths became more and more shallow.

“I do what I like, Mrs. Kensington.”

“That’s Inspector Kensington,” she mumbled. She remembered she was trying to get to the truth. “Are you some kind of weapon?” She was suddenly very grateful she had picked a place with such an impenetrable barrier for the interrogation. She loathed to think what would happen if that hideous thing got close to her.

Jacob laughed. He took a step toward the woman. He was pleased that she didn’t retreat. He looked for the shimmer of the barrier and didn’t see it. The computer was always looking out for him. That made sense, of course, the Errand was one of the hands of God. “I am the opposite of a weapon, Inspector Kensington. I am the Messiah. I am here to save humanity by spreading my sanctified seed.” He stroked faster and took another step.

“They have corrupted you, Jacob. And changed you in horrible ways. Can’t you see?” Tabitha gripped the edge of the table tightly. Her husband’s ring pinched her, but she ignored the pain. “I can help you. Let me take you to the station’s med facilities. We have many advanced …” She paused as he took another couple steps. He was quite close now. Something was wrong. What was it? She couldn’t think straight. Oh, no. He was beyond the barrier. “If you just let me … eeeewwwwwwwww.” The horrible cock erupted, shooting sticky stuff across the short distance between them. The first blast hit her on the front of her clean, perfectly crisp uniform. The second hit her face. Her mouth was hanging open and the saltiness splashed across her tongue. Tabitha cried out in ecstasy and saw starbursts.

Despite his orgasm, Jacob moved quickly to catch the inspector before she could fall and hurt herself. He was trembling, shuddering, and still firing sperm, but he laid her safely on the floor. His climax subsided, but still she jerked on the floor making the most stupid sounds. “Now … do you see?”

“Nnnnnggggghhhhhhhhh.” Tabitha lost herself in nebulous rapture. Slowly the world returned to her. Her whole body vibrated. “Whhattttsss iissssshhhhh tttthhisssshhhhhh?” Her words slurred as she shakily sat up. The teenager was bending over her. She closed her eyes and tried to get her bearings. And then he kissed her. Without thinking, she opened her mouth and let his tongue play with hers. It was a strange kiss, his tongue was playful, but too big. Far too big. She opened her eyes and found that she had the head of his horrible penis in her mouth. And it was somehow French kissing her. To her horror, she didn’t stop kissing it back. “Mmmmmpppppphhhhhhh.” She reached up and found herself stroking its uncanny, pulsing thickness.

“Yes … yes … you look so pretty with your eyes bulging … like that.” Jacob took hold of her neatly braided hair and forced a little bit more past her lips. Not only did they widen further, but her eyes rolled back in her head. She was feeling the Spirit, he could tell. “I think … you’ll fit in … quite well … here. We are all … one with … Him.”

The young man’s cultspeak cleared Tabitha’s mind. She stopped stroking him with her mouth and hands. She pulled away and fell back, coughing and sputtering. “I … I … would … never.” She got to her feet, adrenaline surging. She balled her fists. She stared at Jacob for several beats, seeing that he was drunk on power just as much as she was drunk on … whatever his stuff was. The force field was no more. There was only one option left. Without another word, Tabitha turned and ran. She was surprised when she looked over her shoulder and saw no one there. Only his laughter followed her through the halls. Eventually, she slowed to a panting walk. She almost turned around and ran back to him. What was happening to her? Instead, she found her way out at last. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice her stained uniform, running makeup, or wild hair. What would she have said if someone confronted her? She had no idea.

Back in the makeshift interrogation room, Jacob slowly dressed. “Did you let her go, Errand?”

“Yes, Member Winthrop.”

“Good. That’s good. I want her to return on her own. Let’s see how long it takes before she needs another taste.”

“Very good.” The computer’s soft, female voice was full of approbation.


“Your protein sausage is getting cold.” Gail sat at the table, trying to control her churning stomach.

“Eh?” James looked up from the Good Word. His wife was right, he had been neglecting his breakfast. He turned his gaze toward her plate. “And you haven’t touched yours either. Are you …?” He watched her cover her mouth and rush off to the small apartment’s bathroom. He could hear her throwing up. That had happened the last few mornings. How odd. When she returned, looking a little green, James watched her closely. “Are you feeling better?” He picked up his fork and started eating.

“Yes, I don’t know what came over me.” Another lie. It was perfectly clear to Gail that letting a nineteen-year-old man have his way with her womb had come to a predictable conclusion. She was pregnant with a baby that wasn’t her husband’s. She broke out in a cold sweat. “We better get to the Errand. I feel like we were making real progress yesterday. Soon they will see the truth in Sagittarius A.”

“Wherever you … were … you must have had … better luck than … us,” James said between bites. He put down his fork and wiped his mouth. “I don’t think the Fourth Wave people will see the light.” James did not notice his wife wince when he used the derogatory term. He got up from the table and placed his book under his arm. “But you’re right, we have to try. At least they have excellent sustenance. Clean up in here and we’ll venture out.”

“Yes, dear.” Gail nodded. She took their plates into the kitchen and put all her untouched breakfast into the recycler.


“You’re not ready for work?” Ezra had been forced to make his own coffee as his wife slept in. He watched her enter the kitchen, bleary-eyed.

“What?” Tabitha blinked at him. She wore neither her uniform nor any makeup. Her hair was a mess. “Oh, I’m going in late today.”

“Again?” Ezra frowned. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” How could she tell him that right after he left for work, she’d be masturbating while thinking of that horrible teenager and the alien penis she’d made out with? Was there a way to tell her husband that she couldn’t stop masturbating? There was not. “I’m just a bit tired.”

“Would you like to meet on my break on the Errand today?” Ezra sipped at his bitter coffee, missing the docked ship’s milk.

“No!” Suddenly wild-eyed, Tabitha grabbed Ezra’s shoulder. “Promise me that you won’t go to that ship.”

“Sure,” he said reluctantly. “What did you find? It must be bad.”

“Oh, nothing yet. Nothing.” Tabitha moved away from her husband and poured herself some coffee. She was suddenly resentful of his presence. She didn’t want to wait another moment to put her toy in her vagina. “But I think something unnatural … may be going on.”

“Okay, keep your secrets.” Ezra stood, kissed his wife on the cheek, and made his way to the door. “Don’t be too late for work, the people of this station depend on you.”

“Yes, of course.” She waved goodbye and forced a smile. “Have a nice day.” The second the door closed behind him, she rushed back to her bedroom and grabbed her toy. Flopping on the bed, she spread her legs. “Oooohhhhhhh … you’re soooooo … big.”


“Some refreshment for our favorite Mormons?” Mary put glasses down in front of the six rather severe-looking people. She smiled at Gail. “It’s always nice to see your pretty face, Mrs. Estes.”

Gail blushed and averted her gaze. “Thank you, Mrs. Winthrop.”

“I feel remiss that I don’t know everyone at this table, although I’ve seen you all so often.” Mary’s smile was affable.

Now obligated, Gail introduced the rest of the table to her secret husband’s mother. She finished with her sister. “… and this is my sister, Zinnia Hollings.”

“How do you do, Mrs. Hollings?” Mary was surprised Jacob hadn’t already set his sights on the petite Mormon wife. Zinnia had the same raven hair as her sister, a similar slight build, and an identical nervous laugh. “You look just as beautiful as your sister. You two are quite the pair.”

“Oh, thank you.” Zinnia laughed and gulped some milk. Something about the exchange made her vaguely uncomfortable. She couldn’t put her finger on it. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“A pleasure.” Mary handed her tray to Heather as she passed. “Now, Mrs. Estes, we have that holopark engagement to attend.” Mary held out her arm.

“Right.” Gail stood and locked arms with the taller woman. “I’ll see you later, dear.” She gave her husband a feeble wave and smiled at her sister.

“We’ll be here.” It didn’t even occur to James to protest anymore. His wife running off with the Winthrops was a perfectly normal part of his day.

“Jacob is eager to see us,” Mary leaned in and whispered in Gail’s ear as they moved toward the door of the mess hall. “I think he prefers wives with a bit more experience in life. Don’t you?”

Gail nodded dumbly. She didn’t know what Jacob preferred. But she was grateful that he seemed to want a short, plain Mormon from Tigov 19.

Once out in the hall, they ran into Pricilla and Marsden. “Hello, Pricilla.”

“Hello, Mother.” Pricilla’s smile was small and cold. “We should get the robot to do escort duty so that I might join you two on your errand.”

“The robot does not belong to us, sweetie.” Mary eyed Marsden. “You are taxing our hospitality with all your visitations to your wife, Mr. Cole.” She pulled Gail closer to her side as if to protect her. She didn’t mind that Gail’s head was pressed against the side of her breast.

“It wouldn’t be necessary if you released my wife to station security.” Marsden stared daggers at Mary.

“If wishes were emu, Mr. Cole, we’d all be eating steak.” Mary turned down a corridor leaving her daughter and Marsden behind. She laughed to herself as she and Gail padded down the hall.


“Oh, my.” Gail sat on a chair furiously rubbing her vagina. She watched the teenager suckle from his mother’s breasts. Jacob lay atop Mary in bed. Her view was from behind them. She could see Jacob’s massive balls and writhing cock moving between his spread legs on the sheets. In moments like this, she would get a hint of just how alien the whole experience with her new husband was. Those moments were doused in fear and arousal. She rubbed her vagina harder. “Do something … special … please. Something … new.”

“I am his mother … Gail.” Mary felt him kiss his way down her breasts onto her bulging belly. “There is no joining we … haven’t done.”

“Well … Mom … that isn’t … quite … true.” Jacob kissed his way passed her belly button, over the triangle of blond hair, and down to her pussy. None of the women had asked for this. So, obviously, none had shown him what to do. But he wanted to give Gail her wish and please his mother in a new way.

“Oh, gosh.” Receiving oral was not a sex act that Mary had ever contemplated. That a man would seek only her pleasure broke new ground for her. It didn’t feel like much, but she was pleased he was trying. “That’s nice … thank you, sweetie.”

“Mmmpphhhhhh.” Jacob licked at her tanginess. He felt his dick lurch under him to the left and he followed the movement with his tongue. His mother cried out in delighted surprise. His dick lurched up, and he followed that movement with his tongue. It wriggled back down, and so he made his way down. That’s how he found her clit.

“Wow … Jake … where did you learn … that?” Mary leaned back on the pillow and regarded the masturbating Mormon. “I know … you didn’t teach him that, Gail. Oooohhhhhhhh.”

Gail shook her head quickly. She could see his penis moving and wondered if it was telling him what to do. The situation felt even more alien to her.

“I’ve been … thinking … Gail.” Mary’s sweet smile was somewhat attenuated by the pleasure her son was giving her. “It’s time you brought … your sister … to the Messiah.”

“What?” Gail’s hand slowed to a stop.

“You … know what I … mean.” Mary ran her fingers through Jacob’s hair.

“She’s happily married. And very devout. I couldn’t …” Gail wondered about it. She was sure there had been a darkness somewhere in herself that had enabled her fall into this new religion. Gail’s older sister was more pure than her. Even if Mary got her way, Zinnia would never let herself stoop to … this life. She stared at those pulsing balls, trying not to meet Mary’s gaze. “It’s impossible.”

“You know all that … ooohhhhhh … drivel about Sagittarius A is nonsense.” Mary was getting close to cumming on her son’s tongue. He was very good. He kept adjusting, finding the absolute perfect places to bring her pleasure. “You are a member … of our … church now. You are fortunate … enough … to be married to … oh … God … oooohhhhhhhhhhhh.” Mary shook as she climaxed on her son’s face.

Gail was relieved the conversation was over. She went back to working her vagina when Jacob climbed on top of his mother and sank into her. He pushed her legs back toward her shoulders, held the backs of her thighs, and plowed her with long, punishing strokes. Gail had been on the receiving end of that many times, and it was marvelous to see it from the outside. How had her body survived such ferocious mating? And Mary was much taller and rounder than Gail. The thought of how her small body had accepted Jacob sent her into spasms of rapture.

A while later, Jacob dismounted his mother. He peered down at her pussy, it was gaping and leaking, just the way he liked it. She was still making those familiar ridiculous sounds. He turned his attention to Gail. The woman had a feral expression on her face. He could tell she was doing everything in her power not to jump him immediately. “Are you ready, Mrs. Estes?”

“Oh, yes please!” Gail stood and rushed toward the bed, but stopped when he held out his hand.

“I’ll come to you. My mom has earned a rest.” Jacob stepped off the bed, his cock still languidly writhing and pulsing. “Bend over that chair.”

“Okay.” Gail rushed to comply, she gripped the chair back with her hands and wiggled her butt at Jacob. She hoped it was enticing, especially with her new, rounder behind. “Um … there’s something … I want to tell you before we … uuuugggggghhhhhh.” His penis, still slick with all the combined fluids of mating, wormed into her butthole. She closed her eyes and saw sparks. “I’m … pregnant …”

“Oh … really?” Jacob sunk all the way in and slapped her ass. He loved the yelp that escaped her every time he did that. “Does … Mr. Estes know?” He took hold of her hips and found a steady rhythm.

“No … ugh … how could I … uh … uh … uh … tell him? It’s not … his.” Gail gripped the chair tighter. Her butt had been so changed by Jacob that it didn’t even hurt anymore. “Do you … want me to … ugh … tell him?”

“No … not now.” Jacob smiled at her rippling ass. She was filling out nicely. “How does it … feel … to carry the Messiah’s … baby?”

“Oh … gosh … oh … gosh …” She gritted her teeth. He was really giving it to her now. “It feels … scary … and wonderful … and crazy … all at the same … uh … uh … uh … time.”

Jacob laughed, but he appreciated her honesty. “You like … it?”

“Yes,” she squealed. “I love it.”

“Don’t you want … other women … to feel … what you feel?”

“Yes.” A massive orgasm built in Gail’s body. She trembled all over.

“Don’t you want … your sister to feel … all that you … now feel?”

“Oooohhhhhh nnnnooooooooooooo.” Gail tossed her raven hair as she came.

Jacob let her work her way through her orgasm, continuing to plow her. When he thought she was sufficiently back from her ecstasy, he continued, “It is our … mission … yours and mine … to bring what I offer to the galaxy. And … a demonstration of your … piety would be … to bring me your sister. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Gail whispered.

Mary sat up in bed and watched them. Pride set her jaw firm and made her eyes bright.

“What was … uh … uh … uh … that?” Jacob slapped her ass.

“I will bring her … to you.” Gail’s body, wracked by pleasure, shook violently.

“You love my … dick … and want to share it.” Jacob tightened his jaw. He was getting close.

“Yes.” Gail never wanted that moment to end.

“Say it,” Mary called from the bed.

“I love … the Messiah’s … penis … and I want … to share it … eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” Gail’s mind exploded, completely fractured by ecstasy.


“I will get you out of here.” Marsden leaned close to the barrier that separated him from his wife.

“Please, don’t do anything rash.” Dr. Cole frowned at her bygone husband.

“That’s enough.” Pricilla ushered the robot into the brig. “It’s time for you to leave, Mr. Cole. The robot will show you out.” Watching the blood drain from Marsden’s face as he took in the sight of the towering robot was certainly worth defying her mother. Pricilla smiled.

Marsden got up without another word and left with the robot.

“Well … well … well.” Pricilla looked in at Dr. Cole. “That didn’t sound good.”

“Yes.” Dr. Cole’s shoulders slumped. “I think he plans to rescue me.”

“Has he been drinking the milk?”

“I’m stuck in here. You would know better than me.” Dr. Cole was used to being locked in cells, but that didn’t take the edge off at all. She hated confinement. “But I don’t think so.”

“I don’t think so either.” Pricilla rubbed her belly and thought. “We’re going to have to do something about this.”

“Don’t hurt him.” Dr. Cole couldn’t keep the pleading out of her voice. She was powerless on so many levels.

“Ours is a loving and benevolent God, Dr. Cole.” Pricilla flashed her a sly smile. “We would never hurt anyone that we didn’t have to.”


Tabitha pulled her uniform on. Her body buzzed from all the orgasms she’d given herself. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if maybe Jacob Winthrop was actually the Messiah. With one taste of his stuff, her mind had been opened to a whole new way of seeing the galaxy. She shook her head, and buttoned her jacket.

As she brushed her hair, she shivered at the memory of the way his penis had played with her. While applying her makeup, she replayed the image of that first fateful spray that had erupted from him. Perhaps she should finally tell Ezra. He would make sure she didn’t do anything stupid. But it was getting harder and harder to imagine working against Jacob’s interests.

It had been days, and she hadn’t imposed the quarantine. She hadn’t stormed the ship with reinforcements. She had done nothing but daydream, masturbate, and sleepwalk through the rest of her life. She was a proud investigator. Battle-hardened. She finished getting ready and looked at herself in the mirror. She scowled. The woman in the mirror looked tough, not easily bowed. She would figure this out.

“I’ll tell Ezra everything. I’ll do it right now.” She walked toward the comm, but found herself suddenly back in her bedroom with the toy again. “Just one more time,” she lied to herself. She pulled up her skirt, sat down, and moved her panties to the side. Her eyes closed and fantasies took over. “Ooooohhhhhhhh … Messiah … you’re soooooo … deeeeeeeep.”


The mess hall was rowdy as Gail scanned for Jacob. It seemed to be getting more and more popular with the Tigov 19 locals. She spotted him coming through the crowd, heading her way. A huge grin spread across her face. She couldn’t help it.

“There you are, Mrs. Estes.” Jacob stopped at the table. There were eight Mormons staring at him, with their food and milk before them. “I trust everyone is enjoying themselves?” They all nodded at him. There was not one mention of Sagittarius A. That made him laugh for some reason. “I’m glad you’re all so happy.”

“Shall we?” Gail stood up, eager to keep her appointment with Jacob.

“One second.” Jacob bent down to a knee to get on the same eye level as Zinnia. “I was thinking you might want to join us today, Mrs. Hollings.” He held out his hand to her.

“Oh, I think I’ll stay here with my husband, Dale.” She put a hand on Dale’s thigh.

“Yes, we can’t have wives running around without their husbands.” Dale raised his chin.

“You and I agree on that. But not in the way you mean.” Jacob’s lips pressed into a thin line. “It’s time you let your wife have a small amount of freedom. Don’t you think?”

Dale nodded, but said nothing.

“I really can’t go,” Zinnia insisted. She stared at the hand Jacob still offered her.

James, seeing all this, felt he must say something. But he didn’t know whether he was in favor of his sister-in-law’s going or against it. Instead, he gulped his milk. His shoulders relaxed.

“Mrs. Estes? Would you like to offer your opinion?” Jacob looked over to Gail and raised his eyebrows.

“Um … well … Zinnia …” Gail could see her husband staring at her. Heck, the whole table was staring at her. And so were other people in the mess hall. She could hear her pulse thudding rapidly. “Um … if you come … you’ll get to see things in the holopark that are so extraordinary and so amazing … that they will change you forever.”

“Really?” Zinnia still wasn’t sure. She hesitated.

“Yes, I wish we could take everyone here, but there just isn’t room.” Gail smiled brightly. She took a deep breath. Her pulse slowed. “You will feel things promised to us by the plasma disc. You’ll love it.”

“Okay. I’ll give it a try.” Zinnia took Jacob’s hand and rose from her chair. “Will it take long?”

“We’ll have you back to Mr. Hollings in no time.” Jacob squeezed her hand and led her out of the mess, Gail following close behind.

“Goodbye, dear.” Zinnia waved to her husband as they left. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

Dale waved to her and watched her disappear into the crowd. He felt a certain tension building in his chest.

“Don’t worry about it.” James clapped him on the back. “Gail goes off like that all the time. It’s fine. Have some milk.”

Taking his friend’s advice, Dale emptied his glass. James was right, it was going to be fine. One of the servers refilled the glass almost instantly, and he drank more. Everything was going to be fine.

I’ve written this story through chapter 33, including the finale. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!
