Meeting my new partner’s son for the first time

OK, Tom, I’ll see you around noon.

I put down the phone and drew a deep breath.

I had been seeing Tom for close to 2 months. I saw his profile on a dating app and was immediately drawn to it. He openly admitted that he was a nudist and that he was only interested in dating a woman who shared his passion for being naked wherever and whenever possible. I liked his frankness, as I’m sure that most women would dismiss him for that reason. Whilst I would never have called myself a passionate nudist, I was often naked at home when alone and being a 45 yo divorcee, with just the one daughter who did not live with me, that was all too often.

So I sent him a message, we met up and we got along famously and the last 2 months have been a very happy time for me. Tom lives in a leafy suburb in a lovely modern house, with a large private backyard with a swimming pool. His property is perfect for being nude without having to worry about nosey neighbours. I had spent the last 3 weekends there, lazing around the pool on these hot Summer days, enjoying a drink and relaxing and getting to know each other.

But today was going to be different. Tom has a 17 yo son Greg, who lives with his mother. Tom and Greg are the best of mates and it was only the fact that Tom is often out of town on work that it made more sense that Greg live with his mother. But Greg only lives one suburb away, so he loves to visit his dad as often as possible. Tom was very keen for me to meet Greg, I guess because he thought our relationship was progressing well and Greg had been asking about me. So today I get to meet him and I am both excited and apprehensive as Tom has told me that Greg is a keen nudist too. I hope all goes well.

It was just after noon as I pulled into the driveway of Tom’s house. The temperature was climbing and it was a shock to leave the air conditioned car to be met with a blast of hot air. I grabbed my overnight bag which also contained a nice bottle of pinot grigio, which I was looking forward to drinking around the pool.

I walked to the front door, which as was Tom’s custom, was open, so I just called out, “I’m here” and Tom soon appeared from the living room. Tom was dressed in a pair of shorts and a T shirt. He looked gorgeous, standing 6 foot 1 and strongly built. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a big kiss on my lips.

“Hi honey” he said,” it’s so nice to see you, come in”.

I dropped my bag in his bedroom and we walked out to the backyard where Greg was sitting on a deckchair reading a book.
He got up immediately that he saw me and reached out his hand. He took my hand and drew me towards him and gave me a gentle hug and a quick peck on the cheek. I thought it was very polite of him. He was the image of his father, slightly shorter but with the same muscular build. He was wearing shorts only. I admit that I was a little surprised that they were not both naked, but I appreciated that it was courteous of them to be dressed when I arrived.

Greg stood back, still holding my hand and said, “It is so nice to meet you Claire, dad has not stopped talking about you for the last 2 months. You have certainly made an impression on him. But he is a lucky man, you are absolutely gorgeous”

I think I did blush at this lovely compliment and said that I think that I am the lucky one. He politely chuckled at my response. Tom said, “Who would like a beer?” Greg and I echoed in unison, “Yes please” as it was just what we all needed on this hot day. “OK, back in a minute, why don’t you make yourself comfortable”. This was of course an invitation to get undressed and I was happy to do so as my dress was clinging to me sweaty skin. Getting undressed was not going to take long as I was only wearing a simple sundress without any underwear. Knowing that we were going to spend the weekend naked, I didn’t bother with putting on a bra and undies, which I hate anyway. So I slipped the dress off over my head and folded it neatly and put it on the table in the shade of the patio that we were standing under adjacent to the pool. Greg quickly slipped off his shorts and he too was not wearing any underwear. I could then see that there was another father/son similarity. Tom had a generous long, thick cock and Greg had certainly inherited something similar. Although flaccid it looked impressive and I hope Greg did not mind my admiring glance.

“This is much more comfortable isn’t it” said Greg as he placed his shorts next to my dress on the table. It was only fair that Greg should also run his eyes over my now naked body but being the gentleman that he is he made no comment. “Oh it is, it’s not the day for wearing clothes, but then again, what day is?” I replied giggling, trying to ease my slight embarrassment about being nude in front of my new partner’s 17yo son.

Tom appeared carrying 3 beers. He was naked now too. The beer was icy cold and tasted like liquid gold as the first mouthful went down. We sat down at the table in the shade and I was keen to know a little more about Greg. I knew that he was in his last year at high school. From what Tom had told me he was an excellent student, but well rounded as he also had time to pursue sports and was an opening batsman in the schools first eleven cricket team.

“So, how is school going Greg, I know the final year can be tough”. I said
“I’m really happy thanks” Greg replied.” My studies are going well, I just have to work hard and I think I will go alright, mind you I am looking forward to doing that last exam and walking out of those school gates forever. Then a long break before Uni, enjoying Summer before back into the books.”

We sat small talking while we drank our beers and when they were empty Tom suggested it was time for a dip. Good timing I thought as the Sun was shining brightly and it was heating up quickly.
“Race you in” Greg shouted and he and Tom like 2 little boys sprinted to the pool’s edge and dived in. I made a more ladylike approach to the pool steps and lowered myself gently into the refreshing water, then took a few strokes towards the middle of the pool and then rolled on my back and floated weightlessly savouring the cool water on my body. Tom and Greg had swum to the far end, with Greg saying “Beat ya” and splashed Tom as his reward. It was charming to see their playfulness and it was confirmation of how close they were.

Tom paddled towards me and Greg proceeded to do a few laps of the pool. As Tom approached, I stood up and he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big hug. “What do you think of Greg?” he asked. “ I think he is lovely” I replied. This was an honest answer as Greg had proved to be a charming young man, polite, intelligent and very easy to talk to. “That’s great” said Tom, “ He said that you are fabulous, he has certainly taken to you.” I was very pleased to hear this as it was important to me that if my relationship with Tom was to work, I would want to get on with his son.

Tom moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest. He held me firmly and it felt so good. I was definitely falling in love with him and I was in seventh heaven. I could feel Tom’s cock start to harden and press against my bottom. I felt a little uncomfortable knowing Greg was only metres away floating contentedly. I knew that he could not see anything so did not let it alarm me unduly. Soon Tom’s cock had reached full hardness and he was gently rubbing himself against me. My passion was rising and for a moment did not care that Greg was only an arm’s length away. I opened my legs and Tom gentle inserted his cock into my appreciative pussy. He did not stroke but simply let it sit there filling me up. It felt so good and it was all I could do to not let out a gentle moan.

Greg stood up splashed water towards us. “That Sun is hot isn’t it?” he said to justify splashing us. He was right. Tom still was holding me tight around my chest and it may have been my imagination, but Greg seemed to have an envious look on his face as he glanced towards my breasts. Tom then removed his arms and learnt back, all the while with his hard cock still firmly up my pussy. Greg made some more small talk and it was extremely sensual talking to a young man while unknowingly his father’s cock was deep inside me.

Tom then gently let his cock slip out of me. He swam away and slowly drifted to the side of the pool.
“Time to get out” he said and reached for the pool ladder. He climbed out then turned towards us who were still in the pool. His firm cock had begun to recede, but still showed itself to be half firm. It was a magnificent sight, but I wondered if it was appropriate to be half hard in front of his son.

Greg and I swam to the ladder to also get out of the pool. Ever the gentleman, Greg said, “You first Claire.” I sensed there was more than politeness to his offer. Standing behind me he would get a nice view of my pussy as I exited the pool. I thought that I would reward him for his politeness by talking that little bit longer to get out. I’m sure he enjoyed it because as he got out, he too had half an erection. He made no effort to hide it and that was fine by me.

We all sat on the lounges to enjoy the Sun for a while. Two lounges were side by side and the other was placed facing those two. Naturally Tom and I took the two lounges together and Greg took the other facing us. We lay there quietly enjoying the Sun on our bodies. Tom got up walked to the table and grabbed the bottle of sunblock. “We will need this today” he correctly stated and began to rub the lotion onto his body. It was a pleasant sight to see him do so. Of course, he did not want to get his lovely cock burnt, so he lovingly, perhaps too loving applied it sensuously to his impressive equipment. It wasn’t long before his cock had grown to full size. He moved to me and started to apply the lotion to my body. He let the sunblock drip onto my breasts then proceeded to gently rub it in. The feeling was divine and I could feel my nipples hardening. I looked across to Greg and he was watching intently. I could see that his cock was growing too.

Tom poured more lotion onto my stomach and with circular motions worked his way down towards my pussy. He softly whispered, “Open your legs.” I was in no mood to say no, so I spread my legs, exposing my shaved pussy to Greg as Tom lovingly applied the protection to my pulsating love box.
He then threw the sunblock to Greg who held it up and let the lotion fall in a steady stream down the length of his body. He started at his chest and worked his way down, until reaching his cock where he gently and thoroughly rubbed it in causing it to swell to its full size. I watched unashamedly, thrilled with what was happening at our first meeting.

Tom looked to Greg admiringly. “That’s my boy.” He laughed and I burst out laughing at his proud reaction. “Two pees in a pod.” I replied, as if to assure them both that I was enjoying the spectacle.

Tom said ”Greg, you can’t walk around with that all day, you had better get rid of it”

Greg replied, “Good idea dad, but it would be rude for me to wank off in front of Claire.”
“You are right Greg, maybe it would be best if Claire helped you out.”

I was stunned by this and my mouth gaped open. It seemed so surreal that this was happening in front of my own eyes. I looked at Greg stroking his magnificent manhood and my passion rose. It looked delicious and at that moment in time I was fully prepared to help Greg relieve himself. I gestured for him to join me on my lounge. He walked over, his lovely cock swaying as he did so.
He sat down next to me and I reached over and wrapped my hand around his delicious cock. I poured some more lotion on it to make my hand slide gently up and down. My legs were open and on each side of my lounge, giving Greg an excellent view.

As I stroked his cock he moved his fingers to my pussy, gently inserting them into my now hot and wet cunt. All the while Tom was softly massaging my breasts. Greg inserted two, then three fingers, expertly massaging my G-spot. I was in Heaven. I quickly increased the pace of my wanking. Greg closed his eyes and was moaning loudly. I knew that he was close to cumming. I tightened my grip and felt his spunk make its way up his shaft, exploding a bucket load of cum all over me. It was a glorious sight.

I then realized that Tom had stopped playing with my breast and was furiously wanking his cock too. Soon he erupted, spilling more cum all over my chest and stomach. I was awash with semen and Greg had bought me to a shuddering orgasm and I soaked my towel. I lay back, exhausted and tried to take in what had just happened. Greg was rubbing the cum into my skin.

Tom said, “ I think it is time for another beer.” I certainly needed one as we all did.

It was a fascinating introduction to meeting Tom’s son. I never expected anything like this would happen. It was a very pleasant surprise and made me lust for what might happen in the future, but that might be for another day.



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