A deal made in high school [MF]

~This is from a while back and everyone involved was over 18 (and still is lol) – There is a longer version on my profile ~

I [F19 at the time] was the bullied nerd with good grades, he [M19] was the popular kid every girl had a crush on at some point and played in a band.
We had been in the same class for most of school. We had a weird dynamic.

We were finishing HS, which meant writing hour long final exams. As per school tradition we all got drunk in the parking lot after. And the went on a pub crawl.

One night we are both drunk, he suggests a deal that we should totally fuck once we are both single, as he would never cheat. I half jokingly agree.

2 years pass. We don’t hear from each other. Until my mom accidentally hits the car of his mom while parking. Telling my mum he now lives in my city. One night I am horny and use the pretext to text him.

He asks me to come out party with and his friends. We spend the whole night together, both clearly horny and wanting to pull through with the deal now that we are both single.
We go to his place and fuck. A lot. Tbh the sex wasn’t exceptional but the part about the ugly duckling being the one to bang the HS crush of every girl who ever bullied me still turns me on a lot. I wish now being more experienced we could have a bit more fun.

My little secret. Still makes me feel dirty and happy to this day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rspvs0/a_deal_made_in_high_school_mf


  1. Still super hot in a wish fulfillment way. I have a friend who I’ve frequently made the same joking bet with but it’s never aligned right 😏

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