**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Lt. Alastair McGonagal, chief navigator of Starship Rimshot, needed a vacation. He was worn out, with no interest or energy left inside him, except for local pleasures. For the past two month he was far off, three galaxies away from Earth, suppressing an thick infestation of Insectoid Brill. A pirate confederation of these arthropods were obsessed with the Seven Pleiades Sisters, wanting insert proboscis into young warn vaginae, and inject each human girl with hot, sticky spurts of gelatinous ooze.

“Not on my watch!” said Capt. Theremin. And what followed was two months of all-out war, hand-to-hand combat with grasshoppers and lobsters, and the horrid stench of scorched and boiled arthropod bodily fluids. At last the famous pop-stars were returned home to a planet orbiting Taygeta, unraped and unharmed. All this, far more than Alastair signed-up for. He worked for an intergalactic merchant fleet, nor a Royal navy. All Alastair wanted to do right now was smoke primo Pacific Northwest weed and enjoy a few local girls.

Reclined on large floor pillows in a hookah lounge, on a warm planet near Aldebaran, Alastair begins to relax. Three local girls, Xi, Jin and Ping feed him local fruits. They pressed firm, dusky breasts against his strong, naked thighs. Xi has her legs spread wide, with Alastair between them. Laying back his head between Xi’s large breasts, he feels the suction of her moist pussy-lips against his lower back. Within an hour, Xi has Alastair pinned to the floor, and five-foot long prehensile tail, tight around his waist. Jin is gently probing Alastair’s anus with the tip of her tail, and Ping has wrapped her smooth, snake-skin tail around Alastair’s ankles.

Ping decides she is in the mood for climbing. She drags Alastair across the Persian carpet, and climbs a sturdy tree, which grows in the middle of the hookah lounge. She takes Alastair with her, letting him dangle from his ankles, upside down, while she stretches out luxuriously on a wide branch. She smiles down at him with a beautiful human face and says, “My lovely sisters, have at it!”

Turning their naked, beautiful, wide, bubble-butt asses toward Alastair’s face, the girls giggle, and wiggle, and shake their booty. Xi says, in perfectly clear English, “Mr. McGonagal, you will remember us for the rest of your life. And always smile.” Xi wrapped the tip of her tip around Alastair’s soft cock, jacking-it up full, squeezed and caressing. Jin stretched her thin tail out, almost six feet, arching high in the air. On one fast whoosh and blur of motion, Jin swung it in, slapping Alastair firmly on the ass, leaving big pink blotches. She continued to flog him in this way, always precise, striking a different place on each swing. She worked up and down his back, and around both legs.

All the while, Xi continued to jack Alastair’s long, thick aching cock. And he moaned and moaned, eyes closed, sometimes too exciting and frightened to watch the action with open eyes. Though she began kneeling on the floor, Xi held his cock from many positions. Her final position was standing close to him, squatting down to press her vagina against Alastair’s mouth and face. With both hands, she pulled his head up, holding him firmly into her wet folds, still stroking and stroking his cock with her tail.

No human male can take such erotic pleasure for more than fifteen to twenty minutes. Jin’s tail kept lashing him, Xi held him firmly by the ankles, swinging him gently back and forth. Xi now moved away, bringing her wide mouth down, swallowing his entire erection, holding his buttocks tightly with her tail, caressing his thighs with her hands, as he unloaded a geyser of semen into her throat. She swallowed every drop, and kept licking and sucking.

47 Roscoe Forthright videos.

